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58557971 No.58557971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i mean being rich is still being rich but if youve waited until 30 to get rich youve missed out on that special window in your 20s wherein every new experience feels a hundred times better and there are high quality girls everywhere you look

>> No.58558006

>it's another demoralization thread episode

>> No.58558013

better in your 30s then in your 60s or never

>> No.58558091

Who gives a shit? If you're rich the same women will like you until you're literally decrepit, and at least you don't sperg out at the sight of a pair of fresh tits.
Rich is rich is rich. 30 isn't old if you've already made it. You have the rest of your life to enjoy it.

>> No.58558098

Unironically ban people that make these threads. Trying to demoralize others with dumb shit like this is a pure net negative to this site.

>> No.58558115

aww, I bet you sell your entire stack on every first red candle after you buy don't you pussy?

>> No.58558126

why are you defending demoralization threads? are you a soulless piece of shit that gets off on dragging other people down? soulless pile of trash if we were in the same room i'd slap the bitch off your subhuman face
shitty demoralization thread by a funny lil hat wearing piece of shit. i'd slap the bitch off your subhuman non chosen one face if we were in the same room together soulless scumbag

>> No.58558132

>i'd slap the bitch off your subhuman face
holy fuck you're a tough guy on the internet! how much exit liquidity have you provided us in the past couple weeks little paperhanded bitch boy?

>> No.58558137

>there are high quality girls everywhere you look
Cope, this is over once you leave college.

>> No.58558147

I havent provided your poopjeet coin any liquidity you pathetic subhuman. hilarious you're first reaction when called out on your soulless subhuman behavior is to go omfg you gave us money. what a hilarious bitch made cope by a soulless piece of shit loser virgin that will never get anywhere in life til he learns to be a good honest man and not a soulless subhuman piece of shit that purposely tries to drag others down. Instead of a reply with you going you are right I need to grow up you'll just shitpost and subhuman post even more in retaliation because you're sub90 Iq and only know in your limited IQ to lash out when upset instead of reflecting on it and growing as a man (something you arent currently).

>> No.58558148

You sound like you have a long nose.

>> No.58558162
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you don't belong here faggot

>> No.58558164

I'm still broke in my 40s and plummeting more 20 something pussy than ever

>> No.58558184
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Nah it's not your age, it's how boring you are as a person.
There's a very minimal effect where you have a little less energy in your 30s, and recovery from being out all night partying is a little harder. You're also less tolerant of "sleeping" in 20 bunk hostels.

It's perfectly cromulent, in your 30s, to:
>mountain bike
>hike and climb mountains
>go clubbing
>fuck sluts
>go to the bar where you throw midgets
>play with someone's pet monkey/tiger/lion
>go horseback riding on the beach
>ride a hot air balloon
>fly first class
>buy an overpriced camera and pretend your an "artist" (photographer)
>post 90% naked pictures of yourself on instagram/tiktok

Literally just stop being a boring person.

>> No.58558191

These threads are all made by incels since they know (and they're right) that their lives are literally over if they don't make it rich asap. Most like they are pajeets living in the west who have no realistic prospects in life unless they make it rich via scams.

>> No.58558197
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these demoralization threads plus poos need to be banned on sight. Scamming poos have ruined my Mongolian basket weaving forum and now these

>> No.58558199

First of all let me say that I do agree that these retards need to all get banned.
But nobody is getting "demoralized" from these shitty bait threads. Its not all some "psyop". Its just retarded faggots that think its "funny" to make stupid bait threads.

>> No.58558204
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>> No.58558208

holy cope

>> No.58558229

zoomer cope. i hope u get drafted