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58549380 No.58549380 [Reply] [Original]

I just buy stocks that i like, i dont know shit about the economics behind. I like my Jinko solar panels, so i bought JKS. That is it.

>> No.58549394
File: 87 KB, 1056x548, MV5BYjcyZjY5YWItMmE2Mi00N2NkLWI4OGEtZWEzMjlkOWI4NjgyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTk0ODgwNTg@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I drink your milkshake, I SLURP IT UP!

>> No.58549400

Why does Daniel Day Lewis talk so retardedly in this movie? Especially when he says "and this is my partner H.W." and then by the end of the movie H.W. talks even more retarded to make fun of him for some reason we don't get to see because of the time skip

>> No.58549402

sheeesh 4.13 P/E is wild

>> No.58549411

Is that bad?

>> No.58549418

It's definitely low but that's not necessarily bad.
I know nothing about the stock at all but at a glance from its fundamentals it looks like it's in some kind of distress. It might end up being a good value play if it comes out of whatever trouble it's probably in. But again I haven't done any real research.

>> No.58549474

It's one of the greatest performances of all time and there's always this one shit guy who talks shit about it.

>> No.58549587
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Nope but I do hold memecoins, memecoins pretty much changed my life (even this one) giving me money enough to move to Canada and live a good life

>> No.58550548

stop shilling this garbage pajeet, canadians dont want you shitting in their streets

>> No.58550608

>I just buy stocks that i like
unironically i do the same.
gambling with stocks is stupid because if you wanted to gamble, shitcoins offer a much better pay out.

>> No.58550669

My holdings are btc and hut8. I hold hut8 in my tfsa and I anticipate at 5x during the mania phase of the bull run. They are a well managed company that survived the bear market and hold 9k+ btc. The price took a hit from the short report but has since recovered most of the damage. I believe hut and riot are going to be making price moves soon.