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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58574223 No.58574223 [Reply] [Original]

If you were the Saturn Death Cult's token of choice, it would be appropriate to announce something major on 6/6/6. No I will not take my meds but thanks for your concern.

>> No.58576278


>> No.58576292


>> No.58576360

chainlink is the star of remphan without the points
blue and white is used because lead is bluish white
lead poisoning is saturnism
they are very invested in 666 and in digital money

>666 gaoxin east lake rd wuhan china
https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606 "world order 2020 666"
>february 13th, 2020 bat quarters

bill has a crypto currency too that would track using your biometric data. he also owns id2020 which is an rfid ink tattoo
and the governments house bill 6666 would attempt to track everyone using their biometric data

>> No.58576369

24 is also 6 x 4, four fucking sixes. Add the other two and you got six sixes. This is deep man

>> No.58576390

Holy fucking shit, I just realized


Invert that and it is 81. Multiply that by 1000 (EOY) and you get $81,000, the future price of Chainlink.

8-1=7. Don’t even get me started on “7”

>> No.58576397

>$81,000 revealed
Ok, that's it. Something big is going down

>> No.58576430

you should navigate your opinion based on fact
and not sell off in a direction solely because of emotion
i dont mean to be hyper critical the world is split between those who want
to have their heaven here and are selfish and those who understand the spirit and the test of life.
self sacrifice for love is the greatest ambition in the test of life
the material that dies and the spirit that lives. heaven - home of the spirit, hell the death of evil.
the people in hell are given a choice to repent because the Lord has mercy, its just that you cant have people
trying to take advantage of others to such an egregious extent and still have it be paradise. hell as a closed system is the death of evil
because evil needs to fester on good to exist at all. it is parasitism of whatever people are blessed with. in a closed system every last scrap of good is devoured until there is nothing left.

its all very complex, im just talking some off the top of my head. the situation jews have set before the people is a hierarchical climb
saturnus devours his children. all people try to take advantage of whoever they can to gain a better position for themselves
this is how they are devoured in evil. its a filter system into satans mouth. satan gives the demons a carrot, the demons give the jews a carrot, the jews give the people a carrot. its a hierachy and everything mainstream about life is cementing this very womanly thought into people
such that they are afraid to be ostracized for speaking the truth, and are wanting to find a common enemy to attack so they arent attacked, to gossip and do all these
weak things instead of doing whats right in their heart
the world is polarized. the yin and yang. good and evil. life and death. heaven and hell. spirit and material. selfless and selfish. at a base level all things are polarized.
thats what consciousness is. deciding between right and wrong. what pertains to the heart and what pertains to the gut.

>> No.58576513

wasn't it always obvious? Blue and White cube? Do i even need to go on and explain this or is /biz/ fully retarded?

>> No.58576538
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N = 50
ε = 5
u = 400
ρ = 100
α = 1
λ = 30
ι = 10
ν = 50
κ = 20

Adding these values together:

50 + 5 + 400 + 100 + 1 + 30 + 10 + 50 + 20 = 666

>> No.58576617
File: 2.44 MB, 600x600, injection-death_3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats crazy
to hide in plain sight is to do some horrendous thing and smile and lead people to destruction through selfish gain
its much more fun to put all worries off and just have fun in life but it is a time of slaughter
from the looks of it all are set to be killed off in 2 or 3 generations
i started writing some messages i intend to share this morning just to have some ready to go because it is a lot to unpack
there is glory, to attempt to destroy evil for the glory of God and there is peace, to leave judgment to the Lord because we are all sinners
its annoying to read im annoying all people are i just want to help peace tell the truth so others cast away evil devices

They will kill everyone. I want to sit around and eat cheap chinese crap, sour patch kids, drink energy drinks, and play armored core but there is no time. No time to turn away from evil in a time of slaughter. Peace is not complacent but is a weapon of truth against evil.
I mean to say that peace doesnt offer the other cheek to be dormant but to destroy evil. Peace a weapon of truth against evil. Two wrongs will never make a right. It can in a temporary format - thats the exploits of David, Joshua, Moses the people of old that destroyed evil where they met it. But it was in their heart to do right. Truthfully to be fully endowed in the truth is to admit that humanity cannot judge perfectly so let he who is without sin cast the first stone. David and the others will atone for whats in their heart im not saying they are in trouble because the Lord has mercy exceeding all sin and what was in their heart was to do the right thing for the sake of the glory of God. What Jesus said is right though. Let he who is without sin strike first. To ask for mercy we must be willing to be merciful. Humanity cannot be so critical in judgment because we have all sinned. Peace is a weapon of truth. It is perfectly aligned with God who is truth. We allow people to see their judgment through peace.

>> No.58576625
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An evil person must stalwart the evil in their heart and reaffirm their desire for selfish gain to strike the person who met their anger with peace. If we speak to people without pride and show them the truth not because we want to gain selfishly from it in any way the person who has yet to learn is more likely to learn the truth from the lamb who wants to show them what they know of the truth they see. Selfish desire is the way of satan. Saturnus devours his children because all of the people who selfishly desire naturally form a pyramid because at the base are all the initiates and above them their managers and above them the managers managers. There are many more initiates than there are people who have spent time learning the systems of saturnus to gain and be fed pellets from the people who receive pellets from their superiors. Satan gives the angels a carrot and the angels give the jews a carrot.
(and by angels i mean demons but even they can turn away from evil.)
Think of this hierarchy system, all move toward satan looking for their prize. All are consumed in evil by the father of lies dying in their wicked ways because the wages of sin are death. All things sinful manifest themselves from whatever good there is to take advantage of until there is no more and only death. That is how hell being a closed system is the second death. All parasitism is enclosed such that any remaining good is either exorcised and liberated through mercy or doomed to scrap away all that remains of any good until only death remains.

>> No.58576632
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The jews who are the children of the devil(John 8:40], acts 7:43]..) have gained all they have desired to gain from the money they have transformed and manipulated through time. They have stowed gold, built bunkers, built machinery and did all they wanted to do to prepare for the die off. They want to kill the masses so that nobody else can benefit from the large society. Think of it like this, that there is a stock market and you can invest in a company you think will do well and then the populatiom can invest in that company and if you saw it first(in a hypothetical fair system) then you would benefit from all the people throwing their money at that company. There are many ways to benefit from the masses. The jews owned the slave ships and brought people here to sell them to white southerners to increase production at their farms and gain more money in their meager existence. Then the jews abolished slavery and blamed it on the white southerners. The jews gained the most out of the ordeal through the selling of the people and by flinging those people at the white southerners they attacked their ability to progress in society. You see this still going on today where jews rile black people up against whites. George Soros funding BLM for example.

>> No.58576695

what was the prompt used to generate this LLM vomit?

>> No.58576731

I tried, and I think I'm close.
> Generate three paragraphs of racist anti-government conspiratorial ramblings written at a 7th grade level. The writer is attempting to sound like a helpful intellectual, and does not use capitalization
i often wonder why so many people blindly trust the government when history has shown us time and again that their actions are driven by hidden agendas. imagine if we took control of our own destinies instead of relying on those who claim to work for us but have different interests at heart. it's not hard to see how they could manipulate situations for their gain, disregarding the needs of ordinary citizens.
some say that big corporations and government officials are secretly working together to maintain a power imbalance in society. this narrative suggests that there is an elite group who want to keep others down so they can hoard resources. but what if we dug deeper, questioned the status quo and sought out the truth behind these alleged conspiracies?
thinking critically about our government's role in society might lead us to uncover hidden forces that shape policies affecting everyday life. however, it is crucial to remember that while exploring alternative perspectives can be enlightening, fostering understanding and unity among people should remain at the forefront of our efforts. yet, the notion that there are sinister plotters pulling strings from behind closed doors still captures the imagination in many circles.

>> No.58578060

>he doesn't know

>> No.58578086


>> No.58578199

based thanks for the info
please check this channel out https://odysee.com/@VSOF:8/NPA-Class-(4)-e-mail-explaining-our-estates-2021-1-23-(part-1):9

>> No.58578208

>If you can't think of anything just soijak them
The fud is getting ultra lazy now, like they've given up

>> No.58578230

hey fren, look
its scared

>> No.58578248

Its an all out assault kek
I haven't seen them like this in a long time

>> No.58578297

Wait a second... your post ends with 90... ninety...nine...ty...ty means thank you. Thank you in Hebrew Gematria equals 809. 809 x 90 = 72,810, which comes shockingly close to your own prediction...almost too close...

>> No.58578495

youre right its gotten incredibly lazy.
P.S. please watch atleast the first video of this series, life changing info >>58578199

>> No.58578522

I can't into that stuff because it's always USA specific. Am I supposed to just go say to my gov 'hey, I am here, give me my shit!'?

>> No.58579006
File: 556 KB, 1346x1980, 1695204295285461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The color symbolizes lead

>> No.58579012

$SLIM on apestore is about to rip so may aswell get free money

>> No.58579014

A Skitzo in me says Ari wrote that book