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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.60 MB, 2340x1194, 1698562437726894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58610219 No.58610219 [Reply] [Original]

It's also nice earning $30 bucks a day from staking. I hope they let us increase our stakes to 30k per wallet with the next version. Has there been any word from the team regarding that?

>> No.58610227
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Last quarterly update they said their next priority was the claims portal for stakers, so that will probably come with a new iteration of staking and maybe a pool expansion, but they haven't been explicit about that.

>> No.58610284

Also this:

>> No.58610364
File: 600 KB, 1280x615, sergey megaslides 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>optimism to arbitroon
seems like a pretty big deal cuz don't those L2s individually take days to reach finality with eth? CCIP will enable Defi 2.0 and cryptofags don't even realize it, and sergey doesn't really care because he is focused on getting TradFi shit into production.

>> No.58610396
File: 720 KB, 1280x615, sergey megaslides 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

errr... wait, just noticed the name of the token they transferred... heyoo

>> No.58610728

1 Amazon token pls sir.

>> No.58612010

When can I stake my linkies? It says it’s full now

>> No.58612201
File: 15 KB, 256x256, chainlink pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who can decipher it?:


>> No.58612233

Will it still be comfy when link is at $9 in a couple of weeks?

>> No.58612245
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>> No.58612401
File: 2 KB, 108x125, samsung link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the TRF-NNNN is just a reference id and not a type code.


>> No.58612436

Reminder there is only ~60 million link left to "dump" (in reality most are probably being moved OTC to enterprise but we can only speculate), after that shit gets real. Game theory always dictated the smartest move for big boy long term players was to dump/suppress the price until either full supply was circulating, or staking 1.0 arrived. One of those is happening within the next year. At that point its no longer beneficial to dump/suppress as you can no longer get new linkies into circulation.

>> No.58612456

Based LPL chuddie kiddos how you doing kiddos chuddie "based" pools fucking closed anon



>> No.58612557

It's literally lower now than what it was during the crab range in sats. You are losing money and you newfags don't even know it. This is the fate of all shitcoiners

>> No.58612564

Lying advokike they have 350m more to dump they even admitted they will dump the rest

>> No.58612575

It will be 33k per wallet

>> No.58612587
File: 627 KB, 1500x1913, chainlink supply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you arrive at the 60m number?

>> No.58612627

That 350 is gonna be for enterprise clients

>> No.58612630

>Copium for 7 years

>> No.58612635

>Source: My asshole

>> No.58612655
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>> No.58612671
File: 97 KB, 1600x881, icotokendistribution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're either newfags or butthurt oldfags, it makes no difference to me

>> No.58612786

Anon we fucking told you buy LPL stay based and chuddie kiddo pilled

Pools fucking closed



>> No.58612796


you're a fucking retard.
You do know most of the tokens dumped so far or at least half have bee for node operators?
they have way more than 60 million tokens of their development portion left to dump. fuck me you cunts are so fucking retarded i cant even believe what i read here anymore

>> No.58612805

prove it, its all on chain.

>> No.58612867

Nigger you are the one that said "60M" tokens are left. YOU have to prove it.

Get on with it shill. We all know the dumps for years were to pay the extreme gas costs for node operators and keep them in the green.

>> No.58612893

if you can prove the 350 was touched I'll post sharpie in pooper

>> No.58613110

We fucking told you already anon buy LPL stay based and fucking chuddie kiddos pilled





>> No.58613714

I kinda want it to go back to $6 so I can buy a bunch more.

>> No.58613730
File: 58 KB, 790x631, 1705079699984804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, this spastic comes into every thread crying about not getting staked.

>> No.58613772
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>prove it

>> No.58613786
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>> No.58614024

>dumps 10%, completed retraced that limp consensus pump already despite going all in with swift and dtcc connections, literally none of it mattered priced in
>advocado: so comfy goys

>> No.58615186
File: 104 KB, 1080x1174, 1708148452841637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>350m for "incentivizing node operators"
AKA subsidizing all of defi at a loss by giving nodes free link which they dump on the market.
Pic related btw

>> No.58615207

Satoshi is still subsidizing Bitcoin mining at a rate of 90% to this day.

>> No.58615227

Bitcoin has perfect game theory and amazing tokenomics. Chainlink is a blazing dumpster fire ran by incompetent midwits

>> No.58615245
File: 58 KB, 740x553, 1689053090520317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin has perfect game theory
kek yeah, see pic

>amazing tokenomics
90% subsidization after 15 years is "amazing tokenomics"?

>> No.58615611

>needed token vs unneeded token
Apples to oranges. Bitcoin is perfect, scarce digital gold 2.0
Chainlink is a useless crowd fund token. No one on this board has ever spent a single chainlink token for any services

>> No.58615729 [DELETED] 

I've not been able to stake as well, those links are sitting tight in MetaMask, this dip ain't fazing me.
Staking can wait, my coins are safe and sound. plus, Push Protocol is my homie, always on guard with notifications if some gremlins try to snatch my assets.

>> No.58615743

>The year is 2028

>BTC has slowly climbed back to the prior cycle high of $110,000

>Chainlink has recently bounced from $5 to $19.75

>Chainlink cult member: Dude stop fudding...we are up vs btc in the last "x" month timeframe!!!

>> No.58615839

I've not been able to stake as well, sitting tight in my MetaMask wallet, this dip ain't fazing me. staking can wait, my coins are safe and sound. plus Push Protocol is my homie, always on guard with notifications if some gremlins try to snatch my assets

>> No.58615900

the fact you still get low effort jeet bot posts in link threads and not other shitcoin shill threads tells you even they know this is where the only organic money on this board exists.

>> No.58615980

good point.

>> No.58616032

>>needed token
Yeah, it's so needed that miners still need to be 90% subsidized to keep the network going lmao

>> No.58616670

Everyone wants bitcoin, nobody wants chainlink hence the vast price discrepancy and performance

>> No.58617189

>Everyone wants bitcoin
This has nothing to do with token needfulness.

>> No.58617630
File: 200 KB, 584x520, 4sxg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuddies out in force
i think another link pump is brewing.

>> No.58617643

Biggest news on /biz/ and potentially the entire financial industry right now and barely anyone batted an eye to this.

>> No.58617654

I’ll care once we break a new ath

>> No.58617663

Yea it's truly insane. I did not think it would happen this fast.

>> No.58618025

explain this to me like i'm retarded

>> No.58620312

It appears to show tokenised shares being traded via CCIP, could be related to the new Texas stock exchange being proposed which will likely be a new model stock market.

I think that things are happening behind the scenes of the global financial system that the establishment doesn't want to be made public for obvious reasons.

>> No.58620716

you and your cult members donated $3B in the last seven years to a group of scammers working on a "project". In the meantime they have run an experiment and hired 650 people, all funded by you.

>> No.58620820

it's hilarious and a little sad because the most persistent fuddies used to hold themselves but grew impatient and sold. Just like JBP said, like the swing linkers, they grew bitter with resentment

>> No.58620900

No guarantee that this is institutional, could just be a single dev experimenting
True if big however

>> No.58620901

587,099,970.45 LINK
Subtracting the 350M that were sold in the beginning that leaves
237,099,970.45 that have been distributed out of the combined 650M (node operator/dev wallets)

412,900,029.55 tokens left in the chamber.

I'm not autistic enough to track wallets and get the distribution % to see how many are left in each pool but there are roughly ~41% left to "utilize"

>> No.58620943

It makes you really angry that no-one on biz will sell, doesn't it? How long have you been trying?

>> No.58621061

sorry not gonna give a (you) but if 350 million of that are earmarked for node operator incentives, that leaves only 62 million more for dumps. the 350 for node operators can also end up on the open market but that's distinctly different from dilution by the team.

>> No.58621095

Anon, Sergey's been paying nodes for five years now.

>> No.58621225

idk why you assume basic math is fud but >>58621095
is correct

>> No.58621276
File: 571 KB, 891x1002, 1486070849366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so wait you thought staking rewards were coming out of the dev wallet??

>> No.58621835

>intentionally misses the point
nice samefagging BTW. Sorry, once again I am not going to give you your (you).

>> No.58621941

imagine posting this unironically
i m a g i n e

>> No.58622253

I stated an objective fact. You not being able to accept it is not my issue. Maybe take it up with your local cult manager?

>> No.58622260

staking "rewards" should be renamed "refunds". They're just sending you back 4% of your prior donations

>> No.58623033

Do you think $6 was capitulation and depression? I mean, it could have gone much lower. If you think about it $6 isn't even painful. LINK could easily reach 60 cents again and I think that would be a real capitulation. With depression around 42 cents.

>> No.58623076

Lol, it's just implying you're getting something extra for your participation, like an incentive.
and to be honest, I like what Nuklai is doing, it's rewarding with Dua token, at least I'm getting something back for locking something up,

>> No.58624162

They are you fool.

>> No.58624319

>inb4 once the Continued Development fund runs out, Sergey will announce that the Node Ops fund will start to be dumped on the market to stockpile cash to pay node ops for future jobs so that they stay incentivized and not have to worry about the price of LINK.
>here's your cryptoeconomic security bro

>> No.58624513


>> No.58624823

note how they leave one note replies and refuse to post/bump this thread, and instead spam the board with 10+ low effort fud threads today baiting newfags to respond
its kinda funny, kinda sad

>> No.58624875
File: 51 KB, 1200x628, 72178105[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek the things link baggies say to display confidence

>> No.58624901

They do make new threads when they get BTFO and if you keep bumping the thread that they got btfo in then they start going absolutely rabid and spamming nonsense. There was one a couple years ago that would just say paragraphs in the shape of swastikas that said Nigger lmao

>> No.58624990

Anyone think the 3g networks being shut down is connected to all this? It's quite a big infrastructure shift for seemingly little reason. But when you scratch deeper you realise the new payment systems etc could all literally switch to blockchain based overnight and no one would even notice.