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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58634726 No.58634726 [Reply] [Original]

You're slurping this scrumptious dip, right?

What are you buying? For me it's GME, AMC and DOGE

We're going to make it degens!

>> No.58634952
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You fucking bet my chigga biz tells me to buy high sell low so I'm doing the exact opposite and believe it or not it works. If I play my cards right I'll sell my BNB soon-ish then use most of that to buy $AGRS, expecting to buy at $1.8, sell at $3/$5 even, if their product generates even a bit of hype, which I believe it will. Also planning to buy $LTC even though I'd like to wait for it to go even lower, and $APT. I smell another big unexpected pump there like it usually happens with that shitcoin.


>> No.58634953

go back to r/wallstreetbets nigger you don't belong here

>> No.58634957

why buy gme knowing andrew tate and his ass sniffers are now frolicking on it? are you stupid? everyone will dump on you from every direction with 0 warning.

>> No.58634959
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Just accumulating good ol BTC and not selling until it hits either 80k or 100k.

>> No.58634962
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Can you give some information for a better investment?

>> No.58634973

I've become so jaded and lost that all you said just sounded like gibberish and yet my hand slipped and wasted half of my wage in all of those... im guessing stocks? yeah stocks

>> No.58634976

plebbit is leaking

>> No.58634979

You just have to differentiate when it is a rugpull and when it is not. Invest in the best option and just wait..

>> No.58634983

actually you are not telling shit faggot

>> No.58634986
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Edit: Thanks for the gold kind redditors
Edit 2: Thank you so much guy i never had some many upvotes

>> No.58634993

>buy high
>sell low
how about i sell high and buy low wouldnt that be better? im autistic so tell me if i made a mistake somewhere

>> No.58634994

don't go there frogfren, its not a place for everyone, i can tell you

>> No.58635000

he and every other millenial and gen zer have such a punchable face, you just get that feeling that a good strike to the shins would be satisfying

>> No.58635005
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based and redpilled hopemaxxer and ai investor, i hope the goddess athena blesses you on this evening

>> No.58635008
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lmao sounds so easy to do stupid moron

>> No.58635009

Violence is not cool, dude.

>> No.58635012

>a common mistake investors make is making mistakes, to fix this mistake do not make mistakes
if it were that easy everyone would be a millionaire

>> No.58635021


>> No.58635024

You could start by checking with a reputable visionary and not some ball-lickers who don't even know what they are doing.

>> No.58635025

>He doesn't know
Oh no no no...

>> No.58635030

as anyone with self respect is doing right now.

imagine buying any alt or anything besides btc knowing full well that's where the institutional interest is.

>> No.58635035
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>believing in the crypto+AI meme

>> No.58635042
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Im going to be completely clear and frank here. Im falling asleep. Im literally, legit, falling asleep into the keyboard. In any second now i will just dive headfirst into my keyboard, smash my head and just feel pure pain as my whole bodyweight falls due to exhaustion, i've been looking for so long at charts i already begun to not recognize what is true and what isnt anymore

>> No.58635048
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the sweet princess exclaimed

>> No.58637187

some EOS and RAM. no degen moves but soldi alts only with very good potentials.

>> No.58637343

For me, it is Qan

>> No.58638593

Sol street bet on solana.

>> No.58638615

bitcoin will forever range between 56 and 70k

>> No.58640150
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shit is going past 20 dollars

>> No.58640167 [DELETED] 
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go to pumpfun and search for THUNDERFIRE then max bet that shit for a moon ride

>> No.58640219
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i know youre joking but ive unironically been buying doge

>> No.58640239

I'm a 2015 anon that quit biz in 2018 and came back in 2021 only to see this gif and immidiately understood it was plebbit garbage and wondered why the fuck it was here. I knew that once it was gone and this "short squeeze" phrase disappeared that the bottom would be in and I could buy bitcorn again. I still don't know what "defi" is but this plebbit shit did dissappear and I was able to buy the bottom. Buy bitbean and kill all redditors.

>> No.58640262 [DELETED] 
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RETARDIO better, seethe and dilate

>> No.58640281

mitranny coins all rug by design, jeetbot

>> No.58640965

I am doubling down on qan brainlet

>> No.58640997 [DELETED] 

I went with pepega. Frogs will flip dogs and all of them will fly, so why not position yourself with the one with the most normie appeal

>> No.58642435
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if you try that you will get bogged
don't say /biz/ didn't warn you.

>> No.58642463

are there really GME fags on /biz/ still

>> No.58643499

>Buy bitbean
i-i'm s-sprouting

>> No.58644251

I'm buying low mcap promising utility tokens like DUA, NXRA, and NAI, Anon.

>> No.58644273

Just like RWA which has institutional interest. I hold some and will move them to Brillion for easy management.

>> No.58644405

>For me it's GME, AMC and DOGE
Tough choice here, gotta pick between GME, PUSH, or INJ.
Decisions decisions.

>> No.58645373

They bought?
announce stream and sell my bag afterwards