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File: 86 KB, 728x382, chainlink_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58542662 No.58542662 [Reply] [Original]

This is starting to feel like the last big run did, very similar price appreciation/momentum. It took only about a month to go from $15 to $30 last time, and then another 2 months to $50.

And this time we're backed by some crazy shit happening such as SWIFT, DTCC, FIX confirming their commitments to utilizing CCIP, and multiple blockchains confirming CCIP as their canonical bridge & interop solution.

I could honestly see reaching $100+ within 3 months unless the non-announcement at consensus kills momentum (I don't expect anything big to get announced, but I do think the announcements continue to roll out and ramp up through the year).

>> No.58542686
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single and double digit link will soon be ancient history. a myth that newfags will not believe you ever bought

>> No.58543012

there's actually nothing happening other than a great opportunity to short bitfuck token like a based boomer because the link baggies have new bedtime stories coming out

>> No.58543447

not gonna happen OP. Keep in mind Sergey is going to sell millions of coins off into any pumps and you have a huge % of holders with high cost averages who bought all the lies in prior years waiting to unload

>> No.58545415
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gm based kings

>> No.58545428

maybe but link often pumps around consensus and smartcon
wouldn't be surprised if this is just the same
but this is the tiredness talking... the swift, dtcc last year and this year is insane... a clown market indeed
let's hope they put out a decent announcement tomorrow in the swift talk

>> No.58545445

I just want all newfags here with less than 1,000 link to know that I gifted my own dog 2,500 link and she owns more than you. I have her link divided into 2 wallets. 1 for safe keeping in my mom’s room. And the other wallet ive attached to her collar that she walks around with.

>> No.58545458 [DELETED] 



T .ME/PurpleParlor

>> No.58545469

Question. It looks like it's a given CCIP is the chosen technology for the interoperability of the blockchains that these big guys are gonna use, but do we know what chains are they gonna use?

>> No.58545477

their own private chains, according to sergey

>> No.58545478

Serg seems to mostly talk about private bankchains. It's possible some of them want to use public chains for various things, but the first big unlocks will probably be allowing bank to bank activity of existing tokenized assets (Serg talks about mutual funds and equities as the first things to go on chain, with RWAs being later stage)

>> No.58545479

The only reason you had a pump was because market was anticipating some big news from Consensus on Chainlink.

This is typical pre-conference LINK pump. Same as with last Smartcon. Once its confirmed that its a nothing-burger event, price will dump again. Same as with last Smartcon, where it dumped even while the event was on-going (as the market realized everything is still beta/experiment/alpha v0.2 closed/"working on").

>> No.58545489


>> No.58545509

Thanks just sold

>> No.58545514

everyone has been talking about confirmation coming out this consensus. chatter like that doesn't arise out of nowhere.

>> No.58545527

Banks can use the cumsockinu1000(TM) blockchain tech for all its worth. Doesn’t fucking matter, gas will be paid for in LINK.

“…yes, that’s right, quadrillions.”

>> No.58545535

Quadrillions? With a Q?

>> No.58545556

sure chainlink might be working with swift, dtcc, euroclear etc but until we get actual in production confirmation then xrp, doge, ada, shib all deserve to be well above link

>> No.58545559
File: 266 KB, 959x1200, 1602470566519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish from the bottom of my heart that I had a 7k stack to stake.
It hurts because I can see people jam into the pool. I KNOW there are people from /biz/ in there with more than 1 wallet.
And here I am buying 20 LINK a week.
I literally can not get LINK faster. This is the one that's going to win. Buying others is ok for speculation like AI coins but... I don't know.
Congrats, you mad bastards. If only I weren't a loser neet from 2019-2023. And if only I wasn't an alcoholic money wasting idiot from 2015-2019.
Well... never again. I'm not missing generational wealth ever again.

>> No.58545560

first off yes chatter like that arises out of nowhere
second off link's had lots of shit be confirmed - stuff that would pump any other coin 500x - only for link to pump a flaccid 2.18% on the daily. for whatever reason good news does not pump link

>> No.58545585

it is speculation but this first time chainlink and swift are talking together in a third party event
also swift are sending impressive people, the guy replacing jonathon was the guy ran the swift-ccip program directly
but meh, probably will just be another "exploring and progressing" chat

>> No.58545590

It'll definitely be a nothing chat. The question is, what happens next?

>> No.58545596

you're still stuck in the "different kinds of good news will pump link" cycle of chainlink. we've seen that the market is stubbornly ignoring all kinds of good news regarding chainlink, for years. its clear to me that until the market pivots to not ignoring chainlink news, nothing will happen. The good news is that it still means basically no news from the past 2 years is priced in meaningfully

>> No.58545608
File: 23 KB, 569x251, 1566189544506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably true but i do think a "we are using this in production" will be something the market can't ignore
chainlink is going to the big prize and is so far ahead it's ridiculous but the problem is that many other chains and companies have run pocs over the years. many of them scammily promoted by the teams to pump their bags which has only made it that much harder to get attention with what they're doing

until there's in production use using LINK then it just gets placed in this category

>> No.58545619

I would never underestimate the stupidity of crypto markets, personally. The average age of someone who knows what SWIFT or the DTCC or even any three major banks is well above the average crypto participant's age, potentially by a dozen-plus years.

>> No.58545622

it literally is not going to happen you delusional cucks
yes we all see chainlink is clearly constantly getting massive mainstream acceptance and good news
>still wont pump lol lmao

>> No.58545857

unironic non-meme serious mode real thought and calculations behind this:
new ATH by EOY
singularity by EOY 2028
do not sell before a peaking ath

>> No.58545886

Too crazy not to be true. Based doggo daddy. I’m going to be eyeing every dogs collar from now on

>> No.58545895

don't say that, people will start kidnapping dogs

>> No.58545958
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>> No.58545968

Helo sers I am from chainlink community organizing team. Very pump yes! No listen bloody benchod fudders!
Now do the needful and buy so I can get paycheck!

>> No.58545977

Bossman tell me I no get paid because I messed up and revealed myself :/
Fucking bloody...

>> No.58545978

not sure we will get new ath because of how much the supply has increased since the ath. were basically at ath if you take the supply increase into into consideration tho

>> No.58546298

>beta/experiment/alpha v0.2 closed/"working on").
This shit is indeed getting exhausting

>> No.58546299
File: 89 KB, 1605x797, LINK market cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>were basically at ath if you take the supply increase into into consideration tho
Market cap is still only half the ATH

>> No.58546317

>surgey dumped 10 billion worth of link

>> No.58546320

Yep he market sold $10 billion worth of LINK on binance

>> No.58546321

Behold, your average link mathematician.

>> No.58546332
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fucking lol
This is on the same level as not understanding per capita.

>> No.58546358

the thread that killed LINKs momentum good job OP suck my fucking cock

>> No.58546361
File: 96 KB, 640x360, sigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This actually started to feel a lot like 2021 for me. LINK out of sync with the market, seemingly waited its turn after memecoins and bullshit burnt out along their parabolas (this time spread across whatever absurd increase in shitcoin supply we've had of late) to mop up some pittance in scraps, meanwhile the likes of Caitlyn Jenner and Iggy Azalea are wrapped up in shitcoins and crypto as a whole got widespread attention from the ETFs. It does have the ambience of the end of a chapter in the same way 2021 did. Yes, no mania, no fever pitch yet, but with ETFs established perhaps those days are behind us. I dunno, anons. Everyone's waiting for something to compel the Fed on rates, but inflation is still hotter than it's supposed to be which is why there's none of the new money we had during the ridiculous 2021 post-COVID stimulus. There are objective signs we're overheated relative to the abundance or lack thereof of money.

>> No.58546366

Pretty sure it was the ETH dump that did that.

>> No.58546378

>there's none of the new money we had during the ridiculous 2021 post-COVID stimulus. There are objective signs we're overheated relative to the abundance or lack thereof of money.
this is what I think most people just try to ignore and pretend like this elephant in the room doesn't exist, I don't see normies coming back desu, those from 2017 and even 2021 are now few years older, some of them started families and after getting burned financially probbaly won't just put any money into crypto and zoomers don't have much money, and those that do, they spend it on the shitcoin casino on solana. I think the most likely path forward for us to have a massive bullrun is if eth etf gets a lot of traction and eth gains spill over into shitcoins, cause most people in crypto don't hold any btc and bitcoin maxis are not gonna buy any alts either

I feel like we need some big influencers that zoomers look up to to get into crypto and shove it down their throats

>> No.58546418

>but inflation is still hotter than it's supposed to be
job market is a total shit show too, way less jobs now than when i was applying for my current one last year, i applied to hundreds and had recruiters calling me constantly and got a job within 2 weeks now theres hardly any ive been applying to new ones for like a month and not even had a response

>> No.58546421

It's only an anecdote but I think it's a great datapoint for how out of fashion crypto is with zoomies that the mention of bitcoin at a graduation ceremony speech recently at some college was roundly booed. Like it or not, BTC did already put in a new ATH and is presently dithering about at $68k. PEPE, FLOKI, APU and other ridiculous shit have had fun, and like in 2021 it eventually peters out and liquidity flows into "quality" or fundamental plays like LINK. It just feels awfully similar. And really, there is nothing all that shiny and new in today's market compared to 2021, just those same memes and meme derivatives, which themselves were the new and shiny thing in 2021 compared to 2017. It all just feels contrived and off-side.

>> No.58546424

Feels a lot like missing on fun, ocean, kas, rsr and many other decent alt gains while chasing link shitcoin

>> No.58546430
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_6400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000 EOY

>> No.58546434

I should, liquidity flows into "quality" or fundamental plays like LINK... in hopes there is still something to be squeezed out of the sponge. I had to take some off the table today because I just had this sense of dejavu and impending doom, but that's just me. The end of last year when LINK moved ahead of the market and dragged everything up with it was just like Q3 2020 and, like a junkie coming down off his high, this uninspired little jump we're getting now off memecoin rotations or late normies that wimps out before it reaches the same highs is exactly what happened in 2021.

>> No.58546475

>Behold, your average link mathematician.
to be fair, those continuing to hold are also bad at math by necessity

>> No.58546511
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Spaetzle detected.

>> No.58546574

im a human being. don't you think i deserve a little more than a fucking dog