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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58541228 No.58541228 [Reply] [Original]

>tell bank i need to borrow a couple of bucks to buy a house
>they actually fucking give it to me
>i just have to keep throwing a few coins at them to keep the agreement
>now i have a place to live until i die

>> No.58541246

How? You borrowed money for a down payment?

>> No.58542913

why does this post have a Pepe söyjak
what does the purpose of söy add to the nuance of the content

>> No.58542986
File: 47 KB, 800x704, 1712457708936465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some guy gave you a couple of bucks to get away from the property probably, lmao crypto incels geez U losers REEK

>> No.58543132

shut the fuck up wagecuck

>> No.58543303

You cant lose buying a house

My brother bought at the tippy top, and since rates went up hes not been able to properly afford the mortgage repayments.....

Did he sell? Nope.. he just moved back in with our parents and is renting the place out for like 90% of his mortgage

So hes living back at home, but hes able to save up a shit ton of money and invest elsewhere now, while keeping the house that he bought at the very top

You just cant lose with property

>> No.58543476
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Incel chud, stinky stinky, bank would ask U to leave too. touch grass, buy some nice jeans, and drop this crypto shit u loser

>> No.58545197

i'd say it's a fairly losing position not to be able to live in the house you own

>> No.58545216

where did you get that picture of me?

>> No.58545233

>living with his parents
>forcing a family who could actually pay that mortgage to instead rentpay his


he doesn't own it, he's a retard that FOMO'd into a house he couldnt afford and now he has to live with his parents like a fucking loser

when the entire housing market crashes, remember this.

>> No.58545248

He’s earning equity. As rental prices increase in the area, his mortgage will stay the same. He is taking on some risk but that’s not a bad deal once he is cash flow positive.

>> No.58545269
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The bank still doesn't believe me I'm turning rich by holding some shit called Retardio and it's investigating me