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58570863 No.58570863 [Reply] [Original]

Genuine question, what's life like having an iq of 120?

>> No.58570887

you just think too much about everything you encounter, theres just an extra step when it comes to executing and taking action; that is to turn off the thinking part of your brain and just dive into action without hesitating and doubting ur judgement. Higher IQs fall into analysis paralysis. A sub 80 is the best at executing and getting shit done. Very high IQs must learn when to stop the analysis and just ape head first into action in subjects they barely understand.

>> No.58570896

wouldn't know sorry anon and good luck you'll need it.

>> No.58570919

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.58570948

When you have a sub 80 iq everything seems really slow. You're not motivated to do anything because nothing interests you, and if you do, you'll inevitably give up.

And you have no idea what's going on. You're constantly yet you have no idea what's causing it.

>> No.58570960

It's a terrible existence anon. As the other poster stated, you will overanalyze every detail of your life to the point where you're incapable of doing anything.

You probably won't get married once you assess the risk of marriage and it's even more unlikely that you'll have children because foresight will steer you away from the challenge.

It's a lonely life.

>> No.58570966

I do this and I cannot even finish an IQ test

>> No.58570987

sub 80 are good Execter, Horrible leaders. Just lead them and show them what to do and they will move mountains. High IQ fags gonna ask a gazillion questions before getting into action, they wanna understand and analyse every permutation and combination without risking anything in action. sub 80 just does it.

Charge at the gunfire, Head first, No Questions Asked.

>> No.58570992


>> No.58571521

meh not very different ffrom having normal iq

>> No.58571572

Insufficient data for meaningful answer.
"Emotional intelligence", or whatever the cool kids call it nowadays, has a lot more to do with the quality of your social interactions and your overall life overall.
Analytical intelligence is useful for STEM careers, so you can make a decent living playing with math, or code, or both (inb4 they're the same picture)
If you look for them, you will find many harmful stereotypes that high IQ folks as necessarily socially maladapted introverted autists that live in their own world and can't maintain eye contact. Don't fall for those memes, anon.
Develop your emotional intelligence by practicing social interactions. Learn from every outcome, and grow. Your future self will thank you.

>> No.58571993

120 is still pretty low in the grand scheme of things and about 1 in 10 people are at this level, good enough to become a decent manager or STEM wagie, but that's about it
being a +1 SD midwit is hell, they fall into the trap of thinking they're much smarter than they really are until the 130s+ show up

>> No.58572550 [DELETED] 
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I have an IQ of 122 and unironically hold KERMIT
It's not that different, you're just stupid sometimes like everyone else

>> No.58572585

you can notice obvious things, it can also come to you as a surprise that a lot of people can't. thats about it

>> No.58572682

in terms of skill aquisition/ability, it feels like theres no blocks whatsoever

>> No.58572711

There's been a push to paint stereotypically high IQ individuals as autistic social gimps

>> No.58572723

Im not sure i just kinda like doing stuff and figuring out things on my own
i can't really deal w/ being taught stuff it doesn't help me at all just is kind of frustrating
i have a hard time communicating with people and they often think I'm lying/making excuses for my reasoning for things, feel like I'll say something what I think/feel or make a joke and just get a blank stare
i'm pretty socially maladapted but it doesn't really bother me, happy just diving into my hobbies/fields of interest on my own for the most part, have some stuff I do to maybe get more socially engaged but it's kind of draining to do

>> No.58572772

I imagine it's like grasping at smoke.

>> No.58572780

But I say this only based on the meme.

>> No.58572803
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>muh IQ
Big whoop. I'd rather be a Rockstar, Rap Star or be 6' 8" and play basketball like Michael Jordan than have a 120 or even 180 IQ.

>> No.58572919

I suspect my IQ is about 120
>Did great in school always
>Pretty good at logically thinking through things
>Pretty good at understanding new topics
>Easily understand cause and effect and how the retards around me sabotage themselves constantly
>Struggle with actual difficult topics like mid/high tier physics
>Struggle with learning new languages
>Recognize I've worked with multiple people that are more intelligent than I am
Hence I became a family doctor

>> No.58574192
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>life like having an iq of 120?
a lot of self-imposed expectations, things that can be solved by not overthinking stuff
I mean I finally made a move on kendu inu and took a bunch of that shit before I missed the green numbers, just because I stopped thinking

>> No.58574196

It's the dumb guys who thinks they are smart that are the worst. They treat me like I am dumb, but are so stupid about it. Then they hate me.

>> No.58574227
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Being high IQ and ugly will be torture if you don't take advantage of it.

Just look at online politics influencers like ben Shapiro or destiny. Extremely ugly but they did pretty good. Anthony Padilla or Michael Jackson are examples of high IQ and high beauty.

>> No.58574339

That's a solid IQ. You can get into pretty much any profession at that point. It's not like with lower IQ's where people just accept that they're bad at math or something for the rest of their life. IQ is positively associated with financial success up until like the 140's, which is where the difficulty socializing and imbalanced intelligence really start to become noticeable.

>> No.58574362

IQ discussion has been ruined by people taking online tests or estimating. Unless you've taken a ~2 hour mensa test or a test administered by a psychologist in a controlled setting your iq is meaningless (T. 133 or 137 iq mensa member). I joined just to take the test and see what my iq was and let the membership lapse. I'm unironically smart but lazy with bipolar and (almost certainly but not diagnosed because it costs 1.2kUSD adhd)

>> No.58574566

Idk I can't imagine what it's like to be that dumb

>> No.58574599

>It's a lonely life.

>> No.58574631

sometimes i wish i was dumb and normie
life looks easy

>> No.58574784

Underrated. More than anything else you just see things and are surprised (when you're young) when other people don't. You get promoted at work because you can watch two people talking past each other without really comprehending what the other is saying and you can say the one thing that gets them on the same page and gets their asses moving again. It seemed obvious to you but they couldn't see it until you pointed at it. That sort of thing.

I don't know if this is a 120 thing I just know it's an above-average thing.

>> No.58575915

Iq wise the 100 iq white goyim is like a 80 iq nigger compared to the 120 iq ashkenazi jew. This is why the mog goyim so hard and always scam them easily, they're drooling niggers mentally.
There's also the 150 iq philosopher king geniuses that make up the illuminati and control all the secret societies and secretly control humanity

>> No.58576175


online IQ tests are not totally meaningless. there is some significant correlation.

if your IQ is really that high you should understand this.

>> No.58576185

it's horrible. too smart to be happy but not smart enough to earn $800k tc as a faang swe

>> No.58576230
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Frustrating. You're smart enough that you realize midwits are in some ways even less human than literal 80 IQ's, but you're probably not smart (and driven) enough to be among the actual architects and leaders of the world. Depending on your exact capabilities, you're at best a high-performing drone in the system essentially playing the same game all the midwits are or you fall by the wayside and join the lumpen along with the 80 IQ's. In any case because of your intelligence you'll feel the degradation and suffering all the more keenly.

>> No.58576234

Ignoring the ones that lie to give you high or low results, the ones that are way too short, the ones that have the same answers so you can quickly redo them and the ones that people rush through for adhd? Most people don't take a random online IQ test as seriously as an in person one they've paid for and taken time out of their day to do.

this one may be semi decent idk


>> No.58576285

As a high IQ, basically you go around in life, looking at mongrel retards doing stupid shit and your mind is consumed with all the things they are doing wrong, but nothing you do can help them. They are doomed, and you are doomed with them since you are just a single person.

The spirit of humanity is driving the ship and you must simply submit to it because there is no escape from it. You're merely damned to view something that is not meant to be seen. The keeper of the unspeakable

>> No.58576779
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> We're all puppets, Laurie. I'm just a puppet who can see the strings.
> t. average 4chaner

>> No.58577198
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Wouldn't know, that's slow zone.

>> No.58578581 [DELETED] 
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You buy CONAN instead of LINK
And MY IQ is 130

>> No.58578608

I imagine its much like being 5'11''

>> No.58578646

I was tested multiple times without any preparation and I got bretty good scores. Life is very frustrating. Normies don't really get concepts and connect the dots the way smart people do, and it's pretty hard to find smart people in this world, so life gets lonely. It's hard to connect with average people. You seem weird to them, but the thing is, they are weird to you as well. They need /s tags in real life. They don't have the same ambitions or passions or desires to seize the day. They are happy with working 8 hours a day, drinking beer in front of the TV for another 8 and sleeping for another 8 every day until they die. Periodic holidays and rituals are made for such people, so that they can have at least some points in time they can use to memorise events, otherwise it would all become a big blur. Life was always very easy for me, I never studied in school because I cheated and my grades were always okay, so I never bothered picking up any textbooks. I think this makes me, on some level, connected to the guy who invented the wheel. I mastered cheating and I even cheated on my university finals by googling all information I needed. It's a different kind of smarts.

>> No.58578659

Not very guud

>> No.58578668
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yeah cause 120 is midwit

>> No.58580234

120 is hell, you are still too stupid to understand really complex stuff no matter what
130 (me) is literally heaven, but only after you put in the work to learn philosophy and have mastered your reasoning ability (so that you rule it instead of it ruling you, like anons here are complaining about)

"smart people are unhappy" is an extremely funny cope by retards though, I couldn't imagine how shit your life must be when you're a sack of shit for brains

>> No.58580250

I was tested as a child at 147. I don't give a shit. The world isn't built for people like me. I just keep to myself and chase my passions, none of which involve other people or making money or contributing to society. I just want to be left the fuck alone.

>> No.58580284

aint that the truth

>> No.58580325

yeah nobody has ever thought that everyone around us are just robots and you're the only real human in the room, what an original and thoughtful idea that just so happens to make you feel important, just smart enough to feel smugly superior to everyone without ever realising you are the mirror you are looking into

>> No.58580429

I took a test and got 120. It may or may not have been accurate. I'm capable enough to where I can do Leetcode hards at a push but I'm very prone to overthinking and depression. A mixed bag.

Kek this is my exact height. I also have an above-average-but-not-huge penis. I've done poorly in life thus far though lmao. Mental health/outlook is vital for success regardless of IQ I think

>> No.58582320

for the record I think everyone who takes an IQ test should be given a trophy just for completing it.

>> No.58582341

Constant unsolvable existential doubts, analysis paralysis as others have mentioned, likely physical ailments since your brain takes up so much of your body's energy

>> No.58582536

>I can do Leetcode hards
That's just pattern recognition and some studying/training/memorizing

>> No.58582560

Genuine question, what's life like with an OP who is heterosexual and makes relevant threads?

>> No.58582670

top 7% is pretty low, yeah thats not how stats work.

people confuse IQ with success. I went to high school with a super smart kid, top of class without trying, high 1500s SAT 99th percentile, full ride to an ivy league, rich parents and he's dead of a drug overdose because he got addicted to heroin. On the other hand I grew up with nothing, poor but educated parents, always struggled to remain in the top 10% academically, went to a mid tier school with loans, and now I'm alive and doing well at a mega corp. Who's the real winner there? I'm going to say me but it might really be him since he got to leave clown world. internet IQ tests are bullshit anyway, i got a 1380 on the SAT which was 92nd percentile

Success takes effort, persistence and luck. without those 3 IQ doesn't matter at all. To think you'd rather be the 190 IQ chud farming rice in the turd world without running water is below a midwit take. Dunning kruger is also very real. In reality the people who think they're midwits are actually a lot smarter than those who think they're smart.

>> No.58582872

This is the only thing that requires success.

>> No.58583119
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i think my iq is high and its great
people love to whine about shit no matter what iq bracket youre in, but i truly believe life is beautiful
like anyone, you get dealt hard shit to deal with, but if youre smart and disciplined, you can handle the mental load of actively learning from hardships so you can make your life easier in the future
with enough of this growth, the problems you have may still suck, but theyre better problems to deal with than the problems youd have if you didnt know how to learn.

i enjoy the over-analyzing that other anons have described
practicing condensing your analyses into easily digestible tldrs will help simplify issues while still letting you keep all the excess information

>> No.58583210

IQ is just processing info faster. Or solving problems faster. As long as youre not sub 95, there technically nothing you cant do that a 140er can. They just do it faster. Focus and determination are more important traits

>> No.58585818

>put in the work to learn philosophy and have mastered your reasoning ability
How to? Or gib books pls.
Classic midwit post go back

>> No.58585838 [DELETED] 

I can present all the facts and information that made me arrive at x and someone else will arrive at y. Regardless of time lapsed. IQ matters..

>> No.58585847

can't relate, 140iq here.
I don't talk to low iq people for long, they're annoying and vain

>> No.58586758

I don't care if you score 130+ on some online IQ test. If you're so intelligent go write a book or invent something and quit bragging about how you memorized 7 out of 9 geometric shapes in 10 seconds or less.

>> No.58587696

Formally tested at 128. I think of the scene from Willy Wonka when he goes “stop please don’t”. You see the car crashes happen in slow motion but no one wants to change course. Pure pain.

I’m trying to get my life together. Not sure how beyond looksmaxxing. I need to figure out a moderately high salary career but I’ve kinda checked out of civilization. I hate dishonesty and would prefer to help people

>> No.58587906

and yet you have neither....

>> No.58588359
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>> No.58588523

I am a peculiar case. formally tested 138 but can't do math beyond highschool level. I am fluid in 5 languages and have photographic memory. I am also very good at pattern recognition and abstract thinking. fun fact: I always have lucid dreams since childhood, every fucking night and I can't avoid it.

>> No.58588560

The honest answer is lonely. And it only gets worse the higher you go. I’ve tested at 132 and I may as well be a space alien to, at least in my day to day experience, like 90% of the population. Thankfully I have a few great friends and that’s all you need, but I have a ton of encounters with people who rapidly become resentful or angry because I won’t endorse or entertain what amounts to mental illness levels of crappy thinking. And the fucking people who after getting a decent read on your intellect start doing their best impersonation of what a 100 IQ person thinks a 120+ IQ acts like…They start trying to talk about topics they’re like 3 layers of prerequisites unqualified to talk about and you’re just thinking the whole time “you know, we could just talk about big fat asses or simply just not talk to each other at all and both of us would probably be having a better time.” I’m very grateful for my IQ, but there’s no free lunch.

>> No.58588574

did daddy stick around? a single mother is an auto -20 real world iq points regardless of what some test in 3rd grade told you. 120 is bright enough to brute force 80% of anything but then meet resistance on the final 20%. if you give up you will forever be a manqué dilettante and might as well be +/- 0 SDs from the mean

>> No.58588601

I'm a senior business analyst, 128 IQ, literally never suffer analysis paralysis.
That's likely a psychological barrier you're coming up against. Got an example?
Morons treat you like a genius for solving their 'problems' in three questions, a ctrl+f or one phone call. My company is full of Indians now and then need constant hand holding on things that can be logically determined.
I cruise along sometimes doing very little work, sometimes flat out, always getting praised for dealing with 'complex' situations (they aren't, cowards just don't take initiative to talk to a team lead or force a deadline on someone with a clear threat attached to motivate them).
Rough, I had an experience like that, drug induced, once in my youth. It was abysmal, like I could hear the vast empty expanse of thought.
I'm married and have a child. I've always been up front in the relationship that I would sooner burn everything I have to the ground than get robbed. You're 'assessing risk' against a hypothetical average comprised massively with sample people you either have no chance with or would want no chance with. I shouldn't bother to speak on it because I don't waste energy on doomers that removed themselves from the continuation of their people. They've strayed so far from having a long term objective that they just seek to minimise hardship, barely capable of self investment.

>> No.58588607

Most tests I've done gave me an IQ higher than that and my life is torture but I'm not sure how much of this is correlated to my IQ.

>> No.58588873

>Stanford Binet 132 IQ, Run own business, Invested in silver.

Analysis paralysis is a fucking meme. Eventually you realize that you can't know and control all variables and will have to either shit or get off the pot. The advantage is you can clearly see patterns and behaviors that others can't and can stack them to give yourself a better edge in the things you attempt to accomplish (but this doesn't matter if you refuse to actually act and do something).

The worse part, without question, is knowing that 98% of the population is less intelligent than I am. I don't "feel" particularly smart. I know I am, I know that I am quicker than the average person and by a wide gap but it never "feels" like that should be true. I try not to think about the implications that the gap in intelligence between me and someone who is baseline 100IQ is the equivalent of someone who is baseline 100IQ and someone who is borderline retarded. Getting caught up thinking about that can make you jaded and misanthropic. Also conversation with people who (I assume are) sub 110 can get exhausting as it requires clarification on things that are conversationally subtextual and it annoys me to no end as it slows the pace of everything down.

>> No.58589470

I don't honestly know how much impact IQ alone has on general intelligence or common sense.
A lot of ~120IQ people are extremely conformist and unwilling to go against establishment doctrine, so what's the point or benefit to having an above average IQ?
You also see a lot of people in corporate boardrooms and politics who obviously don't have IQ's over 100 yet they're successful often precisely because they're stupid and craven which is why IQ isn't used to choose the people who are most suitable for those positions.

The majority of the Western world is unfortunately sliding into the territory of idiocracy because the people at the top have for decades chosen to promote people who they don't perceive as being a threat to them, the problem is that as their numbers have grown they now present a threat to the entire system because their seniors are retiring and they're the ones who are taking the reigns of power.

>> No.58589498

>A lot of ~120IQ people are extremely conformist and unwilling to go against establishment doctrine, so what's the point or benefit to having an above average IQ?

The system desincentivizes smart people from working at their full potentia. A lot of 120 IQ people are just cruising through life like some other anons have already said. With these many taes and regulations on businesses it's just easier to take a job you are overwualified for and live a worry-free life.

>> No.58589513

My wife basically does this. We're mortgage free and have no debt so my wife just does a civil service job that's work from home 3 days a week, the office is a five minute walk from our house.
There's no reason to work hard in 2024, there is zero reward or incentive.

>> No.58589631

You get taxed to hell and then there is the "you are greedy and evil" social connotation. We are too deep into the "everyone is equal" mantra.

>> No.58589659

>We are too deep into the "everyone is equal" mantra.
There is no peaceful solution or resolution to this situation because the people who are failing will never admit to being inferior, they will always blame the superior for their failure.

>> No.58589679

How scary to think my doctor could be browsing 4chan on his breaks.

>> No.58589773

Iq means fuck all if you don't know how to deal with social interactions. Networking is everything, unless you're in the genius level territory and have a tallent 99% of the population doesn't have you'll be constantly competing with people who know how to kiss ass better than you, get promotions because they're more pleasant to be around etc. Anyway, as for question in Op i have no idea because i am borderline retarded.