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58561928 No.58561928 [Reply] [Original]

Hey chads! What happened to all your sol and base shitcoins shill? fade off? can we agree that utilities are better off than memes?

>> No.58561992

sol degens need to be studied.

>> No.58561998
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memes are good if you can go in and out. they all get burnt in the long run regardless.

>> No.58562023

>t. cuckold AVI bagholder

>> No.58562030

Utilities are popping off? Where?
>inb4 some street shitter replies to me with some indian garbage and some gay wojak/pepe meme

>> No.58562280

They are the most retarded group of retards. Those that choose to build on it have not evolved to human level yet.

>> No.58562290

I'm the best at calling the shots.

>> No.58562376
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Yea I moved away from utility shitcoins after getting demolished last cycle. Only utility token I stacked up was RLC, the rest all memes and so far it’s paid off nicely and more importantly it makes jannies seethe

>> No.58562436

If you can't joke with Solana, don't joke with oracles.

>> No.58562442

Do you mean I should sell my LINK?

>> No.58562465

you missed daisy

>> No.58562467

ofc yeah.

still holding that piece of sh*t that has been the same all this while?


Root for depin instead; it is way better now. There is a lot of hype in this area, and Solana and Peaq seem to be the chains of interest as it stands.

>> No.58562476


Of course, dealing with both is more profitable if you have good asset management and risk tolerance. know what to buy, when to buy, and when to sell.

>> No.58562489

bro is still fading $CIRCUS on BASE

>> No.58562492

What's good about the utility when you're getting broke?

>> No.58562517

Sell it off and go for upcoming oracles, PYTH SUPRA DIA

>> No.58562522

what a comparism. sol is for degen. oracle is baed. you don't bring them on same table.

>> No.58562527

everyone lost all their gambling money and now the board is dead

>> No.58562538

yes. I sold it all for LINK.

>> No.58562555

Reason why I prioritise Oracles with revolutionary tech and bridgeless oracle solution

>> No.58562573

SUPRA not yet launched but it's faster than LINK, utility is better.

>> No.58562684

they don't live long anon. it's all a pvp game with memes. just stick with some solid alts.

>> No.58562685

Im a poorfag, how do I go in now on memes?

>> No.58562689

Gaming have been a embarrassing lately, when will it even get better??

>> No.58562728

What's the point of me holding this again?

>> No.58562732

LINK bagholders need to be studied.

>> No.58562738

It's a literal actual rugpull scamcoin

>> No.58562753

I’m not bagholding this shit anymore. They can't fucking maintain uptime for a fucking week!

>> No.58562756
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>> No.58562864

Not enough money in 4chan, plus everyone here P&Ds thats why you didn't see Brett posted here at 1bil or any of the other character from that faggot. Theres a Brett spinoff token right now that under 1m and under a day old but 4chan hates money so much they'll fade that too

>> No.58562883

don't just get rekt with these memes.

>> No.58562895

Wow, such a big brain take. Are you sure it's not just because your favorite YouTuber shilled it last week? Bridgeless solution, huh? Yeah, because trusting a single point of failure always works out well. How's that 'revolutionary' tech doing in terms of actual adoption? Or are we still waiting for your moonshot?

>> No.58562921

Imagine thinking 4chan is your personal investment club. 'Brett spinoff token' under 1m? Sounds like another rugpull waiting to happen. Keep chasing those shitcoins, anon. We'll be here laughing when you come back crying about your 'investments'. Also, pro tip: if you're trying to pump your bags, maybe don't start by insulting the place you're shilling

>> No.58562949

it's called patience in investing. I actually sold my LINK for other oracle tokens though.

>> No.58563200

Lol, not anytime soon. AAA devs are too busy milking us. Just stick to your backlog or go retro, bro.

>> No.58563299

Lmao, keep dreaming. Until it actually launches, it's all just vaporware. LINK isn't going anywhere.

>> No.58563322
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Sold my LINK off for SUPRA during the crowdsale last year.

>> No.58563383

Nothing beats HyperNova as far as tech is concern.

>> No.58563432

So I'm guessing today we head over to decimated game for some rich gaming experience, while we await DIO to pump massively.

>> No.58563454

Oracles are fucking based.

>> No.58563465

HyperNova, huh? Still waiting for that whitepaper, bro. Talk is cheap until there's some actual code to back it up.

>> No.58563472

So I'm guessing today we head over to decimated game for some rich gaming experience, while we await DIO to pump massively.

>> No.58563475 [DELETED] 
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Go get a life on blast-off campaign

>> No.58563563

>not your personal investment club
>holds chainlink

>> No.58563572

anyone still making good money with the tech? i hope it pays off.

>> No.58563587

Oracle with revolutionary cross-chain and bridgeless interoperability protocol can't be sh*t.

>> No.58563654

Vaporware until proven otherwise, mate. LINK's been holding its ground. We'll see if SUPRA can even catch up once it's out of the gates.

>> No.58563662
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The blast-off is still on, go get a life there.

>> No.58563714

LINK is dead, it's been edged out by upcoming oracles.

>> No.58563768
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Fucking LINKtard.

>> No.58563785

Supra is already dishing oracle services on over 90 networks, don't be fucking slow.

>> No.58563862

List them.

>> No.58563910

BONK. You are welcome.

>> No.58563972

Dump that shit.

>> No.58563984

Wen TGE?

>> No.58564021

CIRCUS just got listed on Uniswap and Dexscreener but keep fading bozos

>> No.58564348

SUPRA's Oracle tech and dVRFs will improve the reliability of data and gaming experience for players.

>> No.58564372
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LINK holders will be the biggest losers when SUPRA is launched.

>> No.58564387

Discover the power of NFT guns by crafting or opening Boxes in GLW. Unearth rare items like knives in boxes with a low hash rate and level up your collection in an entirely new dimension

>> No.58564434

That's the next-generation cross-chain oracle solution

>> No.58564477

Yngmi! Dump it for DIA and SUPRA.

>> No.58564783

These Oracles are live plebbit. Go back to the cave if you can't use the internet.

>> No.58564793

I doubt this is on. I'm hoping for another round of public sale before TGE.

>> No.58564804

The Hypernova is unfathomably based. Interoperability is moving to the next level across web3.

>> No.58564815

My friend is a data analyst. Makes 150k a year. There's still a lot for developers. Especially web3 developers.

>> No.58564825
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>> No.58564839

This is the only hope for gamefi. Otherwise its a pretty ded niche just like the metaverse projects.

>> No.58565020

A bridgeless, more secure oracle solution.

>> No.58565036

>I doubt this is on
The blast-off campaign is everywhere now. Don't fade.

>> No.58565069

Wait for it, dVRFs and DORA oracle solutions will melt faces.

>> No.58565121

You'll still need SupraOracles' tech to make it in life.

>> No.58565937

They're all fucking rekt? How can you study failure?

>> No.58565944

This is BS, technically no one needs any tech to make it in life, all you need is the token to pump. Don't be a fucktard

>> No.58566147

Agreed, their foolishness should be studied, how do you baghold a tanking shitcoin?
Also who's got the future of oracles?
Surely, LINK isn't making the list

>> No.58566167

Idgaf, just need the token to launch so I can dump my bags and move on

>> No.58566182

valid, XAI announced partnership last month, and I run a node on XAI, gud for me if it cooks

>> No.58566273

unironically gonna pump but newfags are looking at mother and wif

>> No.58566278
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>> No.58566280

Supra and Pyth for me, rest are just wannabe oracle platforms

>> No.58566307

utility is nothing if they can't launch the token

>> No.58566348

oracles are always goated, no blockchain can fucntion without real world data

>> No.58566361
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study eth memecoins

>> No.58566368

> https://supra.com/blastoff/
looks like it's ended

>> No.58566481
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>look at kermit
>double bart
>turbo bullish
sure, fade off, whatever

>> No.58568164

Utilities have always been better but Bobos love the andrenalin rush they get from memes.
i deal with memes from time tp time but my long term bags are utility based.

>> No.58568194
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i got some top DePin projects like Helium, Iota and Nuklai.
can we pump this shit now????

>> No.58568212
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y'all looking down on SUI projects..

>> No.58568241

sui seem to have some interesting projects like Hydro, Movex and Cetus