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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58531056 No.58531056 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to buy a house and this fag seller is in trouble with the bank because of an unrelated mortgage. Yet he insists that he can't lower the price anymore because... It's the market price, ok?
Faggot will end up learning a lesson (losing his house) because of his greed lmao

>> No.58531063

Greedy pig faggots that’s why

>> No.58531274

Sunken costs fallacy hits all facets of one's /biz/. I wouldn't so much call it "greed" as "irrational shortsight", as being greedy and rational would probably have him sell.

>Captcha 2AOKJW
Is this /pol/?

>> No.58531335

I mean, he bought it for a fraction of what he's trying to get now, and that's even considering inflation and the interests he has paid for this house.
He not only wants to get money or wants to recover what he paid for it, he wants to make money.
This is why I blame banks for the housing bubbles, btw. They ask for a lot of money and people think buyers should definitely pay for the original price + interests + inflation. Then prices explode and banks make more and more money from these retards... And at the end of the chain come the foreclosures.
We end up giving massive profits and free homes to banks.

>> No.58531349

You might learn the lesson, and rentoid forever.
Enjoy jamals tasteful music selection, and the Filipinos frying stinkyfish every night.

>> No.58531395

I already own half a house. I WFH and live by the beach.
Suck my dick, faggot. I hope the bank takes "your" house from your hands

>> No.58531399

> I mean, he bought it for a fraction of what he's trying to get now, and that's even considering inflation and the interests he has paid for this house.
Seems rational. For decades, we pushed people to buy houses under the rationale that their prices always go up.

> He not only wants to get money or wants to recover what he paid for it, he wants to make money.
I did things like start a company, buy equipment, work, and buy stock with no nobler purpose.

> This is why I blame banks for the housing bubbles, btw.
> They ask for a lot of money and people think buyers should definitely pay for the original price + interests + inflation. Then prices explode and banks make more and more money from these retards... And at the end of the chain come the foreclosures.
This may come as a shock, but the banks want you as a slave, an interest-cattle, way more than foreclosing your house, or your car. While you pay interests, they got this nice, steady, comfortable and effortless stream of income. And when you declare bankruptcy, they got an un-liquid asset that was often not-maintained (why would one maintain it if one is broke and it's going to be foreclosed anyways?), requires repairs and ongoing maintenance, requires an employee to work on, and in a neighborhood that might not be as valuable anymore. A huge, unnecessary risk for those lazy pigs.

I'll say this: you are correct, the easier people can enslave their future selves to buy a house in the now, the easier they can outbid each others.

What you might want to consider, tho, is why the free market don't balance this? As prices skyrocket, the opportunities for home builders should become ever more juicy. After all, if the home not made to your specifications keeps increasing in prices, profits on custom-made ones should also increase, making it an incentive to increase supply!

Well, here in Canada, it is because it is not allowed. Terrain is limited artificially by local governments.

>> No.58531451

Yet in murica builders charge a shitload and house flippers make bank by selling a few houses.
It's not only the government... Again, people being greedy causes this mess (and, in fact, govts. might do that BECAUSE they are managed by greedy, corrupt people who have their own interests in keeping the statu quo).
Only brainwashed people think greed (and usury) are normal, "part of human nature" or whatever bs you retards are taught.

>> No.58532625

The house you want is greed by others' standards. All you need is a pod and a diet of bugs. Why should future generations suffer more because you wanted personal property?

>> No.58532637

For clarity, same person. ISP switches addresses when I drive more than 15km or so.

>> No.58532639

Filipino house parties are lit

>> No.58532675

You have no idea of what I want. Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.58532686
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Prices will come down. It's a similar issue to what's happening in the car market, where people bought a normal car for cheap in 2020 and expect to make money selling the same car with more miles in 2024, and things stay up for sale forever. Some people are starting to sell their cars for reasonable prices though. The same thing is happening with the housing market but on a longer time scale.

>> No.58534805

> I'm trying to buy a house
>> The house you want is greed by others' standards
Yeah, takes an anti-greed commie faggot to try and buy a house he doesn't want, then complain about greed on /biz/. Hope you get the basic human right pod you deserve.

>> No.58534857


>> No.58535266 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 828x828, g00bbxq2s3p51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro's yapping
>Not talking about LFGO
>Literally yapping about everything instead LFGO

And you want to make money?????

>> No.58535284

This, I'm starting to see cars/trucks that are in good condition for prices worth paying.

>> No.58535319
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is it the same misconception that leads Leftists to think they could design better economic systems that wouldn't collapse like every other failed attempt in history?

maybe just arrogance after long career successes in academic spheres?

>> No.58535696

I really hope it happens with houses. and, yeah, I've noticed that cars are getting cheaper, even the listed prices are falling, so none of that bargaining retardation needed.

>buy a house he doesn't want
are you retarded? just because you think something is too expensive doesn't mean you don't want it.
why aren't you buying a mansion?

who cares about academia? you aren't entitled to profits, retard. I'm not buying your overpriced crap.

>> No.58536948

yup, youre 100% spot on regarding the car issue.
I really want a toyota grand highlander hybrid (just had a daughter starting a family) my car is on its last leg. Still working, but barely.
3 months ago there was a 5 month wait time.
now there are some available, 1 month wait for me to be able to get exactly what i want.
ashame i cant wait longer but the savings probably wouldn't be too great.
im excited because in 2 years I will be in the market for a house and i feel like that'll be a market bottom (relative to the crypto and metals portfolio i have). The bottom bottom is likely in 4 years but well see what happens

>> No.58537339

why do rentoids think theyre entitiled to complain about anything? how about moving on with your life and simply telling him you cant afford it instead of seething on /biz/ in an impotent rage with your deluded fantasy about how he will lose his house. its a sellers market rentoid scum

>> No.58537428

try reading the thread before posting, brainlet

>impotent rage
you think I'm not doing something about it? fucking lol
I'm gonna drag this shit until the guy loses his house. I'm gonna waste his and the realtors time as much as I can. I fucking HATE these fucking people. I want them to SUFFER.