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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 247x204, Reddit Stock Fraud and Manipulation .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58624494 No.58624494 [Reply] [Original]

Create a subreddit designed to attract gambling addicts; call it wallstreetbets. Glorify the gamblers and saintify them for ruining their life savings. Use the banner of empathy and activism to tap into the hearts of good natured people and turn them into gamblers.

Have these gamblers and weak minded good hearted people invest in a physical game store company that was known for exploiting the used games business (buy cheap sell high). Said game company is failing because it sells physical copies in a world that is going digital and has a bad reputation for how it treats customers.

Stock goes up. Issue more stock. Stock goes down. Issue more options. Reddit mods and affiliates make hundreds of millions pumping and dumping while selling options at the peak. Ban stock ticker mention when the stock must be dumped.

Same strategy as BBBY stock for their insider Ryan Cohen. Tell people to hold so their options always expire worthless and due to sunken cost they buy more options and the volitility remains high.

Company goes from 100 mil market cap to 4 billion on cash. Now Ryan Cohen siphons the money out by acquiring companies way above their worth. Game store company dies anyways couple of years later. Ryan Cohen indirectly gets couple of billions.Reddit mods make off with hundreds of millions.

Meanwhile holders still hold and remain stuck with their source of dread and despair. No more activism and anti-wallstreetism so it kills two birds with one stone. Company goes bankrupt eventually like BBBY lol.

Mission accomplished. Let's see how the lawsuits go. Reddit and it's bots have been shirking liability the past few weeks because they know what is coming.

>> No.58624616

It's easy money if you day trade.

>> No.58624632

Sounds like something a hedgie would say. Just bought 100 more.

>> No.58624645
File: 393 KB, 1234x692, pajeet always be seething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58624728

>GME is bad because bla bla bla

Just fucking close your short position and take the L, why cope for three fucking years about people buying a stock, you utter bafoon.

>> No.58624767

Yeah, it's demonic. That website (reddit) hosts largest financial scam in history, but if you say nigger you get banned.

>> No.58624774

>Use the banner of empathy and activism to tap into the hearts of good natured people and turn them into gamblers.

You GME retards are pathetic. Nobody on wallstreetbets was trying to be an activist. They were trying to make money. The "activism" scam started after all the baggies bought at 450 and needed some kind of psychological salve so that they don't feel guilty about losing their mom's money gambling.

>> No.58624782

>not recognizing the potential in GME
>not swingtrading GME like a chad
also youre retarded as fuck for thinking even for a second, that if this all flops and MOASS isnt feasible, that there will be no more activism. like thats the most retarded thing ive read all month

>> No.58624792

>"we closed our short positions today, you guys are unbelievable"
>Anti-gme shilling increases 100%
Totally normal

>> No.58624935
File: 1.24 MB, 540x493, do-(YOU).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they know what is coming

>> No.58625002
File: 31 KB, 650x382, 1598683008930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's see how the lawsuits go. Reddit and it's bots have been shirking liability the past few weeks because they know what is coming

"ApesTogetherStrongBot I'm suing you because you didn't tell me not to invest all my money in a failing brick and mortar retailer!"

>> No.58625024

>posted it again award

>> No.58625092

Then short it faggot. Short volume is through the roof rn, higher than 2021. If you believe what you're by all means short it. Put your money where your mouth is, or put a gun in your mouth instead and fuck off. 3 YEARS of jeet seething...

>> No.58625101

Zoom out.

It's Costco tier. I'm long holding because you tards can't get over it.

They said the kali yuga would be replaced by men who were holy,

It looks like we got our first post kali yuga religion

GME. It's bullish.

>> No.58625315

I don't do short positions. I am not a pajeet, jewish or a hedgie. It's a ponzi scheme. Reddit is 100% in on it. They are hiding it as "activism". 99% of the money that ryan cohen has as cash which he will now funnel as he pleases is not corporate, hedgie or market maker money. The money ryan cohen has is retail and mom-pop middle to low class naive and or gambler money. Reddit does not just coordinate the pump, it also coordinates dumps. It intentionally puts post at front page when it's pumping and then they change moderation rules to initiate a dump.

Then they start new subreddits and do the same thing over again. They have a way of communicating with each other and I bet if SEC or a lawsuit went really hard at it they will find where the connection is.

The shill bots don't put "This is not financial advice" in their commnets either which is legally required. And that's also ironically to blame. Why do you think gambling is a sin in christianity?

>> No.58625337

That deepfuckinvalue guy never explained how he went from 50million dollars to 200 million. How did he get this money to buy calls? people are claiming he did daytrading to turn 50 million to 200 million. No way dude. Where did he get 200 million to start this ponzi scheme again 3 years later?

And yes. They are burning alot of people out and making them angry each time they pump and dump. I see it clearly though that Reddit is the primary driving force behind this scheme. I don't see how hedgies are the bad people if they wanted to short a company that was exploitative to begin with. That's the law of the free and fair market economy.

The finance dudes are ironically less piece of shit in this situation than the reddit pump and dumpers with a 190 million salary CEO whose company runs at a 90 million loss per year. What a fuckin joke of a wealth transfer.

The company will get shorted now anyways. In one week the cat guy will dissappear and won't come back for another 3 years if ever again. The stock is going to keep bleeding or stay consistent for the next few months. Cat guy will come back when ever reddit wants him to return. Will once again rob and trick people from their money again and call it activism meanwhile not even putting a scratch on the "hedgies".

>> No.58625352
File: 147 KB, 518x442, 1558477016865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58625396

No one asked you to sell. Just remember who took advantage of you when you were tricked by Reddit and Ryan Cohen was handed your cash.

>> No.58625404

Is that why sol street bets rugged (solbet).

Ole muh contacts told me to sell at 2mil mcap devs

>> No.58625416

Yeah, I sold GME options for a 10,000% gain what I bought them for and never looked back years ago. The house and dumb baggies can get fucked

>> No.58625795
File: 52 KB, 812x960, FB_IMG_1599400261582 (2023_03_14 20_37_52 UTC).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could've slurped more. Whenever these fucking shills become so obviously shrill, I get bullish as fuck.

>> No.58625810
File: 162 KB, 1000x1386, gaddafi always drips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brought more thanks.

>> No.58626123

They are now brainwashing and preparing people for scenarios where either Ryan purchases highly overpriced companies and siphons the money out (like he did with his BBBY shares). Or he takes GME off the stock exchange.

And there are thousands of comments repeating the same thing. Probably bots.

>> No.58626155

Company is literally not at a loss though since the dilating. People already calculated that the interest on the cash makes them green yearly.

>> No.58626166
File: 19 KB, 306x306, im22t04g1gr51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Random 4chan user pretends to care about other users investments
How to stand out as a paid shill 101, we all know all /biz/tards care about is chainlink

>> No.58626777

But how to determine its direction for the day? Shit is so insanely volatile I got burned a few times swinging it

>> No.58626890

> Post is extremely low quality
Jannies clean it up.

>> No.58626977


>> No.58626980

Jesus fuck the baggies in here are delusional retards. (you) fell for a pump and dump scheme of a dead retailer.

>> No.58627639

Where does it say gambling is a sin?

>> No.58627663

Easily lost money, yes. Dont tell me you are profitable long term.

>> No.58628287

WSB is, unironically, right now at least, a great sub
I think you meant to call-out Superstonk on it's retardedness
WSB is all about making and losing money.
In Superstonk one day they'll pretend it's all about "the little guy sticking it to the man" and the next it will be "the market is so manipulated, THIS will expose them!". Both of those copes are NOT about making or losing money.