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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58565321 No.58565321 [Reply] [Original]

kek fuddies

>> No.58565330

hell we be paid for whoever was behind pulling this rug

>> No.58565340

>#the future is on
What did they mean by this ?

>> No.58565350

chainlink will literally be the backbone of the next phase of humanity heh xD

>> No.58565351


>> No.58565354
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>> No.58565406

That's the play isn't it?
AMC/GME etc tank the stock market when the MOASS happens and then the new financial system moves onchain.

>> No.58565410

It's one of the 5 hashtags they paid for in the month of June for their marketing campaign. The 5 hashtags are
It’s kinda insane that Twitter let them get the TokenizedAssets one, I wonder if they will renegotiate after the campaign is over to at least keep the logo for #Chainlink

>> No.58565428

God I'm excited for me guys.

>> No.58565522

New vid

>> No.58565532

this is why they keep fudding LINK. They want to be able to scam wick when they need some extra cash.

>> No.58565543

Theres definitely insiders here on /biz/

>> No.58565556

true if big

>> No.58565562

Where are you seeing a chainlink Berkshire Hathaway price feed?

Don't Chainlink oracles just read price data from APIs for the most part...so if they were reading price data from the NYSE...wouldn't they just read that data, come to consensus on it, and return it...?

>> No.58565663
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>so if they were reading price data from the NYSE...wouldn't they just read that data, come to consensus on it, and return it...?
That's pretty what Coinbase and Compount teamed up to do.
Let's check in and see how their proprietary oracle is doi...

>> No.58565689
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link is mooning backwards on the news

>> No.58565792

You didn't answer my question. If there is no alternative to NYSE for the brk.a price...how would Chainlink fix this?

The chainlink nodes would read the price from NYSE, come to consensus on it via OCR, then push that value onchain...right? Unless they had some added logic like "if price change is >X in Y timeframe, then do not call update() "

>> No.58565816
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>> No.58565839

The idea is to rebuild the way NYSE data is broadcast to begin with. Same way Chainlink rebuilt Defi with its price feeds.

>> No.58565863

my linkies stay super stinky 1keoy

>> No.58565934

Did some snooping, this is that sites first link article in 3 months….. the swift and dtcc news just…. not even mentioned? Not a single consensus post about them?

>> No.58565956
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>> No.58565983

If you think that’s funny look at the comments of the vid, literally Facebook grandpas screaming at a cloud.

>> No.58565984

It's by design. Why would they want to remove their control?

>> No.58566026

the idea is that they would make more money if things were automated by slashing paper pusher jobs and then charging data fees.

>> No.58566260

Kek I noticed that too. Straight retards

>> No.58566562

But wouldn't the source still be the same?

How would you reconstruct a sole source to be multiple sources?

>> No.58566570


>> No.58566602
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>> No.58566654

the idea is that there should be multiple appraisers of value instead of just trusting literal whocorp faggots unlimited who are incompetent coked out retards obscuring themselves from the public and usurping authority with credentialism and nepotism

>> No.58566660

and now you realize why the oracle problem is unsolvable and bullshit. only as strong as the weakest link

>> No.58566745

Yes but it's literally the NYSE and it's their market. They are the only source.

Unless you'd propose say 5 sub-NYSE companies that all track the same things independently (at 5 times the cost). Realistically I don't see that happening unless the core architecture and infrastructure (again, cost) changes enormously.

>> No.58566779

so whats the difference between the NSYE giving a value and a stupid chanlink oracle giving a value

>> No.58566798

>Yes but it's literally the NYSE and it's their market. They are the only source.
If NYSE is the only source, how did NASDAQ manage to display the correct price for Berkshire despite not offering the stock? Did they already scrub the error or something? I can't see it


>> No.58566819

probably because there are multiple soruces that the chanlinker shill doesn't know about

>> No.58566934

>probably because there are multiple sources
That is literally what the chainlinker shill was arguing anon

>> No.58566938

it's difficult to grasp and will be a decade off if it every happens but do have a little imagination

>> No.58567012

Who remembers the nasdaq promo video full of cubes/hexagons?????

>> No.58567035
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>> No.58567062

I wish I had a link anon. It was 2-3 years ago. It was pretty obvious link shilling. U gonna have to take my word for it. There was a huge thread.

Notice how nasdaq is always sending people to events with link?

Remember when link for some reason added price feeds for tsla and a couple other stocks pretty quickly after eth price feeds? I wonder why

Remember Bank of America actually selling stock trades with paxos? Who is paxos connected with?


I had an aha moment 2-3 years ago that literally every trade/settlement will rely on link in one way or another.

>> No.58567095

Found the video.


>> No.58567150

Wow. How did I miss this?

>> No.58567161

Idk anon. For some reason the link logo was screaming at me when I first seen it. Triggered some shit in my head, almost like subliminal messaging.

Did you feel it too?

>> No.58567296

So if someone had an order set to buy when it was at $185, did they get to keep it as it restored back to 600k?

>> No.58567308 [DELETED] 
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bro you need to chill i'll answer your question with another question

>> No.58567392

Babahahahahahahaha DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE all of the problems in the markets will be fixed if you buy my LE STHHHHHHECRETTTT russian altcoin!!!!!

>> No.58567398

Chainlink cult trying to explain their “valuable” services: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hNuu9CpdjIo

>> No.58567414

Chainlink just reports the prices which the exchanges report to them, this wouldn't prevent anything. Link doesn't provide any of its own data just what other people give it

>> No.58567434

Imagine being on this board for seven years, constantly shitposting in LINK threads and still being completely clueless as to what it does

>> No.58567470

Retard it only aggregates data from sources

>> No.58567595

stop shilling chainshit OMG chainshitters amirite

>> No.58567607
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bro gaychain is red too idk what the fuck are you complaining abou?
even RETARDIO is green and your coin is going to absolute hell

>> No.58567643

Well obviously Chainlink is involved. Nothing subliminal about it.

>> No.58567668

what exactly would you say it is that chainlink does. cuz it seems to me like APIs could just get the data directly from their sources. we don't need some incel oracle weirdos playing middle man for a cut

>> No.58568052

why did this anger the fudcuck incels so much?

>> No.58568148

My guess is that's supposed to go along with the logo. The future is on chain. Link.

It's dumb but at least makes some sense.

>> No.58568203

Kek'd hard

>> No.58568206

why would oracles be needed when those transactions just get reversed dumbfuck link faggot
the stock market hasn't need oracles for 100 years and it won't need them for 100 more

>> No.58568207

Thats because your a brainlet

>> No.58568223

Read Ari's book. It explains it all so well that even a mentally handicapped Anon like yourself will understand.

>> No.58568249

>so if they were reading price data from the NYSE...wouldn't they just read that data, come to consensus on it, and return it.
Yes. Link is a bad joke

>> No.58568351

Oracles are not about making the source decentralized. Chainlink is a "decentralized oracle network", not a "decentralized source network".
Oracles are merely transportation devices, and this use case in itself requires decentralization, otherwise you have TWO major points of failure: the centralized source and the centralized oracle.
If the source fucks up, a good oracle will post fucked up information, and everyone involved can instantly trace the fuckup to the source and hold it accountable.

That said, Chainlink oracles have been such a game changer that the entire Defi ecosystem molded itself around the oracles, with sources multiplying, providing first-hand signatures, and adding redundancies.
But this is a secondary effect.

Man you gotta love how this talking point that was already beaten to death in 2017 is still baffling the newfags today.

>> No.58568355

ive been saying this since 2021 and the only response i get from linkers is anger

>> No.58568360
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>ive been saying this since 2021
>since 2021

fucking kek

>> No.58568365

All that technobabble. Lol not buying your bags.

hfsp with LINK 3x cycle top

>> No.58568487

>All that technobabble.
Tell it to this guy >>58565562

>> No.58568491


You sound like a tranny.

>> No.58568564

Well that video is pretty in your face
Remember they will call us lucky for randomly picking the correct shitcoin out of the casino plate rather than having to acknowledge skill

>> No.58568570

Inside her? I barely know her!

>> No.58568709


>> No.58568777

shit, it took me a minute to find the video on their page but goddamn
they really do put it all out there for anyone to figure out.
I don't have enough.

>> No.58568784


>> No.58568785
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Bro, don't look now

>> No.58568792

checked, it really is June that is going to start our parabolic rise

>> No.58568840

> if the stock market doesn't need digital stocks for 100 years it wont need them for another 100 more

>> No.58568849


and if it starts in June that would be perfect timing for my life.
While I'd appreciate more, I really need money soon.
hoping i can live off my staking rewards.. would need $100 for that which is a reasonable goal.

>> No.58568859

>How would you reconstruct a sole source to be multiple sources?
You can't - the price is the price. The whole thing works on the premise that there's only one market, and one price, which means everyone is on the same playing field.

>> No.58568864

>would need $100 for that which is a reasonable goal.
the thing is that link would have to reach way above that to sustain $100 in a bear...

>> No.58568901

LINK typically crashes 90% from ATH. Maybe that will flatten over time when the marketcap gets bigger and more tokens are locked up.

>> No.58568931


We're in the know, but if I were to send this to someone outside of the link community, they'd think it's just a coincidence and I'm full of shit.

They won't know what's coming till it's too late.

>> No.58568979

it is full of shit. Chainlink has returned no value back to the token or token holders. When their is a reason to hold the token then the price will reflect its true value

>> No.58569010
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>When their is a reason
every single time

>> No.58569013
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>When their is a reason to hold the token then the price will reflect its true value

That's not how speculation works, retard.
Pic very related.

>> No.58569022

is there an updated version of staking live thats not sergey dumping from reserves? The token is quite literally used for dumping right now

>> No.58569027

Crypto never relied on staking to pump, dumbass.

>The token is quite literally used for dumping right now
Same with all of crypto.

>> No.58569033

>tfw you get banned from twitter and instantly come to /biz/ to 12,000pbtid every link thread, because you can’t countenance the idea of a single hour of your life going by, without seething about chain/stink/link/kek/marine/baggies that live permanently inside of your head like a swarm of bees.

>> No.58569036

>Crypto never relied on staking to pump, dumbass.
crypto never relied on >>58569027
>Same with all of crypto.
? you're the dumbass
why do you cultists always try to bring every other thing on the planet into the discussion?

>> No.58569038

>crypto never relied on >>58569027

>why do you cultists always try to bring every other thing on the planet into the discussion
Because Link is a crypto.
You absolute retard.

>> No.58569047

i miss typed. what you just said was crypto never relied on tokenomics. Which is a false, BTC limited supply is why it pumps so hard.

chainlink is one project in crypto, its the one that is constanlt debated on here. So when we talk about chainlink its best to stick to talking about chainlink, not bring up every other shitcoin like you retards do

>> No.58569056

>what you just said was crypto never relied on tokenomics
I literally said crypto never relied on STAKING to pump.

>BTC limited supply is why it pumps so hard
BTC pumped the absolute hardest in the early 2010s, when its inflation rate was like 300% per year.

>> No.58569062

no we are going to talk about BTC instead of how shitty chainlink is? go for it, i dont have time to waste

>> No.58569063

You brought up BTC lmao

>> No.58569102

checked. tbf you'll only ever make money by selling chainlink. i know, do you?

>> No.58569325


DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE my special special altcoin should mimic the same performance as the first crypto ever invented...because it just SHOULD OKAY

>> No.58569341

I didn't bring up Bitcoin.

>> No.58569546

>>58568777 checked
>hexagon after hexagon
>tokenized assets, show a chain link (the paperclip icon)
>inb4 video taken down like the PDF that disappeared for 2 days

>> No.58569575

I've been away for a few months, travelling and stuff. Thought I'd come back to see what's happening and I see this

Is duuuuuude poster still unironically posting everyday? hahahahahahaha what a shit life

>> No.58569832

he literally just got banned from twitter lmao
Michael is one of the most retarded autists in 4chan history, and that is saying a huge amount,.

>> No.58570734

Lol 2018 called

>> No.58571154

Blessed thread.
I love you all.