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58619513 No.58619513 [Reply] [Original]

I’m a 27 y/o attorney and started making $125K/year a few months ago. I grew up with parents who were always frugal and downplayed how much money they actually made (a lot), and this mindset has rubbed off on me. I’ve been able to get my HYSA and IRA to double digits in the past few months, which is a good thing, but I’m not actually ENJOYING the money I’m making. I very rarely buy myself anything, when in reality I have $1k left over each paycheck and just automatically put it into savings.

While being money-conscious is a good thing in theory, I feel like what’s the point of working so hard if I’m not going to enjoy my life? Does anyone have any advice on how to break away from this scarcity mindset?

>> No.58619531 [DELETED] 
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I think it’s very hard to not overthink money. I’m terrible at spending money and save/invest as much as possible most of the time. What I think I found to be the keys for me were 1. Finding what things I enjoy that money can buy. Vacations. 2. Not overly tracking certain spending categories. I throw all the normal weekly spending in one bucket and just let it flow. 3. Automate savings at the beginning of a pay cycle and let the extra sit in my account. Then I don’t feel as much guilt spending it because I’ve already saved. VS not wanting to spend so I can save more.

>> No.58619541

how are you only left over with 1k after each paycheck when you are making 125k? and you claim to be frugal???

>> No.58619548

you're more responsible than I am and I'm 33. I make less salary than you do but it's not much lower and I honestly just use my money all the time. I never plan for the future - for instance, i have over 100 thousand in crypto alone which is volatile and has went up 50% and down 50% in a matter of days before. I don't care. I'll give a $500 donation to a random retro (only retro, the rest of the streamers are fags) streamer from time to time. Don't care about money. Maybe it's where I've have a stable income / comfy job for 3+ years or maybe it's because I'm not very smart truly. But I don't care anyways. Money comes and goes. Stop giving a shit about it and you'll be happier, I bet.

>> No.58619585

what is a retro streamer

>> No.58619611

>Considering life from a perspective antithetical to being a lawyer
Wow the lawyer considers his position as a lawyer now this really raises some definition of consciousness questions

>> No.58619620

a person who streams retro games

>> No.58619623

Lol wut? Retro gaming you philistine.

>> No.58619628

Pac man streamer

>> No.58619683 [DELETED] 

Send me some money then bossman

>> No.58621019

>how are you only left over with 1k after each paycheck when you are making 125k?
$125k is nothing in Biden's high-tax hyperinflated America.

>> No.58621413

stop smoking crack, 60k yearly to the side EASILY.

>> No.58621653

yeah wtf op

>> No.58621818

this, i make $20/hr and save around $3-4k per check, and rent a house.

>> No.58621827

*per month, not per check

>> No.58622518


>> No.58623046

Don't be scared to spend a little but don't fuck your future by not planning for it. My parents spent all they had because they didn't know if they would grow old now they're old and don't have shit saved up and will have to work well past retirement. Me and my wife make good money and do plenty of things but also save so that when we hit 60 we won't have to work anymore. If you're single I'd say live frugal 5 to 10 more years and save up that way you know what you have and can let that keep building while spending more.

>> No.58623058

I live in NC and not in a major city. 125k goes a long way here. If in a city move out it will take time but you'll appreciate it more.

>> No.58623302

Try to spend some money on yourself else your next of Kin will do it for you. Even though I put around $300 a month on QAN, I still find time to take myself out on solo dates night and finally got a tesla for myself. Investment is good but dont end up not living

>> No.58623449
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You make 3x me and i have 1000 a month garnished and still have money leftover to save. If i wasn't being garnished i would have more extra cash as a factory wagie than a (((frugal))) lawyer

>> No.58623487

No you don't unless you're racking in some serious ot. 20 a hour is only 40k a year on 40 hours a week. Even if you somehow avoided taxes completely and lived for free you wouldn't even make 4k a month

>> No.58623608

troll post

>> No.58623997

Go on a vacation, you really need it.
What low caps are you buying, I have XRD, AAST and NEAR for now

>> No.58624393

I assume OP means '1k left over after maxing out roth IRA/401k/etc' basic type of investment, that's how I view my 'left over' money. I used to blow said leftover money a lot, now I'm in my early 30s and only just now in a decent habit of stuffing nearly all the leftover-after-investing away (into a money market brokerage account to act as a 5% savings account). I could put more in investments but I'm bad at volatile stuff.

>> No.58624441
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>I’ve been able to get my HYSA and IRA to double digits
im retarded
what do you mean by this?
which part is double digits

>> No.58624572

i had the same problem and the worst part is that i didnt even notice how much i was wasting money until i started making a lot of cash per month and i still couldnt make ends meet, i had to get an accountant to limit my spending because i was raised by two very good parents that were very very bad with money, my advice? get an accountant, work on a budget with him and have your funds go through him, find someone trustworthy and keep all receipts obviously you dont want to get scammed, but filtering your money through someone else reminding you that you cant spend it on stupid shit every single day will train your mind to think before spending. Otherwise you will end up like the people gambling their 150k/m wages on conan or trump coins because they're funny and "oh money is meant to be spent anyway", you'll see a lot of those around biz

>> No.58624574
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>i am frugal
>$1k left over


>> No.58624614

I save 3k a month at 140k so you should be able to do more