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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58550574 No.58550574 [Reply] [Original]

Or is this board still dead? I feel closer to making it than ever before.

>> No.58550585

at least 5 are scams

>> No.58550600

switch ada for kas and never sell

>> No.58550605

Please do enlighten me anon and post your folio

Have been thinking about changing ADA for something else but it giga pumped last run and I bought a 100k stack at like 5c so it's easy money but I don't believe in it at all anymore.

>> No.58550648

holy fuck am I glad I sold at $20

>> No.58550658

Imagine being on /biz/ and not holding link at this point.
Good luck though, Anon.

>> No.58550685

Yea I bought my first at like $16 then loaded up on the way down after the lawsuit, now we're back even lower kek

I used to anon

>> No.58550706
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>> No.58550752

you can get 100k kas for the money you have in ada right now
that's a respectable stack

>> No.58550753

Imagine not adding RWA gems like DUA, NXRA, and RIO. Grrrrr

>> No.58550838

Might be the play, got more room to move than ADA and it's new

I see a lot of opinions and not a lot of folios

>> No.58550901
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what do you expect to reach this cycle numbers wise OP?
I'm just hoping to hit 7 fucking figures after years of hell. I'm tired boss. And I honestly don't really see it happening.

>> No.58550919

Op but ids probably changed, yea 7 figs would be my "make it" amount but even then it's not enough. I'm cashing out on the way up this time though I'm not round tripping it all again even if I come away with less than 7 figs. I genuinely don't believe it'll happen though, this is my third cycle.

>> No.58550971
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sounds like someone's looking for a quick buck in the crypto world i suggest investing in some low cap memecoins like $chooky with its viral promos and backstage access who knows maybe it'll be the next big thing gotta think outside the box if you wanna make it to 7 figs

>> No.58550980

It's over.....

>> No.58550986
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Don’t talk about btc like that

>> No.58550990

if you understood circle you’d buy back in immediately. $100 is programmed and $1k+ is achievable if base does things right

>> No.58551082

If it's over, consider investing in the Peaq network and saving money for their upcoming listing. I'm sure you're gonna make it.

>> No.58551099
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Any suggestions? For some reason $4000 of djt (save America) isnt showing in pic which is my largest holding

>> No.58551238

I'd say go for QAN instead. It's a blockchain gem like KAS but with way more moon potential, especially after an EU country got on board with the tech.

>> No.58551266

uhhh, why is 50% of your funds in USDC?
At least buy something with a stop loss on a CEX instead of literally holding nothing.

>> No.58551437

Ada isn't performing as expected, I'd say you switch it for any DePin tokens, preferably hydroorhelium

>> No.58551822

Same with this anon, I'd go with Push Protocol. It's set for a good pump with its MetaMask wallet notifications. Not saying ADA isn't worth hodling though

>> No.58552833

Nice bags, anon. Use the rest of your stables to stack up on AAST. When their African marketplace goes live, it's gonna moon hard.

>> No.58552840

>still holding apu
don’t rountrip that shit, rotate into honkler and enjoy the ride. it has just began. check chart

>> No.58552844

LINU alone will be 500K I believe.

>> No.58553063
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>It's over.....
It's barely begun.....

>> No.58553098

>no honkler
Lmao good luck

>> No.58553105

>Or is this board still dead?
Everyone's been priced out of everything by now.
You still managed to secure yourself 1 Bitcoin.

>> No.58554126

I kneel

Yea at least I'll make it in 20 years if everything else goes wrong

>> No.58554205
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No aast? NGMI

>> No.58554344

folio is great. just add some oracles like pyth and put SupraOracles on watch list. going to be good.

>> No.58554463
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chooky is not some fancy-ass oracle or supraoracles that only tech-savvy folks understand instead my dude we've got something completely different we're talking about a token that's going to take crypto by storm picture this

>> No.58556533
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Folio is great but I will replace LINU with QAN for that comfy ride. Just my two cents.

>> No.58558551
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I'm a baggie.

>> No.58558560
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>He isn't embracing the Booba

>> No.58558582 [DELETED] 
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You are missing something fren

>> No.58558647
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2.1 btc
5k link
3M avi

am I gonna make it this year or not?

>> No.58558655
File: 137 KB, 1094x339, Screenshot 2024-06-02 211608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogogog glowies here you are i dox myselfs ;DDD

>> No.58558843

What wallet is that? I don't want to hold my base and Eth shitcoins on an extension browser.

>> No.58558867

$200k in AVI

>> No.58558870

everything in $DOG

>> No.58559360

what kind of shit wallet are you using that has ads in it

>> No.58561309

I know right USDT has been bleeding for years but devs are hiding it

>> No.58562602

Imagine being on /biz and not bagholding any EOS. Goodluck

>> No.58562614

>what kind of shit wallet are you using that has ads in it
It looks like coingecko. The bubble gum jar in the top right is a clue. It's more of a coin tracker. You can manually enter the coin and amount you theoretically have.

>> No.58563375

It's all about what you're adding to your portfolio. Here's mine:

>> No.58565581

Now I can have some sleep

>> No.58565751

why hold anything but BTC, ETH, LINK and maybe some rotating moonbag like AVI?

>> No.58565762
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Also, I could see a case being made for holding BCH, LTC, ZEC right now just for ETF hype, but it seems like that narrative has died down a bit.

>> No.58565917

No RAM, No EOS? This 100x train ain't stopping for nobody.

>> No.58566290

that's the holy trinity of 2024