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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58535740 No.58535740 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you using a cold wallet and a keep metal to keep your seed phrase?
What is stopping you?
Why do you keep $1M+ in your hot wallet and keep your seed phrase in a notepad file?
IF you're like this, why? Explain.
Trezor is doing a sell right now on their keep metal, big sale actually. 60 bucks for a metal backup you can imprint your seed into.
Why aren't you a cold wallet chad?

>> No.58535770
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Fuck. I can't remember where I stashed my seed phrase. I'm having a mini panic attack right now holyshit.

>> No.58535782

I just keep my coins on exchange. Self custody seems like a hassle.

>> No.58535798


>> No.58535807


>> No.58535810
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not your keys, not your crypto new fag

>> No.58535818

>keep metal
Is that the tube thing that you poke holes into to represent the first four characters of each word of your seed phrase? What a fucking meme. Just write it down with pencil and paper and put it in a safe and another copy in a safety deposit box at a bank.

>> No.58535932

enjoy losing your crapto if a fire happens or if the paper gets ripped accidently

>> No.58535939

enjoy not being able to sell for using illegal wallets

>> No.58535941

>if a fire happens
>if the paper gets ripped accidently
Are you a toddler?

>> No.58536478

real chads don't need a cold wallet like this
just get a 64Go SSD, encrypt it properly and use it offline only to sign tx

>> No.58536874

Doesn't everyone just write their seed phrases thousands of times until they memorize it?

>> No.58536881

who said we are ever going to sell?

>> No.58537278

I keep my coins on an exchange.like a normal person
Do you grow your own food too? Do you drill your own oil for your car you built by hand?

>> No.58537832


hardware wallet, with memorized seed + long passphrase, and a metal plate backup stored in a secure location. It's not that hard. Definitely easier to manage than a vegetable garden.

>> No.58538204

I can't memorize a seed and a passphrase

>> No.58538264

Yes you can. Create a sentence or concept out of your randomly generated seed phrase. Use a 12 word phrase to make this process easier. Practice writing it down every day from memory on a piece of paper and then burning it afterward. Your passphrase can be literally anything you want so just pick an easy to remember (to you) sentence or phrase and use proper punctuation. Do that for about a week and you'll have a solid brain wallet that you can access as long as you're conscious. Don't forget to make a metal plate backup.