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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58560837 No.58560837 [Reply] [Original]

Do people here actually have jobs? How the fuck did you do that?

>> No.58560841


>> No.58560847

kneepad merchant

>> No.58560923

Yeah I don't understand it either, I dropped out of highschool to play world of warcraft in 2005 and I have been a neet ever since

I use NEETbux money to trade shitcoins on DEX's as a way to make money

The whole concept of the normie lifestyle is so foreign to me

>> No.58560940

I’ve successfully neeted for 20 years. I’m now a millionaire but not a multimillionaire but that will change this cycle

>> No.58560947

cringe larp

>> No.58561104 [DELETED] 

i signed up when do they send me work

>> No.58561354

you have to be seen as a normal member of society, then another member of society will open doors for you. Its the same with getting a girlfriend or any other life milestone. You appear normal -> someone accepts you. Its not really about DOING anything specific. There isn't a secret password or a string of actions that always result in victory, like a video game. Its completely random and dependent on what other people think of you.

>> No.58561388

I know but i really struggle to appear normal, im really not a normal person, i can be friendly and mask it but i feel like i still come off as 'off'

>> No.58561451

To be honest, I out of my mind trashed, broke, looking at my phone like, "There has to be a sequence of inputs I can put into this machine that will put money in my account." I found it.

>> No.58561452

>Its completely random and dependent on what other people think of you.
stopped reading here

>> No.58561471

No. No, you don't. I've openly been a fucking FREAK everywhere I've ever worked. Like not even hiding my autism. I can't work and mask, don't have it in me. I also consistently break rules so there's that. You don't have to be normal to keep a job.
What you DO need to do, is get the job in the first place and then do it well, or at least well enough that it would be dumb to fire you. This is the real world and we're fucking adults, nobody cares about "normal," literally just accomplish the work better than most people and do it consistently and you can pretty much do whatever.
What's with this boomer-tier advice where people tell you to clean up and act normal? Competence>appearance

>> No.58561477

well i guess im abnormal in a way in which i look incompetent, i freeze up from anxiety, stutter, cant answer questions because my mind goes blank, look like im about to cry. and so on. im more like a scared kid in an adult body than an obnoxious autist

>> No.58561479

Oh. Yeah, that's not gonna fly in a front-facing job, but not every job is like that.

>> No.58561486

This is the way, Lady BM Motherfucker

>> No.58561513

The fact you think I am LARPing is an indication of how normiefied 4chan has become in the 15+ years ive been on/off here

>> No.58561521

I wonder too sometimes, but I have this incredible pull in my body to not get a regular normie job which is what sabotages anything. Every time I think of it, it makes my insides coil in disgust. I did a wagie job. it was awful. I did normie college, awful. Society would be better if it understood not everyone has to be the same way. If you really don't want to work a regular job, you NEED to cultivate any talent you have, like your life depends upon it, otherwise you will work the cage wage (and be defeated in spirit).

>> No.58561533

has anyone found out a way to create another account if the one you use gets booted?

>> No.58562245

I met a couple of important people in college and they recommended me to a company, no big deal, although at this point I earn more with memecoins like Maga than my actual job

>> No.58562332

10 years in the same multinational company. I'm so expensive to fire that I can even lecture some of my bosses.
If they fire me, the amount of money they will give me + stupid amount of benefits my country has + savings + BTC I think that I can live more than a decade doing nothing.

>> No.58562348

>If you really don't want to work a regular job, you NEED to cultivate any talent you have, like your life depends upon it, otherwise you will work the cage wage (and be defeated in spirit).
very very true. i feel the same about wagie work. it's a purgatory for lost souls.

>> No.58562351

Not a larp baby zoomie. There are plenty of ways to make money without being a goy boy but unfortunately for you you’re probably not bright enough or ballsy enough to pull it off.

>> No.58562354

Except that we don't live in a meritocracy son.

>> No.58562532

Yeah that anon is a faggot I have never left my room in 20 years or spoken to another person or done anything besides play video games and go on 4chan but I'm already 9 figures

>> No.58562659

I studied my ass off in college and got good grades then studied my ass off some more to pass some pretty tough license exams, then I kept working my ass off at entry level shit to get where I am now, comfy at home shit posting for $50 an hour.

>> No.58562755

youre incompetent then. needing to have your hand held wont keep you a job. someone with light autism or adhd who is able to give 110% can def keep one.

>> No.58562771

I developed social anxiety and I can't be surrounded by people I don't know. I'm trying to make some gains, build a portfolio and living a frugal life and the inheritance when my parents die, I guess I'll have enough

>> No.58562847

This is very simple to deal with. Just invest in crypto or learn how to trade. If you don't understand future trading, go with spot. invest in emerging narratives like RWA, AI, or DePIN?

>> No.58563146

Do you still play WoW?

>> No.58563163

win big on any tokens anon?

>> No.58566703

It took a while friend. I was a ne’er for more than 12 years, but when the job market was red hot I got in. I didn’t even need a real interview because they were desperate for people. I took the union job too so I’ve been gaining protection.start training now and it will be a good time once you’re finished but the timing is the most important thing

>> No.58566721

I was a ZOGbot. Did my 3 years and now I get a check from the government every month and work an ok IT job.

>> No.58567220
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>> No.58567255

>How the fuck did you do that?
by taking a job nobody else wanted.

>> No.58567287
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I drive busses and hate my life.

I applied because my welfare was about to be cut off. Since its a shit job and everyone quits during probation, they hired and trained me straight away.

Pic related, the quality driving of my colleagues.

>> No.58567331 [DELETED] 
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chooky dev here (also chad)

>> No.58567334


>> No.58567349

relatives and nepotism

not even memeing, my first job I was literally hired by an uncle and I got my current job through knowing a guy through a DND club

>> No.58567352

the larp continues

>> No.58567366
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i sell hotdogs and ice cream from a stand in the summer and poutine in the winter and put all my profits into crypto

theoretically i am worth thousands if i could dump some of these bags

>> No.58567386 [DELETED] 
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wow 4chans thread format is so cool and hacker

>> No.58567598
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I would have been so rich if I could have gotten a job as soon as I was 18
Couldn't even get entry level shit and my mum fucked my finances up

>> No.58567637

yeah if i had just worked and bought crypto id be a millionaire but i decided to jerk off and play video games instead, fuck me

>> No.58567642
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Talking about dogs, there's this project CONAN that's actually donating to animal health charity and shit like that if you're interested