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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 102 KB, 2048x1141, linkusdlongs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58631095 No.58631095 [Reply] [Original]

what does it mean?

>> No.58631105

>inb4 newfags think this is bullish

Bahahhahah the liquidations will be marvelous!

Sent it to $9 with haste!

>> No.58631780

It means that dumb money is bullish and that the market makers are gonna dump the shit out of it

>> No.58631786

It means someone with a lot of money is building a spot position using longs to sell into their own buys and bait shorts/sellers to sell into their buys as well because of the exact reasoning these retards have >>58631105 >>58631780

>> No.58631791

This thing is quite literally a rocket ship getting fueled with the highest grade rocket fuel right now and once enough dumb money (first 2 replies) fills the tank with their sells its going 0 to 10000mph

>> No.58631887

sure buddy, meanwhile in reality those leveraged positions mean fuck all
if anything, last time LINK longs were at ATH the actual price cratered (again)

>> No.58631954

We'll see. I doubt someone accumulating this many longs doesn't know what they're doing. Chainlink ETF is next after ethereum btw.

>> No.58634012

Explain why the revenue of the Link network is so low and stagnant.

>> No.58634024

why is the revenue of the XRP network lower than LINK yet its higher market cap?

>> No.58634075

>Chainlink ETF is next after ethereum btw.
altho i fully belief this to be true and it will shock the entire crypto influencer sphere to the core as the 'forever dumping' link tokens seemingly come out of nowhere, it is actually really obvious
the driving force has always been larry boy who wants rwa tokenization which is why eth was approved so quickly despite gary flipflopping on his public stance
same will happen now since link is needed very hard for rwa tokenization
and at the same time the ct retards are all speculating on a doge or solana etf lol

but none of that will help link in the very short term and that long position is prime bait for a massive liquidation wick as has happened so many times in crypto history
either hodl or wait it out but i would not try to play these whale games yourself, you'll lose it

>> No.58634088

Literelly every baggie thinks their coin is special and will have an etf

>> No.58634122

which coin have you picked, then?

>> No.58634137

Bitcoin. I got my etf already. Enjoy your bleeding poopcoins

>> No.58634155

Cause it's a clown market. But who cares about XRP. Why isn't Link revenue growing rapidly?

>> No.58634160

already explained my reasoning which you conveniently ignored
remember right until the final day it was conventional wisdom by all the experts that eth etf would not be approved any time soon
yet larry needs it for his project to succeed and guess what gary hasd to do as his true masters tell him

>> No.58634199

That can be explained by the typical market makers doing the opposite of the general public.
It was "common knowledge" to every normie that the eth etf wouldn't be approved so soon. You can bet the inverse would happen if everyone believed the etf was a sure thing.
This information asymmetry is what keeps smart money winning and dumb money losing.
Heres a hint; Right now every link holder believes it's about to pump hard and that it's primed for a breakout. This leads me to believe we're gonna be seeing $8-$10

>> No.58634231
File: 129 KB, 1200x1200, GPWvIIWWgAAh5ES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time it's different

>> No.58634240

did you even read my entire post, i agree with you on the last part because that is a pure market move

however the regulatory etf decision isnt a market move where market makers can just take the opposite of the majority and make it work it
thats a a simple yes/no decisions from a .gov bureaucrat
you cant paint that in terms of counter trading trends, i dont have the time or the crayons to explain this in detail to you if you dont get it directly

>> No.58634268
File: 127 KB, 1080x544, GPWylxia0AAPIOF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


However I don't think the ETF is a major factor in the conversation though. The path to LINK being the most critical project to banks leveraging blockchains is completely visible and inevitable. It's going to secure an unimaginable amount of value in the upcoming years. It's fundamentally critical for the execution of the vision of how fintech will evolve for the powers that be.

It's how banks win and retail crypto interactions flatlines as a niche hobby

>> No.58634309

just two more weeks right fellow link muhreen

>> No.58634314

Guess you bought at the right time… Green part reminds me of shrl chart in the near future

>> No.58634324

so much this
never forget sandro salsano, cult of demeter, adem and steve link is going to $1,000,000USD

>> No.58634373
File: 91 KB, 1346x2048, 1703735282461570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58634395

so much this!11!

>> No.58634402

What was the "THERE IS NO SUCH THING..." quote in relation to?

>> No.58634406

fuck off fuddie

>> No.58634418

I believe this because my Link is sitting in a Uni LP pool right now and I’m out of town for the next 36 hours without access to my wallet so I’ll lose all of my Link.

>> No.58634503

why is the chainlink revenue so stagnant?

>> No.58634522

how would they go about this? using options contracts? im confused on the mechanism of it.

>> No.58634537

This has literally nothing to do with Chainlink.

>> No.58634555

daily reminder that "mommy life isn't fair" is not an investment thesis