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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180104-075503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5857294 No.5857294 [Reply] [Original]

>Still a kissless virgin

>> No.5857367

I’ll kiss you for some of them sweet bitcorns.

>> No.5857382

I dont believe you.

>> No.5857408

Have you made an attempt to get yourself out there since 30? I mean... Do you do anything social, have you made any moves on any women, etc etc for the past 5 years?

>> No.5857447

Give me one million in BTC and I can make you a Chad stud who fucks local hot roasties like it’s nothing.

>> No.5857476

just b urself


>> No.5857579
File: 55 KB, 616x519, 1515024988958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is going to be nothing but begging pajeets, isn't it?

>> No.5857610

If that's really your cryptofolio, then it's a tragedy you haven't hired the finest prostitutes the world has to offer to de kissless virginize you, and I have little sympathy.

Although sympathy, like kisses, can be bought.

>> No.5857621


I'll be your first time opie

Hope you're okay with ungroomed men



>> No.5857630

Don’t listen to this guy >>5857447

Instead give me the million and I can show you how to get 100’s of hot singles in your are with this one weird trick that doctors hate.

>> No.5857642

You are on the way to realization that money does, in fact, no equal happiness.

What are your options OP? If you could be frank with yourself you would firstly realize that you do not need to be glued to a screen to maintain a comfy future financially.

You need to figure out how to complement your life even with lots of gold.

As the son of an alcoholic, rich father I know a lot of these pitfalls.

Nothing is too late btw. We can talk about this

>> No.5857680 [DELETED] 

help me, I'm a broken med student. Id apreciate if you chose me over the pajeets

ether: 0xee328ccC79555E95827131E72395D46C43F29777

>> No.5857820

OP if I was you I'd cash out a bit, have fun, go on holiday. Catch some rays, smoke some shit, go scuba diving, explore. You don't need to work ever again with this much cash.

Have fun you rich fucker.

>> No.5857925


OP, what you need is to get rid of some of those ether, you have too many. Once you do, you'll feel light and 100% not be a kissless virgin <3


>> No.5857957


>> No.5857988

MODS, ban the beggars as you promised.

>> No.5858002 [DELETED] 

prove me this blockfolio isn't fake OP

0x591a70ae6655b4055423c22412e3a843d6ed1869 eth

>> No.5858026


>> No.5858062

OP they don't believe you. Send me 1 ETH and I'll vouch for you.


>> No.5858610
File: 201 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20180104-054425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel OP

>> No.5858655

Pls send me

>> No.5858731

Get into this PnD backed by whales. Guaranteed profits..

https://discord dot gg/hTTEEt2

>> No.5858790

OP, is this portfolio real? amazing.

>> No.5858992

wow im 18 just started i have nothing :-( help me just a small amount off lite coin? ill pass it forward if i make :-) LYao9rpQrFvxuiq8mCLgHfDLfnc6vLsV4u

>> No.5859114

crypto is the financial beta uprising.

all these NEETs making ridiculous bank with the added bonus of 0 experience in the real world.

i am a 30 y/o khv and i would say my social life truly ended after the age of 14. the normie struggle is for financial success, but that has always come easily to me. my struggle is for what comes easily to normies.

im a fucking alien bros

>> No.5859179

those damn LINK presalers. they can't keep getting away with it!!

>> No.5859222

you have 1btc lmao, most people have more than that in there bank accounts as disposable income

>> No.5859271

Take a good look at the people posting in this thread and realize that you are sharing the board with them. They are the ones that shill you shitcoins, they are the ones causing FUD, they are the ones giving out financial and life advice.

>> No.5859411

please sir im poor 13ZcpNq31uqCHo4cB3tU1uyi1rn7ZaXWkT

>> No.5859432


If youre not LARPing, congratz OP.

>> No.5859438

are you blind

>> No.5859500
File: 10 KB, 480x360, bean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone send me some lite coin i have nothing i need help ;-( LYao9rpQrFvxuiq8mCLgHfDLfnc6vLsV4u

>> No.5859563
File: 645 KB, 558x589, 1318748230306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these giant fucking faggots begging
go kill yourselves holy SHIT

>> No.5859570


As crazy as this is going to sound, giving to others and donating to charity. Seeing the money that doesnt make you happy make someone crazily happy could be what you need.

If you feel like donating here is my ETH address: 0xc0a1495601925145327 4c66f09e33a2d2ececfb3

Good luck mate hope you find happiness

>> No.5859611

jump off a tall building retard

>> No.5859675

Its a fake, retards

>> No.5859802

ban this pajeet

>> No.5859806

This is obviously a LARP.


>> No.5859866

fake and gay

except the virgin part.


>> No.5859896

fucking cucked shameless braindead pajeets...do it yourself

>> No.5859909

What would you prefer? The insane wealth you have now, or a loving wife, beautiful kids and a mediocre but stable job that you hate, but have good coworkers you enjoy being around?