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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 14 KB, 366x366, stronx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5860557 No.5860557 [Reply] [Original]

>Cheapest coin for normies in the top 30 ($0.16)
>Already in the spotlight by securing top 10
>CEO is the ultimate partnership shill (Like an upgraded version of OMG's Jun)
>Chinese coins are incredibly hyped
>Token burn soon
>Volume is only below BTC, ETH, BCH, and LTC

You have to be completely retarded not to buy TRX right now. We all know the market is acting irrationally and all the "cheapest" coins are getting pumped and that marketcap doesnt mean shit. Anon, how many times do you have to be JUST'd by the same fucking pattern?

TRX has all the ingredients for a moon mission to mars.

>> No.5860603

I bought 30.000 coins at 5.5 cents. I've been holding xlm, xrp and ada but tron is /comfy/ coin.

Just waiting for that $1

>> No.5860606

tfw bought 107k of them for like $700 bucks

th-these will buy me a house r-right?

>> No.5860662

I'm bullish for ADA but lets be serious here lol TRX is absolutely going to overtake ADA. Some fucking corrupt whale will definitely try to use the recent trends to pump this shit up to $1+.

>it isnt me the whale... its the normies hehe

>> No.5860673

why is this shit not on bittrex...

>> No.5860691

can you tell me more about the token burn?

>> No.5860706

>why is this shit not on bittrex...
Thats the thing my adorable anon, this shit is bound to hit exchanges like Bitfinex, Bittrex, and Bithumb. Look at the FUCKING volume its creating on Binance, the other exchange will want a piece of that action.

>> No.5860748

It's currently dipping right? I wonder at what price I can get in again.

>> No.5860762


>Bullish for ADA

Literally no working product, just another flashy buzzword laden vector graphics website. It might pump short term like all the other garbage but it won't last

>> No.5860770 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 650x386, grey-worm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont listen to op he is part of that pump n dump group


they are targeting tron boys

>> No.5860774

im trying to get in at .12

>> No.5860792
File: 49 KB, 768x575, satoshi-bitconf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you say marketcap doesnt mean shit
but then again mention token burn which will effect marketcap


>> No.5860800


>> No.5860807

Go away pajeet for fucking flooding this shit every thread.

>> No.5860822

for the sake of a few cents I'd just get in now. It's been fairly stable for the last few hours, plus the US is waking up any time now so if anything it'll go up imo

>> No.5860851
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>> No.5860923

You're a prize cunt, stop spamming every fucking thread you street shitting stinker

>> No.5860958

>Literally no working product
Look you dumb faggot, i dont understand what the fuck TRX is either. I'm just buying it because it will likely make me money. Get off your fucking high horse lol.

>Pump short term
>Wont last
Ffs anon, how long do you have to be JUST'd by low price per token crypto? Hahahaahahah you sound like a reddit fag that wants to act like "smart money" by avoiding dumb profit.

>> No.5861690

Trx or icx, which is better buy now?

>> No.5861715

Which coin is dumb money likely to pick? Hint its the "cheapest" coin kek

>> No.5861758

i sold 50k at 4 cents baka

>> No.5861852

Bought 200k at 4 cents thanks for the cheap coins baka

>> No.5861909

I moved them all to REQ. Instead of 2x I coulda had the 4. Still don't understand TRX desu

>> No.5861946

why does it keep changing words to weeb language

>> No.5862055

Which could should I get in this or fun?

>> No.5862081
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>> No.5862123


After seeing my free coins just skyrocketing like the extrasolar Voyager I finally too bit the bullet and went in

I don't even care anymore

>> No.5862198

Tron is a normie coin think about it as a platform where you can upload whatever you create and get paid in tron by people using your stuff the crypto tron dogs are a example but think about the potential
Music , videos tutorials streamings, icos, videogames, imagine youtubers migrating to the tron network imagine artists leaving spotify for tron

>> No.5862250

TRX now. Sell half of it in one week from now and put your gains in ICX.

>> No.5862252

Hey can this reach $1?

>> No.5862285
File: 1.56 MB, 540x501, 1515055181561.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 2000 sitting on coinbase. Good time to buy TRX? What should I turn my fiat into? BTC or ETH?

>> No.5862292
File: 18 KB, 291x316, rubbinghands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been holding since .01

yes. .01


>> No.5862313

2000€* of course.

>> No.5862431

btc and yes

>> No.5862491

Where should I buy my BTC? Coinbase is selling for 15400$...

>> No.5862499

Why use BTC?
It takes hours to transfer and the fees are ridiculously high.

Meanwhile with ETH you transfer from one exchange to the other in 5 minutes and it costs you only a couple bucks.

>> No.5862500
File: 176 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-01-04-07-52-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck oz this chart??

>> No.5862523

trying to accumulate here

>> No.5862532

What's the best way to purchase ETH? It's expensive as fuck on coinbase.

>> No.5862628

Everything is expensive in Coinbase, you have to live with that.

Coinbase ETH -> Binance ETH Wallet -> ETH Market -> Get whatever you want
That's what I do whenever I want a coin.
I never transfer BTC, if I want to get into the BTC market to get coins that aren't available to ETH then I do the same steps as above, except I exchange my ETH for USDT and then I get BTC.

NEVER do a transaction with BTC, it's stupid.

>> No.5862702

I do not like your odds of it hitting that but you can try. PS you measure in satoshi's not fiat currency

>> No.5862710

why eth>usdt>btc, instead of eth>btc

>> No.5862718
File: 111 KB, 375x360, feels tron man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

login to coinbase' gdax echange and do it from their exchnage, (same login as coinbase)
same company. gdax/coinbase..

from there buy the eth, then send it to another exchange.

might take some hours.. it was slow for me past few days.

>> No.5862739


>> No.5862751

Quite honestly never noticed that I could get BTC in Binance through ETH, thanks for pointing out my mistake.

>> No.5862859

holy same


>> No.5862878
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>> No.5862904

Predict the price by the end of this second week? $5?

>> No.5862974

>didnt know you could trade the two biggest cryptos on a crypto exchange


>> No.5862999

maybe in a a few months it will be $5.
realistically.... .75-$1

>> No.5863055

Bought 300k at $.0015. Sold at $.003 AMA.

>> No.5863095

I got airdropped 500 TRON on binance. Kinda wanna buy more.. I have 7 ETH to diversity. Please shill me some strong potential coins

>> No.5863124
File: 497 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2018-01-04-08-12-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh guys?? Im gonna fomo im

>> No.5863139
File: 2.00 MB, 354x287, 1515019270542.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wait for dip. It's gone up 100% over the past 24h, there's bound to be a correction. Don't be weak and buy at ATH.

>> No.5863181

>currently making new ATHs

>> No.5863207

The funny thing is this is true a majority of the time, some coins on the other hand, never see that "correction." The way this coin is moving, there's no stopping this shit.

>LTC 4.4b vol
>TRX 2.8b vol

Be careful

>> No.5863213


>> No.5863225

Tron is unstoppable!

Bought 170 k at 3 cents, damn never thought it would go this quick

Thanks wealthy chinaman

>> No.5863253

not an actual product, just an erc20 token being shilled on an anime image board, nothing you mention here means shit, stop trying to unload your bags

now where have i seen this before?

>> No.5863297

ahahhahhahahhahahhah stay poor

>> No.5863309

>trying to unload your bags
Are you fucking daft? Its at a new ATH since we started posting in this thread. Its up 120% in the last 24hrs lol. How can we have fucking bags

>> No.5863310
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>> No.5863357

are you fucking retarded? you can predict these fucking highs by looking at normie news. If a coin can hit top 10 without normie news wait till they hear about a 20c coin that went from 3 to 20 in a week

>> No.5863363

>sold at 1100 to buy back just a little lower at 1050
>immediately moons to 1300
I already went 4x on this and I'm still mad. Is it unreasonable to think it'll dip below 1100 again?

>> No.5863365

fucking pissed i sold my 6k stack at 440 sats 2 days ago

>> No.5863372

Whens the top?!? I wanna sleep

>> No.5863388

How did you get airdrop pls share

>> No.5863390

I sold this morning at 990 and just bought back at 1220, i'm never gonna weakhand again.

>> No.5863407

God, does it ever stop?

>> No.5863419

Well I bought XLM at .85 cents and now I'm thinking about buying this at .18 cents. Fucking FOMO buying noob someone tell me what to do

>> No.5863447

you recognize that it's fomo. Just don't do it. How many times will you need to get burned before it sinks in?

>> No.5863454

One of those retarded dogs now costs 38 dollars

>> No.5863456

My guess is that i've been hodlin my ETH on binance for a while now and the chinks just rewarded me a bit for my loyalty

>> No.5863487


wtf you lookin at, it's at 0.20

>> No.5863492

Jesus christ its going up for the whole day.


buy again it is still cheap

>> No.5863498

Yeah I was gonna buy LTC too when it was fomoing at 140 a coin and then it mooned to fucking 400 dude.. sometimes you gatta buy ATH and take that risk

>> No.5863512

Saw a 214% growth in my portfolio just because of this shit coin

>> No.5863520

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH Litecoin and IOTA absolute fucked by Justin Sun. Cardano is a fucking sure kill boys.

>> No.5863522

go for it.

>> No.5863548
File: 21 KB, 265x300, 1470561198528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought a comfy little pile of 2000 of these at 5 cents

You were so right about the crypto slot machine, /biz/. I'm at triple what I put in from mid December.

I almost remember when people used to talk about things that wern't memecoins here.

>> No.5863562

this fucker

>> No.5863566

well it's hitting new ATH bud, buy in so we can all make money. This thing is on a fucking train with no brakes

>> No.5863574


>> No.5863580
File: 284 KB, 367x554, Screen Shot 2018-01-04 at 8.26.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could've made an extra 6k if I just held. How to move on from first really big mistake?

>> No.5863601

why did i sold my 2000 tron for xrp reeeeeee

>> No.5863602
File: 10 KB, 480x360, tomorrow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2500 sats by the end of the day.....at this rate...fffs.... it is unstoppable now...

>> No.5863603

>b-buy my bags, sir

fuck off pajeet. don't fomo in next time latefag

>> No.5863608

tfw went to sleep at 900 sat thinking i'll sleep through the dip.

mfw i was right.

>> No.5863615

as long as you don't go backwards, you aren't making mistakes mate.

>> No.5863623

my binance is crashing. how long before people get scared that they wont be able to take funds out before correction?

>> No.5863627

Holy fuck. I go to bed for 4 hours and my boy TRON is still going. This is fucking awesome. I wish I could FOMO more money in. I don't even care about ATH, this shit is something new

>> No.5863633

rumors and normie news make money in this market. Get a coin that's backed by legit people and it will skyrocket like this.

>> No.5863642
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>> No.5863650

Look at the chart you faggot, hop on or get left behind

>> No.5863669

I moved it to REQ so Im not all out of gains but damn it would have made it much easier to accumulate my long term holds

>> No.5863674

its moving up so fast it's literally breaking my browser holy shit

>> No.5863680

I sweaer to fucking god I hate this shit. Same fucking thing happend to me with XLM.. I watch it moon ALL FUCKING MORNING and then when I finally decide to pull the trigger it retracts. I fucking hate my life fucKdnjWfbieofj

>> No.5863687


>> No.5863689

This coin is travelling so fucking fast right now my god.

>> No.5863704
File: 20 KB, 456x456, 1513134897981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pumping so hard!

>> No.5863712

It just crashes when you're on the TRX trade page as the transactions fly through so quick it makes your browser freeze, even on my mega powerful computer

>> No.5863724

in the 10 minutes it took for me to look into this coin it mooned 50%~ fuck me lads

>> No.5863732

nvm. train stopped.

>> No.5863734
File: 47 KB, 600x510, djen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im still a virgin its my first time seeing something this big and long

>> No.5863738 [DELETED] 


discord DOT gg/4jXzErh

just passed 105k members


>> No.5863741

It happens to us all bro, I've done it a few times in the last 48 hours, never stops hurting.

>> No.5863757

here's some advice, if it's on binance and mooning WITHOUT normie news. BUY. This market relies on hype, get normies hyped and they will dump into it.

>> No.5863763

they really have to fix this shit it's fucking annoying

>> No.5863768
File: 52 KB, 419x329, 1456528732663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still waiting for transfer so I can buy
>it just keeps going up

>> No.5863777

I'm not going to FOMO. I'm not going to FOMO. I'm not going to FOMO. I'm not going to FOMO. I'm not going to FOMO. I'm not going to FOMO. I'm not going to FOMO. RRREEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5863778


>> No.5863780

fuck you

>> No.5863783

I need to eat some corndogs and calm down

>> No.5863818

finally got my first moon , thanks /biz/

>> No.5863820


>> No.5863823

fomo in around 1300 and enjoy the ride to 5k.

This isn't like anything before. This is what happens when normies enter crypto and google "best alts 2018" . This is going to $1 this week.

>> No.5863835

even gdax freezez up under heavy load. like when they listed bitcoin cash the whole system started freezing up. noone could see the damn candles

>> No.5863879

here comes the corerection

>> No.5863889

I would literally eat my own anus if it hits $1, but I'm sure as fuck hoping so.

>> No.5863893

That's no excuse, by now they should know how many people can be online at peak times

>> No.5863902

$5 end of month

>> No.5863905

Buy time

>> No.5863907

i think its dipping atm sold half my stack to buy back at a little lower. that shit was crazy

>> No.5863920

use the phone app. its actually pretty good

>> No.5863944
File: 45 KB, 994x162, drv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sold all my TRX at 1000 sats
what the heck, i want to buy again but this growth is scary

>> No.5863948


Anon don't toy with me heart.

>> No.5863969

people are going to buy it all up now, back to mooning in less than 10 minutes

>> No.5863983

I hope this train stops my niqqa cause I’m not buying in, not now. We will hold strong together. There will be other moon missions. This was not our time. Tfw I bought couple hundred of this at .02 and sold at .045. Ugh

>> No.5864000
File: 105 KB, 358x477, 1368697049144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fomo'd in at 1450

>> No.5864021

sold at the top, buy the dip.so hard right now

>> No.5864023

>mcap higher than btc

I highly fuckin doing it m9

>> No.5864028

you know it's true

>> No.5864070


inb4 phone poster

>> No.5864071

Fuck, this is my first time mooning this hard. I bought in at 0,03 and no idea when to jump ship.

>> No.5864077

it was a baby dip. Fuck this i'm going to sleep.

>> No.5864078

binance not responding for anyone else??

>> No.5864104 [DELETED] 

I don't you understand China.

>> No.5864105

did that last night and woke up to insane gains. sleep well

>> No.5864110

top 10 while it's at .2$ when normies pick up this shit is going to uranus.

>> No.5864137
File: 57 KB, 720x540, 43476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck my brain can't handle these gains

>> No.5864174


>> No.5864180

Ye, tron keeps breaking it. Fucking delta cant keep up either.

>> No.5864215

Binance down for the fucking 100th time today
Chinks better stop pulling the plug or I'm going elsewhere

>> No.5864218

unironically i'd hold at least till you know what the news is.

Why anyone wouldn't buy this is beyond me.

You could fomo in at 1500 and probably still make 20 percent profit

>> No.5864220

Sell your initial and let profits ride

>> No.5864223

yep unresponsive over here too

>> No.5864239

this guy is the shill king. getting real comfy

>> No.5864246

Should I even bother trying to send money from kuckbase to binance to fomo in? ETH tx’s are taking forever correct ?

>> No.5864247

ITT: a lot of people dont know what huge coin supply means

>> No.5864252

it's when you stay on the trx page for too long, crashes the browser

>> No.5864269
File: 151 KB, 388x443, 1504966746642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

set groups resolution to 7 or less digits in another chart and reenter TRX/BTC

>> No.5864288

good thing coin burn is a thing, they're gonna be worth more :)

>> No.5864309

> doesn't know what 20% token burn means. The post

>> No.5864339

I refuse to buy in with the normies, fuck that

>> No.5864348

Seriously, how can these people trade tron on binance in this condition? Is it all bots?

>> No.5864378


Yeah, right? Free 20% on top of a moonshot.

>> No.5864405

>sold at .20
shieeet i thought it was gonna go down

>> No.5864421

Seriously though. When the fuck does this stop? 152% last 24 hours. The fuck?

>> No.5864425


Try the PC client. WAAAY better.

>> No.5864428
File: 14 KB, 244x206, pink frojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to get in on 1000 sats
>Gook binance not responding
>1400 sats

Fuck this. How are people pumping when the site is so fucked you cant even place an order? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.5864442

Yes. The API isn't affected by this shit.

>> No.5864449

acorrding to >>5863757
this anon normies havem't gotten wind of this coin yet.. I'm still sitting here just watching the fucking graphs trying to decide what to do.. this shit is nerve wracking

>> No.5864452

Normies see this as the next ripple

It will hit 3$ before march

>> No.5864462

I AM using the PC client. Never had a problem until now.

>> No.5864483 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 481x357, op.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


discord DOT gg/4jXzErh

just passed 105k members

lets go

>> No.5864484
File: 103 KB, 199x201, Attach0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me if it hits 3 dollars

>> No.5864485
File: 118 KB, 645x773, 1368797253325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>binance unresponsive
>need to sleep because wagecuck

>> No.5864503

how do you get it

>> No.5864509

Dumped my REQ into this, as req is slightly sliding, then buy back and ride this pump and dump scamcoin

>> No.5864510

just check reddit and news sites, that's where the majority of normies get their information from. Most normies hear about /biz/ and the idea of 4chan just makes them stay away from all the shilling here.

>> No.5864530


>> No.5864533

I bought at 5 cents, if you still want to see some profit now's the time to buy thqh

>> No.5864535


I've 3 times watched the ATH and considered selling 1/x of the stack but decided against it (I dont wanna stress myself with day trading).

I couldve. I called it. But each ATH sell off gets matched by a new ATH. And its truly fucking scary.

I might as well guess wrong and if I lag out it will be pointless.

I am using binance PC client btw.

>> No.5864550

Moon imminent?

>> No.5864580

Moon already happened this shit is on its way to pluto

>> No.5864585

never knew about this, thanks bro

>> No.5864589

can we ban these pajeets?

>> No.5864590

Seriously dude. I’m so torn. Reasons to not fomo, yet good reason to believe it could double or triple again. need to John Normievitch my way into a decision, and fast.

>> No.5864593

Just ride the rocket anon. I've come to terms with my ability to daytrade so I don't even try anymore. Don't be greedy and enjoy the ride.

>> No.5864597

just set the group decimals to 6 or so

>> No.5864608

Lost 10k tron trying to swing trade. I saw it go to around 1100 and dip a few times. Sold at 1100 and put a buy order at 1050 for some more trx. Didn't get shit, it immediately mooned to 1400+. I'm pretty pissed, my portfolio was going up like 1k per hour. FOMOd back in at 1400. I know how good it is to hold this but I got greedy and lost like 30% of my stack. Lesson learned, never try to swing trade a coin that's mooning.

>> No.5864627

I mean moon even harder

>> No.5864632


I know mate. Thats what Im doing :) Thanks for enforcing my conservative approach.

>> No.5864660


This. I put off getting into crypto for five years "because it must be a bubble that will pop any day now".

I clearly don't know shit. I just invest in whatever /biz/ memes the most and I'm making more than I do at work.

>> No.5864667



Just chill. There's gonna be lots more gains.

>> No.5864681

By downloading it you silly

>> No.5864722

are you guys keeping up with Justin Sun and his announcements? Likely chance of mooning next week as well. Try and buy a dip but don't wait any longer than a few days.

>> No.5864765

This. Huge news next week, and as someone already said they are burning 20% of the coins in Q1. This moon mission is happening BEFORE all this. I'm FOMOing back in, fuck this shit

>> No.5864793

No problem mate!

Same. I finally took the plunge. I'm just hoping this bubble doesn't burst before I get out. I'm trying to buy only cryptos that o believe could survive and have real world applications. Tron is one of them imo

>> No.5864872
File: 60 KB, 640x640, IgotthatTRX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5864924
File: 138 KB, 1042x1042, 1513445066574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fomo'd into XLM at .30 cents
>mooned every day til it reached .85 and stopped
>see TRX slowly moon over the course of a few days just like XLM
>think about putting my XLM stack into TRX because its moving sideways
>nah its fomo dude
>do it anyway

>> No.5864953

I got 34k TRX, am I gonna make it? Any change this gets to 1$ and beyond?

>> No.5864973
File: 131 KB, 1293x791, SHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why their website look like this

>> No.5864993

Would like to know this too.

>> No.5865013

top 10 under 1usd, the normies will take it like a fat lady takes cake

>> No.5865040

good chance we keep mooning for the next week. BIG announcement next week and Justin Sun himself has said he's spacing out announcements. Expect more.

>> No.5865047

Anddd binance is totally down now. Fuckkkkk

>> No.5865094

>After seeing my free coins just skyrocketing like the extrasolar Voyager I finally too bit the bullet and went in

it making me physically ill that I saw these coins in my liqui account and ignored.

I couldla bought a fucking shit ton for almost nothing....


>> No.5865100

Bought in at 100 sats, iron hands and held. I have been rewarded for my patience. Went from $250 on Dec 17, and with a bit of creative trading thanks to Biz, I hit 11k this morning. Goddamn I love this game!

>> No.5865107
File: 68 KB, 400x227, 3001656_1347433560192.1res_400_227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5865167

Binance working fine here in Asia

>> No.5865198

so literally....

Move USD->coinbase USD wallet
GDAX LIMIT BUY $1 above market

this makes you the maker, you pay zero fee.

Transfer from there.

For fuck suck you guys are mongoloids.

>> No.5865207
File: 18 KB, 250x249, 1489732000235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I FUCKED up /biz/ I bought in at 88 sats but I only had $100 to chuck at it.

GODDAMMIT I'm never going to make it unless TRX hits $100.

>> No.5865264

same, I only have 1.5k of these at 7c, dang

>> No.5865288

i wish i chucked in my life savings. if bitcuck wasnt such a fee'd up pain rip off to get id have WAY more

>> No.5865293

just wait

eth took1$ to 800$ in 2017-2018

>> No.5865375

Just watch. TRX is gonna be sitting in #4 below Ethereum quicker than you know it. Cap it

>> No.5865403

dude i know the marketcap thing is a meme but theres no way trx hits $100 much less $800 and im a tronfag

>> No.5865525

>$800 TRX

Hah, fucking hell. I know it's pretty much impossible, but just fucking imagine, there'd be a whole bunch of new millionaires on /biz/ purely because of this shitty chinkcoin. Fucking hell, I'd have $16million and I'm not even close to being a big holder in this place.

>> No.5865560

i heard that multiple times. Can you explain to a brainlet? I've never found anything good about marketcap and coin supply

>> No.5865574

Bro. I have Tron too but with this supply even after the coinburn there is not chance it hits that high. Honestly I think $5 Is too high an estimate.

>> No.5865672

The overall marketcap is growing everyday for crypto. If the market doesn't implode this year then you're in for some good gains if you hodl

>> No.5865718

Dumped at 2 cents a few weeks ago when I saw it not moving for weeks, what a joke.

>> No.5865767

Basically, the marketcap for TRX right now is $13billion (m/cap is just the number of coins multiplied by current price).

For TRX to reach $800 each, that'd be an increase of roughly 4000 times the current price, making the marketcap for TRX alone a total of $52 TRILLION, or 60% of the entire world economy.

>> No.5865822

Same, I bought at 1 cent and sold at 3 cents.
I can't believe I missed a fucking 20x.

>> No.5865861

$800 is never ever going to happen, but I believe it might reach $5-10 within a few months. Especially seeing as they are reducing the supply with 20% during Q1.

>> No.5865906

I'm already 10x on this and I bought in late.

anyone making gains on those dumb dogs?
I feel like I should have researched more and bought some

>> No.5866014

It's up 150% in a single day. Surely, surely this can't be sustainable, right?
There has to be a dip coming where I could buy back in, right?

>> No.5866054

the fuck is wrong with your phone?

>> No.5866116

This will go down as the greatest pump and dump of all time

>> No.5866117

It has a dark pink tint because it's getting JUSTed.

>> No.5866258

The closest coin with similar supply in the billions is XRP, with roughly half the amount. So, ignoring the fact that the coins aren't comparable etc, it's already been proven that a market cap of 145bn is possible at XRP's supply, so theoretically a market cap of ~70bn is possible for TRX, or a price of 6.5 times the current value. Basically, if it followed XRP's growth exactly, TRX could theoretically be worth $1.30 without any further overall crypto market growth, and no reduction in other coin's caps.

With a 20% reduction in supply and the same calculations, TRX would instead be $1.60.

Of course, all of these calculations are bullshit and meaningless, because the crypto market rarely follows its own rules and is growing anyway.

>> No.5866282

Kek, it might dip mid day thursday (burger time) when China sells their profits, then it will moon again in the weekend.

>> No.5866340

join the discord for some gains friends.


>> No.5866381

kill your mother

>> No.5866388

aa thanks anon

>> No.5866401
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I don't know if I'll ever feel the same. This can't keep happening.

>> No.5866424

no shit. just how long until it dumps is the question

>> No.5866482
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>$80k portfolio
>AT&T and Android

>> No.5866531

Fuck me, been looking at this since 2c but didnt have the cash to get involved. Oh dear.

>> No.5866567

After it absolutely kills ADA lmao probably.

>> No.5866633


>> No.5866681

What's wrong with Android?
Apple products are garbage.

>> No.5866771

androids are for poor people.

>> No.5866808

>Wanting to get rich
>buying overpriced, hyped, useless normie shit with a half-eaten Apple on it

Pick one

>> No.5866846

Apples are for the technically inept.

>> No.5866848

Android is for the efficient, Apple is for the lazy.

>> No.5866896

Literally every Pajeet has an Android phone

>> No.5866898

>sold at 1100
>FOMO'd back in at 1400 losing a third of my stack
>sold half my remaining stack at 1450
>binance crashed
>btc stuck in limbo
So much for making a few quick trades to get more trx. Day trading coins that are mooning is a terrible idea but I thought it would dip a bit from the massive sell wall at 1100 or at least 1200. Not getting totally JUSTed because I made so much off it but I couldn't have had worse timing.

>> No.5866933

Mine has been pending for about 5 hours now

>> No.5866949

i always wonder why tech retards shill so hard

for the stupid that dont get it
>tron is like ethereum but faster (own network)
>better support for developers(allows pretty much all programming languages)

in short tron is like ethereum 2.0 if there wasnt a casper update

>> No.5866951

but not poor

>> No.5866984

its fucked on my laptop. Slows my computer after having the thing loaded for more than a minute, have to use my other gaming PC which doesn't have all the other security shit on it, ie I use it for games and porn and shit, only then can I trade binance during super crazy pumps.

>> No.5867033
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>> No.5867169

Literally how? Did you buy in just now at 1470 sats or something?

>> No.5867176


get pc client app if u dont. works pretty well for my shitty gamer laptop

>> No.5867194

Being concerned about the price of something rather than its quality is for dumb people.
Coincidentally, most dumb people are also poor. Which explains why you see so many millennials struggling to afford rent and food while simultaneously owning iPhones and expensive clothes.

>> No.5867222


>2300 sat on HitBTC right now


>> No.5867293

sounds like whale manipulation, no other exchanges are following that kind of market movement

>> No.5867296

You guys didn't buy in at $.2 USD.


>> No.5867340

I'm ok with that

been hodling 50000 since 185 sat
>you're late to the party

>> No.5867392
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Gonna be good seeing all the pink wojaks when this shitcoin crashes back to 2 cents

>> No.5867399

what are you talking about? What is 185? sat? I only look at USD.

>> No.5867403

Too late to buy in?

>> No.5867407

Correct, anon, I bought in at $0.09. Although that in itself was way late.

>> No.5867428

when to buy back in lads?

>> No.5867434

I just bought 700 at $0.20 how fucked am I

>> No.5867514


Oh shit, thought this was the XLM thread, my bad.

I bought into TRX at $0.05 (387 sats).

>> No.5867519

>tracking in USD

stay pleb

185 sat was $0.035

>> No.5867535

Now or never, it'll probably not go back below .20

>> No.5867543


>> No.5867552

$.20 covers a wide range of sats but don’t worry it will go up again. Enjoy bagholding until then

>> No.5867553

I still don't know what sat means

>> No.5867565

>binance down
>blockfolio on maintance
>coinmarketcap acting goofy

The fuck's happening, did Tron burn it down?

>> No.5867606

normie money is here

>> No.5867629

Sat is short for satoshi, the smallest possible amount of Bitcoin. 1 satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 bitcoin.

>> No.5867664

0.00000001 BTC

Google is a thing, you know.

>> No.5867677


tron is the new king

it's time for Ver to fork tcash

>> No.5867706

bought in at 1400 sats. is it that bad?

>> No.5867722

Why would someone want to track money in increments of 0.00000001 BTC

seems very unnecessary.

>> No.5867765

it is but corecucks love to

>> No.5867775

got 32k at 99 sats will i make it?

>> No.5867805


>t. brainlets

>> No.5867816

Because right now, if you ever intend to actually cash out in bulk, BTC is the easiest option

>> No.5867824

Anyone else sold 7K tron last night after it went to 16 cents?

Fuckkkkkk. And I put it into XLM which is DROPPING RIGHT NOW

>> No.5867839

what are you guys going to do when disney decides to sue over the name Tron?

>> No.5867861

So, fuck logic? Normies just pumpin in any <1 coin for quick profits?

>> No.5867862

Absolutely, anon. 32k TRX could potentially be worth ~$40k or more this year.

>> No.5867863

Because the price of altcoins is measured relative to bitcoin. Conversion to USD is only done for convenience.
It is much easier to track price changes in whole numbers of satoshis than it is trying to track changes in fractional cents.

>> No.5867886

so instead of trying to sell TRX at coinbase you would just use exodus to transfer it into BTC instead? Is it because of the very long wait times to sell unknown coins? isn't there a very large sell fee when trying to sell BTC?

>> No.5867948

nigger what market are you in? this is crypto and shit is measured in btc get used to it

>> No.5867949


Tron is just an abbreviation, it's called Tronix.

>> No.5868002

but bitcoin is also constantly changing.

so 1000 sats may not be worth the same in USD as 1000 sats on a minute by minute basis

>> No.5868037

Nothing, because it's called Tronix, TRON is only the code for the token. In any case they're in nowhere near the same industry, making any lawsuit incredibly unlikely.

Personally, I'd trade it for BTC on whatever exchange has the best withdrawal/fee combination, then gradually sell my BTC on localbitcoins for an even further profit.

>> No.5868178

Yes, but you're not going to get around that.
You can't directly convert altcoins to dollars, because there are no sites that let you cash out shit like TRX to fiat. You have to first sell your altcoins for BTC or another big coin, and then cash that out.
This means that if you wanted to give the coin a USD value, you'd still have to base it on the current USD value of 1 bitcoin. And then you'd need to know how much of that single-bitcoin value a single one of your altcoin is worth. Hence the satoshi.

>> No.5868299

can you spend fiat for alt coin or do you first have to buy BTC and convert to alt coin?

>> No.5868308

Isn't there somewhere you can register for an upcoming airdrop? Or did I already miss that?

>> No.5868403

this is where REQ does its magic, get excited for cashing any fiat to any crypto.

>> No.5868416
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>> No.5868559
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This shit is literally their website. Yeah I'm sure this thing will replace Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Twitch and SpaceX with their lambo memes and that chink kid posting pics of him wanking to his own mirror image on Twitter. Hopefully they'll start by learning some basic HTML/CSS/PHP.


>> No.5868622


>> No.5868636

They already said they were updating their site retard lmao

>> No.5868670

Ripple or Tron? I can only do 1 at the moment.

>> No.5868671

all this shilling got it to 0,2
dip incoming

>> No.5868689

Reminder anyone selling is a retard.

>> No.5868722

There are a couple very large altcoins, like Litecoin, which you can buy directly for fiat on places like Coinbase.
But for the innumerable smaller altcoins, you need to first buy some of one of the large coins and then trade it for the altcoin at an exchange.

>> No.5868761


>> No.5868764

normies are panic selling lol
exact same pattern yesterday and it mooned the next day HODL boys

>> No.5868779




>> No.5868782
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The year is 2018, it's been three months and they still can't get their front page to work

This shit will be hilarious when it implodes

>> No.5868791


>> No.5868807

is the exchange just a wallet like exodus?

>> No.5868817

no monry for u gweilao

>> No.5868877


>> No.5868998

I've never used Exodus, but I wouldn't describe an exchange as a "wallet."
There are many different exchange sites, each with their own list of coins they allow people to trade. You can make an account on an exchange website, then transfer coins to it from somewhere else and trade them for different coins on the exchange website.

>> No.5869053
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>> No.5869091

>value is constantly changing

that's the fucking point.

>When BTC rises: alt prices in sats fall, alt prices in USD remain about the same

>When BTC falls: alt prices in sats rise, alt prices in USD remain about the same

If you are investing for the long term and believe BTC will continue to rise, what is more valuable: sats or USD?

>> No.5869110

TRON IS CRASHING BACK TO 3 CENTS, SELL SELL SELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BINANCE/TRX CHINESE EXIT SCAMMERS CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5869148

BTC has a very HIGH commission for transaction I would rather get ETH if you are going to just deposit it into binance

>> No.5869169


>> No.5869187

and what when BTC inevitably goes to 0?

>> No.5869224


>> No.5869252



>> No.5869279
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>assuming the value of crypto will vanish

>> No.5869282


>> No.5869296


>> No.5869304


>> No.5869320


>> No.5869386
File: 81 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2018-01-04-13-04-27-453_com.blockfolio.blockfolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell or hold on for dear life boys?
My 50k will buy me a house if it ever hits $1.

>> No.5869403

Hey! Nice I got 500 of these for free on binance by clicking on the free coin thing a few months back

>> No.5869446

Chart resets and everyone fucking panics lmfao

>> No.5869452

cut your losses. maybe buy back if it gets lower but even that's a risk. shows over, go home.

>> No.5869463
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>free coin thing

Have I been missing out this whole time?

>> No.5869498



>> No.5869521


>big partnerships going to be announced soon
>getting added to more exchanges
>coin burn happening Q1

keep holding.

and don't listen to this >>5869452 nigger. he's already proven he doesn't know a damn thing throughout the thread.

>> No.5869541

you are fucking retarded

>> No.5869623

Ok thanks. Was thinking of panic selling 40k and keeping 10k but I remembered I bought these when they were worth .005. I'll try and forget I own 52,000 of these "shitcoins"..

>> No.5869657

How is this app called

>> No.5869751


>> No.5869798

Thank you

>> No.5869802
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Mcafee was right!
And to think i was fooled into buying it!

>> No.5869993

tfw you are not of legal age to start trading altcoins FUGGGG