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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5859751 No.5859751 [Reply] [Original]

Market Cap: $744 420 802 201

Gentlemen, place your bets, how long until the bubble bursts ?

I am not sure we will see 1T of fail coins, scam ICOs and Alts tokens with 1B mc for a team of 10 guys in a basement.

I would say its over at the end of the month/mid february

>> No.5859770

Its never going to be over you dumbass

>> No.5859820

Not soon. It already is on the next bullrun after this healthy correction. Alts are getting some money pumped into them due to BTC resting @ 14k-16k.

>> No.5859827


Obviously not, but going back to a rational marketcap.

The technology is here to stay but no way it is worth more than 0.2T

>> No.5859836

unregulated markets behave like casinos. this shit will never end

>> No.5859867


1T in a year or two why not, but there must be a cleansing.

>> No.5859911

Not getting to 1T could be the end of the bubble

in 1-2 months, most alts will die and we will enter a slow growth market for years

>> No.5859916

relax, having such a high capitalization only means that there will be more movement of capital between currencies, that is, the one who chooses the best coins at the beginning, will multiply his profit as never before.

>> No.5859944

You guys forget that a lot of the world is now trading in crypto, not just the US or western EU. This market cap makes sense.

>> No.5859950

Feb-March is the crash.

>> No.5859988


Would say so too, really depends on Jan, imo it could be over end of mid feb

>> No.5860021

>world wide market with no entry barrier
>only now becoming mainstream among normans beyond btc and eth.

We only just begun. You're like these early adopters who sold bitcoin at 200usd because surely that was waay too much for a currency u couldn't use.
Have a little vision, apply logic, as crazy as it sounds this is just the begining. Yes we are in a bubble but it will get much bigger.

>> No.5860028

the market cap increase is mostly because newfags keep buying ripple at ridiculous prices.

>> No.5860107

They said the Web2.0 bubble was up to 3.5 trillion when it popped and that was just stocks and various websites. This will be way bigger with dAPPS , and the proliferation of user friendly crypto purchasing apps like CoinBase ( and the tide of other apps that will definitely follow).

I look forward to the news reports when " CRYPTO BIGGER THAN WEB 2.0!!!!!!" I would think about starting to cash out then but I think we'll be bigger than web 2.0 .

Mixing our short attention spans / Social media lovers / showoffs , and money ( shit like crptyo kitties) is going to send the market to the stratosphere.

We're gonna make it.

>> No.5860129

How much was the dot-com bubble worth at its peak?

>> No.5860191


i'll screen cap this and post it in march when the mcap is 1t

>> No.5860220

>how long until the bubble bursts ?
When market cap hit 50T.

>> No.5860252


>> No.5860302

I'd say it will get bigger then the dotcom bubble, the dotcom bubble was mostly US centered while crypto is global and more people have acces to it.

>> No.5860335


bro this shit aint popping ANY time soon

remember, this isn't just the western world jerking itself off with shitty altavista websites, this is ALL of asia getting in on the scam, too

this is still the bottom floor, you haven't seen anything yet

>> No.5860347

peaked at 3 trillion before crashing to half it's price in less than 6month and dragging the whole stock market with it. This figures are not adjusted, these are the values from 1999.
the bubble started in the 90s but really took off in 1997. 3 years to burst.

>> No.5860370


post it again in march 2019 when the maket cap is 3t

>> No.5860403


Go for it son :)

>> No.5860409

sorry there was a correction in 1998 after it grew a lot from 1995, then from 1998 the nasdaq more than double in value till 1999 when it all came down crashing.

>> No.5860910

this helped calm my nerves

>> No.5860930

whenever hashgraphs are introduced blockchain will be pissing blood

>> No.5860954

2-3 years

>> No.5860986


no seriously though, what is a hash graph.

>> No.5860995

bullshit you are deluded, its still the begging

>> No.5861007


I'm actively waiting for this, hashgraphs are better than blockchain. All in hashcoin day 1

>> No.5861031


>> No.5861040


what is a hashgraph? What is google?

>> No.5861046

1Trillion market cap is fucking nothing
This will have too see way more growth before the bubble will pop.
i think 2018 will be the biggest pump in the crypto markets history
Q1 2019 is when the cracks will begin

>> No.5861092

unironically me too
not moving to hashgraphs the instant its launched is like staying on dialup after the availability of fiber

>> No.5861097

>1Trillion market cap is fucking nothing
Was just about to say this

Globally 1 trillion is pretty damn tiny

>> No.5861106

>how long until the bubble bursts ?
I'm quite confident it will burst approximately 1 day before any deadline I set myself to cashout.

I only need my portfolio to 2x once more and I can cashout 50% to buy a house.

>> No.5861117

To all the retards saying x Trillion(s) is nothing and comparing it with .com bubble.

You are comparing apple with oranges. 1T for a technology with a few PoC and hardly any full scale implementation generating value is ENORMOUS.

>> No.5861169

>1Trillion market cap is fucking nothing
That includes every coin on coinmarketcap, even the last page with total scams no one is buying.

If you make your own coin and trade it with yourself, the marketcap still equals last trade * coin supply.
That's bullshit because only 1 trade occurred at that price, but we're saying the whole coin supply is worth that.
The majority of coins aren't being bought up, so the total market cap isn't really accurate.

>> No.5861189

Feb-March is what I've also been hearing. This shit will come toppling down.

>> No.5861204


>> No.5861232

The world economies are growing several times as much as the total coin market cap every single year you uneducated subhuman


>> No.5861245

I hope I have enough time to make it. I've have 400% ROI but only a $1000 investment. Once I start playing in the tens of thousands then I can start making real money in this market.

>> No.5861252


>> No.5861320

If we see a broad market crash, crypto might come down with it. A crash like that will prob happen in September to fuck Trump's electability. The fed is raising rates all year to pop the bubble in September.

>> No.5861321

>being this retarded
It's ok nocoiner, someday your retardation may be cured

>> No.5861362

All of those numbers are inflated. We have reached our peak, really.
I have a theory that nobody has actually made big money in crypto. Have you personally met anyone that has? Have you actually seen their wealth? I don't actually believe that anyone here has made serious money. Basically, the entire thing is too good to be true.

>> No.5861408

In the short term yes. But think about how many normies are going to put their money into this afterwards, as a way to protect themselves from government and central banking corruption.

>> No.5861440

>T. Deluded

>> No.5861467

2 trillion then down to 400 bills for 5 years.

>> No.5861482

The bubble will recover in 6 months if it bursts because crypto goes at 40x the irl speed.

>> No.5861503

Yea a lot of the rich would rather borrow against their crypto than sell and pay taxes. With more crypto ETFs coming this year, we haven't seen real money come in yet.

>> No.5861590

lol dude its crashed 6 times already... where were you when it went to $1 and crashed back to 5 cents? where were you when it went to $50 and crashed back to $2?