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File: 482 KB, 821x1200, 1702291392783193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58631037 No.58631037 [Reply] [Original]

chainlink bagholders shall be rewarded immensel-- pfft HAHAHAHA

>> No.58631041

How much you wanna bet its only gonna be like $1000. Lmfao

>> No.58631048

youre not supposed to call them bagholders lmfao

>> No.58631050
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>> No.58631065

Don’t worry 30 year olds, you’ll see your loved ones again, in heaven :)

>> No.58631069

>comma splice
holy ESL pajeet

>> No.58631072
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imagine ever considering this could be a legitimate project when the "CTO" of a new shitcoin is hyping up "immense rewards" (hello SEC?) for "bag holders" (literally mocking you) with retarded emojis all while peddling nonsensical tech buzzword salad about "subsecond ZK 4k dolby surround extradatabase ultraAPI nanomachines, on the blockchain"

and in the end you have to wait 5 years with your cuck tokens locked up while prices keep dumping and if you're lucky you may earn $1k if the shitcoin doesn't rug before sirgay lets you out of the cuck cage lmao

>> No.58631076

kek 30 year old

>> No.58631080

What a disgusting tattoo lmao

>> No.58631110

but I'm 40 already

>> No.58631189

Is this satire or not... does he not understand calling someone a bagholder has a negative connotation.
I can imagine all these crypto startups smugly laugh behind closed doors at the absolute retards who gave them money for some bullshit utility tokens

>> No.58631199

50 here

>> No.58631201

I'm 50

>> No.58631304

The new grift chainlink walked into: BUILD

they are scared to give out any rewards due to SEC so it’l be years if not ever before people get them.
These small time projects can give away 4% of the supply they minted from thin air in exchange for vastly discounted chainlink services.
They get this basically for free, with no impact on the price of their token because either stakers never get them to sell, or is long after the devs exit in years anyway.

So who pays for their access to discounted services?
Chainlink bagholders.

>> No.58631672
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The team owe you absolutely nothing, you are not a shareholder who's guaranteed to have every company decision based around your financial best interest.
You are just a "decentralized" token holder, a gambler.
You are just entitled angry speculators who's gamble didn't pan out the way you wanted it to. Better luck next time

>> No.58631714
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>posts black cube of Saturn on himself for Jewish money laundering blockchains
>hey God uh sorry about that

>> No.58631718
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Friendly reminder link is WEF

>> No.58631775
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Always has been

>> No.58631826

Not possible. The oldest on biz is 42 and even that is very rare. It's impossible for a mature adult to actually be a part of this community.

>> No.58632721

whoa some random jackoff said a thing
swift is cancelled
just sold everything

>> No.58632807

Wait, does that mean all of us Link holders, including non-stakers?

>> No.58632900

>apply for program to get access to a service that would otherwise be out of your price range
>pay a reduced rate in turn for offering a small part of the future rewards of your project
Even in a scenario where BUILD rewards never materialize, the only one paying is still the shitcoin dev you disingenuous slimy kike. Selling discounted access to infrastructure that has already been built can only ever be a net positive. Not a loss. Faggot.

>> No.58632909

Sounds like a SECURITY

>> No.58632927

A lot of people in this thread need to start dedicating a small amount of time each day to contemplating their Life After LINK (LAL). Even 20 minutes a day thinking about your LAL will be highly beneficial.

>> No.58632971
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why the creepy serial killer clown smile and the devil emojis??

>> No.58632988

It's really hideous

>> No.58633006

>youre not supposed to call them bagholders
why not? it disempowers the kekfuddies. I pride myself on being a Chainlink bagholder and the negative sentiment the term is supposed to impart will be turned on its head when the time comes.
I'm also a proud anti-vaxxer and will never take another vaccine for anything, ever.

>> No.58633087

Not even close.
Sergey doesn’t disclose absolutely anything about revenue and costs. Its more likely at this point bagholders are still paying for it even when BUILD is involved.

A project gives 4% of supply for a discount. Sergey doesn’t sell their tokens.
The cost of the services to nodes and gad and everything still exists. Much like before, sergey dumps big fat steamy turds of LINL tokens, inflating supply and depressing valuations. Except these BUILD projects mean sergey has to do larger more steamy dumps because they aren’t paying for it at normal rates which required smaller steamy dumps.

Baghodlers are paying for it.
Prove me wrong by getting their financials. Whats that? A company obsessed with transparency and truth over trust wont even give any financials, let alone verify them with their own usecase? What a joke

>> No.58633092

There comes a point, anon, where you have to consider whether you might be better off just letting the past be, and turning towards the future.

>> No.58633194

>sergey doesn't sell their tokens
source: your ass

>> No.58633349
File: 61 KB, 1826x1006, Chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cost of the services to nodes and gad and everything still exists.
Sure. I am certain it is costing Chainlink millions a day to fund these behemoth projects that are generating gigantic amounts of calls.
> inflating supply
The supply is 1B. It is time to come to terms with that fact.
>Except these BUILD projects mean sergey has to do larger more steamy dumps
35% of the supply was earmarked in 2017 to dump in a fat and steamy way to bootstrap the network. Another fact you will have to come to terms with.
The bootstrapping was going to happen either way, and BUILD is a pretty eloquent (partial) solution to the chicken and egg problem. Anyone who can't see that is either a dishonest kike like yourself, or too dumb to understand why bootstrapping is necessary.
>Except these BUILD projects mean sergey has to do larger more steamy dumps because they aren’t paying for it at normal rates which required smaller steamy dumps.
And yet, the token pool meant for bootstrapping does not magically expand beyond 35%. This pile of tokens will make it to market one way or another, regardless the rate of steamy dumps.

>Baghodlers are paying for it.
Paying entails transacting valuta for goods or services, kike. Paying is what happens when Chainlink deposits linkies into my wallet for staking services rendered. Paying is what happens when someone buys the LINK that is being dumped on an exchange. My linkies safely chilling in the pool and in a cold wallet are not paying for shit. That is disingenuous jew pil pul.

>Prove me wrong by getting their financials.
You made the assertion, you prove it weaseling kike.

>A company obsessed with transparency and truth over trust wont even give any financials, let alone verify them with their own usecase?
Not my problem + don't care. If this is an important investment metric for you you should consider selling.

>> No.58633369
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>Sergey's dumps depress valuations

It's the opposite.

>> No.58633403

>35% of the supply was earmarked in 2017 to dump in a fat and steamy way
you meant to say 65%

>> No.58633414

>oG ID
>BTFO fuddies

>> No.58633430

No, 35% to nodes and 30% to fund development.
Neither necessarily implies conversion to fiat btw.

>> No.58633441

yes, that's what I said
they will dump 65% of the total supply to subsidize their worthless nodes and to ensure "Continued Development™"

>> No.58633454

The tokens for the nodes are going directly to the nodes, anon.
They're not being "dumped in a fat and steamy way".

>> No.58633462

indeed indeed, and the nodes proceed on dumping them
tomayto, tomahto

>> No.58633466
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>and the nodes proceed on dumping them
Not really.

>> No.58633480

oh so the nodes just hold them forever?
wow, don't remember reading about that on WP1 and 2

>> No.58633483

what about node operating costs? if they're not dumping their LINK, how are they paying for them?
I'm genuinely confused now dude

>> No.58633492

If they feel like Link has a lot of upside, they'll hold onto as much as possible, even to the point of paying out of their own pocket for node running costs.
More realistically, they'll sell a minimal portion of earnings for overhead.

>> No.58633520

>if they feel like it
>they're paying out of their own pockets for running nodes
>node operators are running their nodes at a loss, because they feel like it
>Sergey isn't dumping
>employees aren't dumping
>nodes aren't dumping
>price is shit
ok pal you lost me
sorry, I choose to believe that all of them are dumping, hence why the price has been shit for almost half a decade now

>> No.58633531

The price has been shit because of Bitcoin dumping on Link pumps.
Not because of fucking nodes selling.

>> No.58633534

so who is dumping LINK when BTC is dumping?

>> No.58633546

Automated orders, leverage positions, etc.

>> No.58633555

oh okay thanks
so to summarize
>node operators are running their nodes at a loss, because they feel like it
>Sergey isn't dumping
>employees aren't dumping
>nodes aren't dumping
>it's just a bunch of bots doing all the dumping
thanks, but your theory seems lackluster, I'm not convinced

>> No.58633560

>>node operators are running their nodes at a loss
Just because they don't cash in their rewards doesn't mean they don't get those rewards, anon.

You're not smart enough to keep up this discussion.

>> No.58633591

We were talking about BUILD and bootstrapping, but sure fuddie. Another 30% was marked to dump in order to pay HR roasties and big macs. Despite knowing this, you still bought LINK. What is up with that?

>> No.58633632

He thought the nodes would never sell their inflationary rewards.
You know, like how Bitcoin and Ethereum miners never sold their inflationary rew-AAAAACKKKK

>> No.58633637

there's no discussion, I told you, I'm not convinced, you're the one who's desperately trying to convince me and you want to "keep up" the discussion
oh you mean the fact that the cofounder of one of the more promising BUILD projects just called you a bagholder? yeah, let's talk about that lol

>> No.58633646

what? I'm telling you that they're already selling, and you're telling me that they're running them out of their own pockets
what the fuck is wrong with you, lol

>> No.58633659

>you're telling me that they're running them out of their own pockets

I said no such thing, quote the post.

>> No.58633664


>> No.58633671

>IF they feel like Link has a lot of upside, they'll run nodes out of their own pockets
>More realistically, they'll sell
These are the things I said in that post.
And you're turning this into "but you said they're running them out of their own pockets???"

And not only that, but "running nodes out of their own pockets" in no way implies "running at a loss", because they still got their Link tokens as rewards, they just didn't cash them in.

See what I mean by "youre not smart enough to keep up this discussion"?

>> No.58633675

I have a hard time parsing this answer. You decided to buy LINK despite knowing and disapproving of the pre-agreed token distributions, because of this recent tweet?

>> No.58633695

>repeats the same thing in a gay form of blogposting
sure thing dude, like I said, I don't think you're right on this one, so feel free to move along!
what's the point of trying to convince someone who is clearly not the same intellectual level? kek
>You decided to buy LINK despite knowing and disapproving of the pre-agreed token distributions, because of this recent tweet
nope, any other questions?

>> No.58633700

>nope, any other questions?
Yes, the one you forgot to answer:
>Despite knowing this [65% tokens to be distributed], you still bought LINK. What is up with that?

>> No.58633747

I was young and dumb what can I say

>> No.58633809

And you lost your keys since then or something?

>> No.58633845

Hey buddy I’m never going to sell my Chainlink tokens. No matter how many books you write or years of effort you put in. I will never sell.

>> No.58633854

im 69

>> No.58633859


>> No.58633861


>> No.58633888

Makes sense.

>> No.58634182

>you’ll see your loved ones again
you must truly live in the worst third world hell holes that you think your family would be dead at 30
even two of my grandparents are still alive cause i live in a first world country with healthcare, no famines and human rights
but yes i understand this would be a hard concept to understand for someone in your position

>> No.58634635


fucking amateur hour... my how the might have fallen. 4 years ago Link culties were so smug about their genius investment. Fast forward to now, you're begging shitcoin owners who created their shitcoin out of thin air to send you a few for free bahahhahahhahahahah

THE Cuckolds of crypto

>> No.58634655

>If they feel like Link has a lot of upside, they'll hold onto as much as possible, even to the point of paying out of their own pocket for node running costs.


spotted the 30 year old that still believes in santa claus

>> No.58634776

My dear friend. You can't /thread your own posts. Don't use reddit spacing here, it stands out. . Read the memo: the cuckold fud and cock cage posting is deprecated, now it's the never under 30 again fud with no pics attached and showing link under performing price in cherry-picked time frames.

>> No.58634780

FUN hodlers the ones getting rewarded instead

>> No.58634800
File: 59 KB, 906x548, LINKMARINE_OUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder that you should have cashed out at $18-20. Pic are my trades from February this year.

This dinosaur coin is not gonna go places, will soon be back to single digits like all the other shitcoins.

>> No.58635121

so i guess the cuckold spammers are back
you know its very obvious you guys are a warehouse since the email verification drove you off in an instant
not to mention that this particular line of fud has always been the weakest to lead with on fortune of all places

>> No.58635573


The team seems promising tbqh

>> No.58635593

kek no you should have cashed out in 2020, 2021 top at worst, any time after and you're just a latefag who sold the bottom.

>> No.58636181

no one is selling Link and therefore a small number of people trading back and forward can manipulate the price in a misleading way. That will all change soon when the big players begin using the token, which they 100% are going to

>> No.58637063
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Quite the opposite. Real anons don't verify their email lmao. Anyone who stayed here giving their emails away to trannies on an anonymous shitpost board are just triple vaxxed reddit tourists, no real OG would give their emails away to post on this shitheap board.
I'm unvaxxed, unverified, and I hold more link than you seethe

>> No.58637071

not that I enjoy the fud4fun faggots but anyone who doesn't realize every real actual person who still posts here holds massive link stacks is obviously a tourist. this is a dead board with a bunch of neets trapped in 6 and low 7 figure hell, newfags/tourists getting pushed toward scammers, and scammers/jeets shilling their scams. the amount of people that have probably gotten fudded out of purchasing a suicide stack in the past year when it was still possible is probably numbering in the thousands by now easily.

>> No.58637141


that's harsh on linkers. I just think it's a good time for SupraOracles to launch their token by the way.

>> No.58637178

If chainlink is globohomo coin he must absolute hate his coins community considering it’s 90% 4chan

>> No.58637203

>THE Cuckolds of crypto
You own Link too, why are you calling yourself a cuck?

>> No.58637638

That's exaclty what nodes have been doing, anon. See >>58633466

>> No.58639185

Looking back, the smug fudding of reddit completely backfired. You want passionate reddit tech sois shilling your coin.
Link now has no normie attention due to this

>> No.58639389

Fuck all of you.

>> No.58639610

more or less its pretty much sink or swim off real success now. its frustrating because it could have been successful AND had dumb normalfags pumping/shilling it allowing og's to dump on them in the cycles until it finally happens, sort of like eth, instead nobody gets to make it until the actual singularity.

>> No.58639620

Who could possibly have foreseen this

>> No.58640553

wow another link thread
pool's closed

>> No.58640869

part of me thinks the "lets fud the Redditors" meme was part of the psyop, seeded by the people who wanted to keep it hidden or suppressed, and playing into simple 4chan conceits about normies/

>> No.58641160

Plebbitors are smarter than the trogs left holding link. They know better than to bjy a token run by a literally centralized company dumping it continuously to pay 700 and growing high tech salaries etc
The tards left holding lost the forest for the trees

>> No.58641996

whatever the case, 4chinners showed their sub-reddit iqs by buying into it.