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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58595893 No.58595893 [Reply] [Original]

Is this board LITERALLY just people shilling their pump-n-dump shitcoin scams?

>> No.58595899

No u.

>> No.58595910

Yeah I just come here to laugh at the poorjeets.

>> No.58595916

Uh yeah, pretty much nail on the head

>> No.58595930

Listen man there's always a bigger whale
This guys are the smallest of the whales, not even low mid whale, low low whale
So if any of their projects get sniffed by the greater markets they lose control of their token and consequently get dumped on
Because the bigger whale always wins
There is a possibility of the wind blowing like it has with some certain coins in the past, but no meme team no whale love no nothing can determine if a coin becomes the coin
The best they can do is startup and dump on bitches and hope for the best

>> No.58595962

Yes. Buy peepee. Not a shitcoin, its a pisscoin

>> No.58595975

yeah mostly. theres also some penny stock P&Ds and a group of cultists in a financial suicide pact worshiping a dying retail store

>> No.58596028

Not only do they all dump, BIz doesn't even try to save them when they still have a fairly good market cap. They just let it slowly bleed out and move on to the next. Last week it was Oscar and Booba, today its Peepee and Choccy. They'll meme on the coin that just tanked (that they were also in) from the new TG before the same happens to theirs in a few days if not hours

>> No.58596052
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yeah i'd guess the board is 95% streetshitters now

>> No.58596068

Always has been. Which is why the email verification thing was so silly.

>> No.58596134

They're just raising the entry infrastructure bar for shills you need quite a bit of code to participate

>> No.58596173

Yes, and they were undeterred by making a burner email (obviously), so they stuck around when the jannies added email verification while a ton of real posters left.
As always, mods just need to rangeban most of the world.

>> No.58596198
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Why do you think they implemented email verification retard? do you think we like to see the same fucking thread every day shilling super or link? and not even with that email verification they god rid of all the pajeets lol

>> No.58596211

pajeets will always exist faggot, adapt or gtfo of /biz/

>> No.58596264

yeah great idea, lets just let the fucking pajeets to ruin /biz/

>> No.58596302

People bitching about "pajeets" ruined /biz/. It was always a place where it was up to you to sort through and find the good alpha. Deleting threads constantly and modding people who post about lowcaps has ruined this place.
>b-but the lowcaps are all scammy memes now
That's the market's fault. This whole cycle is about memecoins, unfortunately. If people were buying more legitimate projects, we'd be posting about them more.

>> No.58596329
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I tried to talk about pyth, Qan, Avax, Dot... I almost got no response. No one seems to want to discuss legitimate projects.

>> No.58598149

Kind of sort of. The key is identifying a pump and dump and trying to ride the whale's waves without them knowing. Pic related.
See >>>58580425 for the signals on a pump and dump being manipulated by a single whale called $4chan

>> No.58598154
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Image too large.

>> No.58598260

>theres also some penny stock P&Ds
bayhorse and bllg bros...

>> No.58598268

Don't count your poos before they hatch Panesh

>> No.58598390
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>> No.58598402

>Legitimate projects
Anon..I... There is no such thing in crypto. Its all snake oil being sold to the greater fool. At least meme coins dont try to hide it and there is no token unlocks and inflation by vcs to dump permanently on anyone buying in.

>> No.58598406



>> No.58598420

The only thing I ever made money on here was pepe. I got in on datboi, handsome Squidward, Oscar, and Apu from the second I first saw them here and only lost money.
Now I just come here for shit posting and stocks. I don't fuck with memecoins anymore.
Especially since you have to at least 2x or you lose money.

>> No.58598456

Yes, why hide it?
Its so bad that whenever an honest project comes by, no one can figure out why it exists

>> No.58598459
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I bought a shilled coin here once, it was KERMIT, got an 10x and sold, so I never got skemmed kek

>> No.58598563

I hate shitcoins so much; pointless shit that is pure gambling and draws attention away from btc, slowing its growth.

>> No.58598593

what growth man. that thing isn't usable delusions-san

>> No.58598774

Fuck you aast isn't a shitcoin. get a grip