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58624490 No.58624490 [Reply] [Original]

I thought for sure that it was going to be the MOASS so I bought in at $45. I could have sold for $60+ but got greedy. So now I am bag holding this stock at $26 when Roaring Kitty sold his positions. It’s over. I had $300k and now it’s almost half of that.

>> No.58624531
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Bro it was never about the money. It was about the fundamentals, and sending a mesaage to wallstreet. What do you even need money for??

But seriously, this is a fucking cult

>> No.58624540

i just bought at 64 recently. im not worried at all

>> No.58624558

>following the plebs to the slaughterhouse
They're never allowed to win like this. You should know better.

>> No.58624571

you have a containment thread.

>> No.58624577


>> No.58624638

>I had $300k and now it’s almost half of that.
Post positions, I don't believe you.

>> No.58624647
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>> No.58624650

MOASS happened in 2021 bud you're a little late

>> No.58624652

The fud threads are starting again

>> No.58624669

Brutal. Was that your life savings?

>> No.58624671
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>> No.58624680

fucking kek

>> No.58624703

Yea I went all in on this and it was looking good until Ryan Cohen diluted. Oh well might as well hold another week to see how this turns out and if by some miracle it bounces back

>> No.58624735

Jesus christ anon :(
>the MOASS
just reading that abbreviation triggers all my alarms. I dont know what to say. Please avoid financial cults like GME/AMC/XRP/LINK... why did you listen to those GME retards? I really hope you can get it back, but I'm not sure if holding GME is a good idea. It's also a pretty shitty time to go all-in on cryptos.

>> No.58624737

take it as a lesson and don't fomo just because a stock went up.

also GME is the most heavily fucked with stock on the market, if you don't know what you're doing then you should stay out of it

>> No.58624753

why gamestop? Isn't that a "pysical games" store? Nobody who makes games is even putting their games on DVD anymore. You get a plastic box with a serial key inside (well, that's what I hear from my gaming friends). I'm just baffled by it. What makes it so important? In 2021 the GME stock created more bagholders than Tulip Mania and XRP combined, and that's a feat. Again I sincerely hope you get your money back.

If you ever see $250k again, maybe you can put $50k in some crypto and wait/hope for a +100%, while holding on to your $200k savings . just an idea

>> No.58624794

I guess fomo because I wasn’t involved in the 2021 squeeze and with the return of roaring kitty it seemed like it was possible to happen again

>> No.58624804

i mean youre retarded for buying it at 45, like a week before it was at 20

>> No.58624858
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Fucking hell man. There were people bagholding that shit since 2021, who just recovered from -70% and then -80%. That's worse than even me, who held MATIC during the bear market. There's so much sell pressure, besides the jews who short it.

On the bright side, if the financial cult keeps going there's a chance you will see $45 again. At least you're still in a general bull market (assuming it continues). Take it as your lesson to trade with normal amounts, and to never, ever ever follow these fucking cult leaders again, like that fucking moron "Roaring kitty". jesus fucking christ what a name

That said, Ive been down -70% due to altcoins. now I'm a few k in profit. (thanks to alt coins...) it's possible

>> No.58624870
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Only buy into big red candles, never buy again on green candles.

Sell into big green candles.
Thats the only way for humans without inside knowledge to have a winning chance in these cutthroat markets.

>> No.58624925 [DELETED] 
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>Roaring Kitty
That sounds even more RETARDIO than ($RETARDIO)

>> No.58624985

Sorry bro but you got me 5 dollars.

>> No.58625214

why do you idiots buy this stock when you could be buying crypto, which isn't cringe af

>> No.58625609

Wheres the ticker?

>> No.58625751
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Why are you so stupid? Dont you know you shouldn’t put more than 5% of your portfolio on any given trade?

>> No.58625764

The whole point of the GME psyop was to keep money in the American markets instead of in crypto. Don't tell the redditors who got mk ultra'd that though.

>> No.58625939
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I don't know how you were able to sleep at night with your whole life savings invested in a structurally unprofitable brick-and-mortar retailer.

Nvidia might be overvalued but at least it's a real company with real products that makes a
consistent profit. If you invest your life savings in Nvidia, it might go up, it might go down, but it will never go to zero.

Whereas with GameStop you KNOW it's going to go to zero at some point. It's an unprofitable company with no product. The only way it can make money is by selling new shares to people like OP. And it can't keep on selling magic beans forever. I wouldn't touch that hot potato with a ten-foot pole.

OP consider limiting how much money you allow yourself to invest in any one company. Personally, I only invest $2,000 at a time in any one company.

>> No.58625975

Did the fucker sell off all his positions or just a few?

>> No.58626008

>t. misinformed retard

>> No.58626015

Expensive lesson to learn not to fomo into baggie country. Who knows, you might be able to recover some of it but if you get that chance don't let greed and fomo blind you into holding redditor bags again.
>2k in any company
Thats a lot of words you wrote just to say "im a poorfag".

>> No.58626471
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employee code 65ea4b1a-46ac-49c8-826c-25db4a204330

>> No.58627180


I bought one GME share at $350 to support the cause. But if you're investing large sums you'd cry over, you better know what's going on with GME as if you're leading the charge. GME is rigged against you, it's why so many people invested in it, to get at "the man".

>> No.58627185

>He sold
>Can we see proof that IDs him as sold?

>> No.58627189

>sending a mesaage to wallstreet
what message did you send exactly

>> No.58627198 [DELETED] 

i'm a stupid retard gorilla nigger

>> No.58627215

It will hit $45 again, but it may be the last time so I would absolutely bail then, maybe leave a grand's worth of stock just in case.

>> No.58627235

>2 share chad
No issues, no losses.

>> No.58627678

HODL tight and stay comfy, the rebound is coming. Consider investing some extra funds in QAN before the week ends; the upcoming mainnet launch is expected to drive significant growth for this token.

>> No.58627824

Is roaring kitty in this coin/token???

>> No.58628027

Eh, the stock will probably go up again eventually, if you don't believe in MOASS just sell when it hits like 100 or whatever and get the fuck out.
It's not over until GameStop ends up bankrupt, and at this point this is very unlikely.

>> No.58628975

>So now I am bag holding this stock at $26 when Roaring Kitty sold his positions. It’s over.
It will eventually go up, remember when BTC was dirt cheap at $20k?
Picked up some bags myself, plus fat-stacked some Arbitrum, heard their collab with Push is gonna be legendary

>> No.58629017
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>Skibbidi skibbidi genital itch
>The price of GameStop and Bitcoin will switch

>> No.58629024

Gamebag is not going back up unless more influencers decide to dump on baggies. It's a dead brick and mortar retailer that has no plan to invest or grow their business.

>> No.58629026

>It's all over
Only when you let it be. It's not a loss until either you hit 0 or you cuck out.