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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 980x980, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58559917 No.58559917 [Reply] [Original]


I'm going to tell you all a short story about my history with /biz/ and pic related. I first heard about BTC in 2010, came to /biz/ in 2016, bout my first BTC mid-2017. I held through the mania and managed to flip a few shitcoins during and work my way up from $2k to about $33k (shoutout to PRL). Wild times.

Enter Link.

This was my first cycle so I was very, very strict with my choices in alts. Not only did I hear about Link from the beginning, but I browsed /biz/ religiously. Being as strict as I was, and holding other shit into the 2018 bear, I didn't buy Link in 2018. I genuinely believed the inability to fully decentralize a data feed from an external source ruined Link's value as a project. I didn't buy through all the Assblaster shit. I didn't buy Link until Q3 2020. I was the guy living your
>You had 3 years

I bring all this up to say, in case it isn't yet obvious to everyone else on this board, 85% of the anti-Link posts are paid posts (10% are people foolishly parroting the first 85% and 5% are exceptions like I was in 2018). This became even more clear after the email requirement made these posts all but disappear. There are only two reasons a group of people spend the energy to make countless threads daily to say this shit.
>1. They're jealous of your holdings
>2. They want you to sell
Both cases directly imply Link is undervalued.

I'll be alright regardless after reaching 7 figs earlier this year. But I'm actively accumulating Link. My personal opinion is the growth won't be a singularity like everyone here talks about. We'll see 3-fig link this cycle, and possibly 4-fig next cycle, and so on. Now don't go buying Link just because of my post. But whatever you do, don't let these shills convince you to sell.

Stay strong marines.

>> No.58559971

>token not needed.
>7 year old scam
only a fucking retard would buy your bags at this point nigger

>> No.58560061

>85% of the anti-Link posts are paid posts (10% are people foolishly parroting the first 85% and 5% are exceptions like I was in 2018). This became even more clear after the email requirement made these posts all but disappear.
It was the other way around, LINK shill threads effectively disappeared and the only posts that remained were those fudding Chainlink, with a very small amount of actual technical discussion. It was the most bearish thing I had ever seen regarding LINK desu. Advocates are the ones getting paid per post to shill this absolute garbage on the board, as for the motivation to shill here of all places? Who fucking knows, maybe the advocates have deemed /biz/ users to be low hanging fruit and susceptible to influence. It certainly doesn’t get shilled anywhere near as hard on Reddit which checks out because people there are generally a little more intelligent and can see the holes in VC scams like this.

>> No.58560071
File: 134 KB, 640x544, 34573567456745674567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sell your chainlink

>> No.58560072

What’s life after 30 like?

>> No.58560078

>faggot rushes into the thread to do limp dicked damage control

yeah, most of the fud spam is paid fud spam
this has been known for years
its link vs every grifter and charlatan in crypto basically so im not surprised
post singularity ill have a private enclosure built for the ones i capture and have my own nolinker reservation
it'll be like a tiny eastern european / turkroach ghetto shooting range that I can just take shots at with my Mini 14 when i'm on the powder

>> No.58560077

>heckin gatekeepers are le based! Kek!

>> No.58560103

It's based. All the shit you gave a fuck about fades away and you slowly start to care more about your garden than the state of society.

>> No.58560110

with email verification: 12+ fud threads at any time, couple link discussion threads
without email verification: 2-3 fud threads at most, no retarded samefagging to bump them, same amount of link discussion as before

its like you dumb animals actually believe that if you just sit there and lie about it over and over again it'll work

you have been on this dead board for 3ish years and you are just a shit at this as when you started
that's basically proof of your profound mental retardation if you consider how much time you have wasted on it

>> No.58560122

other way around, without / with email verification*

>> No.58560139

Hi anons, I bought link before op at between .25c to .65c, despite this I am not qualified to tell you anything regards future price action or if any of it will ever fully be realised or if you should buy. Dont know what happened that by holding this long didn't give the same wisdom as op, I've made money and will try holding long as possible but christ knows if I'm doing the right thing anymore. Peace

>> No.58560145

This >30 fud makes no sense. 30s are literally prime time for men.

>> No.58560151

all thats gonna happen is btc + eth + memes moon, while link remains stagnant and gay

>> No.58560154

yes, 30s is prime time for men
but "the link marines" are not men. they are pathetic little boys masquerading as men.

>> No.58560444

Literally this. Also, notice how OP refers to fudders as shills. Same exact playbook as GME fags.

A shill is someone trying to get you to buy something. Not the other way around.

>> No.58560472

You know the easiest to way to spot inorganic posts? When they reply to another post and say "this" or "literally this". That's actual reddit lingo they use it all the time, no one used to say that on /biz/ pre-GME.

>> No.58560500

I have two blue eyed children. You?

>> No.58560615
File: 190 KB, 491x498, 1537833505089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a midwit
>I am blinded by my own pride
>Let me tell you is true

ok buddy thanks for the blogpost

>> No.58560623

Boy wonder Vitalik is literally over 30 LMAO imagine aging

>> No.58560648

This is either a copy pasta or an indian burner account, either way fuck you

>> No.58560681

>A shill is someone trying to get you to buy something
No, newfag. The term shill first saw widespread on this site in 2016 referring to posters that were paid to promote Hillary Clinton.

>> No.58560703

$.02 has been deposited to your account from Correct The Record
fucking linktards and their scammy Apu pump and dump.
Fuck Apu

>> No.58560749

Yes that's what I'm saying Ranjeep. It doesn't make sense to call nonlinkers as shills and yet cuckholds will insist that anyone who is thinking about selling or is unhappy with the price action of Chainlink is a shill.

>> No.58560766

Token not needed + chart

>> No.58560948
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>> No.58560949


I'm a link oldfag, but unfortunately only had a little bit of money available for link back then, so I bought a few only. Was also very new to crypto then, and overwhelmed, and did not understand well at the time sirgays purpose

Nowadays I owe a lot more link, I wont get rich of it compared to some other things I hold, but it should make me a lot of money still - chainlink is one of the top 5 most fundamental projects in crypto, to sell it would be insanity

Nobody is being paid to fud chainlink tho, that is ridiculous. What actually happened:

>the people who enjoy fudding chainlink the most are chainlink holders
>chainlink holders are high IQ
>high IQ people would not, in 10 billion years, use email to post on /biz
>hence chainlink fud stopped

also hiromoot an mods suck dwarf cock

>> No.58561024

>85% of the anti-Link posts are paid posts
85% of the posts on this board are paid posts, including this garbage ass thread by a 1PBTID fag

>> No.58561243

my story of biz and link was that i bought $5k of link in 2018 and haven't worked since 2021
was a student at time so couldn't get lots of link though like many here
have been helped along with some random trades over the years and some good airdrops
still have 10k link
2024/25 is looking good for link
but remember we are well into the bull, those who were greedy last night must learn their lessons and TAKE PROFIT

>> No.58561256

>having sex

>> No.58561424
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>> No.58561488
File: 804 KB, 1333x1177, 1946915A-17CF-4D59-A14E-C99B1FF20FAE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally turn 40 in a couple months. Fuck.

Thank god I get sun/vitamin d and have an extremely physical job. Hairline hasn’t moved since I was born. Im in provably the best shape/health of my life, and have learned to control my vices and learn how to be humble

Everybody thinks they are humble, until they make a few hundred k quickly, and then see 80-90% if it disappear. I was semi retired, and had to go back to my tradie job 50hr a week. I was not ready to make it last cycle. Things are different now.

>> No.58561497
File: 79 KB, 640x313, 5C5180E9-A6FF-45FA-A9C1-7AF7077C525C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even live oldfag?

>> No.58561620
File: 528 KB, 2501x3537, GOm1yN1WQAAePD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fucking digits

Fuddies are third world scum that can't even afford 100 link, let alone a suicide stack.

>> No.58561679 [DELETED] 

>>1. They're jealous of your holdings
>>2. They want you to sell
>Both cases directly imply Link is undervalued.
kek true

Whenever you ask fudders why they haven't sold yet, they say something like "why would I sell this low??"
Which of course directly implies Link has great potential to outperform the entire market.

>> No.58561691
File: 3.38 MB, 1920x1489, 1690748202098943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before email verification the average amount of fud threads in the catalog was 15-20 at any given time. See pic.
After email verification it was 5-7.

The amount of shill threads remained the same: 2-3.

>> No.58561700

>1. They're jealous of your holdings
>2. They want you to sell
>Both cases directly imply Link is undervalued.
kek true

Whenever you ask fudders why they haven't sold yet, they say something like "why would I sell this low??"
Which of course directly implies Link has great potential to outperform the entire market.

>> No.58561715
File: 267 KB, 1960x437, 1707578307491271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic was before email verification: >>58561691

This pic was during email verification:

>> No.58561872
File: 297 KB, 2554x785, 1697429933716778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another fud thread snapshot from before email verification.

>> No.58561895
File: 93 KB, 591x1280, 828B6988-D49E-4789-93EC-E71BDB86EEF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Math checks out. 1x1 = 30

>> No.58561954

So… the genius that waited 3 years to buy into link is now telling us to buy?

B-bullish, I guess?

>> No.58561972

I remember eth niggers telling us to buy sub 100 dollar eth. Same fags that held for a few years and lost most their gains while they shilling 98 dollar eth

Better wait and buy link at 177 in a couple months anon.

>> No.58561981


>> No.58562014

better than the 2020 top buyers thats now talking about cucks n shiet they got so destroyed they went porn addicted

>> No.58562457

Learn smart contract development. I kid you not. This will give you better understanding of how dumb this technology is and how every interaction online is going to move onchain in some capacity due to smart contracts' guarantees of acting as coded as long as the blockchain is up.

I'd also recommend attending Smartcon as well but that costs money and is a motivational investment and not a financial investment. But seeing in person just how many people truly understand Chainlink.

Also, pic related >>58556177 where the RWA market is 50% bigger than the DeFi market should clue you in that there are massive happenings that just can't be spoken about right now.

>> No.58562464

*seeing in person just how many people truly understand Chainlink gives you a perspective of how long things will take, if you don't git ur ass join.

>> No.58562710

nice try fuddie but we have IDs here