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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58541035 No.58541035 [Reply] [Original]

>he's trying to invest while still having shitloads of debt

>> No.58541189
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I have a stable job making six figures and it's all on 0% right now, what's the deal

>> No.58541191

>He didn't debtmaxx to buy Bitcoin at $10000

>> No.58541200
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>he thinks I plan on paying it back

>> No.58541294

Literally the poor man's leverage.

>> No.58541310
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i’m just a baby man

>> No.58541331 [DELETED] 
File: 152 KB, 358x432, 1618722384759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a loan to buy Retardio's dip and won
still, am I retarded?

>> No.58542497

Eventually the 0% goes away and you get hit with an insane APR fren. The kind where the minimum payment will have you paying for 10 years and you'll be paying them back more than double what you borrowed. You should pay it off quick before the deadline hits
Enjoy never retiring bro

>> No.58542582

Bro, not having debt in an inflationary economy is dumb as fuck. I'm debt maxxxing and not giving a fuck and I have over 100k in crypto so whatever, tongue my anus.

>> No.58542608

Is 10 thousand us dollars a "shit ton" anon?

>> No.58543586

I'm very far from debtmaxxing, but inflation is pretty much the only reason I bother to keep a fixed low rate mortgage.

>> No.58543849

>implying I'm not slowly paying off like 10% of it every month so that when the 0% ends I can just close the card

>> No.58543889

kek wut

>> No.58543967

>he's trying to invest while still having shitloads of debt

No, because I invested in frogs like Pepe, Honkler and Apu so I could pay back my debt. You should try retard

>> No.58544107

I know in your currency you need 100,000,000 to buy some dinner, but that's because of inflation and corruption in your country.
Did you think economists meant for you to wheelbarrow money around?

>> No.58544135
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Yes. That's why I do x10 leverage minimum nigga if it's a wash I'll gladly kill myself .
>No close family members.
>No friends.
>Nobody at the work place cares about me.
>No pets since I was a teen.
50% of my chips on BTC, 50% on SUPER, DOGE and BNB.

>> No.58544144

Ah yes, I obviously plan to stop working when I'm 80 and my body quite literally can't produce any more surplus value to the machine. Logically I'm thinking about retirement.

>> No.58544154

it's the chad move

>> No.58544155

if he doesn't invest how to pay debt?

>> No.58544156

Hi /fit/,
Is it worth it to take a garlic supplement?
It won't make me smell like garlic, will it?
Will it restore my testosterone levels to normal?

>> No.58544157

for fucktards in pajeet land it is

>> No.58544159

>50% of my chips on BTC, 50% on SUPER
that's like the only good thing in gamefi, I'd wish it gets to mainstream someday

>> No.58544163
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>> No.58544166

>i’m just a baby man
100% sure there's porn about this somewhere

>> No.58544170

nigga you are barely scratching surface here, rabbit hole goes deep

>> No.58544184

sorry wrong board my bad
fr fr no cap

>> No.58544210
File: 14 KB, 711x629, Good Job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58544212

I graduated almost 10 years with over $150k of student loan debt. One of the best decisions I made was starting to invest immediately while paying down my debt.

>> No.58544564

No debt and sidelined until BTC reaches $8k, then I'm buying alts only.

>> No.58544612
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Imagine! Trying to out earn his interest on his debt! What a Jabroni!

>> No.58544757

That one's sorta different if it's federal because you usually get a reasonable interest rate, lots of no interest deferments, you can adjust minimum payments to your income, and there's a chance you can get it forgiven outright. It's an outlier. If I had a $150k private student loan debt though then I'd be beyond fucked

>> No.58545263

>having shitloads of debt
the joke is on you, after 4 months of debt I paid everything with alts and dogcoins like kendu, I can finally breathe

>> No.58545285

if you can get higher returns then your apr you are retarded to not hold that debt, it's not really disputable
if you have 0 apr debt put it at all in savings/get bonds and get minimum 5% free money
if you think bitcoin is going up atleast 1% put it all in btc
if it goes up 100% that's 100% free money
baseline your value is going down 5-15% every year, you need to beat that to not sink and debt makes that far easier to do