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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.48 MB, 1926x1898, Comfy World Economic Frens 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58567515 No.58567515 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk
>Failure to deliver

>SEC 10-K Annual report FY23
>GameStop Investor Site

>What will happen if Citadel becomes insolvent?
DTCC with 60T USD, will pay as the final boss with FDIC as the insurance

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc
DRS Guide:
Avoid DSPP (more information under legacy links):
HF/broker class action lawsuit evidence:
SEC GME/meme stocks report:

DD Compilation:
Quarterly Movements, Equity Total Return Swaps, DOOMPs, ITM CALLs, Short Interest, and Futures Roll Periods:
Cellar Boxing:

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

Last time on /GME/: >>58566474

As always:
>sneed hedgies

>> No.58567526
File: 96 KB, 1000x1133, 67277783_p0 - そういえば・・・・、.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still comfy waitin' and holdin'.


GameStop Info
>Complete corporate revamp by Ryan Cohen
>Debt free with positive increases and reductions (see ER); $1.199 billion cash and cash equivalents on hand + high inventory

DRS & Computershare
>~75.3 (18.825) million shares 25% total held by Mar. 20, 2024,
>~75.4 (18.85) by Nov. 30, 2023, ~75.4 by Aug. 31, ~76.6 by Jun. 1, ~76.0 (19.0) by Mar. 22 Vs Cede & Co
>Previously 71.8 (17.95) M shares DRS'd by end of Oct. 29, 2022, 71.3 (17.825) Jul. 30 22, 50.8 (12.7) Apr. 30 22, 35.6 (8.9) by Jan. 29 22
>and 20.8 (5.2) by Oct. 30, 2021

>Shorts never closed and there exists more fakes than real shares
>'MOASS' is a matter of time

Further information can found by reading the OP or DYOR!
Reply to this pasta for any confusion.


Other news/reminders:
End of May Friday RRP: 439.806B, 71P = 6.194B per (roughly)
Start of June Monday RRP: 387.069B, 63P = 6.144B per (roughly)

>4-for-1 Stock Split - Form of a stock dividend (Record: Jul 18, 2022; Dist. 21st AH)
>Q3 23/FY23 Earnings 8-K/10-K
>2024 Proxy Statement: Stock given in comp issued as RSUs that vest in quarterly increments over 4 years.
Q1 24 Jun 11; Meeting Jun 13
>798 pg SEC doc confessions of FIs/MMs/HFs/DCEs/Swaps Counterparties etc on short selling transparency

>100 page comparison DD

>Legacy links
https://www.gmedd.com/report-model (Nov 2021)
>Use archives
Avoid DSPP:
>GME shorted percentage of float as of Jan 15th, 2021: 226.42%

Please don't feed spammers and sliders.

>> No.58567535

After seeing what happened this morning, this shit really is going to just completely blow the market it up. Lmfao. They could barley survive a run to $43.

>> No.58567547
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>15 GME threads

>> No.58567550
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Meltdownies will be very unhappy over the next few months.

>> No.58567555
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Is this the official thread?

>> No.58567557
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every time this shit makes moves fake threads are spammed and the meltdownies come out in full force, kek

thanks real baker

>> No.58567558

Checked and 99% chance this is the one. If an anon comes in here complaining about a toothless mommy or a tripcode it will be 100% confirmed.

>> No.58567565

checked and yes

>> No.58567566

Hedgies have gloriously fucked the economy and monetary system. Remember, the gold standard got so devalued that it went away and the US dollar just works simply because people believe it works. It's now the same with the stock market.

The 650k US dollars worth of Buffet shit just appearing because it needed to be, proved it.

>> No.58567572

>49.95% short volume.
>48.46% off exchange.
Reposting as I posted it right at the end of the last thread.

>> No.58567574

jokes on him, im still down

>> No.58567576

Why do you believe that a May 15th rugpull wont happen again?

>> No.58567578
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Thanks fren. Let us not forget beloved thread classics like:
>silonigger anon
>shrooms anon
>comfy holding frens
>clint ID anon

>> No.58567583

why, what are you up to?

>> No.58567585
File: 114 KB, 1031x762, gameshire bathaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are here

>> No.58567588

The strategy to victory has always been the same. A merger or liquidation.
This forces hedgies to close their shorts, and we know, for a fact, they have to buy every GME stock not once, not twice, five fuckin times. As long as no one sells, this shit will keep going up to the point people want to sell.

And 650k is minimum per GME

>> No.58567589

>Massive amount of calls owned by DFV that he needs to exercise before the 20th or they expire worthless.
>No appetite on the open market to sell the calls onto and guarantee cashing out on.
>It's over!

>> No.58567590

>5 years to go

>> No.58567593
File: 673 KB, 600x868, 086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check for votes if you haven't already voted for the June 13th GameStop meeting. Most will email or mail you about voting while some (like Degiro) will need you to contact them. Proxy voting should be available to holders in the following:


>> No.58567599

I ain't gonna lie, but the people in these threads over the last couple year, yall some of the realest niggas out there. For real. Yeah some of yall are retarded and fall for distractions while your bored, but you can see what %99.999 percent of people can't see. And it's something so obvious too. You don't fall into the reddit hivemind either as well. I just wanna say whatever happens this next month, it's been a pleasure holding with you gentlemen. Some of the smartest yet dumbest mother fuckers out there.

>> No.58567604
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This morning was wild. They halted dozens of unrelated stocks for a good amount of time. Can you imagine once an announcement of any kind is made, or once DFV exercises his calls. Meme numbers are back on the menu.

>> No.58567605

I'm gonna miss coming to these threads but in all honesty it's time to move on, I plan on disconnect from the internet post moass and living my real life.

>> No.58567609

Yes, this morning made me 100% truly realize meme numbers will happen.

>> No.58567616
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based gme, based baker wgami!

>> No.58567622

sure ill post in this thread too why not

>> No.58567623

i don't want this to be over, this was fuuuuun. All the shillies and holders shenanigans, this was exhilarating.

>> No.58567625


its like those fucking faggots on WSB forgot that it started as the og GME sub, the fact they banned discussion about GME is so fucking retarded, blatant obvious shilling, hedgecucks bought shill plants and installed them into wsb mod team in order to suppress GME discussion

honestly when we are all rich as fuck and theyre poor as fuck, we should do a purge

>> No.58567634

right? They said on CNBC in 2021, GME would have run into the thousands and collapsed the entire system had they not pulled the plug. Can you imaginoe now between DRS, M&A, DFV calls, some kind of decantrilized component, and possibly other tickers being roped in, they built a nuclear bomb.

>> No.58567640

I hope DFV buys reddit and shuts it down once he's a trillionaire

>> No.58567652

Kek dumbfuck crypto baggies

>> No.58567653

Hope he offers a cash reward for any shills who oust themselves.
>Sorry you're admitting to committing a felony and therefore we cannot compensate you as that would be abetting a criminal.

>> No.58567656

I was at work all day today

Crazy rise this morning!

I see it got close to 50, tapered down to 40 and then crashed to 30 and crabbed all day

What caused the crabbing? Seems VERY strange.

>> No.58567658

or just buys all the moneros and puts a bounty on their heads

>> No.58567662

I suppose we're about to find out whether the shilltards or baggots are right. This better be epic in terms of the fallout and not a return to normalcy or I'm going to be severely disappointed.

>> No.58567664

Manipulation caused the crabbing.

>> No.58567671

49.95% short volume.

>> No.58567676

Don't forget swaps expiring, UBS needs to cover their bags, countless other shorts, this is such a goddamned mess. I also realized that the moass is actually gonna be scary big. I've always knew the moass was going to be scary big, but goddamned really puts it into perspective.

>> No.58567681

Big enough to be 100% DRS? Or would you posit Fidelity/Schwab would be okay.

>> No.58567683
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>> No.58567687
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That sounds like an awful lot of not my problem.

>> No.58567691
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I can't wait to bankrupt israel

>> No.58567702

Lol, I'm stupid I've got a very small stack of precious metals. I feel like instead of so much gme, I should have diversified a little more with some more shiny rocks.

>> No.58567715
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I'm going to be so fucking rich they're going to compare Trump to me.

>> No.58567716 [DELETED] 
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The shrooms only made me infinitely more realier right back at u muh nigga in Christ year of our Lord 2000+24
We all already made it an infinite amount of times this is just one of them

>> No.58567729


>> No.58567740

The floor is Berkshire Hathaway. That was no "glitch".

>> No.58567742
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This chart looks hilarious to me.

>> No.58567745


>> No.58567746
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Flipped a whole stimmy into an empire, stop playin with me.

>> No.58567749

imagine if they let someone buy when it was down to 186 or whatever it was...

instant 600k profit lol

>> No.58567751

lol as if.

>> No.58567754

Ah yes the ole Bart Simpson pattern

>> No.58567756
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Is it our fault they had to unplug the stock market and plug it back in today? It can't be, right?

>> No.58567761

It may well be.

>> No.58567768

A little bit of tomfoolery has been done, nothing too wild.

>> No.58567779
File: 407 KB, 3032x2064, CZ_au5IUYAAthTX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who can say? The main point is to enjoy the ride and make sure you pack all you need, cause this ain't a round trip.

>> No.58567782

Maybe if the economy crashes market reform will be needed. You think Lauer will support making companies pay out when a "glitch" sells brk.a for $200?

>> No.58567783

Why would you put that money into a clearly fraudulent stock when you could buy more GME?

>> No.58567784

Nice. You too

>> No.58567787

I can't imagine there will be much of a market if it does crash. Then again, it's all just funny numbers on the puters ultimately.

>> No.58567788

But that would be highly antisemitic.

>> No.58567790

Are they even semitic though?

>> No.58567791


What if I told you that it's possible to be so fucking stupid that it flips around. It's the archetype of the fool.

>> No.58567792

Isn't it weird in their rush to be megalomaniacs running society, they completely doomed humanity to civilizational extinction on the interplanetary scale?

Imagine your goal is to keep everyone in line and rule over them forever and all you end up doing is dooming yourself and everyone, while still thinking you'r some kind of god.

Talk about being unqualified for a job.

>> No.58567793

It's a joke, and a fun hypothetical

GME still isn't a guarantee.

>> No.58567795

Horseshoe theory but for dumbassery? I'll bite.

>> No.58567797


This is all part of the faggot great reset plan by the way. They will go "see, the economy is broken. Everyone is a shitgolem cattle with UBI now" and people are going to like it.

>> No.58567798

Is the MOASS gonna be a violent rip up? Or a slow climb up?

>> No.58567800

Dammit, so gme is a part of their plan.

>> No.58567801

I'll tray and break this down
>overnight flat line: robinhood halted at 20% increase
>4am vertical line: long swap rollover
>premarket: german market crabbing
>9:30 market open dip: rollover sell off to shorts
>regular hours: crabbing all day fighting shorts
>4:40pm drop: bang the close with shorts
>after hours: $2 rise
honestly this chart gives me hope. the germans didn't really buy in overnight so there shouldn't be much sell off tonight at 4am. and all those shorts to bang the close will buy back tomorrow. looking at the CTB chart they still have 1.4 million on loan and if we open at over $32 they should feel it. if we get another rollover tonight they will be fucked. just hope the germans hold and don't sell for a loss.

>> No.58567803
File: 91 KB, 736x736, e4d475e4c581f34961478f2adf5ea490-1262256185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a reminder wagmi

>> No.58567806

neither going to be a slow rug. Get out while you can.

>> No.58567807

if Buffet or Pelosi "glitches" some Chevron stock for $1, you think they'd reverse his puts?

>> No.58567808

Robinhood isn't halt a 20% increase. That is Blue Ocean ATS's policy to stop trade increases 20%+/- from the last full trade price.

However the rest is correct.

>> No.58567809


>> No.58567810

Also this

>> No.58567812

no way I'm getting out this early in June. this month is gonna be wild.

>> No.58567813

So the 2030 reset stuff is on-track? Bummer.

>> No.58567814
File: 276 KB, 720x991, 373611814_984388439538392_3372448720865225889_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I rolled a 9 in luck during my character creation. But it's like, lesson learning luck? I can break things, but just in the right way I can un-fuck things and learn a lot in the process. Work is the same way. IT issue? I show up, and magically the issue fixes itself. I've learned not to squander this life, and that's part of why I hold with you assholes. Nothing is cohencidence and time is a circle.

>> No.58567815


That was the whole point all along, Tikkun Olan

>> No.58567822

man i love crocs and gators.

>> No.58567827
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>> No.58567837

there are still rollovers to come. most coming on the 21st. why does that date seem familiar?

>> No.58567838

>Talk about being unqualified for a job.
You know, the upper class used to actually be an aristocracy, at least at one point they did have noblesse obligée or morals, and actualyl care about living virtuously. It was a responsibility, and they were accountable. Nobodys acting responsible, there are no grownups, just toddlers and babies throwing tantrums. What does the upper class even do? What values do they uphold? Do they even speak latin and greek, or go to operas? Do they give back to their countrymen and provide for them? It's all just kitsch, uncultured manchildren. They are the lesser sons of perhaps once greater men, although most of them usurped that status because the system rewards sycophants

>> No.58567839

I'll be transferring a lot of wealth from GME to precious metals, ETH and acquiring businesses that get heavily contracted by gov when this shit pops

>> No.58567843

Is that why it's so villainized and "democracy" as it is right now is so propped up.

>> No.58567846

Why the fuck do we have 3 active threads. Can you morans get you shit together

>> No.58567849

I really hate how they all act like super secret powerful groups when all they have accomplished is.
>you can't get basic medical care
>all the food is poison (including the food their kids' eat)
>all the education is useless (including their kids' education)
>modern civilization is going to be extinct within the next century (micronova)

ooooOOOOOooooOOOOoooo so powerful and smart. Embarrassing faggots on a civilization survival scale. Actually an amazing achievement. You have to strive hard for that kind of failure.

Feels like the "great taking" plan is being hijacked at the last second.

Sorry buddy a fair market is a fair market.

It's nothing but useful idiots all the way down. Maybe half a brain between all of them. Weird how none realized poisoning your own air and water is bad. Their whole thing is worshiping metaphysical evil, so it makes sense.
>they don't transfer their sins into a chicken to trick god, they torture the chicken so demons will protect them
It makes much more sense when you understand how they think.

Nothing is more embarrassing than the elite and occult being filled with the biggest faggots imaginable. They are the spiritual equivalent of a 300lb marvel fan fucking a captain marvel doll all day while the sun prepares to nuke the planet.

>> No.58567851

it's very simple. OP has a tripcode. that's the thread we post in. yell at the other guys

>> No.58567852

with nvidias split on firday its a great entry point, usually dip after wards.

>> No.58567856

>DFV didn't DRS
>DFV didn't buy and hold
make sure to keep DRSing and never selling okay baggies?

>> No.58567857

how's the pay?

>> No.58567858

Has the actual GME thread been decided? I like the stock too, but we don't have to have every other thread being GME.

>> No.58567865

can anyone explain reason behind this? only sensible fud there is. I have 100 shares DRS but can someone explain why he hasn't DRS without calling me a retard contractor?

>> No.58567868

this is the only one with the normal 2 intro baker posts, the other one is full of fucking retards

>> No.58567869

They're drinking their own kool-aid. They are the main consumers of their own propaganda. They've built their own walled gardens, thinking it will succeeded in indoctrinating, molding and the world to their stupid ideology. Their universities, thinktanks, programs and institutions all peddle the kool-aid, and the more it doesn't work or fit to reality, the more they must compensate, provoking an even more absurd reaction. That's why they feel they must do something. They are so out of touch with nature and the world that all that is really left here is to observe really, they got themselves into all of these messes. They are "in-charge", and "responsible", but boy am I glad to not be calling the shots here.
>They are the spiritual equivalent of a 300lb marvel fan fucking a captain marvel doll all day while the sun prepares to nuke the planet.
I'm glad that post-MOASS capeshit will be obliviated from the cultural zeitgeist and fade into obscurity like a hazy hangover dream

>> No.58567870

are you getting in on NVDA? what do you expect the price to get to after the split? how fucking rich am I going to be sir if I put 2k into it?

>> No.58567871

Meant to quote anon here >>58567849 as well

>> No.58567875



>> No.58567876
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This is the part where he DRS's GME and we FUCKING GO BALLISTIC.

>> No.58567877

I swear this shit only gets more and more wild as I delve deeper into this.

>> No.58567878

I expect it to get to 1300 this week, split friday to 130, then next week it will probably dip down to 100ish.

That will be the bottom. Gonna try to do calls instead of options.

>> No.58567883

>calls instead of options.

nigga wat

>> No.58567885

posted this in the other thread >>58567540 but I'll post it here to:

pretty sure e-trader didn't say shit about dropping RK. I am yet to find a single source. just "industry insider" gossip where a no one is named. Now everyone is running the story with no source other than the WSJ article. also what fucking brokerage reveals their client and leaks that they were kicking around the idea of removing his options positions? manipulating the market while claiming their reasoning was to prevent market manipulation. the whole story is bullshit and I don't buy it. I'm calling you out WSJ. what is your fucking source?

>> No.58567886
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>> No.58567889
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Yeah its the (((Democrats))). Surely its all just the people we see on TVs fault.

>> No.58567896

>Gonna try to do calls instead of options.
You don't get much of an induction into what you're selling do you?

>> No.58567897
File: 77 KB, 600x450, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They doxxed the dude and threatened to take away his account. If anyone here is on E-trade you need to contact your broker and tell them "I'm moving my stuff to Fidelity/Vanguard/ TD Ameritrade/ (or god forbid) Charles Schwab. I'm leaving because you I don't trust my private information to you." and fucking take everything out, roll it over, do whatever you need to do. I'm not sure what DFV is going to do, but I wouldn't want to keep my shit with a brokerage that was mad at me for making money that I'm ALLOWING them to manage. Fuck that.

>> No.58567898

checked, the universe is funny like that.

>> No.58567899

based noticer. someone should tell reddit.

>> No.58567901

Let's see how funny it can really get.

>> No.58567902
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>> No.58567906

Great post anon.
I don't think the full truth will ever come out to the public. Won't go into detail because I don't want a ban. I'll say Steven Greer's fables are related to the top of Epstein's business model. Pretty insane suggestion, right? Explains a lot about out government and why it acts how it does.

>> No.58567907
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Are you having fun yet?

>> No.58567908
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I am one more good green day from pay-off-my-mortgage money. I am a tenbagger from just my small broker stack being pay-off-my-mortgage money. You lose, hedgegroids. I am free.

>> No.58567911

Sucks, I'm a curious mfer.

>> No.58567912

>price discovery?

>> No.58567913

why haven't DFV DRS already?

>> No.58567914

Good point, WSJ was the same ones who said RC was in talks with Nordstrom too right?

>> No.58567915


>> No.58567916

I just bought 18 GME stonks!!!!

>> No.58567917

$50M per order sell limit

>> No.58567919
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>> No.58567921
File: 45 KB, 399x399, CE90229A-B3CE-4DDE-9B4E-84E63D6F59BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers fren.
>I don't think the full truth will ever come out to the public.
It can't, but it will. Gamestop is just the most egregious outlier, one well-fucked dog with its bare ass turned inside out, and wall street standing right next to it with their cocks all out... But who screwed the pooch right? Now it gets funny when you think about the tens of thousands of stocks that have been killed off and siphoned throughout all these decades... their shares still exist on their balance sheets as securities sold... If any stock blows, they all blow... picrel is not a meme, virtually any and every piece of debt, stock, loan, claim, crypto, derivative, commodity, ABS and SPV trading on any market in the world should get liquidated and transferred to One

>> No.58567922

this can be done via CS

>> No.58567924

It'll probably be violent and end as abruptly as it starts because there is no way in hell these ghouls that run the show will let MOASS continue without just pulling the plug on the whole system. I expect it to reach 20k for a whopping two seconds before it just gets halted for the entire day and then reset. Would be kino if they just kept resetting it to the beginning of the day and it just kept MOASSing on an endless loop.

>> No.58567926


lol worked all day and tired

meant to put calls instead of shares.

but figure it out retards, aint that hard

>> No.58567929

New newton up. It's a good one!


>> No.58567930

I'm saying that's too small for him. He'd need to file 200 separate sell orders to cash out. If he DRSes it's because he wants to hold some shares past the squeeze.

>> No.58567931


>> No.58567932

As long as they panic and something crazy happens. World's boring and filled with stupid propaganda from everything around me.

>> No.58567934

Are you saying the glowies are offering children to aliens for power?

>> No.58567935

Good, I was wondering what he's thinking right now.

>> No.58567937

Is GME Meltdown suppose to be our opposite.

>> No.58567940

I buyed 18 on Robinhood how can I sell list my gme stonks for 7000 dollars help me I need to list them for 7000 dollars I heard it will go to 15000 dollars but I am not greedy

>> No.58567942
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holding to either 0 or ꝏ. I am completely dead inside. Not even a bullet to my head will save them.

>> No.58567943


>> No.58567944

Bizarro GME

>> No.58567945

Why do you hate Schwab so much, anon? Genuine question btw not trying to sound like an ass

>> No.58567947

Good posts. I hope something good comes out of the rubble, it will be difficult to enjoy this money when everything around me is falling apart

>> No.58567948

DFV must have rolled all of his film royalties into the stock

>> No.58567949

RK still havent drs why is that? Only possiblity is that he will dump soon

>> No.58567952

Help me buyed and selling 7000

>> No.58567956


you are obsessed

who tf knows

maybe he´ll be using his cash + 5m stocks as collat as a means of exercising those 120k call options

>> No.58567959

Didn't realize the run up in may was him exercising his calls.. He's got his finger over the nuke button holy fuck

>> No.58567960

If you're going to shill at least try to make your English passable. This just outs you as a turbo jeet

>> No.58567961

Someone forget to set it to limit instead of market?

>> No.58567963

They're not sending their best.

>> No.58567964
File: 16 KB, 500x378, 2b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking spaceniggers. If they wanted things to experiment on they could have just abducted all the jews. You could even breed them and have an indefinite supply for free instead of needing to pay with proprietary cosmic knowledge.

>> No.58567965

it was already falling apart anon, and yet life went on. We will have to rebuild and put in some work, but it will be worth it. Greatness awaits.

>> No.58567966


same. I'm hollow and hopeless.

>> No.58567967


>> No.58567969

The kill shot is gonna be dfv exercising his calls and drsing the whole lot. They’re gonna have fun trying to find 15mil real shares

>> No.58567971
File: 78 KB, 240x240, E5333595-46D6-4035-A4DB-F3253A2D4F25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven’t been reading the thread today so idk if it’s already been said, but the biggest takeaway from DFV’s latest post is that he’s still holding the calls, which can only mean he expects big poompa before EOM, and I am not particularly inclined to doubt this man, nor do I think anyone else is except for maybe Andrew Left. Etrade, Morgan Stanley and CNBC know that something is coming and they are scared. DFV is clearly the greatest investor of our time and I have the utmost faith in him. If he’s still in, I’m still in. Simple as

>> No.58567972

So... Shillies are saying DFV is gonna rug us and... The alternate is this to force the hedgies' hands?

>> No.58567973
File: 705 KB, 1000x1000, 60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks your path

>> No.58567974

blatantly jewish. I know all hedge funds are but you may as well call it "John Goldstien" brokerage.

>> No.58567975
File: 122 KB, 220x165, 1705429511568518.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir you are a prostitute. I love hedge funds more than you and I do it for free

>> No.58567977

So they flash crashed berkshire and others to buy in cheap and come up with capital to survive another day? Is that the gist of it?

>> No.58567978

Honestly I wouldn't even know where to begin although I’d like to see things get better. Any suggestions? A part of me wants to leave for greener pastures even if temporarily. Although I hear your point it being a civilizational issue.

>> No.58567981
File: 154 KB, 3032x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

billionaire by the end of the week?

>> No.58567987

Unlikely, they possibly flash crashed Berk and others to justify stalling on CAT data as it must be "clearly erroneous".

>> No.58567990

All the shit thats been eroding around you. Infrastructure, better transportation networks, energy grid, food and agriculture, tech sector revamp as a whole, data privacy, IP/copyright laws, justice system, the whole financial system also goes without saying (using decentralized oracle-powered smartcontracts). There are many things to nitpick at, the point is that the people who are worthy must be allowed to rise, participate and contribute.

>> No.58567993


>> No.58567996

he's definitely exercising those options late on the 21st right?

>> No.58567998

Are they the spiteful kind of people where they'll take as much of the current system and the people down with it as they fall?

>> No.58568000

He’ll probably sell a portion to exercise the rest

>> No.58568001
File: 7 KB, 259x195, IMG_2128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night /GME/

>> No.58568003

Good night, hope you'll wake up to an interesting tomorrow.

>> No.58568005

Checked, and that means he won't wait for 0DTE. After Earnings is my bet.

>> No.58568007

these are just things off the top of my head. The world is a big place, and people deserve to fall in love with all its experiences, people, places and mysteries it has to offer. It must be worthwhile for all.
>Are they the spiteful kind of people where they'll take as much of the current system and the people down with it as they fall?
Already you can see those kinds of signs happen. When you realize that you are at the forefront of an advanced civilizational lealp, some people will quickly bring down others to their level once they realize they will not be the ones spearheading this change for humanity (because they cannot do it themselves)

>> No.58568009

So... Crabbing. Top ten biggest bruh moments.

>> No.58568010

>robinhood overnight flat line
>price well over last nights wall
>feel nothing

I only feel something when shenanigans happen.

>> No.58568011

*cough* I'm saying Epstein didn't make up that shit on his own. The more you learn about history, the stronger and more clear the connections become. History is complicated and interconnected, once you see the weave it all makes sense.

Imagine how happy people will be if gme holders open up soup kitchens and feed the starving masses. Pay contractors to (illegally) convert now defunct bank branches and offices into housing.

I feel like he knew about the algo (we all did too), and he used it to play the ups and downs.

>> No.58568012



>> No.58568013
File: 219 KB, 581x644, 00054567867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58568016

>Feels like the "great taking" plan is being hijacked at the last second.

Ryan Cohen and Keith Gill are both players in the same operation. This entire killshot to the global financial system isn't random. Retail is simply along the ride amongst a war between TPTB. They are not unified at the top.

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Jewish) New World Order has been taken over.

Get ready to board the New WAGMI Order anons.

P.S. Hope you're all unvaxxed

>> No.58568017

He won't do all at once, he needs capital to do that, but if he exercises 10,000 contracts (1M shares) he'd be able to buy that with the cash on hand, if he sells half of the exercised shares and just by exercising the shares, it causes the price to go up to lets say $40, then by selling half he can recoup $20M from the 500k shares he sells, and he can do it again, and the price climbs to $45, sells half, holds half, he can keep a rolling cash supply to exercise this shit into moass.

This is going to be fucking hilarious to watch.

>> No.58568020

I wonder if what we're doing here is just us being psyoped by the people up top.

>> No.58568022


>> No.58568023

This thread is also full of shills and bots, meltdown is more of a cousin

>> No.58568027


of course it is

>> No.58568028

They're trying too hard hahaha.

>> No.58568030

I'm entirely convinced that this play was a one man band and retail is just here for the ride. This is going to be exciting to see.

>> No.58568032


>> No.58568033


>> No.58568034
File: 46 KB, 554x554, Look Closer Lenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newton enlightened me on the GME/XRT FTD juggling act and the run-ups that happen soon after. In gamer-speak, think attacking a boss weak spot when their armour is down. Look closer at the top date's FTDs, Lenny.

What if DFV exercised then?

>> No.58568036

Gnite, bro. Remember that YeBot was here today and MOASS is soon.
>dog bless us everyone

>> No.58568040

That sub is so shit even the posts are fake and gay.

>> No.58568042
File: 225 KB, 1080x1749, 52F20B09-E32B-4D89-9E6E-2601325F81FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58568043

I'll offer a billion dollar bounty for proof of global extinction of mosquitoes.
>In gamer-speak, think attacking a boss weak spot when their armour is down.
It's like that spider boss in Metroid Fusion. Complex strategy isn't as effective as just Total Missile Spam and taking refills when the boss spits them out if you run dry. Right now it's on the final color/healthbar and spinning frantically all over the room to stay alive. Death will soon follow.

>> No.58568044

I mean... Most, if not all the mods are plants now.

>> No.58568045

It's going to be spicy this week
>only tuesday

>> No.58568047

The real blackpill is citron is long and know retail will pump it to try and "margin call him"

>> No.58568048

Why do so many tweets say "from Earth" wow so heckin twee did they always do this? Or is it manchild Musk's doing?

>> No.58568049

Thank you. Although I was not aware of this micronova, tell me this isn’t happening in our lifetime. Now I see why Elon wants to colonize mars and why everything seems upside down.

>> No.58568050

As long as they're only unrealized losses they'll be fine. :^)

>> No.58568053

Blackrock is long so it is what it is. Liquidating some hedgies is better than no hedgies.

>> No.58568054

A what.

>> No.58568056
File: 220 KB, 1080x923, Just normal market activity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58568059

I like Tuesday, Thursday and next Tuesday.

>> No.58568064

>discovered after ww2 in Antarctica
>pole flip every 13,000 years with cataclysms every 6,000 years
>next one happening around 2046
>global crust displacement and megatsunamis
suspicious observers yt channel goes into all the details and history.
>recorded history is 6,000 years old

>> No.58568065

Been getting a lot of work done one Apestore, ironically think this pisser Superape might be alfa.

>> No.58568069

>recorded history is 6,000 years old
5000 and that's due to the invention of writing. Earliest evidence of culture is the Blombos cave paintings in South Africa which date back about 100,000 years.

>> No.58568072
File: 49 KB, 640x750, Tungsten Rods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The window of opportunity is usually about...5 days to 2 business weeks looking at the history of GME/XRT FTD alignment and we're coming into one now, almost always followed by a period of buyback indicating some short shenanigan readjustment.

If DFV pulled the trigger and exercised the calls in tail end of the FTD overlap while short's shields are down, it would be akin to a Tungsten rod launched from orbit smacking right into the stock market.

Go ahead, Roaring Kitty, destroy the financial sector. Make the people happy

>> No.58568073

Damn it really took us that long just to figure out writing, daaamn.

>> No.58568076

Sure is weird all these ancient societies had advanced knowledge of stars and geometry but couldn't write any of it down.

>> No.58568077
File: 76 KB, 640x475, robintransfer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked, and nice words anon. Here's a forgotton gme meme for you. can't wait for premarket

>> No.58568081

Wonder what else is hidden from us. i wanna know now aaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.58568087

I don’t usually stan non-GME plays, but Bank of America Jan ‘25 $13 Puts are $3 a pop... and I’m not sure BofA will survive the UBS implosion...

>> No.58568090

Well pictograms before that expressed fairly simple concepts, bear scary, bison stab with spear and chase to hunt.

>> No.58568092
File: 946 KB, 400x560, 1628614164119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will be hidden after this. They won't have the money to keep it contained. Those who have hoarded knowledge will face karma's wrath and humanity will finally be able to move forward from it's stagnation.

All they had to do was help people and they could have stayed fat and wealthy. Now they face obliteration, and there's not a single soul who wants to save them.

>> No.58568094

>ancient societies had advanced knowledge of stars and geometry but couldn't write any of it down.
They did? The invention of writing predates Mesopotamia by about 2000 years.

>> No.58568098

The worst part is I can't talk about this to anyone irl, sadge.

>> No.58568100

goodnight comfy GME. See you at $100 tomorroow

>> No.58568106

holy shit based, thank you for reminding me of this classic:

>> No.58568107
File: 6 KB, 201x251, lisanalgme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see you at $100
>ends in 100

>> No.58568113
File: 389 KB, 755x661, static-assets-upload12478642428632553553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58568122


>> No.58568125

and so it is written. checked

>> No.58568129

Good luck everyone and good night.

>> No.58568132
File: 682 KB, 800x600, 1714083118317475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and confirmed. I'll be there.

>> No.58568149

Why would I want to leave the cult and be lonely?

>> No.58568152
File: 188 KB, 748x1186, PB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58568156
File: 109 KB, 1001x523, IMG_3168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Asians literally crouch down like monkeys when they work on stuff? I’ve seen every kind of Asian do this even Poos.

>> No.58568159

Holy shit this Asian squat thing is real. I never looked into it before till now.


>> No.58568170
File: 2.94 MB, 555x312, 1715674862122935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy mother of kek, good night gigachad! WAGMI today.

>> No.58568172

how do superpowers fit into all this again?

>> No.58568177
File: 438 KB, 500x279, 037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58568202

I bought at the top and am too poorfag to ever have been able to add more shares. Jokes on you, only time I break even is ATH and only time I gain is new high so I'm in this for the long haul. And once it's a new ATH, it's my new baseline and I am dumb to sell then. I have infinite justification to hold until million, then I sell 10 shares just to be conservative.

>> No.58568204

Every single person who has ever purchased a share of GME no matter the price is early (not financial advice).

>> No.58568214
File: 44 KB, 960x686, 1686080295816484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be dumbass retard that only ever bought and held
>finally google what long calls are
If the only cost is paying a premium (and I assume it'd be a small one at that) is there literally downside to just buying calls for volatile stocks instead of just buying whenever? You don't even need to buy the stocks, do you? So you're telling me I could've been buying long calls and making the shorties cut off even more of their own flesh and all it would've cost me is a few extra hundred dollars and saved me a few thousand in return?

>> No.58568218


>> No.58568224

DFV was never a random guy that got lucky from the stars aligning. This is a war between TPTB and retail is here for the ride because this is not a war that can be hidden.

See >>58568016

>> No.58568225

It's a yuyubean!! WAGMI.

>> No.58568228

Man I would love it if there were such a thing as good jooz who realize that they would have the security and acceptance they crave by actually just being virutous instead of scheming vile demons for a change.

>> No.58568229
File: 275 KB, 320x240, case closed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been talk regarding lawsuits as of late. Are we about to enter a new age of discovery?

>> No.58568233

Premiums can be gigantic. They can be tiny. Depends on the price and volatility and theta. There are other factors as well. You should do homework before using them.

>> No.58568236
File: 40 KB, 680x680, 1712531611379564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Anything under $1000 is a bargain basement going-out-of business blowout sale price, and anything less than $1,000,000 is an early entry.

>> No.58568242
File: 62 KB, 575x439, 1707403678438055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long calls
ok kek

>> No.58568246

The fake fires at Citadel Securities Chicago spam yesterday was a premonition.

>> No.58568252

>Man I would love it if there were such a thing as good joo
Ryan Cohen?

>> No.58568257

Imagine trusting some rich twitter kike to not dump on you again. Holy shit I actually respected you guys but this is some serious cuck bullshit. One guy is not going to trigger the MOASS.

>> No.58568272

/gme/ is a cult that held bags at the top and will do so again. They can't help themselves

>> No.58568274

its insane to think about how fake the stock market is. If they had just handled it in 21 and did a 1k governent forced buyout or something this never would have happend. Now their tricks are known by a huge amount of people and there is no going back. Its all literally 100% fake. No hyperbole. They sell things that dont exist to manipulate the value of things. They can make something worth 100million on comeplete uncheck bullshit manipulation. Its nothing but lies and its insane how no one really knew

>> No.58568276

DFV's options are a distraction. He causes volatility and work for the bad actors. The real blow comes with earnings when his options expired anyway with some bombshell of an announcement.

>> No.58568281
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>> No.58568282
File: 85 KB, 754x595, 1470491855165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

harder and madder please, put a little oomph into it

>> No.58568285

You faggots have been saying that for every earnings.

>> No.58568287
File: 766 KB, 656x559, double kenny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhm ackchyually hedge funds and Ken Griffin are the good guys

>> No.58568293

The worst thing for them at this point is giving excess capital to the nooticers. Three years of peak autism, but now with actual means.

>> No.58568294
File: 340 KB, 800x451, 1696523269777135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hedge boy riddle me this. If you hate the jews so much... which side has more of them?
>It's the side you're supporting. You are literally supporting people you hate because... reasons?

>> No.58568298

These are all things that were suspected to be true from the beginning.

>> No.58568323

I don't support jews at all. I am still holding but this faggot on twitter is not to be trusted. MOASS will trigger economic systemic meltdown and it's not from the actions of some twitter faggot. You think kikes are going to allow a meltdown on Biden's watch, before they get to le ebil Orange Man? MOASS is early 2025 summer 2025 at the latest.

>> No.58568331

Dougie said he wasn't short GME.

>> No.58568339


and kenny and vlad said they didnt collude

cant trust any of these rats

>> No.58568347

We will be right eventually.

<Verification not required

>> No.58568357

Scientist watamolon. Aww... Cute.

>> No.58568363

Um what if they already have 12 mil to give him and this all falls flat then what

>> No.58568366

you guys got rinsed not once, not twice, but THREE times and you still held


>> No.58568371


enjoy losing your house and living on the streets

>> No.58568372

Its a comfy position if you learn it early and don't eat McDonalds 5 times a day.

>> No.58568374

I don't trade this reddit dogshit

GME tards gonna hold bags for eternity after this

>> No.58568377

>I don't support jews at all.
I mean you bought gme right? so you are literally making a jew (Ryan) richer.

>> No.58568384

heres whats gonna happen

you tards are gonna keep blasting the local top hoping it can go to $1000 or some other retarded shit

RK is going to exercise his calls and sell into volume

you are going to be holding the bag for years waiting for another tweet and going to bed every night hoping "muh MOASS Is tomorrow... i can feel it... im gonna btfo hedgies any day now" while smart money rides into the sunset with your money you exchanged for the stock of a dying business with a failing business model

>> No.58568386

>GME tards gonna hold bags for eternity after this
I agree.

>> No.58568387
File: 445 KB, 916x963, 1700301586491222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price falls $2 in an hour
>give zero fucks
I am more locked in than I have ever been. I thought I had diamond hands before, but this feeling of contentness I feel made me realize my hands were mere carbon. This shit could tank down to $10 and I'd still be convinced I'm about to hit payday.

>> No.58568388


>> No.58568389
File: 91 KB, 900x1125, 1717405201545463 Snapchat-2099585203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So on 6 cat will be fully implemented and will start to correct everything,which means close some shorts right?

>> No.58568391

Based calmbro.

>> No.58568392

Wasn't it implemented on the 31st

>> No.58568393

CAT was implemented at end of business day 5-31-24
2-3-24 was the first day of it in effect
6-6-24 is the last day to revise CAT data for 2-3-24

>> No.58568394


enjoy looking back at this time in the future when you had a chance to make it.

But most of all thank you for bringing attention to my stock and furthering its impact into the zeitgeist, all publicity is good publicity and fags like you are amplying it, great!

now fuck off

>> No.58568395

Yes but 6 is the last day for hedgie fuckers to fix their shit, no? At least this is my understanding.

>> No.58568397

Ah ok, thank you man.

>> No.58568399

you are exit liquidity lel

>> No.58568400


>> No.58568404

Yup. I realized it was typo. Thanks again

>> No.58568408

I see, thank you smart frens.

>> No.58568414
File: 54 KB, 680x680, Fv0hMpNaUAAP5oq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

limit buy slurps set @ 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20
25% of stack set to sell from 75-100

rest is moon stack

comfy af

>> No.58568419

Pretty comfy indeed!

>> No.58568425

GME is going to be delisted.

>> No.58568427

It should be a requirement for you fat american cunts to use words for months when you insist on using your fucked and retarded date conventions online. Cheers though.

>> No.58568428

Hopefully soon because I am financially BORED.

>> No.58568429

Chill out fren!

>> No.58568434
File: 67 KB, 500x500, artworks-i2Tu0yESKvSxgWEs-DZ5n2A-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trading at $30
I buy more
>Drops down to $10
I buy more
>Ramps up to $100
I buy more
>Ţ̫̝ͨi̭͑͜c͚͖̦͎̈̈͝k̙͈̩͉̩͍̞̭̉ē͇͚̳̬̝̘͐͋̚͟r͓͕̠̘̪̠ͭ̄̕ ̷̜͔̮̍̂ͦi͎͖̙̹͇̖̜̐ͧ͊̿̕s̠̳̟̙͚̼͍̯̎ͭ̕ ̢̞̺ͬ̑͒u͓̗̼̗̬͎͓̬̓̈́͜ņ̣͖͉̬͈̼͌ͤ̂ř̴̭͚͎͚e̛̥̳̭͙͕̗̪ͩ͌ͧa͉̖͕͊͟d͚̱̹͕̳͆̔͊͞a̸̩̥͚̭͙̪̞͌̇b̸̖̯͚͉̖̯̭̝͐̈́ͦl̢͓̯̗͂e̤̻̹͕̮̍͂͒͡
I buy more

>> No.58568442
File: 521 KB, 1920x1080, 1696638852361339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blud doesn't know how ids work. Tell me friend, are you making 89k? Check pic related if you're confused

>> No.58568455
File: 611 KB, 799x740, 4stock minoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still Holding.

>> No.58568456
File: 540 KB, 1079x1435, 1678588317268074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my bad I'm posting images backwards. Anyways you're underpaid and the quality of discourse you provide is quite telling of your character. Read right to left and understand that your superiors have gotten burned already. You're just the Russian/Chinese tier swarm fodder.
>We aren't as stupid as you are. The more you fumble the more bullish we become. Unless of course a bunch of third worlders enjoy collaborating to FUD a stock. How about you play a video game? The Chinese have a good thing going on in PUBG for example. I bet Indians could BTFO their entire country with little effort

>> No.58568460
File: 842 KB, 1284x1428, 1717305865106065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dead friend prequel

>> No.58568467
File: 1.89 MB, 1534x876, apuRollerCoaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get ready for another round on the rollercoaster OOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.58568471

No, you're our exit liquidity

>> No.58568481

This is the best they can send?
RIP Hedgetards
RIP Bankies

>> No.58568488
File: 850 KB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20240604_093240_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am enjoying the fact Cohen is mocking SuperStupid directly now. 90% of comment are shills and 10% maxinigger retards kek

>> No.58568493

Based! I don't know what the x4 means but I'll x4 as well!

>> No.58568495


>> No.58568497

And another watamolon!
Strapped in fren!

>> No.58568517

Gonna sleep soon.
Hope today is fun!
1 week until earnings.

>> No.58568518
File: 3.10 MB, 613x396, FGZdGweizqK0aooPkRkLXKej5fREixK-0Ea4a_ZSwh4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be an important time for them, truly a shame DFV dilated their anus. Then the entire market shat itself and suddenly there's massive outrage again. So what, didn't shorts close or something? Aren't we baggies? Didn't you say that the shorts profit off us when we're buying? Or that our buy and hold does nothing? Crazy right?
These criminals trying to pin DFV for market manipulation and spread rumors such as the E-Trade one is laughable. It really is simple, DFV is a lone investor who only showed positions and buys and holds, not pump and dump. He has no financial privileges to upset the market with, he simply bought the options that were offered. If they can't lose money on derivatives, then they shouldn't have sold them. Congress and law cleared him. He was under gag order for 3 years and shorts had every fucking chance to bail.

We're all individuals making our own decisions.

>> No.58568522
File: 105 KB, 740x874, BH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to like Bill Hwang, he made all of this possible after all

>> No.58568523

I want to diversify my stocks crypto and cash across different crypto exchanges, banks and brokerages during/post MOASS. Which ones do you think will survive and are suited for high networth / uhnwi? EU specifically

>> No.58568531

Interesting. I love that there's an actual lawsuit now. Took only 3 years, hopefully plenty of evidence from the SEC. I hope they are forced to open their books.

>> No.58568579

Digits is percent chance of moass today, we're all gonna wagmi so fucking hard it's unreal

>> No.58568582

Fuck me sideways Ken

>> No.58568601

thats because it is hilarious.

>> No.58568604

I'm going to throw in another $1600 today. That's a lot for me. The excitement is too real and this whole fucking situation is so crazy.

>> No.58568607

>Talk about being unqualified for a job.
Peter principle

>> No.58568611


>> No.58568616

If anon is in, I'm in, throwing 69 shares in today, do or die.

>> No.58568625

tell me you did not get a single thing of what annon said without telling me you did not get a single thing of what annon said - the post.

>> No.58568634

He's held for 3 years like the rest of us retards, I don't see that trend stopping

>> No.58568638

He likes the stock

>> No.58568641

You don't understand, it's a 4D chess move to dunk his bag on redditor by never selling his share

>> No.58568642

bought a fractional share a long time ago on RH, split gave me around 3.42 shares.

costs 100 to move it to computershare, worth?

>> No.58568643

I'm not going to link shit. I don't care about thug music

>> No.58568647
File: 110 KB, 850x1093, Senzawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do he care so much about getting access to people brokerage ?

>> No.58568649

If it was not in play with GameStop, Cohen or Chang would have called it out by now wouldn't they

>> No.58568650

As expected the siloniggers and the shills trying their best to fud PleasrDAO and the Wu Tang connection is hilarious.

Let me guess the ven diagram of Bobby haters overlaps somewhat for these posters kek

>> No.58568653

Bingo. A C&D would have been issued.

Shillniggers and their desperation is hilarious

>> No.58568658

Just connect your brokerage and give your info to plaid like a good goy. You want to listen to the nigger album right?
It's not a NFT dividend gamestop would be involved already. Actions not words.

>> No.58568663

Hey you can't say the n word.

>> No.58568664

I believe that my bbby stock entitles me to Gme shares as well as cash for settling fraudulent actions by the board. Thoughts?

>> No.58568665
File: 39 KB, 625x415, 1658427104001526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I don't care. Nonbelievers NGMI those are the rules

>> No.58568669

>I believe that my bbby stock
Were they DRS'd or were you otherwise a shareholder of note?

>> No.58568671

PleaseDAO are literally laughing at your fud point shillnigger

You lost

>> No.58568672

He just did tho

>> No.58568674

Ahhh, a classic. Thank you chef. Delectable.

>> No.58568675

Nigga, you know how stupid you sounding right now?
>tweets out to a million autists
>gamestop board doing NOTHING to warn investors this is a scam to steal stock
>wu-tang not going to perform a drive by for this shit
>wu tang referenced by DFV
If you are getting paid for this they need their money back.

>> No.58568677

I have another 500 dollars, guess I'll throw that in too. The hedgie countdown is on.

>> No.58568681

He is correct there's nothing to gain by doing it now, if it's to be issued as an NFT ownership record by the board just got to wait a bit over two weeks for that to be announced.

>> No.58568693

Time will tell if towel boys are right. I only hold GME so I benefit either way.
Pleasr uses $GME community and does not tag Gamestop directly. It's not illegal to set up a website to verify holdings and give those holders a present. Pleasr might not do nefarious things with the data but Plaid will, they have been successfully sued for the same thing.
DFV tweeting about Wutang can be him just entertaining the tinfoil. I want to see wutang talked about by gamestop, larry or ryan. But they won't.

In the end Pleasr uses the GME holders for their shitty NFT music space. I only care about it if it makes shorts close and the stock moon, but it won't.

>> No.58568695
File: 472 KB, 1170x2020, 535263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which actress is playing Amy in dumb money 2?

>> No.58568697

I'm sorry, I'm just not going to connect my brokerage...UGH I Know!! I'm sorry! I'm just not going to connect! Hahahaha

>> No.58568704

>what is hype?
DFV just spent 2 weeks hyping GME. What do you think PleasrDAO is doing? Gamestop, like with the dividend split, would put out a massive public relations post denouncing it and a C&D would happen. Unless they were partnered. The issuance of a token or of an ERC721/20 token per holder would add up easily to over 100% float. How it works no one knows but what we do know is the pushback from downies, siloniggers and fuddies is hilarious.

>muh Plaid
You don't even know what is does
>muh thug music
No one cares about your shit takes
>muh deets
Read only
>muh phasing
Brokers already know what you holder fucking genius
>muh CS
CS report to GME your numbers

Now what a trap would this be to see CS caught in a lie. Their AMA showed they were combative and resented being asked questions. Stating 25% of the float is all there is registered because dereg numbers have equaled the reg numbers. For the last 5 quarters.....

No wonder fuddies and siloniggers hate this one.

>> No.58568706

You are fucking stupid and I've seen your literal shillnigger posts points verbatim used elsewhere.

Get a new script

>> No.58568707
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, life talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to [redacted] Tony so hard and so publicly the ICC will be forced by public opinion to process my warrant before they get to net and yahoo.

>> No.58568708

Again all you need to do is just wait and not do anything and exactly the same outcome occurs.

Ergo inaction is the best course of action.

>> No.58568712

>Which actress is playing Amy in dumb money 2?
Kathy Griffin

>> No.58568713

My point, which you missed is the shillniggers fervor over this. I agree I shall wait but the point was people calling it a grift or trying to downplay it glow like a uranium dildo

>> No.58568714

>In the end Pleasr uses the GME holders for their shitty NFT music space. I only care about it if it makes shorts close and the stock moon, but it won't.

>In the end Pleasr uses the GME holders for their shitty NFT music space. I only care about it if it makes shorts close and the stock moon, but it won't.

>In the end Pleasr uses the GME holders for their shitty NFT music space. I only care about it if it makes shorts close and the stock moon, but it won't.

>> No.58568719

>My point, which you missed is the shillniggers fervor over this
No their advice was to just not touch it unless Gamestop's board themselves gives it their approval. You're argument is in poor faith as it's misrepresenting the course of action.

Kind of the reason why there's push back to BBBY and associated theories here.

>> No.58568721

I'm sorry, I'm just not going to connect my brokerage...UGH I Know!! I'm sorry! I'm just not going to connect! Hahahaha

>> No.58568724

Don't then? I don't care, it's your stocks bro you do whats best for you.
I can understand where you are coming from, however for me, I am 2 years overdone on schitzo pills, there is too many things happening to be all at once for this to be brushed off lightly. With all the ramblings from LC, Lego, Blockbuster, Pleasr, DFV, then there's CAT & Berkshire yesterday, IF this was just Pleasr then it would be worth a few sniffs, with the amount of bullets flying around, it's going down like Tupac.

>> No.58568727

Rebel Wilson

>> No.58568737


>> No.58568739 [DELETED] 

On $GME.

The ONLY thing that matters when you invest or trade is P&L. There have been many attempts at greater fool theory over the centuries of investing. They do not work. Assets must be productive and the production allows compounding.

That’s it, that’s what investing is.

$GME doesn’t have assets producing anything and the future looks bleak. Management revealed its skill diving into NFTs when it could have pivoted to something productive.

There are people with far better track records that I and others have shorted against. It’s nothing personal, even if the other side feels that way. Al Mann, Phil Frost and others come to mind.

Buy good, growing companies with intelligent managements and fair prices, and be patient.

>> No.58568740
File: 278 KB, 1170x1190, 8697343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Mad-hatter Mike” would’ve been a better nickname. And that’s off the cuff. Are we sure this Doug guy went to an Ivy League school?

>> No.58568741

Post short position

>> No.58568748

On $GME.

The ONLY thing that matters when you invest or trade is P&L. There have been many attempts at greater fool theory over the centuries of investing. They do not work. Assets must be productive and the production allows compounding.

That’s it, that’s what investing is.

$GME doesn’t have assets producing anything and the future looks bleak. Management revealed its skill diving into NFTs when it could have pivoted to something productive.

There are people with far better track records that I and others have shorted against. It’s nothing personal, even if the other side feels that way. Al Mann, Phil Frost and others come to mind.

Buy good, growing companies with intelligent managements and fair prices, and be patient.

>> No.58568751


>> No.58568753

Do a flip.

>> No.58568754
File: 350 KB, 1170x1414, 4250796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He really got rid of that quick
Care to explain?
These are the posts of a….. disingenuous…. anon.

>> No.58568758

On your mom,

We like here, she has a productive asset. Selling to willing buyers at the market price.

That's it, that's what whoring is.

Unforutantely, your mom is old as fuck and her future looks bleak, minus the granny porn that she might be convinced to do by a 20 something not paying her for sex anymore. Your grandmother comes to mind.

Marry, clean, unused whores, and for a fair trade. Be respectful of your newfound wife for she will you many children. (In an archotech womb made by her AI masters)

Fuck you hedgie, ledgie is calling.

>> No.58568761
File: 53 KB, 500x501, IMG_6681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii what can I say cuh? Real recognise real!

>> No.58568763

Nah I’ll never invest in Reddit

>> No.58568776

>>gamestop board doing NOTHING to warn investors this is a scam to steal stock
Cohen is not your fucking dad or a childcarer

>> No.58568783
File: 143 KB, 1125x729, holding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still Holding! x4

>> No.58568810

>gets his company rugged
>posts on twitter "kek baggies"
>rugs everyone including himself

The aroma, I am picking up desperate and nutmeg, do I detect a hint of salt? Divine.

>> No.58568836

>Plaid comped
>Shareholders show Plaid is disingenuous
>No u r all wong wahhhh plap plap plap plap get connected get connected get connected get connected
Shut up bitch

>> No.58568848

Ugh, just going to ask you, can you show me where it is telling you to connect in this thread, ugh just not going to find it are you sweetpea ugh

>> No.58568858
File: 54 KB, 1024x788, Shut Up Bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open the website to heckin validate me

>> No.58568863


>> No.58568871
File: 162 KB, 1131x1205, Screenshot_20240604-065330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never tire of a brown man's ire

>> No.58568876

>Going to a website that tells you to connect, why is everyone telling me to connect, proof of people telling me to connect, the website is telling me to connect!
You should qualify for disability. Your employer needs a refund.

>> No.58568877

I have no more to slurp with, for I have already slurped. God speed.

>> No.58568893

Just as long as it isn't Amy Schumer.

>> No.58568896
File: 1.00 MB, 220x158, shut-the-fuck-up-shut-up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See! You didn't open the link! Therefore I'm right! I am a le chessmaster at tardation
More reacharound than when your boss at Plaid HQ fucks you up the ass in the unisex bathroom.

>> No.58568902

If it was Amy Schumer directed by David Lynch that would produce the desired character persona and I am not joking, that film would win awards.

>> No.58568912

They want to make him into a Bankman or Madoff figure, but those guys fucked over investors. Hwang only really fucked over banks.

>> No.58568917

What I'm saying is that he gives Dorner vibes.

>> No.58568922

I just don't want that woman getting work. Playing herself on Only Murders is probably the apex, she's peaked and we don't need to see any more of of her.

>> No.58568932

7 Days can not come soon enough... Nigga you exhausting

>> No.58568943
File: 21 KB, 1280x720, rkokAlhS-N4EkVAV.mp4_snapshot_00.00.917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threaded, frens!

>> No.58569479
File: 140 KB, 1200x736, tyson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, bitch

>> No.58570647

Schwab isn’t a Jewish last name, and the founder is Roman Catholic you fuckin retard