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58579865 No.58579865 [Reply] [Original]

So previous update/report/details: over several posts, users reading discussion on this board have been following along with my vacation to the most prosperous country north of Estonia: that's right, I'm in Canadia. I am now reporting the results of my afternoon gondola ride for my loyal readers. Well, I feel lucky to have ridden a gondola today (lucky - get it? lucky? lucky? LUCKY?? I thought I'd give you a break from pepemouse ticker PEMO. anyway, gondolences, I know some people don't like these multi shills. Back to gondolizing)

It was a weatherful day on the mountain. Some person unfortunately rode down only somewhat protected, and really didn't expect such pronounced, unrelenting rain during our descent. But, everything turned out well in the end. I will be going deeper into the wilderness over the next few days, and I hope to discover some more gems there to share with you all.

Addendum: This is 100% true: I just threw Texas in my last post as a random shill, but I ended up meeting a Texan on the gondola ride. What an interesting and lucky coincidence.
Clarification: It wasn't actually raining on the gondola, but I went for ice cream afterwards and they were playing Toto by Africa. I took an artistic liberty.

>> No.58579927

This is the most hidden Lucky thread I have ever seen in my life but I hope you're enjoying your vacation!

>> No.58579948
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Real Story?

>> No.58582233

Yes, completely true just like how pepemouse PEMO is an excellent deal right now. Also, if you're not buying the biz spurdo (0xD) you're a traitor and should rethink your actions.