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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58597478 No.58597478 [Reply] [Original]

I just hate chainlink. I hate silver. I hate GME. And of course I hate XRP. Simple as

>> No.58597490

good taste, impeccable really by biz standards

>> No.58597521

xrp chainlink, sure, both trash. gme you’re just a salty bitch or bought the top. simple as.

>> No.58597526

What do you think about HBAR?

>> No.58597531


hate it

>> No.58597542

Do you hate Charles Hoskinson too?

>> No.58597544

oh yeah

>> No.58597624

Anyone who has lurked here enough knows that Chainlink, silver, , XRP, and GME have cult like following. That makes it clear to me that you understand all 4 of these after having lurked long enough. This also lets me know that you are part of the privileged few who can see how obvious a winner Chainlink is compared to the rest. Given those facts, its obvious that you are just fudding your own bags. All of this is to say fuck you and your fudding discord faggot friends.

>> No.58597802

Is there anything you do not hate?

>> No.58597808

don't hate bitcoin. don't hate gold. don't hate index funds. simple as.

>> No.58598255
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Oh man, you sure will love RETARDIO then kekekekekekek

>> No.58598510

>I just hate chainlink.
Its a useless token for fan bois
> I hate silver.
Thats the end of the world insurance policy, dear.
> I hate GME.
But bankrupting hediges is based
>And of course I hate XRP.
As you SHOULD. Its the Bankster scam coin.

Neat pepe. Saved.

>> No.58598519


>> No.58598527

>investing for a 2x

>> No.58598656
File: 142 KB, 1080x1922, Screenshot_20240603-151838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exponential factors are all that matter, dullard, BTC has 2 exponential factors as can clearly be seen in a money stock factored BTC graph. There is no top on BTC as there is no bottom on fiat, and BTC still has 50-100 in constant dollars to reach maturity

>> No.58598658


>> No.58598778

nice frog, saved

>> No.58599153

and this is why Chainlink is hated the most
kys shill

>> No.58599165
File: 22 KB, 306x306, 1470428050013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow What a coincidence. So do I
wink wink
nudge nudge
fart fart

>> No.58599311

then go for EOS and RAM. these have actual use-case. 80% of EOS recently got burnt so this is getting ready to fly.