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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58565652 No.58565652 [Reply] [Original]


MicroCloud Hologram (HOLO) is a Chinese company registered in the Cayman Islands and doing business through its PRC subsidiaries. It claims to produce hologram and lidar technology for a variety of buzzword use cases, most notably systems for self-driving cars. But they also claim to do "immersive experiences" and "deep information interaction" and some kind of ChatGPT 3D virtual assistant and something about relying on 6G networks. They claim to do business with "certain automobile brands" (their exact words, lmao). Their website is written in somewhat broken English. There are no video demonstrations of their technology anywhere that I can find on the internet.

They recently underwent a reverse 10-to-1 split in order to qualify for staying listed on NASDAQ. Their financials show them losing millions of dollars a year with declining revenue.


The price history says it all. The chinks are repeatedly running pump-and-dumps on this fake company and it's currently being set up for another round. In the most recent Feb pump, they had a jeet write an article about how the company's stock was soaring because HOLO announced it was joining the "Communications Industry Association". The price went 70x.

So what? Well, six days ago HOLO filed a prospectus with the SEC to sell 300M USD worth of shares, about 3400% of the current market cap. Last time they pumped the stock it was sitting at about 12% SI. This time, however, it's at 68.44% SI, the second most shorted stock on the market. The chinks are about to try to raise over a quarter of a billion dollars by engineering a short squeeze. Within the next six months this thing is going 50x before it collapses, disperses all the money to its PRC subsidiaries, and declares bankrupcy.

This is your surefire bet for making money, as long as you exit with the chinks the moment the pump happens, and don't FOMO in when reddit sees a 5000% price increase.

>> No.58565957

Interesting find. Might be a good choice but worried about keeping my eye on it constantly

>> No.58566006

Are they not diluting this?

>> No.58566116

Yes, they are, but that's the point. They're going to run another pump and dump, with dilution happening during the dump phase. With the money in the company coffers they go home to China and never come back.

>> No.58566316

so what's the strategy if I don't want to have to watch this while waiting for the pump? Just buy a bunch and set some take profit orders at 50-100 dollars? What is your price target and timeline, higher than previous pumps based on how shorted it is?

>> No.58566395

the fact after a google search I see this being shilled on reddit for a few weeks now has me wary. Prove you aren't some redditfag shilling your bags

>> No.58566400

My plan is to sell at 50, lower than previous pumps. It's possible it goes significantly higher, but remember that just because they're trying for a squeeze does not mean it'll actually happen. They are also probably more interested in the appearance of a squeeze than the reality, to attract meme stock retards.

Their social media strategy last time was pretty bad. See, e.g., this account (with an auto-generated name even) getting immediately modded by WallStreetBets:


>> No.58566588

Don't know what to tell you except that I am clearly smarter than the guys on reddit who have unironically posted about this being "the next GME" or about how if it overperforms earnings there will be a squeeze. This company is a scam getting pumped and you should treat it accordingly.

My position is 100 shares at $1.51, which I purchased today just before making the thread.

>> No.58566657

So when will it explode then days, weeks, months or you don't know?

>> No.58566791 [DELETED] 
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i don't know when exactly chooky will explode in terms of market hype but i'm confident that it will happen in the next few months at the latest there has been some interest from the tiktok communities recently which is promising i also have been working on a few partnerships with some influencers for a potential viral marketing campaign so hopefully that will help to drive up the price and demand for chooky tokens remember

>> No.58566863

I don't know. I'd say six months at the latest. If it doesn't happen by then I'll give up.

>> No.58566948 [DELETED] 
File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, photo_7_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chooky is launching in just one week and there will be a huge pump and dump

>> No.58566965

C'mon man we need something happening in the next week

>> No.58567458

Realistically I think with a month or two. Best I can offer

>> No.58569152

might buy some, risk/reward ratio is pretty good

>> No.58569327

seems like something is happening now

>> No.58569623

Damn, gotta see how high they decide to drive it up over the next few days

>> No.58569689

up 16% on the day already

>> No.58570002

Great find. Can't believe I'm looking at decent DD on /biz/.

>> No.58570153

Prove you aren't a chink trying to peddle bags

>> No.58570235

Post it

>> No.58570445
File: 37 KB, 777x643, holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a RH screenshot lol. Don't know what kind of proof you want considering it's so easy to inspect-element these things.

If I was a chink trying to offload my bags, would I tell you the company was a scam and that I'm not willing to risk more than a couple hundred on it? I'd be in the memestock thread telling everybody that we're gonna go to the moon and stick it to the hedgies.

>> No.58570457

seems 100% plausible but, why would the chinks keep using the same ticker for their pump and dumb scams and not just cycle to a new ticker and let this one die

>> No.58570543

My thesis is that the company itself is either incompetent or outright fraudulent and that the guys in charge are the ones doing the pump and dumps for their own stocks. Now that the company's financials are in the gutter, they're going to try to dilute to raise capital.

Think about it this way: Why would a company that just had to undergo a reverse split to avoid being delisted (because the price was too low) immediately move to dilute, which lowers the price? This is a company that lists a lot of buzzwords, is very cagey about what their contracts with their clients are, and presents no clear evidence that their tech even exists. The pump and dumps are not being run by a third party. It's internal.

>> No.58570902

It's doing exactly what it did the other times leading up to the huge peaks. Looking good so far and probably gonna peak in the next few days if it's anything like the other times. Just gonna be hard to predict what the true huge peak will be. Shit, I'd be happy if it hit $20

>> No.58571017

The proof is good. Props to you for following through

>If I was a chink why would say it's shit
Chinks have no integrity and will throw their own mothers under the bus for a quick buck. Just watch your ass anon

>> No.58571046

All the small time reddit memestock subs are starting to spam HOLO today. If this has another 30% day tomorrow we could be in for a bloodbath.

Be safe anons. Remember to get off the hype train early and do not FOMO in once it blows.

>> No.58571055
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Forgot pic

>> No.58571070

this post is part of the pump and dump scheme

>> No.58571081

If the same thing that happened with FFIE happens now then we could be looking at a 1000% upside before the massive dump and leddit bagholder coping starts.

>> No.58571086

When it hits another huge spike and Reddit starts to give this even more attention, takes over a subreddit and shitposts all over twitter, that might be when it's time to exit

>> No.58571089

It's not. I posted my position, I warned you the company plans to dilute, and most importantly, I told you to get out early and don't buy the way up. The retards on reddit posting rocketships are the dangerous ones.

>> No.58571103

bought 100 shares at 1.49
wonder if i should get more

>> No.58571117

Decide whether or not to buy more now and stick to your decision. Under no circumstances should you average up on this kind of thing, you'll get killed. It is far better to make a few bucks while missing out on a big gain, than to throw your money in on the runup and get stuck holding the bag.

>> No.58571125

It actually hit $2, fuck yeah. Thanks for pointing this out yesterday OP

>> No.58571138

I'll see where it's at at open tomorrow, I don't trust the chinks overnight with my money

>> No.58571146

Yep, its TRUFF all over again. Biz bump will push this up 10%, OP will dump.

>> No.58571149

It's up 40% on the day. It's not /biz/ generating that movement.

>> No.58571228

I admit it's making me nervous how quickly it's rising. Given its history though I don't think it's stopping any time soon. Clear pump and dump but I appreciate the OP pointing out what's really going on with it. Why not make some money on it?

>> No.58571236

just my luck to see this post after market close

>> No.58571269

>Given its history though I don't think it's stopping any time soon.
Don't get too hyped. There was also a bump a month ago where it went over 3.00 but came back down. It does appear to be more shilled this time, but it's not necessarily popping off immediately.

>> No.58571284

Fair point. I mean shit, looks like they're hard dumping now already. Still gonna ride it out

>> No.58571289

I got raped on FFIE not sure I trust the Chinese to do anything right now

>> No.58571291

either I'm making 2k or losing 50 bucks.

>> No.58571302

Fuck just saw this post, after market close. And it's dumping...Is it to late anyways OP?

>> No.58571304

Smart money is probably shorting the shit out of it in after hours because they know how fake and gay this company is.

>> No.58571311

The problem is Beijing wakes up in 4hrs and might dump the stock further, that's why I figured I look at it at opening tmma

>> No.58571316

My thesis is exactly the same as before. This company is dogshit but it's gonna get pumped. If you get scared of volatility you need to stay away from this type of thing, it's a time bomb that's going to go off in some baggies' hands.

>> No.58571392

haven't bought any yet, if it drops back to 1.5 range I will. I think the play here is like you said, play it as a pure gamble and just set price alerts and take profit orders and ignore the day to day volatility. take out initial, then target $20 and leave a moonbag because based on how much more shorted it is compared to previous pump and dumps it could surpass them all

>> No.58571398

Just bought 100 usd and send more 200 usd to my broker, will market buy this shit tomorrow and leav a sell order for 47 usd. Fuck it, will trust you on this one, OP.

>> No.58571435

Alright big G, will wait and see. will drop 200 in this trash and see where the gamble takes us. Where do you find these ?

>> No.58571538

Curious why people think this is blowing up soon? Trends indicate winter and fall pop-offs

>> No.58571541
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1st pump +739%
2nd pump +739%
3d pump +5218%
4 pump now +5218% target price is 69.66$

>> No.58571562

This company is not going to survive another year of earnings reports without raising capital, and in order to do that they need to dilute, and before they do that they're gonna pump.

>> No.58571659

is there a way we can see at what time (EST) these pumps occurred?

>> No.58572773

post more good threads like this OP. thanks bro.
all my investments are in BTC & alts rn but I appreciate the good posts.

>> No.58572872
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>Chink Scam is going to 50x
fucking clown world

>> No.58573359

Any other chink scams OP?

>> No.58573819
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>> No.58573917


12/9/23- 16,30

>> No.58574183

>Slow and steady rise all day
>Immediately dumps in the after hours
>Makes slow recovery afterwards
>Immediately dumps in pre market again
Who is offloading bags already?

>> No.58574203
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>> No.58574440


>> No.58574467

What price should I set my limit buy at? 1.75?

>> No.58574472

Remember that we are playing with a garbage stock here. People are going to want out. There's going to be nasty volatility.

>> No.58574475

For 100 share buy at price market.
For 10,000 @ 1,76

>> No.58574709

I'm sure there's tons, but it's not easy to identify and profit from them.

>> No.58574774

To the moon

>> No.58574833

Why is it crashing so hard ;(

>> No.58574867

They always seem to push it high in the afternoon so I'd chill until then. Even then, I'm pretty sure they're going to want to push it up higher.

>> No.58575008

in for 300 shares. dont let me down fellow scamartists

>> No.58575180

Remember it's unlikely it will pop off immediately. You'll likely have to hold this stock for another 2 months or so.

>> No.58575241

Yeah, everyone excited because of short term volatility yesterday is now crying because of short term volatility in the morning, lol.

>> No.58575636

it's dumping you bastards

>> No.58575678

was at all time low at like 1.49 a share. relax. look at the 1 year graph. its going to oscillate up and down in volatile fashion until the pump.

>> No.58575702

If you read the OP and thought "Wow I'm going to make a lot of money tomorrow morning" then you're retarded

>> No.58575886

This particular one I discovered just reading some Seeking Alpha blog posts. I saw a fluff piece that coincided with a completely disproportionate pump (70x on the news that they're joining some meaningless consortium?), looked at the chart and saw how suspicious it was, then saw the news about the SEC filing

>> No.58575899

im already down $50
thank you scam artists

>> No.58575914
File: 166 KB, 345x345, village.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all got Pumped and Dumped. There was anb orchestrated pump to dump this and don't forget there is a reverse split so it will never reach the levels you shills are pumping.

>> No.58576019

I'm still up 6% and feel that it's highly likely to have a high peak again in coming days, weeks, or months

>> No.58576034 [DELETED] 

ive personally watched this stock go from $2 to $98 some months ago

>> No.58576094

A reverse split causes prices to increase, not decrease.

>> No.58576104

You;re an idiot. A reverse split does not cause the price to increase.

>> No.58576193

Do you understand the difference between a split and a reverse split? I'll give you a hint. One is the opposite of the other.

>> No.58576201
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Holy shit this guy is fucking retarded

>> No.58576228

He's doubly retarded because not only does he think reverse splits lower the price, he also thinks that the listed historical prices are not adjusted to reflect the reverse split. Literally a zero information investor.

>> No.58576432

66$ in 7-15 days

>> No.58576540
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He bought.

>> No.58576764

The price has pretty much flatlined all day after the morning dump. The volume has also been way smaller than yesterday. Let's see what happens....

>> No.58577466

OK, Boss. Can you share the SEC filling to lazy to look for it. And I'm in but at 1.8 - if this pops i'lll buy a chink wifu for you.

>> No.58577596


>> No.58578118

So if I'm understanding the filing, they would realistically need to pump until $60-$80 and then they will dilute their balls off.

As a buyer, you would need to sell as SOON as it reaches near that range. There's no way you could wait to see if it goes higher overnight. That will be guaranteed suicide.

>> No.58578164

Yeah I think as a safety net to just accept 40-50 bucks range. It's a free pump and dump don't get greedy

>> No.58578269

Nothing happened.

Makes sense. /biz/ sucks and never has alpha. People here are either scammers, broke or someone who already has 800k and is hoping to make it 1.2m when bitcoin goes up 50%.

>> No.58578673

Serious question, do you think /biz/ generated 40 million in traded volume on $HOLO yesterday? Because that's how retarded it sounds when you claim my thread, where I convinced like three people to buy a couple hundred bucks worth of a stock, is actually the *real* pump and dump.

I said in the very first post that I expected this to happen "within six months", not "tomorrow".

>> No.58578679

You seem upset Mr. Chang.

>> No.58578695

Suit yourself. If you honestly believe that this thread moves the needle on tens of millions of volume, go ahead and think it.

>> No.58578729

You can see the patterns too right? Are you just antagonising for no reason? It's really close to its all time low, why would this be scam from his part? We all know what we're getting into here, we see the patterns, we recognise the meme tier non existing fundamentals of the company and we're just here for a quick buck. It's not like you got much to lose with this shit stock being almost being a its all time low.

>> No.58578820

If that's what you're waiting for sorry you're lost anon. Better still focus on trending narratives. Like I'm acquiring DUA for Account Abstraction, RIO for RWA, and INJ for AI. Planning to securely hold them in my BrillionFi smart wallet, the preferred choice for tokenized RWAs.

>> No.58579310

I’m in. Wagmi fellow retards

>> No.58579781

>six days ago HOLO filed a prospectus with the SEC to sell 300M USD worth of shares
Did they do this right before the last PnDs?

>> No.58580578
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>> No.58580697

Did you retards expect this thing to pop the day after you personally bought in?

>> No.58580708

you're on /biz/ the memory and patience of goldfish

>> No.58580836

ok fellas how we feeling about this?

>> No.58580872

They did it in September 2023 after that year's last pump, but before the February pump

>> No.58580916
File: 220 KB, 750x695, IMG_6285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok cool thanks, I was trying to look it up but I’m on my phone so I just said fuck it and asked. I think this is the recent one? So it’s $28mm not $300mm, unless I’m mistaken?

>> No.58580967
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Nvm I found it.

For those interested:

>> No.58581462

I've come upon new information that confirms my theory that this stock is being manipulated by insiders.

Greenland Asset Management Corporation is registered as a 10% owner in HOLO according to an SEC Form 3 filing. You can see the filings here:


Last fall, after the September 2023 pump and dump, Greenland Asset Management attempted to serve MicroCloud Hologram and Wei Peng (the single biggest owner) with a lawsuit for breach of contract, violation of the Securities Act of 1933, and the Exchange Act of 1934. But because the company is located in the Cayman Islands and the defendants are in China, they filed with the Supreme Court of New York to be allowed to serve the lawsuit here, claiming that it would take months for them to serve the lawsuit in these other countries. You can verify the lawsuit on New York's government website here:


The two laws that they're accursed of violating are laws over disclosing sales of securities. You will notice that according to SEC filings, zero insiders have bought or sold. But following the September pump and dump, Greenland Asset Management thinks otherwise.

The minority owners are suing the majority owners (in China) for secretly trading securities. Very funny that I could find no news articles about this lawsuit.

>> No.58581471
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Also I'm OP but the power is out at my house because something exploded down the block

>> No.58581500

Pattern name?

>> No.58581731

The Chinkity Chink Rise & Sink

>> No.58581810

So wouldn't the majority owners not want to pump it anymore due to the lawsuit?

>> No.58581814

so can I actually throw $1k in this and then just set up some sell orders? Seems to easy. Can I get this on robinhood? I only hold crypto and have never used tradfi

>> No.58581835


>> No.58581841
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>> No.58582039

It’s on RH. I got some there ezpz

>> No.58582076
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If someone rolls trips I’ll double it

>> No.58582083
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>> No.58582114


>> No.58582120

do it

>> No.58582138
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>> No.58582139


>> No.58582145

Fool me once shame on you, fool me thrice shame on Wu

>> No.58582186

It's doin a lil sumn right now

>> No.58582635

This lawsuit (a preliminary lawsuit to allow them to be served in NY) happened before the Feb pump, so clearly it didn't actually dissuade them. As I said in my original post, I believe their plan is to take the money, dissolve the company, and fuck off to China. China is not going to hand them over to NY, especially if the company itself no longer exists.

>> No.58582790

Struggle Session

>> No.58583201
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I've tried to make some limit sells at 40 dollars, but RH just doesn't allow you to, and apparently there's some bullshit rule that says you're not allowed to make a limit order that's too far above or below the current price. Is there a workaround for this?

>> No.58583357

Yeah open a fidelity or Charles schwab account

>> No.58583379

Just set a price alert somewhere on an app. Don't worry, these short squeezes won't happen within a minute, it takes a while from start to top.

>> No.58583604

What would be a realistic time frame for the squeeze to start? I'm looking on tha chart but I cannot make anything up

>> No.58583607
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My position.

>> No.58583647

I agree with OP and will just hold this stock for 6 months tops. If nothing has happened by then I'll just hop out.

>> No.58583670

Just bought $300 worth. Godspeed anons.
Selling @ $25

>> No.58583683

BS sell at 50$ it can easily hit that based on past analysist.

>> No.58583686
File: 46 KB, 1367x293, justbought.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot cap

>> No.58583700


Sorry kid, not falling for that bullshit
Although I might toy with the idea and set a stop-loss

>> No.58583716

god damn boi 6 months, i don't have that huge attention span. WIll hold and see

>> No.58583738

Not trying to trick you. Its smart to set limits, but 20$ feels a bit of a low ball compared to past spikes.

>> No.58583748

Tbf past performance doesn't indicate future performance

>> No.58583756

In all fairness, each spike before was lower than its previous one. And it's kinda unpredictable too. Though I do think it will have a high peak in the near future

>> No.58583768

True. But these spikes happened without momentum, this has momentum, last time it spiked it was 70$.

This is the 2nd most shorted stock on the market, any good news or mild momentum could set this off.

>> No.58583777

Last time it spiked in Feb. It sat at the price of 2$ hitting 70$. Not hard to predict a ~1$ price hitting 50$ even 40$ is nice.

>> No.58583787

Neither have I. Like I said, just set a price alert at $5 and start paying attention again when you see it triggered. The stock seems awfully volatile this week so I'm gonna pay attention a little longer but if nothing happens soon, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Unfortunately the chinks chink when they want to chink and we can't force them. If you have faith in the indomitable will of gooks to scam like I have, we'll probably just have to be patient for a little while.

>> No.58583793

are there no options available for this? Usually with retarded yolo shit like this I just buy the most otm call with expiry a year out that I can, and then forget about it.

the amount I'd need to put into spot to make even a 40x worth it is more than I'm comfy throwing at a scam like this.

>> No.58583859

If you put just 100$ in and it goes up 50-60$ you make 5k, but if it doesnt you risk losing 50$ lol.

>> No.58583889

Only on /biz/ will people tell you that they buy options because holding stock is too risky

>> No.58583899


>> No.58584157

got myself 180 shares @ $1.73 on margin

>> No.58584216


>> No.58584320


>> No.58584326

Sure, why not? In for 100 shares at $1.77, I'll set a limit at $40 sell and just forget about it for 6 months. If anything, the gamestop shit is gonna make normies more likely to blow everything on a pnd like this. Small bet with potential huge payoff. Let's hope the chinks are as predictable as OP thinks.

>> No.58584432
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Delivered. Wagmi, retards

>> No.58584507

Buying a stock this volatile on margin is not a good idea. You could get liquidated on a bad day long before the pump

>> No.58584590

Damn i kind wanna do a third buy in but dont want to overextend myself on my first few days investing. only got a share of VOO and these

>> No.58584600
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forgot pic

>> No.58584618

Wait for next trippies. That will be your sign

>> No.58584654

im in 1000 shares
do not fuck me over on this

>> No.58584661

If you are some 18 year old just entering the stock market, VOO is a good choice. HOLO is a high-risk play and is going to require emotional discipline, because you could lose half your money on a given day for no reason. Don't get sucked into retarded meme stock cults that tell you that you're going to be a millionaire if you just hold forever based on retarded conspiracy theories.

>> No.58584763

Worse you can lose is like 800$ best you can win is 50k. Losing 800$ isnt worth crying yourself to sleep over.

>> No.58584922
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See you guys next year

Year of the snake

>> No.58584924
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Welcome bröther

>> No.58584942

My first investment that wasn't crypto was a $14 GME just when the hype was beginning to develop. Good times.

>> No.58584969

>51% portfolio diversity
Godspeed anon.

>> No.58585006

Lmao I only use robinhood for meme trades.

>> No.58585750

You’re right anon, I’m retarded

>> No.58586963

I feel like the GME hype might accelerate the timeline for these short squeeze type plays. People who missed GME or have profits to gamble will look for other plays

>> No.58586973


>> No.58586996

I’m buying this actually seems logical

>> No.58587139
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Is this how I should set it up?

>> No.58587212

Kek this is worse then your average shitcoin

>> No.58587238

I’d say it has more chance to pump

>> No.58587257

I’m selling at 40 lost to much to shitcoins and shitstonks

>> No.58587355

I just transfered funds to my brokerage account on fidelity and it says I have to wait until next Wednesday to trade. Please tell me shit stocks take longer to pump and dump than shit coins.

>> No.58587367

Why does it say that? Try another brokie

>> No.58587371

Nah, checked with fidelity rep. Has to wait for money to "settle".

>> No.58587380

You can still buy stocks with unsettled cash on Fidelity. You just cant sell the stock before the 'cash settles' which takes 3 days.

>> No.58587391

Haha they said "I "can't do it with penny stocks". Wtf fidelity

>> No.58587395
File: 58 KB, 1000x1024, a45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 7 shares for fun lfg boys chink scam to the moon

>> No.58587397

Weird with my brokie it’s instant. Can you help me now fren is this the correct order if I want to buy @1,76$ or below? Stupid question but it’s so late and the terminology for some reason always makes me confused >>58587139

>> No.58587411

You need to enable penny stocks in the app or on the account. Type in penny stock on the fidelity search bar. Thats what I did on my phone app. The instructions to enable will pop up as a search result

>> No.58587430

Looks correct

>> No.58587441

That was it man, thank you! Just bought 500 shares.

>> No.58587462

>MicroCloud Hologram (HOLO) is a Chinese company registered in the Cayman Islands and doing business through its PRC subsidiaries. It claims to produce hologram and lidar technology for a variety of buzzword use cases, most notably systems for self-driving cars. But they also claim to do "immersive experiences" and "deep information interaction" and some kind of ChatGPT 3D virtual assistant and something about relying on 6G networks. They claim to do business with "certain automobile brands" (their exact words, lmao). Their website is written in somewhat broken English. There are no video demonstrations of their technology anywhere that I can find on the internet.
Can you link to their website and business information?

>> No.58588085

>Robinhood won’t let me set up a limit sell because my target price is too high.
So do I have do watch this shit every day for 6 months in hopes I can catch the pump?

>> No.58588098

No you can set a price alarm. If youre using the app its the bell icon on the top right

>> No.58588155

So I can make an easy 25k off this if I just put some 900 bucks in, wait for the pump, and get out? It sounds too simple, but I wanna give it a go, I've wasted money on worse things.

>> No.58588199

Would trailing stop losses work?

>> No.58588241

What about webull?

>> No.58588290

>finally something useful in /biz/
AHHHHHHHHH where the fuck do i buy this with a broker account as a 3rd worlder?

>> No.58588317

Just buy a share so its always in your portfolio for viewing.

>> No.58588965

You don’t have brokies in the third world!

>> No.58588978


>> No.58589050

Sorry fren it was a question… because in almost every market you have brokies. Maybe get something like revolut the online bank app you can trade on that too

>> No.58589196
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>> No.58589200

Robin Hood....degiro.....interactive broker

>> No.58589215


>> No.58589227
File: 12 KB, 248x206, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I wanted to buy 50 more shares, hopefully it doesn't gigapump on market open

>> No.58589232

I hope it goes lower than giga pumps. Happens all the time in this sort of situation

>> No.58589240


>> No.58589364

my broker is closing only on this market, usually a sign that something is going on

>> No.58589367
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>> No.58589372

bros is Interactive Brokers the best broker to use in Australia?

>> No.58589373

for some reason my order is still "pending" even though i'm at the exact price. wtf is happening

>> No.58589442

Markets aren't open yet. Can't make an official trade until markets open.

>> No.58589461
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right, guess i'll check back right before the market opens

>> No.58589927
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>> No.58590428

Everything is doomping rn. Probably buy in at a lower price.

>> No.58590490

This thread again? You stink like the Bay house silver faggot. Wouldnt be surprised if youre same person. Post holdings faggot. Let us see how deep in the red you are. Sick of you shills dumping your turds on this board.

>> No.58590503

What a crock of shit. No one shills this hard for measly hundred dollar bags. Show us the other portfolio faggot, the one thats down thousands.

>> No.58590822

This stock trades tens of millions in volume daily. If you think shilling on /biz/ can move the price on that kind of volume, you are way too fucking retarded to be trading stocks.

The reason my position is small is because, as I said in the OP, this stock is a literal scam. I'm not gonna throw ten grand in a manipulated stock.

>> No.58590859 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 391x394, catc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are u buying no name scams with no community on boomer exchanges? with 0 hype? nobody give a fuck, nobody gon pump complex fractal of dead company scam, sure its cyclic but why would you risk? nobody with stacks will ever buy into dead piece of shit

just get catgirl and catcoin for guaranteed 300x

and wait for elon tweet

>> No.58591054

Damn looks like I was right. Will buy frens just at a lower price so I can spend less money. I’m a poorfag.

>> No.58591201 [DELETED] 

after $beer and $wine it's time for $sake

>> No.58591253

Go take a shit on the curb, Pardeep.

>> No.58593798
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I’m financially ruined

>> No.58593835
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>> No.58594185
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i bought at $1.62

>> No.58594215

bought at 1.75, put some alerts once the price goes past 5 bucks like another anon did.

>> No.58594221

As soon as my cash gets deposited I'm doubling

>> No.58594574

Just bought at 1,65 100 shares so I still have money left to average down if necessary

>> No.58594781
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You all got chinked this is headed sub $1

>> No.58594843


>> No.58595127

Just fiddled with it. Robinhood's limit looks to be 10x. Set alerts to $4 and then you can do it.

I put a 1.6k bet on this. 1000 shares. Got my sell limit for 50 shares at $16 and will probably set another sell limit at $25 so that I'm playing with house money and will wait to sell the rest at $45

>> No.58595195

Honestly I think anything over a grand betting on this is unhinged wishful thinking, unless you've got a 50k+ port. This is a longshot bet placed for several months out based on nothing but "the chinks will pnd this shit for the fourth or fifth time in a row". OP was right, it's purely a scam, and there's absolutely no good reason why it will pay off instead of just fizzling out into nothing. If it does pay off, kudos to the 1000+ share retards, but I think the correct answer is grabbing between 100 and 200 shares and just forgetting about it with a limit order.

>> No.58595226

How many of these obvious pnds come up a year? Im a new investor and dont want to fomo. Got 300 shares currently

>> No.58595232

I am fortunate enough that this is not a bet that will destroy me if it fizzles up.
that being said you are absolutely correct no one should bet the house on this.

>> No.58595263

I can afford to have 1k sit in this for 6 months and hope for the best

>> No.58595302

If you're new, you already fucked up by posting on /biz/. If you really want to try chasing +100% plays then all that's going to happen for your first few years is taking losses on every single trade as there is a good chance you're just FOMOing in to an already dead play and gonna baghold everything or sell at a loss.

Never risk more than 2% of your entire portfolio at a time on a trade. If you think something is a sure bet because you REALLY know an industry, then maybe 5%. As in, if you have 10k in your account and you want to make a play, don't risk more than a $200 loss on it. You could put $1,000 in a stock, set a trailing stop loss at 20%, and then just sit back and watch it. Worst case scenario, the stock tanks immediately 20% and your stop activates, you sell at $800, and you've lost $200, losing 2% of your total portfolio. A good scenario would be if the stock goes up 20% over a few weeks, then you can tighten your stop up to 5 or 10% so that you still have guaranteed profit but won't be left bagholding if it starts to dip.

Also if a play really takes off and you're sitting at +50% or +100% and you ever, EVER ask yourself "should I sell now or hold for more money?" then you're being a greedy little piggy and the correct answer is always "sell half and let the rest ride".

Alternatively, just lose 80% of your money in your first 6 months like the rest of us and spend the rest of your time learning your lesson and making it back.

>> No.58595593

This is absolutely a gamble, but the reason I think it's likely not to fizzle is the intention to dilute + short interest. Diluting at the current share price and volume makes no sense, so I think their intention is to pump again.

>> No.58595698


>> No.58595726

So we cooked?

>> No.58595735

Thanks bro just figured out how to stop loss on the phone app

>> No.58595750

I wouldn't set a stop loss on this play specifically desu. This is one of those "the entire thing could look completely dead before rocketing for no reason" because again, total scam. This is a play that you should be fully prepared to actually go -99.9% on or 50x like OP thinks, because it is a guaranteed scam. That's why I'm only putting a tiny bet on it and just not caring how shit it gets.

>> No.58596006


>> No.58596103
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>trading account hovering between -1.5 and -2.5k for years
>went positive one time and immediately blew it like a degenerate

If this goes off I'm uninstalling Robinhood, hopefully the Chinese can deliver here. Gambling is miserable.

>> No.58596130

This guy fucks

>> No.58597487

when you say no more than 2% of your entire account at a time..... do you also mean only one trade at a time or multiple and if you mean you can have multiple trades going on how many would you cap it to

>> No.58598508

frens i found a broker called xtb but i wonder if they will deactivate my account after some months and leave me hanging

>> No.58598600

So this is the chink GME? I'm in.

>> No.58599164

how many alts? Most alts look dead but a few are starting to pick up. I got a few RWA like RAM. It's still cheap even after 60x from bottom.

>> No.58599327
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September next pump

>> No.58600356

Newgen Oracles like Pyth, Supra and Dia are fucking based.

>> No.58600497

Based. Plenty of time to accooom

>> No.58600954

might be sooner imo

>> No.58601946

if GME doesn't get complete rekt it will probably be sooner, people who made some money will be looking for another quick pump and dump opp. But if those people get rekt it like it seems they will, it will take longer

>> No.58602151

We have to wait this long while it crabs..pfft

>> No.58603423

chance of it going down tomorrow?

>> No.58603426


>> No.58604239


>> No.58604294

three fiddy %

>> No.58605409


>> No.58605623


>> No.58605760


>> No.58605765

Vesta NFT’s looking way more juicy, sorry to disappoint

>> No.58605798

>help be liquidity in an OBVIOUS scam.

>> No.58606005


>> No.58606152

>He doesn't realize you can make money off a scam if you realize what's going on
I think you'd be more at home in a preschool. There are plenty of people just like you who shit their pants and eat crayons all day.

>> No.58607781

I'm buying 3900 shares at market open

>> No.58607792

I think this is illegal but what do I know

>> No.58607816

If you're buying at the all time low, you're not the exit liquidity.

>> No.58607842

>Risk =/= position size. You can have plenty of positions on at the same time, 5, 10, 20, 50 if you can manage it, whatever works for you. RISK = maximum amount you are willing to LOSE on any position.

The 2% rule he gave, let's say your portfolio capital is $1,000,000 which includes both current holdings and uninvested cash. 2% of that is $20,000. That's the most you will let yourself lose on ANY SINGLE POSITION.

You might have a position that's 20% of your portfolio, $200,000, and you risk that $20,000 on it, that's -10%. Or maybe a $100,000 position, risking the same amount is -20%. You don't have to risk 2% you could risk less, but you don't risk more because you open yourself up to unusually large drawdowns (almost inevitable) doing significant damage to, even blowing up your account and your gains.

>> No.58608193

Big volume on this sell off.

>> No.58608322

Fuck it, im in.

>> No.58608429
File: 452 KB, 1440x3200, Screenshot_20240610_091921_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, what am I in for?

>> No.58608462


>> No.58608524
File: 112 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20240610_120507_Wealthsimple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in

>> No.58608736
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Xi Jinping please let this hit

>> No.58608761
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>> No.58608912

I've decided to buy my way up to 300 shares now that this dip hit. I will tip my nearest Chinese restaurant nicely if I make good money off of this.

>> No.58609268
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>> No.58609327
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>> No.58609546

You WILL buy the chink scam
You WILL make a lot of money

>> No.58609552

Daily reminder anon shills this shit every goddam day but claims to have less yhan $150 invested in it.

I have more money invested in my dick and you dont hear me talking about it everybday. And I really should. Its actually quite impressive.

>> No.58609588

I've never made this thread before. Link to the archive to prove me wrong.

>> No.58610037

Oh shit here we go.
>chink scam
Chink scam
>Chink scam
Chink scam

>> No.58610081
File: 6 KB, 250x220, 1704990944330138s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sub $1 by weekend

>> No.58610122


Should I buy a dextools ad for teh lulz?

>> No.58610138

What app is this?
Fidelity doesnt let me put in any orders above a certain % of current price

>> No.58610144

Go for it

>> No.58610190

You’re already red

>> No.58610310

pure /biz/ rugpull here lmao

>> No.58611104
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, Anon, how are you doing today?

You replied in my thread a few weeks back requesting information on penny stocks that had huge upside potential with very little down side risks. Does that ring a bell?

Okay, great. Well, the reason for the call today, Anon, is...something just came across my desk, Anon, it is perhaps the best thing I've seen in the last 6 months. If you have 60 seconds, I'd like to share the idea with you, you got a minute?

The Name of the company...MicroCloud Hologram, it is a cutting-edge, high-tech firm, out of China awaiting imminent patent approval on a next-generation of hologram technology that has both huge military and civilian applications.

Now, right now, Anon, the stock trades over the counter at $1.52 a share. And by the way, Anon, our analysts indicate it could go a heck of a lot higher than that. Your profit, on a mere $ 6,000 investment, would be upwards of $ 60,000 dollars.

Exactly. You could pay off your mortgage.

Anon, one thing I can promise you, even in this market, is that I never ask my clients to judge me on my winners, I ask them to judge me on my losers, because I have so few. And in the case of MicroCloud Hologram, based on every technical factor out there, Anon, we are looking at a grand-slam homerun!

>> No.58611461


>> No.58611500

Noone is buying this stock because of their product. Your tribe just hates when the goy find a lucrative buy.

>> No.58611594

Feeling alright, got 3,600 at $1.42. Gonna see what this does over the next few months.

>> No.58611608

have my upvote fellow redditor!

>> No.58611618

ur telling me it is gonna 10,000% in a day? and I will be able to sell? lol

>> No.58611619


>> No.58611644

> The reason my position is small is because, as I said in the OP, this stock is a literal scam. I'm not gonna throw ten grand in a manipulated stock.
In the time you are spending watching every minute of every day for the P&D (since stops won’t work in such a situation) your cost of effort is exceeding the $500 or whatever you hope to make here.

>> No.58611649


>> No.58611654

If this is really a scam then why did HOLO recently entered into a contract with BYD. BYD is the #1 EV car brand in China in 2023 and 10% of it is owned by Berkshire (Buffet)

>> No.58611656


>> No.58611661

Thats it, im doubling my position! You convinced me Anon Belfort

>> No.58611752

I'd rather get jewed by Levi than Chang

>> No.58611830

The previous PnDs lasted weeks retard.

>> No.58611837

Good goy, pastor.

>> No.58612056

well it's getting shorted so you are the exit liquidity

>> No.58612232

fuck it put 500 in see what happens in September

>> No.58613806

We are mooning downwards my bastards

>> No.58613819

Let’s go chink scam
Chink scam
>Chink scam
Chink scam
>Chink scam
Chink scam
>Chink scam
Chink scam
>Chink scam
Chink scam
>Chink scam
Chink scam
>Chink scam

>> No.58613938

Im exiting at 1.20

>> No.58613947


>> No.58613950

I have to sit at my computer fucking around for work. Costs me nothing to have some stock tickers open at the same time.

>> No.58613986

You were so confident before little cuck

>> No.58614033

So what? My timeline is months. It's going to be ugly. It's a scam stock. If /biz/ tards came in here to swing trade it by predicting the daily movements then they didn't read my posts or were too stupid to understand them.

>> No.58614064

I think thats a fair loss tho lmfao

>> No.58614550
File: 26 KB, 576x569, 56uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread shows too many red flags
monitoring the stock and will reassess once it hits $1.35

>> No.58614588

Kek true happy I didn’t put in 150 instead of 5 hundo

>> No.58614597

Oh little cuck check the price

>> No.58614599

I mean vice versa of course still think it will moon the chart showed a downtrend before the other fake pumps

>> No.58614633


>> No.58614665


>> No.58614672

Why I really don’t care about muh money

>> No.58614679

I waited 900 seconds
Just to say
I got scammed by biz
Once again
Thanks for reading my haiku

>> No.58614767

It reached lows at the end of may then went to $2. This is very volatile. If you are a shitcoiner this should be nothing to you.

>> No.58614794


>> No.58615824

got em

>> No.58616776

Holo is a reddit pump and dump, do not buy or you will end up like reddit baggies.

>> No.58616858

it hasn't pumped yet.

>> No.58616969

You are literally bagholding, they are going to pull a gme and dilute on you. Reddit baggie faggie. Don't you have the brains to Google it and see it's a reddit scam?

>> No.58617003

>bagholding at 1.5 a share
Ok bro they have every reason to dilute now of course

>> No.58617100

You're holding a reddit scam. You're a retarded gorilla nigger reddit baggie. Go back.

>> No.58617116

Worst case scenario I lose 500 of my own dollars, why are you so MATI?

>> No.58617412
File: 606 KB, 900x900, cirnolaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-read the title of this thread then come back to me.