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File: 387 KB, 500x750, _SERGEY_TOXIC_GF_SET-2-NEW-EOP-500x750-1153767589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58568499 No.58568499 [Reply] [Original]

Is Sergey getting cucked by toxic women? Is that what this means? I have a weird fetish where I date toxic women and read about how bad toxic women are for you. I also hold Chainlink. Anyway, after reading a bunch of Chainlink threads on /biz/, while googling (or duckduckgoing as the case may be) for "toxic girlfriend signs," *this* picture came up.

Was it AI generated based upon my browsing habits? How do we profit from this?

>> No.58568502


>> No.58568505
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The Sergey phenotype is leaking into the collective consciousness, expect to see more Sergs as we get closer to the singular

>> No.58568520

>self checkout line

You know all of those women Sergey hired for Smartcontract? What if they're all toxic women? Just think about it. Maybe Sergey is looking for love -- he always seems to have a deep & profound sadness whenever I see him in person in real life, the kind of malaise you only see in the dead eyes of a lifelong virgin who has totally given up on finding love and has dove completely into their hobbies. I'm friends with a man in his late sixties or early seventies who has the exact same sort of palpable depression, and he's the biggest collector of antique telephones, pipe organs and trolley components I know. Seriously, the man has like an entire warehouse of just phones, but he has literally never had a girlfriend, never talks about girls or sex or anything like that, it's just so goddamned sad.

Anyway, I think Sergey is getting cucked. He probably finds these women, and hires them hoping for love to bloom through gradually escalating office flirting.

Only the flirting never happens. Oh, sure, he makes a painfully awkward effort, often ruined mid-sentance by a wet, juicy Big Mac fart that stains his slacks with oily shitwater. Surely whatever roastie he hired wrinkles her nose in disgust and practically ejaculates "Ick!"

Sergey, dejected, but knowing that he can never show a moment of uncoolness or anger or frustration or NEED, mutters something about oracles and kind of shuffles away sadly, never to risk bothering her again.

Then he'll go downtown to the McDonalds to make himself feel better. He'll see another woman, and his cholesterol-choked heart will flutter. Mustering up his courage yet again, he'll walk up, and ask if she knows what an oracle is.

Many of these women will just ignore him or tell him to go away, but those who respond soon find themselves promised employment at a glamorous silicon valley cryptocurrency startup run out of a nail salon.



>> No.58568535

So, the pool of dangerhaired feminists and their ilk running human resources and other non-essential departments grows & grows, gobbling up ever more precious LINK to pay their exhorbitant salaries.

They cackle like hens around the watercooler lampooning the creepy guy in plaid who hired them. Sergey dares not push it for fear of getting metoo'd -- actually a dirty cuck fantasy of his, thoughts of which fuel many a mid-day wank in his private office.

The women of smartcontract grow, both in number and in fatness, as does Sergey's sadness. It's madness, but it continues unabated, as Sergey mastrubates, completely unsatiated.

And, so, too scared to push it any further with the ones already hired, but desperate for love/sex, Sergey hires more, and more, and more, hoping for that one Beauty Belle for his Bigmac Beast.

But she never comes. His sunken cost fallacy is his religion, much like our sunken cost fallacy as Linkmarines. Pottery! The symmetry.... FUCK IT'S SO PAINFULLY BEAUTIFUL!

It's so fucking sad, bros! Women are evil!

Poor Sergey. He can't "get it." The harpies come home to roost by score, but his dick remains drier than toast. He continues to hire, hoping against hope for a miracle, and continues to eat in order to fill the emptiness inside of him.

And the price of Chainlink suffers for it.

>itt we can also talk about how toxic women affect our hustle & flow, which is very much of interest & relevance to nearly all /biz/raelis.

Guize, how do we find a girl that will let Sergey sniff her farts? We need to find Sergey a waifu! THAT IS THE SECRET MISSING INGREDIENT NEEDED FOR THE SINGULARITY!

Sergey's dick MUST get wet for LINK to moon!

Sergey must honestly fall into fully requitted love with a (passably) beautiful woman, or else LINK will never break out of the double digit price corridor.


>t. totally not sergey drunkposting yo

>> No.58568801
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Who did you think pays for all these cute outfits?

>> No.58568843

two words: couch surfing

>> No.58569643


>> No.58569758

For me, it's the gay couch.

>> No.58570645


Thank you for contributing to the discussion and helping this theory reach more anons.

Back to toxic women in general, they are arguably the worst possible external factor in the pursuit of wealth. The many thousands of dollars I've spent on these broads is disgusting, and I want every penny back, but the heavier costs are psychological & temporal.

This bitch expects me to listen to all of her dumb circular toxic thoughts, but she never really listens to mine, so she doesn't function as a sounding board at all. Getting inundated with a bunch of irrelevant (and negative) thoughts gets in the way of relevant (and positive) thoughts.

Her time management is horrendous, so she sinks lots of time which needs to be spent more efficiently & effectively on things that actually matter.

For example: this bitch makes about $125 an hour tutoring special needs children one-on-one, and has several hundred thousand dollars worth of billing to do. She's essentially her own agency, an independent agency of one, pulling in six figures annually with virtually zero overhead expenses.

She simply cannot into excel or any of the portal shit she needs to submit all of her billing through.

Does she spend a few thousand dollars hiring a clerical & technical specialist to handle all of her accounting & billing in a timely manner, freeing her up to do other things?


She demands I help her with this for free.

Okay, so what do I do? I tell her to go fuck herself, because that's not my job, and I have other things to do. The UNPAID time I would spend helping her would be better spend by me pursuing money on my own, or just even staring at the fucking wall.

I made sure to fuck up a bunch of the billing she made me do, just to show that cunt that you get what you pay for.

I then told her to fucking hire someone already. Once at dinner she got all triggered and left her stupid handbag behind at a restaurant.


>> No.58570703

So, in the process of recovering the purse, we talk to a bunch of people, one of whom is this albino kid who's half swiss and half indian (poo), with an imaginably cryptic accent, who's just recently graduated from some prestigious technological school but who's selling Cutco knives right now because of muh job market.

This pale poo wants to fuck my toxic girlfriend so badly that he did a whole 8 hours of work with her for $25 an hour (which she paid for).

To answer your implied question: no, she did not fuck him (I can always tell when someone's been inside my property), and, besides, IDGAF if she did, because I just fuck random whores whenever I feel like it.

Anyway, she got this demistreetshitter to do *all* of her excel work, getting *all* of her needed billing prepared properly for submission to her portal system for the low cost of $200.

Her weaponized toxicity saves her money at the expense of others.

Uh, where was I going here? I don't know, I guess back to my original point.

So, despite her apartment (where I live for free whenever I visit this city) being strategically located and ideal as a base camp for my work in the city (in the midst of my operational area), her toxicity neatly cancels out those benefits by taking focus away from my stuff onto her psychoses.

I missed out on the Berkshire Hathaway plunge because this bitch kept yapping about dumb shit that pissed her off and kept harranguing me to do her clerical/technical work. Dumb fucking cunt.

I told her that we could've been billionaires for pocket change had I been doing what I would normally have been doing on any given non-holiday first Monday morning of a new month.

My advice to you anons is that it is far, far better to be utterly alone without anyone else in your life than to be in a relationship with a toxic woman.

>> No.58570727

However, I will continue to pursue this relationship until a better one comes up, just like with jobs -- nobody hires you unless you already have a job, and no woman will date you unless you already have a girlfriend, as I have learned from experience -- or until I have made that sequence of progressive trades that puts me over the line, pulling me up out of six figure hell and into seven figure limbo, where I can just buy a fucking house already and turn my back on humanity in order to pursue only my interests.

Let me hear YOUR toxic woman stories.

Vent about toxic women ITT.

Advise anons about toxic women ITT.

ITT: toxic women general.

PROTIP: do not have anything to do with toxic women.

>Verification not required.<

>> No.58571174

My wife is pretty useless. We've been married less than a year and she has gained a noticeable amount of weight and is very lackluster about cleaning the house. We own two properties and I have to manage the housework and yardwork at both of them. she does most of the work with our kid but once he's asleep she is just lying around. If I get on her case about it she'll cry and feel bad and maybe keep the place cleaner for a couple days but she inevitably falls back onto her old habits. She is also not good with money. she barely makes enough to keep herself alive at her job.
She is dumb and I'm worried that our children will be as well and that my 125 IQ genes won't be enough to offset her, presumably double digit, IQ.
The good news is she doesn't ask many questions about what I get up to and when she does she is easy to fool. So she doesn't know I have high 6 figures in crypto.
I hate to break my vows but I fell like a self driven and genetically healthy guy like myself shouldn't be constrained by a woman like her so in the future I may take a mistress (or several).

>> No.58571821

>Anyway, after reading a bunch of Chainlink threads on /biz/, while googling (or duckduckgoing as the case may be) for "toxic girlfriend signs,"

She’s saying, “our crypto” isn’t she OP?

>> No.58571833

Just don’t get caught or at the very least move your crypto assets elsewhere.

>> No.58573542

Your situation is the kind of situation that makes me somewhat relieved to have never gotten suckered into marriage. I'm glad that you have a child, and I hope everything works out. Consider the following options:

>get your wife on nootropics
>do yoga with your wife
>do tantric sex with your wife
>microdose your wife lion's mane & turkey tail along with whatever other good fungi will help
>remove from your diets store-bought bread and all foods made from grains "plumped" by roundup -- this is where gluten allergies, fiber mialgia, laziness & depression often spring from
>forbid fast food
>forbid blue or non-red/orange/yellow light after 8:00 pm in order to promote better sleep
>increase your wife's iron supply with leafy green vegetables like spinach
>establish an airtight plan to fake your own death in order to escape entirely in case these methods don't work to improve your fat wife's shittiness

This is always good advice; in fact: you should split up your assets to different wallets.

She always does, but she's a dumb cunt, and she makes plenty of money on her own.

Let's continue...

>> No.58573561
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Quick reminder that LINKTARDS are deranged schizos who believe that them being 90% down against Ethereum, makes other people mad.

>> No.58575983

thanks for the genuine suggestions
i re-read my post and i paint a pretty dismal picture there. I didn't mention the things that I do appreciate about her. she does like to cook. she is aging actually fairly well (29yo and no wrinkles or cracks on the skin etc). she gave me a blue eyed sandy blonde son and we'll have more kids in the future. she does like to cook as well, though she only does that a couple times a week now.

>> No.58578401
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So, this girlfriend of mine gets it in her head that plastic is bad (it is), so she throws out the plastic scooper she uses to feed her cats.... HOWEVER

The bin the cat food is stored in is plastic.

The cat food comes in plastic bags.


She also ordered this goddamn GARBAGE lamp for like $500 which was made so fucking cheaply in China that it's already broken & nonfunctional; in fact, the fucking light bulb socket is now hanging from the hot & neutral wires right now, and the pull chain broke off completely. She wants a refund, but it's been over a year since she bought this piece of shit.

She "doesn't want plastic" in her apartment (because sometimes I can actually get through to her about things), but she's a fucking idiot.

The LAMP has plastic components -- how the fuck does she think the insulators are made? There's plastic in her $10,000 adjustable bed (which is super comfy ngl), and just about everywhere else.

She's addicted to benzos/xanax -- she eats a 50mg Klonopin basically every day. Sometimes she can go a few days without, but then after about three or four days, she'll get hit by a panic attack that won't go away.

DUMBFUCK: that is BENZODIAZEPENE WITHDRAWL, and it can fucking kill! She *needs* to taper off of this shit, but she just won't, because she's psychologically weak (the first trait I noticed about her personality when I first spotted her riding on the subway the day I walked up to introduce myself to her).

Goddamn, she's so fucking aggravating, but I'm willing to deal with it because I've tested her and can get away with doing whatever I like pretty much, and her apartment is strategically located in my area of operation.

I cannot wait for her to die from vaccine complications lol, but she probably never will, because she's a filthy fucking kike lol.

>Full disclosure: I love her, and she loves me, and we've been together longer (several years) than any other relationship either of us has been in. She's just so ANNOYING!

>> No.58578438

>*everyone* on this board is a deranged schizo regardless of whether or not they hold link

You're welcome, fren; glad you see both the good & bad, and have a rational mind. We're all going to make it.

>further thoughts on toxic women
I left my girlfriend's apartment the other day to go on a date with another girl I've been seeing downtown, but she's an even bigger basket case, with a slew of psych meds prescribed, legal & financial issues, a filthy apartment in a worse neighborhood, and just STUPID fucking ideas.

These dumb cunts have no sense. They have no probity, and base all of their decisions regarding politicians and celebrities based on if they're "nice" (whatever the fuck that means).

A guy can set fire to a crowded tenement building, embezzle billions from the elderly, poison the water supply, lie to involve us in an illegal war, etc, etc, but if the media calls this person "nice" or "polite" they will adore them.

Another person can literally save the economy, put an end to sex trafficking, donate half their fortune to the unfortunate, and these dumb cunts will HATE him if the media says he's "mean" or "not nice" somehow.

Universal suffrage was an attack on civilization.

>> No.58581017

I still hope to meet a good woman to marry but want to hedge my bets. I'm going to make it this cycle so how do I hide my crypto gains ahead of time in case she decides to divorce rape me?

>> No.58581076

the incel manifesto blogging is strong with this thread

>> No.58581990
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>I hate chainlink

>> No.58582143
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I...I think I hate chainlink too... and it's okay...