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5854807 No.5854807 [Reply] [Original]

I understand that telling normies you've become a millionaire is generally not a good idea, but once you tell a few family members, it's gonna be pretty difficult for them to stay silent about it and not tell the rest of your family.

>> No.5855152

dont tell anyone just insinuate that your a fucking cryptoballer lol. When you tell people it gets awkward. like they get jealous and want you to dust off a few hundred bucks onto them and then help them turn that couple hundred into a million like its all magic.

>> No.5855249
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I tell everyone that my goal is to get to 1 million before I'm 30. I don't spend money on myself OR other people, so there is nothing for others to get jealous of. I fully share my plans with everyone, because if I make it I plan to start a fucking commune for those who prove themselves worthy. Not a hippie commune, a fucking crypto-syndicate. I plan on bringing my cohorts to the fucking stars with me.

Y'all just need to work on your charisma.

>> No.5855444

This literally happened to me with my brother, but I've only turned 1k into 10k in the past week or so.

Now he wants me to invest for him. Firstly, I don't feel comfortable taking his money because I don't want to risk losing it. Secondly, it's a lot of work and he expects me to do it for free.

>> No.5855466


probably my dad
trust my family lel

>> No.5855573

Grow a pair. Either you are getting lucky(and it won't last) or you are putting in real time and skill. OWN IT. It's fucking not free money or nobody would be asking for your help

>> No.5855618

Why would I tell anyone? Unless I decided to move out. I wouldn’t leave in the night like some shithead. I would tell them I’ve made a lot of money, without ever disclosing the actual amount and now plan on living on my own. It doesn’t really matter what they have to say afterwards. That’s the great thing about having money, you don’t have to listen to people anymore.

>> No.5855659

Oh you turned 1k into 10k? Must be easy if you did it, just turn my $500 into $1 million my next month, if you lose any, I'll never forgive you and tell all of our relatives you tricked me into a bad investment. Do it and you can keep $500 for yourself.

>> No.5855688

Take a cut of the profit and use his money to pad your bankroll. Invest as you normally would. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.5855721

No less than 15% commission and if they lose it they lose it. Everything they give you increases your stack and thereby your swinging power and profit. Take their money. Fuck it if you lose it. Get yours.

>> No.5855809

Suddenly you gotta keep track of another 10 accounts lmao, assuming he's making the same moves but on a different account.

It's not worth the hassle

>> No.5855847

This is what I’d do if I were investing for someone else. I’d take out a calculator and figure out what percentage their investment is in regards to my portfolio. Let’s say my portfolio is 100k and somebody gave me 1k to invest. That would entitle them to 1% of my future portfolio. That’s what I’d do for a family member or friend who wanted in on the action.

>> No.5855893

I wouldnt tell my parent how much networth I exactly have. I would just tell them I made it and give them a monthly allowance.

I'd probably only tell my rich friend about how much money I made since he would know apart of what i'm going through with all the newfound wealth.

Other than that, just keep it a secret as best you can. I feel like a fucking god when I walk amongst common people, knowing deep down inside that I'm prob richer than them and can buy them.

>> No.5855895

No one will know. I'll just quit my day job. Tell them I've been offered a better offer. Move away from the shithole I'm in. And tell family that I got offered a better job in another city.

>> No.5855939

What would you do to fill your days without having a job?

>> No.5856026


>telling anyone ever about making millions of dollars by sitting on your NEET couch on the computer

I shiggy diggy anon.

Your parent's brains would probably just break forever if they found out you made in a year what they made in their entire life by clicking buttons on your computer.

>> No.5856028

I'm now a (((landlord))) but most days are going to the gym, playing airsoft, playing d&d and looking at plans to build a house.

>> No.5856115


That’s smart. Good way to stay “made” after you make it. A lot of these new money clowns don’t think about life after crypto and think the gains are forever. Become crypto rich and then diversify to stay rich.

>> No.5856170

>I'm now a (((landlord)))
Is that even profitable in this day and age? Buying property + taxes would probably make me very little money in the long run, even if I rented out to 4-6 students.

>> No.5856194

Dont tell your mom, she will tell it to the whole family even if you specifically ask her not to.

>> No.5856248


>not starting a cryptoring and ruling as supreme leader

>> No.5856293

I hit a million a few weeks back. Only 2 people know. My Gf and a guy from work who I talk to about cryptos. He did the math.

Not telling another damn soul, it's so tempting though

>> No.5856358

Thats what biz is for. Everyone here is either understands or doesnt give a shit. ez brags/vents

>> No.5856390

>Not telling another damn soul, it's so tempting though
True, it's probably better for your physical safety as well.

>> No.5856411

I never told anyone about my cryptogains but many people assumed (correctly) that I was into "bitcoin and those internet money things" when they heard the news just because I am quite tech-savvy (aka "nerdy")

>> No.5856443
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Owning residential property has always been a dream of mine, I just could never figure out how to get the initial capital without years of drudgery doing something I probably end up hating or going into six figures of debt.

Turns out I love blockchain technology, and the gains are a neat perk, too.

If I could own two duplexes before I turn 30... I don't think I'd ever have to work a "job" again. I could finally start building whatever I want and the money would show up every month automatically.

I always knew the rich stay rich. It just never made as much sense as it does now.

I want to start a food truck, branch into a restaurant, own a gym, maybe start a company that does drone food/water delivery at music festivals, run AirBNBs near seasonal hotspots, rent camera equipment to filmmakers, there's so much shit I want to do but can't do without capital. Yet.

I get all tingly thinking about it.


It's profitable if you can find a cheap place to renovate in an upcoming neighborhood. That's hard as fuck to do because everyone wants to do it right now. My ideal situation would be to own a complex, live in one unit, and rent out the rest. Once your cost of living overhead (i.e. rent) disappears, you suddenly have a huge amount more money. What a (((coincidence))).

>> No.5856532


Don't tell anyone. If anyone asks you how much you have you just say "enough"

People won't stop bothering you once they know how much you have

>> No.5856546

>Once your cost of living overhead (i.e. rent) disappears, you suddenly have a huge amount more money.

Most families in any country are living paycheck to paycheck because of (((rent))). Add utilities, groceries, etc and nobody has money to live life. It’s really depressing when you think about it but all you can really do is secure the future for you and yours.

>> No.5856583

I'd already be pretty fucking happy if I could pay off my student loan debt once I graduate, because paying 300 euros a month for the next 15 years is not something I'm particularly looking forward to.

If you also don't have any overhead costs regarding rent or the mortgage on your house and your car, you have so much more "extra" money you can spend on good food, hobbies and traveling.

>> No.5857346

Please don't reve your power level anon, even yo your family. It ends badly.

>> No.5857623

You have experience with that?

>> No.5857656

no one cares about my life... why should i tell anyone?

>> No.5857842

This is the same reason why I don't want to tell my parents even though I have great relationship with them. In the last 6 months I made more money than they did combined in 20 years of working and I'm just 18. They would get a fucking heart attack if I told them I have $350k.

>> No.5857852

Well, what if they start asking questions about your lambo stack?

>> No.5857933

>does drone food/water delivery at music festivals
Lmao, the drones and supplies would get stolen by druggies so fast.

>> No.5857941

My mom since I got her into crypto and made her 3x her investment.
Also maybe my to be ex-coworkers,as I can't wait to see their faces when I've made more than the whole multi-million company combined.

>> No.5858019

i live very frugally. never buy anything other than food, water and hygiene stuff. i will literally never have a lambo stack.

>> No.5858021

i will tell my ex-boss she is a 35 yo with fake boobs. When i quitted my job i told her i will be a millionaire by the age of 30.

>> No.5858124

Cheers man. I've also about 3x my moms money. It has been stressful for sure but as of now looking very worth it as she hasn't set herself up financially at all

>> No.5858226

We're all gonna make it brah

>> No.5858313

Yeah its profitable but you still need to be smart. My first property was a learning curve.

>2 bed apartment in centre of city
>bought for £150k at auction
>someone literally died in there
>spent £30k on rennovating
>I helped as best I could
>£8k on getting the grade 2 listed windows renovated
>new boiler, shower, you name it

Rental price is £950 p/m but I let it for £850 to a pair of nurses as it's close to the hospital. That money goes into my buisness 'anonltd' I pay myself a low wage, use expenses, and take quarterly profits so I avoid paying a higher tax rate. So far I have 4 properties making me gross £3.1k a month. It's enough to live while expanding my capital.

I need to keep reserves ready to pay for when things go wrong, and they do.

>> No.5858466

made a deal in my familiy that when someone becomes a millionaire we dont tell each other.

>> No.5858540

>So far I have 4 properties making me gross £3.1k a month.
Sounds like a nice full-time job you got there, anon. :^)

>> No.5858634

real men don't talk about their finances

>> No.5858914

Wow, its like you anons have all been there and done that. Same shit is literally happening to all of us.

>> No.5859178

I made 2000% gains in a month and mentioned it in passing to my bro who is a little interested in crypto. He then offered to give me 3k to invest and I'd get 10% of the profits and would have to pay all losses to him back from my own pocket.
He was serious. Ofc I declined and told him what a cuck he was but still, Wtf is wrong with normies and holy shit greed makes people horrible.