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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 209 KB, 720x1093, USSRusd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58622090 No.58622090 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.58622109

so the chance for nuclear war now is 96%

>> No.58622111

Russia is an irrelevant country that literally has spent years being too weak to handle Ukraine

>> No.58622357

Is this because they don’t have to buy oil with it anymore

>> No.58622373

If that's a staggering blow then they've already lost. Kek.

>> No.58622376


>> No.58622385

staggering blow to themselves?

>> No.58622394


>> No.58622397

>Major blow to US currency

>> No.58622399

Sounds like you're coping for being too weak for Ukraine

>> No.58622402

Russia isnt at war with us, we're not at war with them.
Its the jew fabricating nonsense to kill white people and generate profit.
No normal human being wants anything to do with a war on both sides. Hardly anyone in Russia wants vladamir as aleader and hardly anyone in the US wants joe biden as a president.
They were both scammed in by the jews to try to divide and conquer.

>> No.58622417


>> No.58622469

this. russians are coping hard and getting blown the fuck out in ukraine. Everyone hates these disgusting ork freaks.

>> No.58622486

1 dollar = 90 rubles

>> No.58622570

0.0000001% of total USD volume worldwide

>> No.58622581

This so much this! I hate Russia #SupportUkraine

>> No.58622591

russia and ukraine are on the same side

>> No.58622596

> Everyone hates them
glowie post if ever i saw one. no they don't. most people hate their own western governments and feel completely disenfranchised. Putin seems like a strong, reasonable statesman in comparison to these warmongering criminals who care not a fuck about you or anyone else except themselves

>> No.58622597

Where do you get your information from and is it anywhere other than /pol/?

>> No.58622605

lmao, oh wait you're serious lmao

>> No.58622608

Step by step by step. Small steps, some of them, but ALL moving in the same direction.

>> No.58622612

it's interesting how they all flood in whenever a post mentions R*ssia, even on /biz/

>> No.58622665

Isn't that what you would expect for a sanctioned country? If you're gonna believe in something commit to it.

>> No.58622673

Yes. Shouldn't i have mentioned it?

>> No.58622700
File: 159 KB, 982x555, f7bk1vmoijnc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NAFO running a campaign on /biz/ now
fuck off back to /k/, you fucking losers
everyone hates their own governments and you wont distract them from that with russia

>> No.58622738

they all kiss the same wall and are run by kabbalists.
why is your first reaction to attack the source of the information?
what's the source of your opinion? some braindead ostrich?

>> No.58622751

The way I felt when I saw shrl was up for grabs and my paycheck was 10 days away

>> No.58623470
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Finally my bags will go to the moon, but there's a nuance...

>> No.58623474

Damn, that's like a whole 0.0001% of total USD volume

>> No.58623476
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>> No.58623481

they can crash SWIFT now that they are fully disconnected

>> No.58623493

I sincerely wanted to read material that corroborated what you're saying, even if I think it's retarded. You've provided zero evidence aside from your own schizoid ramblings. Am I really supposed to take what some random faggot on 4chan says at face value?

>> No.58623499
File: 152 KB, 860x602, 599-5991841_crying-pepe-png-transparent-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already lived through the fall of soviet union, 90s rouble hyperinflation, 1998 rouble denamination, two chechen wars and one goida. What did I do to deserve pariah's fate?

>> No.58623525
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x864, 1717194269216648.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same GDP as minor European countries
>3 years of war against a second world country that they can't win
I sleep

>> No.58623530

do you even know what
>they all kiss the same wall means?

>> No.58623533

I assume you are referring to the wall in Jerusalem

>> No.58623543

>Its Da Joos
desu I don't think its that simple, Russia hate Isreal and worship shitskin turboniggers from Iran and North Korea

>> No.58623549
File: 141 KB, 1172x791, IMG_4255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58623555

>Russian on biz and pol hating the Putin way of life
>Western tankies literally sucking Putin's dick
What the fuck happened ?

>> No.58623562

i don't think it's that simple either. but they do love that wall. that's just an observation

>> No.58623626

>"elites" openly meet and discuss "global" agendas every year
>putin was literally a "young global leader"
I mean, it's find if you want to just ignore reality and pretend it all means nothing. I'm not even taking a side with any of this, just pointing it out.


>> No.58623640

Those people are irrelevant and stinky now. I was told not to like them so I DONT

>> No.58623642

Theres something I don't understand with the WEF, some of yall are redpilled AF on the subject, can you TLDR me on why the WEF is so evil and shhiieett?

>> No.58623652

People think they are a meeting of power-hungry authoritarians that want to control every aspect of people's lives.

>> No.58623659
File: 19 KB, 441x302, d2cab43635a2a20ff04fe77ba8ee53a7ad6bdcfev2_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russian Stock Exchange

>> No.58623664

Russia had stocks?
That's awesome bro.
Good for them.

>> No.58623768
File: 119 KB, 480x640, 1674227372494508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delivering a major blow to the U.S. currency

>> No.58624109

Don't forget Saudi also ditched the US petrodollar 3 days ago. Just because it's not all over CNN doesn't mean it's insignificant.
US hegemony is coming to an end. Just as happened with the Romans, and the British. Except it's happening much quicker than those.
Keep posting your little cartoons. Pretend it isn't happening.

>> No.58624119

Oh NO I'm shitting BRICS

>> No.58624146
File: 111 KB, 349x513, 1677125900599603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not redeem the petrodollars good sars, BRICScoin to the moon

>> No.58624148

It'll happen slowly, punctuated by mounting hardships. By 2030 you'll be a different person. Remember this day.You'll wish you had prepared.

>> No.58624247

>Just because it's not all over CNN doesn't mean it's insignificant.

ironically, the fact it's not on CNN only means it's even more significant

>> No.58624258

2 years special operation, who is coping?

>> No.58624297


>> No.58624306

Ukraine literally won't exist after this war. All of their men are dead and their women are children are scattered across Europe. Russia has had 50,000 casualties so far and 30,000 of those were from mercenaries and convicts. NATO has spent hundreds of billions of dollars fuelling Ukraine and they have nothing to show for it. European NATO members have emptied their arsenal's into Ukraine and have to spend a fuckload to try and rearm themselves. German economy is in decline and the rest of the EU will follow meanwhile Russia's economy has grown over the last two years. The icing on the cake is that Eurocucks are still buying Russian gas only they know have to get fucked over by scalping Indians and South Americans.

I know you are going to just call me a Russian cocksucker or something but you have to be either blind or retarded to not see that this war is going badly for NATO in the long run. Russia fucked up in the early stages by being overconfident but they've solidified themselves now, removed corrupt elements within the military and are playing a war of attrition with NATO.

>> No.58624314

Go on. Elaborate, or are you just vaguely speaking on the future because you've read 4 articles about how BRICS is on a campaign to defeat the big bad evil America!

>> No.58624331

one group has to live through it, the others get to larp

>> No.58624341
File: 7 KB, 179x282, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Russia has had 50,000 casualties so far and 30,000 of those were from mercenaries and convicts.

>> No.58624345

>russia is getting better, honest!
Also, I already got more than my money's worth demonstrating that the only competitor to america has no hands, and hasn't had them for 20 years.

>> No.58624378 [DELETED] 

Why do you think a landmass is like a sport team?
The only people suffering are civillians. The only ones profitting are jews.

>> No.58624389

Why do you think a land mass is like a sport team?
The only people suffering are civillians.
The only ones profiting are jews.

>> No.58624397
File: 344 KB, 755x803, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We cannot possibly recover from this. It's time for HATO to surrender to BRICs... I don't see any other solution. Two more weeks and we will collapse without bending the knee...

>> No.58624419

>Nooooo please stop acting to the interests of yourself and those close to you
>Please stop doing that thing you've been doing since before jews existed!
I think you're the jew here.

>> No.58624432
File: 209 KB, 939x640, washington.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same people want you dead in america
>666 gaoxin east lake rd wuhan china
https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606 "world order 2020 666"
>february 13th, 2020 bat quarters

>> No.58624452

I think this could be bad for Europoors. Didn't Europe buy Gazprom gas by sending Euros to Gazprom Bank who would then book an FX to Rubles? Or is trading in Euros allowed in other venues?

>> No.58624456

>jew descends into numerology when caught out

>> No.58624457

How do I profit from this?

>> No.58624573
File: 79 KB, 356x578, jew-worship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not a jew. what is a jew anyway, do you know?
what are you talking about?
666 wuhan institute of virology where they funded gain of function research on bat corona viruses
to give them the function to cross over to human beings.
666 microsoft crypto currency patent that would measure everyones biometric data
6666 house bill that attempts to track everyone using their biometric data.
and they put bats on the back of us quarters feb 13th 2020
the wuhan institute where they made the corona virus has 666 in the address, bill gates crypto currency is about tracking people using their biometric data and it has 666 in the title, the house bill is "tracking, reaching, and contacting everybody" using their biometric data.. its a crypto currency a digital money so they printed bats on the back of quarters to laugh. a coin-cidence.

its not numerology its a trail of overt satanic symbolism linking a clear plan to track everyone using covid as an excuse
the picture is of the streets in washington dc in the shape of a pyramid with an owl on top of it, the star of remphan above that, and a pentragram there are many more images embedded in the streets than just those, including the kabbalah structure

its very clear how the structure of satanism is used to control the world. voting is a lie.
the devil is at the head of these people being the god of materialism that they worship, the demons are below him who are his slaves and then the jews who are their slaves, and then the freemasons who are the jews slaves. the jews use the freemasons as hechmen because they are trying to jew themselves out of hell at the end of days.
saturnus devours his children, all of them move for a higher position in the pyramid and are led into the devils mouth.
the washington dc streets are implicitly lined in such a way to show freemason, jew, satanic ownership of the country.

>> No.58624576

Russia is literally no match for Ukraine. Irrelevant weak country

>> No.58624583

>Am I really supposed to take what some random faggot on 4chan says at face value?
yes. always has been, always will be.

>> No.58624601

>words words words
>Russia is ACTUALLY strong

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.58624643

Small hat faggot detected. Keep flying that ukraine flag in front of your house you bitch

>> No.58624648

Faggot denies that Russia has been pushing Ukraine's shit in.

Fucking faggot, fuck you where you breathe, bitch

>> No.58624659
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 734d871deaf91fa99c7b5ef54b29e3b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mother of cope. "Russia suspends trading in USD & EUR" and delivering a major blow to US currency is a really interesting way of saying that new US Sanctions forced them to suspend trading it on their stock exchange.

OP is a retarded faggot as usual

>> No.58624755
File: 3.71 MB, 1024x1280, 1717531546952502.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total zigger death!

>> No.58625102

Russia still hasn't been able to defeat Ukraine no matter how much you stamp your feet on 4chan kid

>> No.58625176
File: 30 KB, 474x230, Zaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Major blow to US currency

>> No.58625245 [DELETED] 

Can no one see how retarded this is?

>> No.58625725

Huge waste of money to use a missile to take out a single guy.
Makes for entertaining war footage tho

>> No.58625731

>You're fired
>No i quit
head ahh

>> No.58625820

>Russian financial reserves to prop up its currency are getting ever more depleted
>Turn off more methods for average citizens to convert Rouble into foreign currency
This was to be expected. RUB dumping against USD and EUR on this news was also to expected. Just another step in disintegration of the Russian economy.
Difficult to predict still when the big slide starts and ordinary citizens can't be insulated anymore from this. Economic prediction isn't easy even with transparent economies.

>> No.58625937
File: 10 KB, 280x186, sand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose Saudi Arabia were 'forced' to ditch the dollar, too? I wonder who will be next to be 'forced'? Not so long ago you'd be arguing how american might and military power prevented such things. lol. lmao even

>> No.58625980

Low iq subhumans like you who believe obvious russian trolls should just be eliminated. Really whats the point of you living? Youre just wasting resources. End your life.

>> No.58626129
File: 42 KB, 469x741, Based_biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, hopefully NATO will carpet bomb it like serbia

>> No.58626159

Who the fuck invests in Russia anyway? Literal shithole.

>> No.58626163

Just when Saudis also drop the dollar. Shit is beyond fucked, drop your dollars now, trade them for literally anything else.

>> No.58626171

it's not like they are paying for it

>> No.58626489
File: 192 KB, 1024x787, usa GI Joe Aircraft Carrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not so long ago you'd be arguing how american might and military power prevented such things
Can't wait until Iranian-backed groups start sinking Saudi Oil tankers without US protection

>> No.58626500

russia is going to win

>> No.58626502

world is controlled by us dollas

>> No.58626506

NATO is going to swoop in for sure

>> No.58626509

Not even Russians invest in Russia, one of the worst countries for capital flight. Anyone who makes money in Russia immediately leaves.

>> No.58626535

It's a 500$ dji drone.

If you think 500$ is alot of money, you are brown.

>> No.58626546


problem is the same happens when you say "the jews". That term was also exploited by them for scapegoats

((they)) aren't even real jews. And ((they)) don't hesitate to make tons of innocent jews take the blame for their shit

>> No.58628186

Cope. America the supposedly most powerful nation in the world spent decades being too weak to handle some illiterate brown goat herders

>> No.58628363 [DELETED] 

NPCs cant seperate themselves as individuals and think entirely as a hegemony

>> No.58628397

I'm sure they've thought about that and have something in the pipeline. pun intended.

>> No.58628402

What is a jew?
The star on the israel flag is the star of remphan.
Acts 7:43
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

Type john 8:40 and read the whole chapter

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
They answered him, We be Abraham's seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?
Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.
And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.
If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.
I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.
But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.
Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.
Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

>> No.58628546 [DELETED] 

NPCs cant separate themselves as individuals but think entirely as a hegemony

>> No.58628568 [DELETED] 

NPCs cant separate themselves as an individual but think entirely as a hegemony

>> No.58628607

Pig headed retard.

>> No.58628619

NPCs cant separate themselves as an individual but think entirely in a hegemony

>> No.58628668

Blow your brains out of the back of your head.
Why do farmers, perfume shop clerks, and teachers want to kill farmers, perfume shop clerks, and teachers from another nation?
You should feel bad for shitposting the way you do.42vw

>> No.58629224

wow he looks as evil as hitler in this picture

>> No.58629253

It's a secretive form of collusion between elected representatives. They were never elected to collude this way.

>> No.58629254

There will never be a nuclear war.
Russia might launch a nuclear attack against Ukraine — Definitely not to the US.
And if they do attack Ukraine with nuclear weapons, they'll just be ignored by the rest of the world, and hit with even heavier sanctions.
That's all it'll be.

>> No.58629272

>word words words
vatniks can't meme

>> No.58629280


>> No.58629529

Russia is weak that's why it can't handle Ukraine. You've been seething since because they've been exposed for years now

>> No.58629582
File: 2.76 MB, 544x358, 1709348197864782.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.58629641

do retards here realize that US put sanctions on Russia banning them from dollar operations not Russia deciding to suspend trading in dollars?

>> No.58629667

>And if they do attack Ukraine with nuclear weapons, they'll just be ignored by the rest of the world, and hit with even heavier sanctions
US already made a statement that if Russia launches any nuke, even if it doesn't kill anyone, US military will destroy Russian military located on Ukrainian territory

>> No.58629799

The US exports so much including food and farmers equipment.
Tractor factories take $USD as currency so if the world wants to eat there will still be a demand for this worthless fiat.

>> No.58629832

>weskcucks 2.5 years ago
>we going to put sanctions to help stop le putler
>weskcucks current year
>9000 sanctions later
>the le putler is still wagging war
>what do to stop le putler
>oh we gotta put more sanctions
What a clown show.

>> No.58629853

dont china also exports that kinda things too?

>> No.58629884


>> No.58629990
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>> No.58630015
File: 165 KB, 1080x1411, Screenshot_20240613-173635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me when the US economy responds, gay baby.

>> No.58630045
File: 27 KB, 296x363, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
