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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 800x545, pepe-cave-bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5854562 No.5854562 [Reply] [Original]

hey get in here!! it's the ultra rare moon BAT

>> No.5855261
File: 638 KB, 796x450, batmeme7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one OP, adding it to my collection.

Ready for the moon mission.

>> No.5855321

It needs to stay low for a few more days until my bitcoin order comes in so I can accumulate a few more

This coin is going interstellar though.

>> No.5855381
File: 88 KB, 1556x887, batcup2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your order won't fill, hate to break it to you bud. Just look at this juicy cup formation on the daily.

>> No.5855422

sorry but this is retarded. no one wants to switch browsers to use this shit

>> No.5855436

No, I mean I bought more BTC on coinbase using my bank account and it won't hit my coinbase account for a couple more days. I'm buying BAT at any price below $1 son.

>> No.5855506

Brendan eich said it won't be limited to Brave. Also it takes fucking minutes to download Brave, which is an awesome browser

>> No.5855621

Millions already do, and many millions more will when they realize that they can paid to see ads, or have the option to never see one again.

You're going up against the man who single-handedly killed Internet Explorer with FireFox. He can do it again with Brave. This mans entire life has been with browsers/javascript. He CREATED the modern web.

Enjoy staying poor fag.

>> No.5855678

It's going to be on Twitch too

>> No.5855717

Alright I fomo'd in and have 22k BAT
Bring me glory, /biz/

>> No.5855773

Okay now pull down that fucking sell wall whale.

>> No.5855795

Stop looking at the charts, don't worry. It will be gone tomorrow and the price will be +30%.

>> No.5855883

Judging by this guys pajeet photoshop skills, he's a poorfag

>> No.5855968

this is some quality shilling
makes me wanna buy 100k

>> No.5856305
File: 45 KB, 811x361, batcb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's more.

BAT is from the inventor of JavaScript and founder of Mozilla & Firefox, Brendan Eich.

BAT is an Ethereum ERC20 token, which means you can use common hardware wallets like the Ledger Nano, MyEtherWallet, etc.

BAT is backed by Silicon Valley VCs like Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund, among others.

Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong tweeted on March 30th, 2017 that BAT is “exactly the sort of token we'd like to support on Coinbase and GDAX over the coming year, make it easy to buy/sell these with gov currencies.”

One of BAT's close advisers is Ankur Nandwani, who is/was Product Manager at Coinbase. He was the one who announced that Litecoin was added to Coinbase.

$BAT was recently added to a spate of exchanges, including big Chinese exchanges like Binance and Huobi.

You will be able to get paid for choosing to view ads with the BAT Ads program. Users receive 70% of ad revenue. Yes, 70%.

Brave & BAT have been covered in a lot of mainstream news recently, including Bloomberg, NASDAQ, CNET, Engadget, TechCrunch and more. It has also been promoted by Ubuntu Linux (on their FB page with 1.3m followers) and Rocket.Chat (on their official blog).

BAT is not limited to the Brave web browser but will be extended to other browsers via extensions (where APIs permit) and other attention-economy apps like chat messengers, podcast apps, games, etc.

Brave Payments, which utilizes $BAT, currently supports YouTubers. Support for Twitch, Reddit and Twitter, etc. have been confirmed. Brave Payments allows you to easily tip your favorite publishers and content creators, Patreon-style.

>> No.5856331
File: 64 KB, 825x564, batnextlevel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 1000 websites and over 600 YouTubers have been confirmed as verified publishers with the Brave Payments program—and counting. This includes big channels like Phil deFranco who has 6 million subscribers. (You can still tip/donate to your favorite sites/creators even if they aren’t yet verified since the $BAT will be held in a wallet for them to claim.)

The Brave web browser has over 1 million active monthly users. On the Android store alone, Brave has 1-5 million downloads. Brave is available on all platforms (iOS, Android, Windows, MacOS, Linux).

Other notable figures on the development team include Yan Zhu (Forbes top 30 under 30, Tor Project, W3C, EFF), Marshall Rose (inventor of SNMP, Internet Engineering Task Force) as well as many others who’ve worked on major projects. (Look at team on website.)

The Brave browser has one-click support for Ethereum dApps with Metamask. Brave is officially listed on Metamask’s website alongside Google Chrome.

You will be able to purchase $BAT with your credit or debit card directly through the built-in BAT wallet in Brave. This is a first priority for the team.

And more...

Edit (additions):

BAT officially partnered with privacy search engine DuckDuckGo, and they recently revealed more details on their relationship.

Brendan Eich said in a tweet yesterday that he heard Mozilla was potentially interested in natively integrated BAT. https://twitter.com/BrendanEich/status/942115844087169024

The supply of BAT is fixed and limited. No new BAT will ever be mined or created. Total supply is capped, like Bitcoin.

CEO Brendan Eich announced the other day that BAT/Brave is partnering with a Top 3 media company in the world.

PewDiePie (60 million subscribers) flashes BAT on screen

Facebook talk with BAT CEO Brendan Eich: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP2DFVUwgsU

Eich saying BAT/Brave has "a good relationship with apple"

>> No.5856377

this guy gets it. And that's also why he's going to get a lambo.

>> No.5856394

Literally the fastest browser and best crypto browser because it is save and has integrated metamask.

>> No.5856451
File: 1.24 MB, 950x795, batman1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks but I already have enough for a lambo. Someone here shilled me on Eth at $10. I dipped some savings into ($2k) and rode that wave. I have that same comfy feeling with BAT. I ended up selling my Eth during a bear market at around $400, but nonetheless it changed my life forever. Hopefully I can do the same for someone.

Bat will 50-100x in 2018. I'll go on record and say I think it will be $50 eoy.

>> No.5856480

God damnit you guys are gonna make me spend more money.

>> No.5856534

#1 Ublock makes this shit useless.

I would never use a web browser that deeply integrates advertisers as my daily browser. Never ever. I might setup several vms to farm for coins if that's that thing but never ever as my daily driver which I do my banking on.

>> No.5856630

>being this dense.

>> No.5856667

"Sir, can you please tell the crowd you have never met me before?"

>> No.5856688

One of the funniest memes I've ever seen man, great job.

>> No.5856794

That's a real nice rare BATmeme OP.

>> No.5857324

I guess I`ll wait for a dip