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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.05 MB, 2000x3000, 65824561234668135636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58596888 No.58596888 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/:

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.58596890

Can someone please give me an honest assessment why Ryan Cohen decided to, today, the day DFV set aside for his livestream, completely shit on the shareholders? 75 million share offering when the company already has plenty of cash, after just doing one for 45 million a week ago? There goes DRS. To top it off, he even decided to release earnings early. Surprise! They're bad. Why couldn't this fuck have waited for the 11th? Maybe give us at least one day over $30 huh?

>> No.58596892
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Still comfy holdin' and waitin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.199 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~75.3 (18.825) million shares 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 (18.85) by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 (18.85) by Aug. 31, ~76.6 (19.15) by Jun. 1, ~76.0 (19.0) by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 (17.825) Jul. 30 22, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
Wednesday RRP: 436.631B, 65P = 6.7174B per
Thursday RRP: 438.764B, 66P = 6.648B per (roughly)
Friday RRP: 438.319B, 67P = 6.542B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>2023 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
>Q3 23 and FY23 Earnings 8-K/10-K
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model/ (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.58596903

gainstop LOL!

>> No.58596904
File: 19 KB, 971x318, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look how bullish this is. We're going to $100 on monday.

>> No.58596905

Something absolutely massive will happen in the next 2 weeks. And it's not another share dilution.

>> No.58596906

Two words: early life
Still not selling though fuck FIAT

>> No.58596909

I suspect he is a jew covering for his jew friends, but idk, maybe he is totally legit.

>> No.58596913


>> No.58596917

Holly shit I’m gonna cum

>> No.58596919

I've read dozens of these threads since '21, as well as r/superstonk and the links there, and all I have is another TRUST THE PLAN BRO
Literally no viable reason to ape into this, especially since GME took on a LITERL JEW to run the company, really anons?
I could've had huge gains a few time but I'm still cautious about this, especially after the fuckery yesterday and today - it's not spoonfeeding it's giving legit, clear reasons to buy this nuclear shit.

>> No.58596921

Trying to dampen the moass and not get into legal trouble for starting the squeeze. Shorts are truly fucked.

>> No.58596922


>> No.58596923
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Check the DRS numbers. They went up but we're still at 25%

>> No.58596924
File: 1.16 MB, 6000x4000, LeBohrok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the situation:
>Gamestop hinting at possible Merger & Acquisition
>Planting red herrings to throw off retail and Wall Street alike
>meanwhile LEGO tweets have been sus
>LEGO is selling its old BIONICLE IP to Gamestop
>Lego doesn't care for Bionicle (despite being the sole reason Lego survived as a business)
>Lego ended Bionicle early, kneecapped its G2 revival
>Ryan Cohen transforming Gamestop into a one stop nostalgia stop
>Bionicle G3 will be the new funko pop, but better because multimedia
>Bionicle G3 will have: cross platform video games
>board games
>trading card games
>comic books
>the actual toy figures
>the lore soft reboots every year so fresh yearly release cycle
>even the cannister they come in looks nice on shelves along funko pops
>targeted for all ages; millenials and zoomers for nostalgia and gen alpha for a new generation to play with the toys
>Lego will retain some rights so they can throw the rare Bionicle easter egg into their products (no big deal)
>Lego Fortnite was in part a test run for their digital brand
>Gamestop will issue Gamestop exclusive Bionicle NFTs
>Bionicle Fortnite skin
>Bionicle G1 lore dump for those who missed it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CIJ_MjIOHM
>here's the entire Bionicle movie too if you need something to watch while watching the GME ticker https://youtu.be/ep7fZkUwqVg?si=ta5Ta1rLbibYmyZz
>Ryan Cohen will MOASS GME by bringing back Bionicle

>> No.58596925


>> doomers cry gfc
>> buy gold
>> buy btc
>> buy guns
>> stock up rations
>> build a fallout shelter
>> wtf jew bastard stopped moass
>> mfw rc did what you said to do
>> mfw gamestop will be the only company to survive the gfc

>> No.58596926

I'm actually starting to feel like an amc baggie with the mental gymnastics I'm doing.

>> No.58596929
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>starting to

>> No.58596932
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>Literally no viable reason to ape into this
Good, leave.

>> No.58596937

Thanks for the info anon
How heavy is your bag btw? Care to share buy price and amount?

>> No.58596940

Cohen doesn't give 2 fucks about le reddit squoozle. He's selling for maximum dry powder to buy majorly depreciated assets whenever the market returns to reality and the recession is in full swing. Ryan's Buffet play is going to take a very long time 10-20 years. Even DFV said it's going to be 5-10 years before we see any progression

>> No.58596942

You see a man loosing MIOLLIONS of dollars and acting like a sperg on life stream, yet your feeling mental gymnastics?

>> No.58596943

Go into any thread on superstonk, replace GME with AMC and RCEO with AA. If popcorn had diluted after a PP livestream or whatever the fuck they'd rightfully get called retards. Ryan does it and it's unbelievably bullish

>> No.58596944

that energy is back. that comfy energy.
omg trips

>> No.58596948
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checking the checker

>> No.58596949

Faggot go buy $rope

>> No.58596950
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Holy shit

It makes sense

We made it. We won.

>> No.58596951

Remember. You could be a crypto baggie that has lost all his money every time an exchange shuts down

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.58596953
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>> No.58596954

10 years of slurping, 4000x10 = 40,000 shares approx, 40,000 x 1 million = 40 billion dollars

I can get behind this

>> No.58596957
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>Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.58596962

By the end of that time period there will be over 500 billion shares diluted.

>> No.58596964

this is the ONLY thread that seems to be reasonable about the dilution.

>> No.58596966

kek dumbfuck baggies

>> No.58596967

Chobani single handedly made more baggies and melties in a single day than anyone else ever could over the last three years.

>> No.58596968



>> No.58596969


>> No.58596970
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The increased amount of (((people))) concerned here today about others personal financial decisions regarding one investment out of thousands really should get the ol' noggin joggin.

>> No.58596971
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>hop on stream
>prove it was you
>prove you still hold your position
>prove you can't just control the ticker with a large stream of followers
>don't say jack shit about swaps and leaps expiring
>shitpost and troll MSM and hedgies
The dude is an absolute genius.


>> No.58596972

How about you anon, what's your buy price and amount of shares?

>> No.58596974

Not enough plan trusters.

>> No.58596976

what plan? lmao

>> No.58596979

No plan shares for me, everything registered book.

>> No.58596981

Shills quieting down now that there’s no AH announcement.

>> No.58596986

Wouldn't cohen want to fuck the manipulators off his stock to show some true growth? I having a business with the manipulators fucking with your companies net worth is like having a fucking tick on the companies back. Wouldn't you want to get rid of them before you truly start to grow? Wouldn't moass be in the best interest of long term growth?

>> No.58596987

Tate and ploot are pretty based desu

>> No.58596988


The fact that there's shills even know should be a clear sign to everyone to continue to hold.

>> No.58596989

Perfect time for AH announcement, then we can blow through 5 threads in the next 2 hours.

>> No.58596992

I only consent to more dilution if they short AMC with the proceeds

>> No.58596994

checked, is this where us holders come to lick our wounds? Cost avg 33. But I've had much worse damage and survived. This whole trade was for lulz to see what some yidtuber produced, then the ghad damn jew ceo drops 75m shares. The thing is at abour 4am pst the price tanked 15 bucks in about an hour. What was all that action in the AH before? So many questions, but alas I didnt trust my instinct. Never trust a Jew. The volume was 270m though, so interesting. Halted 17 times or more?

>> No.58596995

>Wouldn't cohen want to fuck the manipulators off his stock
he just did. DFV and apes were trying to manipulate the price upward and he slapped them down with his share offering

>> No.58596996

I'm grateful I got to buy another 38 shares on discount.

>> No.58596997


>> No.58596998

Shorts happened, dilution didn't happen today.

>> No.58596999
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the only plan in place is failed NFT marketplaces, gambling and DILOOOOTION

>> No.58597001

Why would he want the manipulation to stop? He's got plenty of time to sell the stock for way over the actual value

>> No.58597002

JFC, just woke up. Anyone with a terminal know the current volume?
is the Squeeze as good as dead now?

>> No.58597003

Do you really need a detailed explanation?
I can't believe, of all people, fucking 4chan anons are le trusting the jew, anyone can explain?

>> No.58597004

Give me your best copium, I need it.
Two more weeks?
4billy war chest?
I don’t know how long I can keep going.

>> No.58597006

Ryan announced another 75 MILLION share offering ATM today, along with just throwing out bad earnings. Good thing there wasn't a shareholders meeting planned this time either or that would have been very awkward

>> No.58597011


we're holding for 5 years, 10 years, 20 years

we're holding to 0 or to infinity, no matter what we're holding

>> No.58597015
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>tfw GME

>> No.58597017
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I think Sunday would work better,gives the pajeets less time to prep their talking points.
Who can forget this gem of a hit piece?

>> No.58597018

no matter what they will be diluting

>> No.58597019


we will continue to hold

>> No.58597020
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Sneed hedgies and sneed hedgie simps

>> No.58597022

they have authorization for 1 billion share dilution. they will use it.

>> No.58597023

GME will outlive Israel

>> No.58597024
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Sneed assblasting weekend seething hedgies

>> No.58597025

No, maybe its a shit stock thats wildly overvalued?

>> No.58597027
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Can anyone enlighten me, seriously though.
Why would a CEO claim his stock is overvalued when its common for them to own shares and be paid in options?
As a CEO how would you benefit from your stock tanking besides diluting for capital to fund the operation? The kike CEO sold out his stock holders, fact. But why? It could have exploded and whatever he sold the 75m share for would have been worth 2x minimum.
Such a shame. I hate Jews.

>> No.58597028
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>> No.58597030
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>> No.58597032
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Sneed blatant market manipulating hedgies

>> No.58597033

Today was a hell of a day

>half a million people watching RK do absolutely nothing and be hilarious

>CNBC and Andrew left crying that they are worried “people will be losing their money

And on top of all that

>a big ass discount for Monday morning

Absolutely based

>> No.58597035

Where do you see the new DRS numbers? I'm not seeing them.

>> No.58597036

almost like there was a stock split or something

>> No.58597037
File: 134 KB, 544x426, sneed hedge cunt kenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the shorts closed? Could it be... did they lie and not close? Hmmmmm... would be a shame if a short squeeze were to happen.

>> No.58597038

The graph accounts for the split

>> No.58597039
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but if we zoom out and look at the 1m chart, we get a cool little skateboard ramp

>> No.58597040

as it should be
GME is going down to single digits

>> No.58597042

thats a pretty rad halfpipe you have there, anon

>> No.58597043
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I hear this, but doesnt that imply many held the shorts for 3 years? If you imply the shorters stock split and that implies.

>> No.58597045
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Checked. The best part is that they tried so hard to pin manipulation on DFV that they are now being investigated for manipulation themselves.

>> No.58597047

what did they mean by this?

>> No.58597048

Gameshit will continue to hoard investor (you) money and dilute every pump all the way up to 1 billion dollars AND THEN, once they can't do that anymore, issue bonuses for all board members before selling the company and riding off into the sunset, leaving gamestop a distant memory.

>> No.58597051


>> No.58597052
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190 million gains in a quarter from investments of ryan cohen WAGMI so hard

>> No.58597053
File: 120 KB, 5440x4260, sneed hedge cunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sneed coping hedgie simps writing literal fan fiction on a Mongolian horse breeding forum on a Friday evening

>> No.58597054

no it doesnt

>> No.58597055
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Imagine not looking at the chart and seeing an exponential curve growth alongside the formation of a gamma ramp on the options leading into a short squeeze of legendary proportions and wanting to retire to a place where you can play vidya all day in a town that isn't filled with curry sucker's, shekel chasers, or basketball enthusiasts.

>> No.58597057

Interesting note, there was over 100m of volume near eod, it crabbed around $28 for hours. After 12pm

>> No.58597059

because he knows how fucked his company is, and the only way they can be profitable is to reap baggie dollars.

>> No.58597062


>> No.58597063

cuckold corporate paypiggy fetishist

>> No.58597064

How much ya holding Clit? Let me guess, 500 shares @ $85?

>> No.58597065

Lmao I’m just going to act like picrel is real

>> No.58597066

really makes you think huh

>> No.58597068
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doesn't matter if our CEO Ryan Cohen diloots every squeeze start. Giving shorters free money! Sad!

>> No.58597069

Anon putting in the hard work afterhours

>> No.58597070

>GME runs up to 1k per share
>Ryan Cohen announces new ATM offering today, 500 million shares!

No seriously, what is stopping him from doing this during the MOASS?

>> No.58597071

wtf its so gnarly

>> No.58597072

Nope. 2,225 shares at a $19.15 cost average.

I’m still green.

>> No.58597073
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>> No.58597074
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guys maybe a brick and mortar video game store with a jew CEO isn't the best investment

>> No.58597075 [DELETED] 
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announcement on sunday

>> No.58597076
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Sneed hedgie simp slobbering all over hedgie cock

>> No.58597078
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>> No.58597079

absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact, given that this is the 3rd time in a row, i can say with certainty that it will be the norm now.

>> No.58597080

Fuck jew nigger cohen, I lost 80 thousand dollars in the last 24hr. Now I have to break it to my wife that we can’t afford to buy a home anymore. She’s going to leave me for sure

>> No.58597081

that's why MOASS will never happen

>> No.58597082

So you sold?

>> No.58597083


>> No.58597084

>So you sold?
you didnt? whats your cost average, 60?

>> No.58597086

dude, cmon
don't kick a man when he's down

>> No.58597088

i like how the baggies stopped talking about short interest entirely
now its short volume, an entirely meaningless metric in the context of a short squeeze

>> No.58597090

27.54 btw

>> No.58597092

>nobody appreciating my OC

>> No.58597091

If the stock goes up again he’s going to help the shorts and sell more shares. He’s rigging the price from within.

>> No.58597095
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Overtime, huh? Keep at it simp.

>> No.58597096


>> No.58597097


>> No.58597099

Any gap theorists in the room?

>> No.58597101
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Why so defensive?

>> No.58597102

I just like the name of the company

>> No.58597104

ngl i was a believer until i saw out Glorious Leader™ charge into battle with the second dilution in a month. If that doesn't change your mind about what he thinks then idk what will.

>> No.58597107

Yeah, I'm thinking gap kings were always right.

>> No.58597111
File: 99 KB, 641x551, smug game frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The short squeeze is coming and seething about it on the Mongolian barbeque forum won't make any difference.

>> No.58597112

No idea why anons are simping for yids (hedge funds), I'm sure thats organic.
The share price is what it was two days ago, and the king redditor that kicked this off is still ITM on 120k calls.
There were 19+ halts today, record shorting, 75m new shares dumped, and bad Q1- all this did was take the price back to where it was before the abnormal pump yesterday.
Not to mention the ceaseless FUD'ing here and everywhere else.
Are you people retarded?
Are you ok?
If you had a brain, you would be swing trading this, you're guaranteed profit from the redditors pushing the price up and the hedgies and cohen diluting the price down.
The redditors will never stop buying.
The yids will never stop committing crimes.
Make some money and quit being a faggot about it.

>> No.58597113
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>> No.58597116
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>> No.58597128

You should resolve your differences in person. Be peaceful.

>> No.58597129

$12 but I already covered my cost basis

>> No.58597134

I like the way you're thinking

>> No.58597137
File: 40 KB, 277x193, mo-AAAAAAACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek baggies, see you in another 3 years

>> No.58597138


>> No.58597139
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>The short squeeze

>> No.58597142

>massive diarrhea dilution

>> No.58597144

GME is supposed to be a cult
but 50% of reddit right now is emotional fucking babies who keep buying ATHs
Literally you just need to buy when it's in the 20s (any 20s) and Hold the stock and wait.

Why the fuck is any moron buying at it's most volatile price points of $40+

>> No.58597151

What is it about the Jew that compels him to always, ALWAYS stab you in the back at the 11th hour? It must be biological. Serves me right for trusting one of the rat bastards, a millionaire at that, and believing the system could be changed peacefully from within.

Violence is the answer.

>> No.58597153

Saw a meme the other day that they were buying at 50+ but not at $10. Very true

>> No.58597155
File: 71 KB, 800x524, jewish sunset dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cost avg 60
unless you got jewed by Citadel, most people didnt buy at the top. Cost avg of 30+-
The pump after AH was a trap. Shame I didnt sell. The war between retail and jew brokers goes on. Next week will be interesting.
I will perform the Jewish sunset dance tonight to coax Cohen into worshiping his God, the Jewish God, money.

>> No.58597156

I don't understand having the hubris to swing this shit when you take into account the squeeze potential. Of course, everyone who says they swing magically manages to buy the dips and sell the ATH perfectly every time. It's very cringe how obvious they lie about their ability to press a button to strangers on the Internet.

>> No.58597158
File: 77 KB, 500x500, 1572942885356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because MOASS is right around the corner, bro!

>> No.58597160

>No idea why anons are simping for yids
Like Ryan Cohen?
Stopped taking you dopes even half serious when I realized you're still hodling this shit despite it being hijacked by a rat kike
>Not to mention the ceaseless FUD'ing here and everywhere else.
You can't fathom some anons might legitimately think GME baggie niggers are retarded and want to shitpost these delusional threads?
>If you had a brain, you would be swing trading this, you're guaranteed profit from the redditors pushing the price up and the hedgies and cohen diluting the price down.
Agreed but let's be honest nobody in these threads is doing anything but huffing copium with their 10 shares

>> No.58597169

Swing GME is so fucking easy, the price ALWAYS follows the same patterns
Just keep half for a squeeze and swing the other half
that's what I've been doing

>> No.58597171

Poor timing, probably.
Or fomo.
Its probably going above 40 again within the next two weeks, probably closer to 60 again.
You can read the room, there are tons of VRY ORGANIC posters, the hedgies never covered their positions.
It doesnt really matter what cohen does in terms of dilution, the shorts outweigh everything hes authorized to do, and only the "baggies" get a say in firing his ass and anyone that tries to authorize more dilution.
Hate to break it to the ghouls here but the redditors are right on this one, the only wiggle room hedgies have is doing illegal shit.

>> No.58597175
File: 34 KB, 400x396, this-is-extremely-dangerous-to-our-democracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made multiple posts today, they all got deleted by shill mods.

Anyway. the dilution was also to put RK under the threshold for reporting, dude can now buy even more.

That livestream was such bait btw, Rk knows hedgies are waiting on him with baited breath yet 1. he showed up late, andrew left had to wait 58 minutes on standby. 2. Plausible deniability, dude talked about his beer and documented the halts they timed for his live stream, lol.

Many of us will not be working in the next few months, this is moving fast. Mergers and acquisitions is imminent, Teddy is coming fathers day.

>> No.58597183

It follows the same pattern until M&A gets announced AH and it opens at prohibitively high prices and you get priced out.

>> No.58597185

Anyone can look at the price movement of GME lately and say nothing is going on is dumb beyond words

>> No.58597186

Thats a whole lotta words, too bad I aint readin em.
If you dont have shares/shorts, be quiet, as you're not making money either way.

>> No.58597187

>I will perform the Jewish sunset dance tonight to coax Cohen into worshiping his God, the Jewish God, money
Easy way to get another ATM offering announced next week....

>> No.58597189

>Anyway. the dilution was also to put RK under the threshold for reporting, dude can now buy even more.

>> No.58597190

I've been shitting on GME all day and I also think we're going to 60 again before EoM. I also think RC will immediately dump on us if we do and it'll be the final time we're up for a while. I hate this kike so much.

>> No.58597194
File: 340 KB, 1024x1024, file-M0DrpRgVUc8wcKCVWIrpa1JX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Witty Unpredictable Talent And Natural Game

>> No.58597195

What's going on is it looks like the literal jew kike CEO is gleefully dumping on dumb fuck bagholders, who he knows will never sell
Am I missing something?

>> No.58597196

You don’t hold GME

>> No.58597198
File: 154 KB, 955x589, rc after hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58597200

DCA down to where you can hold half your position for basically free, what are you stupid or something?

>> No.58597206

>you're not making money either way
Post bag
I'm also not losing money (you definitely are)

>> No.58597207

A real threat. Considering what a single share will be worth it's not worth it.

>> No.58597210

You’re name is fitting, because you’re a spiritual woman lmao

>> No.58597215

Yeah I'm trying to be like CLINT but wanted to show him he looks like a CLIT
Pretty neat huh?

>> No.58597221

After a 75M dilution announced? It's not going anywhere but down.

>> No.58597222


>> No.58597223
File: 49 KB, 545x604, getgasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are too many dumbfuck bump baggies to kek. Ryan got a board of directors hooked for fraud in their bankruptcy court case, he's got to be fucking with the CAT system. Ryan's trying to catch everybody lying.

>> No.58597229

Also insane considering swingies think they have 100% wins in their trades (they don't, they're lying)

>> No.58597230

Hey buddy nothing personal
I just shit on namefags whenever I see one, simple as

>> No.58597232 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1290x1713, clint will not divide us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58597233

>no argument
>agrees with me
I accept your concession,“ma’am” lol

>> No.58597234

This. He's like Warren Buffet. He'll make you extremely rich once you are 80-90 years old.

>> No.58597237

Really wish people would discuss the emergence of EVEN MORE funny little coincidences with my towel stock (inb4 "haha sar u do not own the stock NO ONE DOES SARRRRR)

>> No.58597238
File: 127 KB, 1170x1572, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58597243

no thanks. you guys can keep buying my calls and puts tho

>> No.58597250
File: 94 KB, 869x1024, 1639524610595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This timing was deliberate. There's no possible way it was by sheer chance that national news stations all put their cameras on DFV just for a laugh. They clearly knew this dilution was being announced. It was deliberatly timed to rain as much as they could on this parade.

I'm not sure why. It's not just a pump and dump by Cohen because he owns the largest stake in gme, he'd be dumping himself. Maybe someone put a knife in his nightstand with a note that said "stop this run", maybe this is a very elaborate way to give him the largest most ironclad plausible deniability case against manipulation charges for when this pops. Maybe he needs the cash because he plans to announce the merger this weekend and he thought maybe DFV could throttle some of the bleed with good vibes.

I don't know what the reason was but announcing it today of all day was deliberate. I'm 100% certain of it.

>> No.58597251

>inb4 the truth
Cope, seethe etc etc

>> No.58597253
File: 541 KB, 2133x2560, 2DE2BA9F-507D-4C8F-A02D-F71FB2E1D30F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should’ve done your research on all possible win conditions. If you did, what happened today and what’s coming up next would be crystal clear to you.
The door was shut on a popular victory thesis today, if you’re feeling bad, it was probably yours.
It’s time to update your victory thesis, it’s right there, in plain sight. Don’t do anything stupid. Not financial advice. WAGMI.

>> No.58597254

Why would it ever go up again? Explain it to me. It's been diluted by what? 100m? In under a month? And the quarterly report was shit. Sentiment has never been this bad, even the cringe mines over at superstonk are questioning what in the fuck is Cohen thinking. Shorts can now feed on this sentiment too and drive the price into the dirt. And who would even want to buy it at that price?? Apes have no money, everyone is broke and barely hanging on, we're on the verge of a recession if not worse. Nobody has stimmy checks anymore.

>> No.58597258

Shit in street, smell like curry, etc etc

>> No.58597260
File: 121 KB, 5440x4260, sneed hedgefaggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I can't believe that all of the shorts that have been underwater all week and that have all doubled down (Citron) somehow managed to all magically close because of 75 million extra shares. Funny how that happened.

>> No.58597261

The corrupt mutt government is working on yeeting the CAT system into the sun.

>> No.58597262

No way fag, I swung this shit. Didn't time it as well as I could but at least I didn't hold past that autistic DFV stream. I'll probably swing it again next time we blow past 50 because I CAN'T TRUST THE FUCKING CEO OF A COMPANY I INVESTED INTO TO NOT DEVALUE MY OWN FUCKING SHARES BECAUSE HE'S A WHINY CUNT WITH SELF ESTEEM ISSUES THST CAN'T HANDLE HIS COMPANY BEING SUCCESSFUL DESPITE HIM, NOT "BECAUSE" OF HIM. FUCK THIS KIKE.

>> No.58597264
File: 83 KB, 245x316, 165211270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so over, that's why you've been posting here for hours nonstop, because it's inevitable what is coming and there's no point in trying to change any minds about it.

>> No.58597269

Why do you keep spamming this?

>> No.58597273

My dude, shorts have been underwater in atlantis since january 2021.

>> No.58597277

So the storm before the rainbow.


>> No.58597279

>Last time on /GME/:
not checkworthy, retard didn't link the last thread. I bet it's a downie.
What a waste.

>> No.58597280
File: 164 KB, 400x313, sneed hedge cunts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously, I was just being conservative to further drive home my point.

>> No.58597282

hello lil' retarded fuckboi baby
the stock is shorted 10-1
adding 20% more shares does nothing
the stock will go up again

>> No.58597284

Have fun missing life changing wealth.

>> No.58597285

>It's so over
glad you agree :^)

>> No.58597288

>spiritual woman is too stupid to see what’s right in front of it
who could’ve seen this coming

>> No.58597292

too bad short interest is only like 20% and you have nothing but schizophrenic reddit posts and tweets that claim otherwise
good luck! DRS those shares!

>> No.58597295


>> No.58597298

You know what? I just hit me - you niggers are just greedy, full stop
You don't want to make some profit, you think you're going to become multi-millionaires overnight because you dumped $50 in a meme stock
The delusion is to keep you waiting for astronomical profit without doing ANY WORK for it, like RK actually did
You're followers, sheep, delusional. You could be learning to make 1-10% swings with your cash, compounding it and actually learning the market - but no, you're lazy, greedy fucks.
Finally just clicked.
I'll continue to shit on your threads til kingdom come

>> No.58597299

this xD
don't forget to DRS!!

>> No.58597301

So how does this (((Cohen))) make his money? Im trying to find details of his contract with GME and what his compensation is, alot of CEO's are paid in options. Hmm. I think he saved his Jewish tribe of stock brokers and fucked over all the goy investors. What a piece of shit. As if I needed anymore fuel to hate Jews.

>> No.58597302

check again, jiggaboo

>> No.58597307

since DRS doesnt matter now I hope we get an official DRS sharecount released. Surely no one could object to releasing the full retail DRS sharecount now?

>> No.58597310

Stop hitting yourself.

>> No.58597312

yeah you don't even know the difference between short interest and short volume
good luck with the bags though. buy up that dip and DRS those shares!

>> No.58597315

When hedgies sell a bunch of stocks, they are dumping... when GME sells a bunch of stocks, it's improving its position. The more money GME has, the better its longterm prospects... and the more inherently valuable the business becomes.

Anyway, It's not right to think of it as a dump when the business/owner itself is selling shares.

>> No.58597316

Strange cope response but ok

>> No.58597319
File: 1.08 MB, 1290x1262, IMG_3515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to eat Cuban sandwiches and do shots of tequila in Tampa on Tuesday

Or I can go to Hulkster’s restaurant on Clearwater beach BROTHER

>> No.58597321

there were at minimum 6 million shorts open today at 45 dollars a share. they all needed to buy those shares back to close their position. but the price crabbed at 28 until market close. I am curious. why do you think they buying back shares didn't rally the stock in the late hours? the answer is that the share offering is now.

the last share offering was May 23rd when the price was $18 a share.
it ended Friday the 24th into memorial day weekend.
The following EOW was $23.
This EOW is $28.
Next EOW will be $36.
EOW when RK exercises his calls will be $42.

We are moving at 80% a week. Name one fucking stock moving that fast.
>but I missed the a huge fucking payout
tough shit. buckle up everyone.

>> No.58597322

all that's happening is cohen is transferring wealth from shareholders to the company LOL
and people like you defend them as they do it

>> No.58597326
File: 26 KB, 640x480, 1671816677650746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only emotion you shilly (((people))) can appeal to at this point is humor. WAGMI

>> No.58597327

short interest ≠ short volume,

>> No.58597330

I did kiddo, im more green then your lil bitch ass will ever bee
wtf do you buy bitch, bbby, lmao get fuked

>> No.58597331
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its the only way they can make money

>> No.58597334

they don't count unless they're DRSed xD

>> No.58597335

You sure about that?

>> No.58597337

>transferring wealth from shareholders to the company
Depends if you're thinking of the shareholders longterm wealth or short-term.
The share holders still hold the same shares. It's in their interest for the company to acquire wealth and grow.

>> No.58597338

make sure you keep posting in a thread that you don't agree with! 20 more posts am I right?

>> No.58597339

lol drs is a meme retard

>> No.58597342
File: 3.93 MB, 3601x1711, IMG_4003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schedules livestream
>causes the entire financial world to clench in sheer terror
>does nothing
>forces cnbc to sit on their hands for 30 minutes watching a blank screen
>shows up
>his mere presence caused the stock to be halted at least 5 times
>refuses to elaborate
how can one man be so based bros?

>> No.58597343

>if you arent part of the cult you cant post here REEEEEEEEE

>> No.58597346

It was fun as fuck

>> No.58597347

big boy knows how to greentext im sure youre a social butterfly anon

>> No.58597348

redditors are crying about this
this man is a meme king

>> No.58597349
File: 65 KB, 722x808, gasthonhon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the full details of board fraud Ryan got those suckers caught up with, but if he got those fools there by leaving records of wanting to do business with them, I wouldn't put it past him doing business with other fuckers to catch then slipping - especially since the CAT is up and running.
So? It's in place now. Dumbfuck.

>> No.58597353

Someone give me some hopium, I had a rough day

>> No.58597357
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>> No.58597358

>didn’t do fuck all with a billion dollars in 3.5 years
>apparently actually needs 4 billion dollars in order to do anything
>redditors trying to tell me that this is a literal business genius

>> No.58597359

He literally baited the manipulation in real time

>> No.58597362
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>> No.58597364

Oh I see, carry on

>> No.58597366

absoluely amazing superstonk is having this much of a meltdown, lol.

Kek GME maxi's. You could of gotten in on the groundfloor at BK prices of the next berkshire hathaway and you let platinum tranny dick sideline you.

>> No.58597367

come monday, there's gonna be a discount for GME.

>> No.58597368

>makes 4 billion dollars in 3 years

Sounds pretty genius to me

>> No.58597373
File: 53 KB, 589x506, 1717792276578312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope you gents bought the dip. Ready to rip on Monday, but in the meantime Dark and Darker just re-released on steam, and it's f2p. Gonna give it a go, they just added the Druid class. See you lads in the dungeon.

>> No.58597374

Already bought back in before close, already regret it.

>> No.58597375

oh so his business strategy is to just dilute shareholders indefinitely
kek that’s actually pretty based

>> No.58597379
File: 109 KB, 331x436, IMG_4285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuinely the best bit I’ve seen in a while I was in tears.

>> No.58597380

>The jew's business strategy is to jew the goyim
Shocked, shocked and baffled I am

>> No.58597382
File: 1.39 MB, 1246x1120, THIS IS IT LUIGI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see. I think I'll trust the judgement of the CEO who saved the company and doesn't take a salary over the assblasted hedge fund simp posting on an anonymous forum.

>> No.58597387

if only there was some way the 4channers itt could have seen this coming

>> No.58597388

>using steam instead of gamestop for all your gaming needs
die shill

>> No.58597394
File: 286 KB, 840x941, getgasdon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your business decision is to be a dimbfuck friday night 8pbtid bump baggie, probably 9 now

>> No.58597395

>saved the company by brutally diluting shareholders
based cohen

>> No.58597398

maybe he bought a steam giftcard

>> No.58597401

non-reply and concession accepted

>> No.58597404
File: 18 KB, 477x480, 1573380499060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get cheapies on monday! only $15!!

>> No.58597405

man i am so glad i'm not a retard

>> No.58597407

im taking a loan if it hits $15 again

>> No.58597408

>t. baggots that didn’t swingchad both pumper dumpers

>> No.58597411

>a billionaire not taking a salary for optics makes him a saint
baggies are never getting out of this cult, lmao.

>> No.58597413

>donating to the gamejew AND the bankjew
do redditors really

>> No.58597416

Based Bath Bro

>> No.58597418

atleast you got back in

Next week might not be the same case.

>> No.58597421
File: 224 KB, 921x600, gassston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concession accepted
no food here fat fuck

>> No.58597422

was meant for
im off my game tn sorry kennoid

>> No.58597423
File: 6 KB, 235x250, 1573373352544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same ceo who offers FREE dilatations

>> No.58597424

They berate us and whip us shouting jeers, we suffer, the Christ like figures in the story…

>> No.58597426

conciliatory acceptances are final and cannot be retracted

>> No.58597428
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take a mortgage out too, and some credit cards

>> No.58597429

back to 20 fast, same as it ever was

>> No.58597432

how about a force feed you my smegma covered cock while were at it

>> No.58597434

I saved about 2k of my earnings to dca and I'm glad I did because this shit is going to be on life support by Monday. I expect one last pump followed by some wild treachery from Cohen. I'm not sure how people will justify him ruining moass a third time but I'm sure they'll find a way.

>> No.58597437
File: 30 KB, 500x216, 1573128179575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotta catch me first, baggie

>> No.58597438

>baggots being literal faggots
imagine my shock

>> No.58597439
File: 135 KB, 1079x994, F-BXhIYXEAATGHT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where there's smoke there's fire, when I saw the amount of hate the BBBY theory was receiving I jumped the fuck in.

Even trippled down at the announcement of BK, soon cash + equity my naga.

>> No.58597441
File: 1.70 MB, 480x270, 5143125413154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to spread FUD, I own XXXX GMEs.
but RC's 3rd betrayal in recent months is sobering.

>> No.58597442

amc levels of dilution copium incoming

>> No.58597443

>this shit is going to be on life support by Monday
Just like the meme DFV did today, what does it mean, hibernation time again for most holders?

>> No.58597445

>100% loss
no refunds

>> No.58597447

He will have further advice for shareholders on Tuesday, he has to.

>> No.58597448

just more deranged posting as they claim they're holding the bag to "fight the system"

>> No.58597450
File: 271 KB, 666x644, 1707934884571840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're tune will change when you see the mergers and acquisitions.

IT TAKES MONEY to buy whiskey.

>> No.58597451

don't forget to DRS xD

>> No.58597452

inb4 no forward guidance

>> No.58597456
File: 292 KB, 474x457, a bit anxious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He isn't ready for next week. Hell I'd say nearly everyone isn't ready considering all of the whining, complaining, and seething from both sides. Bunch of babies.

>> No.58597461

I just wanna hear Kenny G puking into a trashcan again.

>> No.58597463

>couldn’t merge or acquire shit with a billion dollars and 3.5 years
>actually needs 4 billion dollars
kek what a fucking retard

>> No.58597466
File: 3.11 MB, 498x276, vegeta laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being able to make a billion dollar company wait. I would be taking shots and bust a nut in a 10/10 before I took live stream.

>> No.58597472

>100% loss

Sounds like a crypto baggie every time an exchange gets shut down

>> No.58597475

I'm retarded just not $GME retarded kek

>> No.58597477

I wouldn't even hold this shit long term out of principle now. Fuck supporting a company that uses their investors as collateral that publicly shits on itself. DFV seems to think this company is worth something but RCsure seems to disagree with that.

>> No.58597481

>Should’ve done your research on all possible win conditions. If you did, what happened today and what’s coming up next would be crystal clear to you.
Absolutely. This stream was a genius move and a victory lap.

>> No.58597483

How hasnt that been clipped?

>> No.58597484
File: 892 KB, 1008x768, 1378425859743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cohen isn't dumb. He alone survived Amazon's sweep of e-commerce (Chewy). So he knows how to handle GameStop.

Fuckin Geoff Keighley made 5+million dollars today selling 1 hour's worth of ads. GameStop has a place if it transforms.

But all of those fundies are different from the MOASS/Singularity angle

>> No.58597485

yup, it was a massive shil lfest today and anyone actually scared just can't see the forest through the trees.

>> No.58597486

stream was shit

>> No.58597497

sounds like you care an awful lot about what others do with their money
you wouldn’t happen to be one of sergey’s paid shills…. would you?

>> No.58597500

Sir, this is a GME thread

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.58597504

he actually, unironically is
but at your expense

>> No.58597506

>trust fund jew uses daddy’s money to hire amazon executives to run dog food company that literally never turns a profit until he fucking leaves

>> No.58597507

>GameStop has a place if it transforms.
literally how, is there really a market for a retail location that sells funkopops and random anime bullshit?

>> No.58597512

Man, I just wanna buy some stuff :(

>> No.58597513


retail and malls are dead because the places are infested with niggers and spics

>> No.58597514

I have family who are Jehovah's Witnesses and I'm starting to see why you retards are called a cult kek, nothing but bagholding cope, no matter what slimy move your rat jew CEO makes DIRECTLY AGAINST YOU you idiots will make up some fanfic story of why it's in your favor, as you bags increase in weight by the month
NGMI literally

>> No.58597515

clint don't you agree the company would be better of with cohen dead

>> No.58597516

>21pbtid in a general for a stock he doesn’t own
>sounds like you care an awful lot about what others do with their money
The irony xD

>> No.58597518

idk maybe they could launch an NFT marketplace 6 months after the hype for NFTs had completely died?

>> No.58597522

I don’t care what happens, I’m having fun watching the seethe

>> No.58597524

GME is shit

>> No.58597527
File: 161 KB, 1406x976, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am extremely comfy...

>> No.58597529

these shills are unhinged man wtf is happening lmao
Going to be a long weekend

>> No.58597530

i swingchad the stock faggot
see the OP pic
you’re in MY fucking general

>> No.58597534

you don’t own gme

>> No.58597535

go back

>> No.58597538

>implying you don't all browse r/superstonk like a bunch of faggots

>> No.58597543

Qrd? I see the stream as a genius move on many fronts. Affirming his positions/autonomy, explicitly focusing on long term value, expressing good faith in Ryan Cohen the same am as dilution, trolling the msm generally, potentially honeypotting shorts, tacitly proving to normies he doesn’t positively impact the stock price, reinforcing his friendly/everyman demeanor…it was highly informative. Will the bathchads see glory before the end of the month? Will they nail the board with a fraud payout? Will bbby/dk butterfly return to trade? Or will there be new equity issued in a different company? Is Teddy announced on Father’s Day and is gme involved? Will DFV exercise his calls? Will shortsellers get nailed to the wall? When moon?

>> No.58597547

>he doesn’t know

>> No.58597549

>reddittourist newfag doesn’t know the Chadshill lore
welcome to /gme/ nigger

>> No.58597552

>taking the advice of fucking redditors
>muh DRS
>muh no options
>muh no swingchadding
go back

>> No.58597559


>> No.58597562

Is sharecount really 420?

>> No.58597564
File: 74 KB, 742x510, IMG_0438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58597566

I could go into detail how genius this entire thing is but I don’t want to get anyone in trouble.
Also I’m some random asshole on the internet don’t take what I say seriously haha earth is flat.

>> No.58597568

Let's not forget that any of these malignant assholes haven't even tried closing positions yet.

The hubris is deffening, this is the situation you get when silver spoon maggots run the financial world, they think all they can do is win.

>> No.58597569

Nobody cares niggerfaggot
Don’t you have a subreddit to moderate?

>> No.58597578
File: 89 KB, 452x428, 1634307617063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I read Cohen's career history
Holy shit this is a nightmare.
>Guy makes a virtual company that sells pet shit
>fills the board with yes-man buddies
>makes it a public stock for no reason
>pawns it off to petsmart
>pawns the CEO position off to a jeet and fucks off with some of the board
>he and two buddies infiltrate Gamestop the moment the squeeze starts happening
>the squeeze happening is falsely attributed to him joining the board
>he rolls with this and pretends he was responsible for all growth
>he and his kike buddies that came from chewy keep spinning yarn until the former CEO is ousted and Ryan takes his place
>Ryan immediately cleans out almost the entire board and fills it with his old board from Chewy
What the fuck does DFV see in Gamestop with this disgusting grifter at the helm? I give it two years before this slimy kike resigns and hires a pajeet to take the blame, dumps his entire stock, and then flees to a new company with his band of goons.

>> No.58597579

i thought i was tony dong this week

>> No.58597586

I love the dilution, maybe we can fucking lose these baby ass X and XX holders who provide nothing
I usually add 50 shares to my stack a month, I'll be able to buy these faggots off my stock

>> No.58597591

The answer is no.

>> No.58597592

So it's basically Q tier larp cope then?

>> No.58597595

are you actually fucking retarded?
DFV is from the future and he knows the fucking plays to make

>> No.58597596

>incoherent gibberish
guys i think i finally buck broke NF

>> No.58597600

>I could go into detail how genius this entire thing
No you couldn't
>I don’t want to get anyone in trouble
>Also I’m some random asshole on the internet don’t take what I say seriously
Correct and copy that
>earth is flat.

>> No.58597602

concession accepted

>> No.58597603
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>> No.58597610

for you

>> No.58597614

sorry but only i can offer conciliatory acceptances in my general

>> No.58597622

>Friday night
>market is closed

And they are in here seething.

Why is that?

>> No.58597633

Wow you're really onto something Clit, keep digging bro

>> No.58597636
File: 112 KB, 295x300, 1629090999258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if he's from the future is he working on parallel timeline theory where he doesn't exist in this era according to his history or is he going by closed loop theory where he knows what to do because he already did it so he just needs to follow his own instructions?

>> No.58597637

Because they’re fucked. They know they’re fucked. All they have left is FUD, which they got a tiny amount of ammo for today, for the retards who don’t see the chessboard for what it is.

>> No.58597638

the stock is down 40% of course the baggots are gonna be seething

>> No.58597650

Is this "they" in the room with us now anon?

>> No.58597655
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>> No.58597664

good thank you for understanding baggie

>> No.58597673

If someone wrote this about amc you guys would be in here mocking the fuck out of them for this industrial grade cope

>> No.58597674

>tiny amount of ammo
the DRS nonsense you retards have been screaming about for 3 years got completely DESTROYED in one day

>> No.58597678

>If someone wrote this about amc you guys would be in here mocking the fuck out of them

>> No.58597704
File: 186 KB, 828x869, E79AB31D-F692-4149-BE19-878E67ED5486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is DFV’s thesis?
What is Pulte’s thesis?
What is Ryan observably doing right now?
What do these things have in common?

What has been said about DFV recently?
What will be said/done to DFV if we win?
What was the point of the livestream?
What do these things have in common?

If you can answer these questions correctly you can see enough. If you can’t then oh well hahahaha

>> No.58597708

Arent there still outstanding shorts that are still deep in the red?

>> No.58597722

Tell me 1 other trick AMC has other than dilution, but please do not use popcorn vessels as one.

>> No.58597733

Did Roaring Kitty sell his shares? I missed the livestream.

>> No.58597738

No he’s still all in and he was laughing and drinking a beer while -200,000,000 in the hole today cool as a cucumber.

>> No.58597742

dont worry, chobani will just diloot them more ammo.

>> No.58597755

nah. Ryan is doing a 75 million share offering at $28 to raise a few billion. next week they will announce that the offering is done. share price will go to $36 EOW. and then $44 the following week when Keith exercises his call options.

>> No.58597757
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how could there be?
the shorters proclaimed they closed, gamestop apparently issued more shares to help square the books and move the company forward.
to think otherwise would to be implying criminal activity is afoot. the regulating body would never allow that.

>> No.58597764
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I wish you're right. I have options that don't expire for a while and hope I'm doing the right thing leaving them open.

>> No.58597770

>What is DFV’s thesis?
GME is undervalued and shorted.
>What is Pulte’s thesis?
GME is undervalued and shorted
>What is Ryan observably doing right now?
Printing shares, which is what you do when you want to prevent a short squeeze
>What do these things have in common?

>What has been said about DFV recently?
He's manipulating the markets
>What will be said/done to DFV if we win?
He will exercise his calls.
>What was the point of the livestream?
Prove that his media presence has no effect on price.
>What do these things have in common?

>> No.58597775

It happens on the 11th.


>> No.58597778
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>off by one

>> No.58597791

>off by seven

>> No.58597815

>off by one

>> No.58597881

>off by 73

>> No.58598331

the journey here is wild. it went from fun memes, deerthreads, shitposting and trolling hedgies, to the latest idea that somehow RK is glitching a global AI that might make the global financial system, and possibly through extension other systems, completely collapse

>> No.58598999

Honestly, only way that RC can make up for this 100m rawdogging is if he leaves them out for a quarter or two so we can the 'Lol, 25% DRS'd still :^)' in the report then he does a share recall leaving Cede & Sneed high and dry, cocks in their hands, having to admit their previous numbers were high fraud and low bullshit as we somehow, magically, remain 25% of the outstanding shares DRS'd despite 100m shares disappearing back into the company.