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58577999 No.58577999 [Reply] [Original]

redpill into the six figure hell

>> No.58578025


> he didnt learn the seven figure hell redpill yet

>> No.58578046

That's a woman.

>> No.58578077 [DELETED] 
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Gamble on freshly launched memecoins and hold.

I got into six figure hell with one. The rest (probably two dozen) have gone no where.

Current pick: PEEPEE

>> No.58578314

You won't get it until you experience the torture for yourself.

>> No.58578328
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If u ask me, it's always RETARDIO

>> No.58578337

it's a trap created by your own mind
>I need to protect my six figures, avoid risk
>I need more money, I must take more risk
in this conundrum, you get trapped in a constant dilemma of "risk on/ risk off"
thus is born, 6figure hell

>> No.58578360

When you are a poorfag 6 figures sounds like a lot of money. You imagine many of your problems will magically disappear with that money and you can relax and live a little easier. But when you get there you realise it's not enough to quit your job or buy a property or do anything meaningful that will actually change your life for the better. So you're still waging away. Still paying bills with your wagie check. Still stuck on the mundane life you were when a broke fag, but with the illusion removed that 'once I reach x I will be free'. And it dawns, not even 1 mil will be enough to retire on.

>> No.58578385


Yep. I'm currently in six figure hell and it's a truly crushing existential torture. When you move from four to five figures, you think it's just luck. When you go from five to six figures, you think "holy crap am I really going to make it". When you hit six figures and STAY in six figures, the dread starts kicking in.

>> No.58578407

The thing is, it's the most melodramatic take too. In reality I'm chilling. Not too worried about my folio, can live without stressing about my money and at any moment I can say fuck it, quit my job and travel the world indefinitely. It's kinda comfy too.

>> No.58578446


There's nothing melodramatic about six figure hell. You can't just quit your job and travel the world indefinitely. You can quit your job and travel for a few years, but then you'll need to work extra to get a new job that pays less and you'll need to start from the beginning. So when you're in six figure hell you need to wage exactly like you did before, except you are way less passionate about your work and hate every minute of it.

>> No.58578466

You can easily sell 100k and travel til the next bullrun in which you should reach 1 mil. Obviously I haven't done this as you stated there are risks, it might not work out like that and I am comfy with my life, but the possibility is there.
If I hated every minute of my job I'd quick already desu. Have a go at starting a business, a side hussle, collect unemployment etc. while waiting for my folio for pump.

>> No.58578552

what is eggman up to nowadays anyway?

>> No.58578577

>but then you'll need to work extra to get a new job that pays less and you'll need to start from the beginning.
Nigger, you literally make more money switching jobs

>> No.58578621
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>average 30 year old bong

>> No.58578636

I feel like this is a meme, not every step is up

>> No.58578642

>not every step is up
You're free to not accept a lower offer.

>> No.58578649

this is really unbecoming to spam this here, this project had actual meme potential and you're souring its name

>> No.58578658

As a white male you sometimes don't have that luxury (aka broke me 5+ years ago applying for thousands of jobs)

>> No.58580138
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Getting sent this thread, being an alcoholic on the verge of death, and on a heater with online casinos, which makes this post financially related

>> No.58580160

Why the fuck is this the tenth pisspost Ive seen with digits?

>> No.58580174

i look like this how can i get a gf?

>> No.58580342
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Usually you get there without realizing it, when I started taking my Tuzki I saw that I already had about 300k, watching charts for a long time can make you forget things

>> No.58580945
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Nice trips. It's called 6 figure hell because you could potentially be stuck here forever.

Consider that 100k is actually, unironically, kind of a lot of fuckin' money. Like actually. It's a thousand 100s. It's yuuge. Human brains have trouble visualizing yuuge, especially when its growth is exponential in nature.

What can you do with 100k? A lot of fuckin' shit man. You can buy literally almost anything you want now. Get that sick guitar+amp stack you always wanted, pay for a real no-shitter adobe license w/ a sick ass drawing tablet, a fuckin' car paid all in cash, you name it, you can do it. Your dividends also start snowballing here as 1% is now a thousand bucks and that shit compounds faster than the human mind can comprehend.

What can't you do with 100k? Quit your job. It's not enough to an neet mode. Not yet. But now here's a fundamental issue: 1% is now a thousand bucks, so your contributions from your job are starting to diminish here. Your growth is slowly being replaced by actual market movement. Mistakes are harder to recover from. You can seriously, literally, set yourself back decades financially speaking. All that waging for nothing.

The correct way to proceed is to keep doing what you were doing that brought you up from 4 figs to 5, then now here to 6. But obviously, we don't do that. Some people lock down entirely, going full on boomer mode willing to settle for +4%/yr gainz in some sub-par bond blended fixed income/dividend etf. Some people go full retard and full port into options or small caps trying to pull baggers in a vain attempt to skip through this torturous inferno. Some fucktards actually withdraw and buy a fuckin' car in cash. The results usually keep one here forever (or worse, boot them back down to 5).

So uh, yeah. Welcome to hell. Get cozy coz you're gonna be here a while.
>t. 180k

>> No.58580995

Is that baggot?

>> No.58581002

Switching jobs, not quitting and then NEETing for 5 years.

>> No.58581014

Drop more incelcore music senpai.

>> No.58581235

180k hellboy here, im all in btc and already feel like a risk avoidant boomer

>> No.58581588

Im at 97k and already despise working. I cant do this anymore, all I do is open Excel and calculate my future networth at different BTC CAGRS. I want to exit

>> No.58581608

This is what I did the past 4 months. I have mid six figures and I quit my job when it became absolutely unbearable. Just gambling on the price continuing to increase. So far I'm up almost twice my former yearly salary since I quit.

>> No.58581844


your pandemic era streams were comfy brother

>> No.58581856
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When you are in 6 figure hell you worry about losing it and stop taking the risks that got you to 6 figures.

t. going on my 9th year

>> No.58581911

100k gives you a stepping stone into the millionaire club. Just throw it into a decent ETF that will average 12-18% growth annually and contribute 1400 a month to it. After 12 years you'll have a million dollars which means you made it into the top 1% (Unless we have Weimar Tier inflation in between)

>> No.58585827
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>he didn't take the honkler oath to bathe in the unlimited riches by just buying the honkler bags
i pray for you my nigga, i seriously do

>> No.58585834

thats a.... i dont even know what that is an alien? what the fuck is that

>> No.58586583

Its crazy

>> No.58586637

Based anon, part of me is afraid of the leap. Good luck.

>> No.58587146
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ive been in 6 fig hell for 4 months
currently 250k
i havent adjusted my risk exposure down
i strongly believe in what i hold, and thats the only reason i got the gains to begin with...
...but i mostly just have a lot of one small cap token, so no matter how good the project is, its taking a lot of nerve to be doing this, especially for an extended period
i just cant fucking wage anymore though
waking up early to go to wagie normie hell all day, driving through the traffic there and back. getting all dressed up to do stressful yet meaningless bullshit to earn a paycheck thats worth nothing
some days my portfolio will move more more than my annual salary but i know its still just not enough to quit yet

bullrun come NOW!!!

>> No.58588364
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eggy I love you, don't be a retard stop gambling

>> No.58588404

I just inherited $125k which is invested in gram grams Wells Fargo account. I need to pursue education or trade, what do?

>> No.58588407
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>> No.58588460

this is currently me holy shit.

>> No.58590213
File: 164 KB, 497x441, SmugLink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> in "dreaded 6 figure hell" at $700K or some shit
> staking apy at 4%
> Can cash out staking rewards with no guilt
> Looking to build a company using the tech of the project I invested in to give me such GAINS
> Only a matter of a waiting game before I return to 7 figure success and then hit 8 figure heaven

Sorry bros, I don't know what "6 figure hell" is

>> No.58591220

Kek this. it’s like thinking you can see the peak of the mountain on the way up but when you get there you then see the real peak is fucking miles off in the distance. 6 figures is just the beginning.

>> No.58591293

You better wait for Peaq's listing, as I know this will be massive. I'm expecting big things from it since it's the hub for DePINs.

>> No.58591465

pls someone

>> No.58592019