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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58617824 No.58617824 [Reply] [Original]

time is running out. ive been in crypto since 2017 and have not made it yet. im almost 40 now. please give me the next 100x play i dont care if its crypto, stocks, real estate whatever. im desperate

>> No.58617833

What's your IQ?

>> No.58617844

you dont want to know. but its around 107 i think

>> No.58617857

kek figures

>> No.58617890


I don't have enough JASMY myself. Do I need to give you the QRD?

>Japanese ex-Sony execs- this coin won;t rug
>Partnerships with Toyota, Sony, Jap Gov etc etc
>HARA SAN, the ex--sony boss of jasmy, says it will be $17 in 2016. There are calculations out there, you can look for them yourself

Hara san is not like Sergy, ot Trump, just saying shit to sound good. These guys are meticulous and methodical, and they are bound by the Asian concept of 'face' and honour. Meaning- if Hara says it will go to 17, you can take that to the bank IMO.

Thats like a X400 from here. hell, even $5 would get you your x100.

>> No.58617976

what memes did you fall for before?

>> No.58617981

get in on kaspa

>> No.58618124
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>> No.58618273


>> No.58618352

Chainlink. Also become traditional Catholic

>> No.58618392

buy gold/silver/copper mining stocks

thank me later

>> No.58618412

honkler or trump everything else is legit shit tier and im not even kidding here, if its not community driven its impossible that it will pump and all the other offers in the shitcoin market are rugs or rugs waiting to happen, i seriously wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow dextools started advising people against buying certain tokens because holy fuck the rugs were bad but now its gotten to the point were if you dont check every single detail you get the worst and most backhanded rug in human history, and shitlana is to blame for this

>> No.58618941

Mainly apu, the community is unhinged and resilient. Just like SHIB before it spiked

>> No.58619064
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Time is still running as long as you hold your RETARDIO bags