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File: 232 KB, 442x358, youtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58562894 No.58562894 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't wagies just be a youtuber? It's WFH, pays well once established, and you can just talk about shit that interests you. Curious why there aren't many guys here youtubemaxxing

>> No.58563107

>pays well once established
>once established

>> No.58563118

Not saying this is a bad idea but there are reasons why normies don't go into this
>Don't like hearing their own voice
>Don't know how to edit videos
>Normies tend tot have elementary knowledge on a wide variety of topics, rather than valuable knowledge on one topic, meaning their channel would have a hard time staying on topic to a specific theme (notice how a large amount of youtubers have like 3-4 different channels each for different hobbies)
>Scared of friends/family finding out about channel
>Feel as though they don't have the right equipment
>They may feel as though it's 'too late'
>They give up after not being ‘established’ within a few weeks/months

>> No.58563154

I'm awkward and not talkative enough, don't like hearing or seeing myself on film.

>> No.58563165

Better to try than to live as a wagie forever
Yeah makes sense, oh well less competition for me

>> No.58563181

>Why don't wagies just become pop stars? It's freelance, pays well once established, and you can just sing about shit that interests you. Curious why there aren't many guys here popstarmaxxing
it's obviously a good gig, which is there's tens of thousands of irrelevant youtubers trying to become established. it's so oversaturated that your chances of becoming popular are basically nil unless you're
>talented in an underserved niche
>related to someone rich/famous

>> No.58563195

Oh yea also
>burn out
>not being able to handle hate comments

>> No.58563276

sure get into dropshipping too
do a t-shirt company
buy a lotto ticket every week
swing the newest and dumbest shitcoin you heard about on biz
better to try than live as a wagie forever
just go to the casino with your weekly wages and triple it

the reality is it's a very large amount of work to produce a quality channel. and you have to do all that work upfront with no guarantee of it actually paying off. if you only half-arse the videos then you are just relying on getting extremely lucky with the recommendation algorithm so you might as well try the above.

then if you even do get the channel off the ground you need to keep pumping out videos to keep up with the rat race. if you weren't passionate about your channel and just got into it because it was easy money then this will be its own hell

>> No.58563483

It takes insane dedication to grow an audience and you can lose it all because Google decided they don't like a certain opinion you've expressed in passing.

>> No.58563507

I'm not memeing when I say that TikTok pays better than youtube and is easier to create content for.

>> No.58563527

the time was over a decade ago. youtube is gay af now and will fuck u up with the algorith out of spite

>> No.58563554

about 1 in 1,000 people can be successful on YouTube and make a livable profit.

amazing that you made it to adulthood and still believe anyone can just do anything. Just take a look at the hundreds of thousands of channels that post videos daily and get zero engagement or views.

same as the millions of Twitter accounts that all think they're just a few good posts away from "making it", or the trillion men aged 18-35 who all get the idea "I'm gonna develop a game!" and end up wasting all their time on a project nobody will ever hear about.

>> No.58563566

Hardly anyone makes any decent money.
YouTube can decide to fuck you on any given moment and undo everything you have tried to build.
It's absolutely saturated after all these years and to be first mover in something it will have to be pretty niche.

I'd only consider doing it now if you were just recording something that you were going to do anyway for fun. Maybe the genuine enthusiasm for what you are doing mixed with a lot of luck would turn into something, maybe.

>> No.58563589

Oh and whatever you do, don't be another fucking Bald and Bankrupt clone.
There are an infinite number of sad cunts now talking in the same manner he does and everything.

>> No.58563747

I do YouTube but only half ass because of the counterparty risk issues. It’s like a commission only sales job basically doing B2C.

>> No.58564041

Youtubers are mostly cringe and gay and they all uses clickbait mouth open thumbnails. I hate myself so I could never do it plus I have no great knowledge in one area or do anything interesting or stupid enough.

>> No.58564176

you just sound like a pussy whos too scared to try and/or trying to cope about your channel failing. also, theres no luck involved with recommendations
>muh algorithm
the algorithm isnt a thing, if you make videos people want to watch, le algorithm will not magically put you down "out of spite"

>> No.58565167

go back to plebbit idiot

>> No.58566218

I'm actually trying to get my channel going and have a section for gamefi, specially superverse game integrations since those are the closest to AAA games out there.

>> No.58567575

whatever dumbass. live in your fantasy world

>> No.58567618

Screenshot this and talk about RETARDIO when you get famous!

>> No.58567657

People like being a wagie though. When they complain, they're not looking for a solution, they're looking for sympathy and attention.

>> No.58567770

I can't really edit videos that well, and the only time to record is when everyone is out of the house not making noise which is rare.

>> No.58567825
File: 102 KB, 326x241, 1620807387675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scared of friends/family finding out about channel
This completely ruined youtube for me. I have a gaming channel that my family finally found out about after 15 years and now I'm just embarrassed to upload anything. My content is completely harmless and inoffensive, but the fact that my family is watching makes me cringe for some reason.

>> No.58567836

Who gives a fuck. You owe your family nothing. Your boomer parents won't do the same for you either

>> No.58567892

NTA but I doubt it’s the parents that make him feel this way. For me personally I’d be more annoyed if random ass aunts/uncles found out because you basically can never go to a holiday or family get together without it being mentioned. Meanwhile with your parents you see/talk to them enough to where they probably forget or are just so used to it where they stop asking. And yea you may not owe them an explanation or even your presence at these events but it’s just annoying

>> No.58567904

whats best editing/recording software to use

>> No.58567923

It's not about that. I dunno why, but It just feels weird that they're watching. It's like that Seinfeld episode where George talks about worlds colliding. I wanted to keep those world separate.

>> No.58567933
File: 260 KB, 1366x839, good clean gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58568878

Cracked Adobe products

>> No.58569332

I might consider it someday but for now I prefer blogging which is easy to monetize via Adsense and Hydro Online

>> No.58569547

Making videos isn't everybody's thing, so I don't see it work out for all

>> No.58569590

I also just started monetizing via Hydro and I'm looking forward to payment at the end of this week

>> No.58571895

How much does it pay?

>> No.58572191

Because if they had ambition and creativity, they wouldn't be "wagies." It's like asking "why don't homeless people just live off of real estate investments to supplement their income?"

>> No.58572361
File: 126 KB, 332x307, Screenshot 2024-06-04 194507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking about it - not necessarily for extra income either just something fun to do. Problem is, I don't technically know how to produce a video. Animating, Modelling, Recording, Editing, hell even just setting the thumbnail on a youtube video - I don't know how any of that shit works. Could I find out? Yea, of course, I have no doubt the information to learn those skills is widely available, but it would take time and effort away from my other hobbies & vidya that I also want to do at the moment.
That's really the only thing stopping me at this point, just a small barrier to entry if I don't want to make absolute shit-tier content.
Could I just pop open my laptop, turn on my webcam, and start rambling on [topic] here? Haha, who the hell would watch that? And why the hell would I find enjoyment in making something like that?

Maybe I'll learn those skills in the future, maybe not, but right now? ehhhhh

>> No.58572670

you would just get banned for some arbitrary dumb reason and lose all of your income. What is the point of that? might as well use an alternative like peertube or odysee

>> No.58572691

i had a monetized channel for almost 9 years and on my best months i was making 20k a month

i got demonetized and now im making 0

betting your income on some fucking AI + gay staff that will nuke an entire genre after not having a problem with it because suddendly its not wanted anymore is retarded, at least save 100% so you dont kill yourself (I would have if i didnt). support just follows whatever the ai flags.

the only way tore monetize a channel again is by destroying it by deleting videos randomly until you delete whatever amount of videos trigger the demonetization since they wouldn't tell you which ones are it and reapply every 3 months which is retarded

>> No.58572727

yeah this is why my channel was anonymous. i was living the dream and suddendly it was all over.

>> No.58572792

as if there arent millions of normie youtubers

>> No.58572865

Youtube is a walled garden now. Unless you get a one off viral video from some kind of controversy, the algorithm is designed to keep channels down. There are literally hundreds of thousands of channels that never get more than 100 views. I'd be willing to bet 99% of channels never even make it to the threshold that allows monetization. All of the top channels you see are support by large corporations. Mr. Beast's agent is Disney subsidiary.

>> No.58572940

I did. Maybe one day I'll get monetized and earn more than 0.00 dollars per hour of work.

99.7% of all youtube never get monetized. Of the 3 out of 100 that do, 98% average less than 100 a dollars a month. I'll do the math for you, thats 6 out of 100,000 channels making more than 1200 dollars a year. Channels not people because the same 50 people and studios own many of the top channels. Good luck, just like actors, lotto players, and musicians a shit ton of people try it and almost none make it big.

>> No.58573015

missed a 0, 3 out of 1,000,000 and now AI channels are out of control breaking the algo making it much harder than just a year ago.

>> No.58573168

Who cares? I make youtube vids because it's fun

>> No.58573228
File: 3.11 MB, 2550x2794, 1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know I'm gonna go back on my previous post and try to learn some video skills.

I don't give a fuck about money I've got a 6fig portfolio whose dividend payments cover all of my expenses. If I wanna make youtube videos for the lolz - and I'm not looking for uber high excellent quality here - what's the best way to get started? I want to make a video, say in like, 2 weeks. What skill do I need to learn NOW to output a minimum viable product?

Video editing really is not my thing. I'm a tradesman, I'm basically retarded when it comes to this sort of thing. I don't even know how to screen record.

>> No.58574582

it sucks to be starting out. you can go for months without geting monetized. if not years.
don't even get me started on blogging..

>> No.58574598

>Why don't wagies just be a youtuber?
cos it takes time, creativity, and some luck to build a big audience.

>> No.58574625

wagecuck life ain't for me, content writing all the way. grind out words in my PJs, while making bank with hydro.

>> No.58574626

well, i'd rather not rely on luck to earn cause i sure am creative.

>> No.58574702

amongst other features, i like the fact that publishers dont need ads to earn.

>> No.58574711

>sure get into dropshipping too
Drop shipping can be profitable, but it's not a guaranteed path to riche because there are many dropshippers out there, the competition can be fierce
yeah, it offer a more supportive and focused environment for writers to share their work and get constructive feedback

>> No.58574744

>sure get into dropshipping too
>do a t-shirt company
>buy a lotto ticket every week
>swing the newest and dumbest shitcoin you heard about on biz
>better to try than live as a wagie forever
>just go to the casino with your weekly wages and triple it
one just have to diversify his hustle to make good money.

>> No.58574801

good luck
i don't just like hearing or seeing myself on film.

>> No.58574840

I know a friend that uses adobe
its also a place to learn and express ones creatively, develop rich words and characters without feeling awkward.

>> No.58574852

then you can consider running a faceless channel. and if that's too much, you can start a blog on your fav topic of interest.

>> No.58574921
File: 20 KB, 658x711, Shitposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should i shitpost more /biz/bros?

>> No.58575135
File: 206 KB, 1024x1024, photo_7_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey wagies you want a real way to make money stop being a cringe youtube wagie cuck and just buy chooky token launching on base on 6/25 chooky is going to the damn moon and if you don't get in you're going to stay a wage slave forever buy the dip dca whatever floats your boat just get some chooky because it's going to be the top meme token on base period don't say i didn't warn you

>> No.58575167

You can consider owning a blog which can be monetized via Adsense or Hydro Online

>> No.58575225

It's surprising that the second monetizing project that you mentioned is web3.
I mean, it's good to see innovation in the web3 space

>> No.58575232

you can't just "be a youtuber" you actually have to do work to do it, and if you
can't talk
aren't interesting
don't know anything about editing or writing
have no good topics
among other things, then you can't be a youtuber, you also need the equipment to do it like a good PC and a good camera and lighting etc. Youtube is a multimedia company now, it's not just some kid counting to 1 million or lipsyncing weird songs any more.

>> No.58575244

stop spaming whatever this hydro thing is nobody makes shit without adsense google has the monopoly

>> No.58575249

do they ever ask you why don't upload any more?

>> No.58575292

Mediavine pays me more revenue, so wtf are you saying about Adsense monopoly

>> No.58575496

ezoic is kinda better, give it a try

>> No.58575568 [DELETED] 

You only need to find a style that suits your interests, from fiction and poetry to blogging and journalism, thou many people find security and stability in twagie" jobs, which offer regular paychecks.

>> No.58575622

>it's good to see innovation in the web3 space
web3 is still building, you got to see what push is bringing to the sector, apparently lets you get comfy notifs straight in your MetaMask.
bullish on anything that makes crypto less of a pain in the ass

>> No.58575635

You only need to find a style that suits your interests, from fiction and poetry to blogging and journalism, thou many people find security and stability in wagie jobs, which offer regular paychecks.

>> No.58575709
File: 120 KB, 1024x1024, photo_51_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

writes a response
oh so people are still working their asses off at those soul-sucking wagie jobs if they only knew that the true ticket to financial freedom is investing in the hottest trendiest memecoins like


choo plus making shitty content for youtube is like a waste of time investing in crypto is where it's at bro

>> No.58575726

>Most people aren't interesting or entertaining
>99% of people will never breakout / it's a saturated market
>JewTube is looking for any reason to de-monetise people to make more profit

>> No.58575908

I upload occasionally.

>> No.58575923

Cuz being on Dplay is way easier and makes about the same

>> No.58576016
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, photo_55_2024-05-16_22-22-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro you are so dumb being a youtuber is for idiots just buy chooky token $choo and you'll be a bazillioniare you have no idea what you're missing out on

you could probably retire tomarrow if you buy in right now i mean seriously why even bother working for anyone else when you can make your own money with chooky memecoins

>> No.58576460

Low-key genius, fueling your creativity and your wallet.
Multitasking like a boss.

>> No.58576509

>Hardly anyone makes any decent money
It's not really an overnight get-rich-quick scheme, but can be rewarding on the long run.

>> No.58576533

>Curious why there aren't many guys here youtubemaxxing
YouTube maxi here, I love it's fat userbase
and once you gain traction, you can earn money thru ads displayed on your videos, sponsorships, or selling merchandise.

>> No.58576550

Content writing = freedom, with passive income on the side! that's the dream.
>Content is king

>> No.58576638

>plus making shitty content for youtube is like a waste of time investing in crypto is where it's at bro
I'm going to hustle on both, Youtube grind for the lambo and crypto for the private island.

>> No.58576661

Blogs are where it's at, easy tendies and no need to beg for likes from normies.
passive income for weebs like us, just keep the write ups real and watch the viewerbase roll in.

>> No.58576723

These are my exact thoughts

>> No.58576762

It's not and it generates the lowest revenue. Even the new company that was mentioned earlier is better than Ezoic

>> No.58577925

How hard would it be to get to the point where you could make consistent $1k after tax a month on there? Nothing crazy but just a little extra money each month

>> No.58577951

until the search engines stop as actually linking to your blog and instead just scrape it for their chat bot language models

>> No.58578017

You make a place outside of youtube for the audience to stay, like discord. That way if Youtube bans your channel you can start again quickly. What's really scary is making a website and ranking that on Google, because the goog algo changes at a whim and nobody shares good links anymore. Look at how the forums disappeared.

>> No.58578059

>talk down to everyone as cockroaches
>show off your lavish lifestyle
>walk around with a real baby seal fur cape, 1k sunglasses, and a real elephant ivory cane
>show off a different 10/10 itch every day
>make fun of how poor everyone is
>spend 10k on dinner, get 10M views
>>comedy purposes only, everything is fictional, blah blah blah

Simple as

>> No.58578135

Very hard, and it gets harder every year because the competition gets tougher and youtube keeps coming up with new excuses to get you demonetized. It's unironically must easier to make it in crypto.

I'm getting roughly $500 a month myself, and that's on a few videos from 10+ years ago that went viral and consistently bring in views. My new videos bring in a couple of bucks tops.

>> No.58579178

Davinci resolve for editing, audacity for voice recording, OBS for screen recording, and gimp for making thumbnails. It’s all free software. You’ll probably have to shell out for a decent mic though

>> No.58579668
File: 1.33 MB, 2048x2031, rats2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon. I spent the entire night researching stuff, decided to go the pngtuber route - spent hours sketching images of rats from google images, man I haven't drawn since I was a kid. Got OBS to work, going through Davinci right now. Gotta find a way to digitize my sketches into a mascot here next.

>> No.58580960

because that requires even more time and creativity for the videos, which I can't, I've used the last of my energies to just hold my maga