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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58530818 No.58530818 [Reply] [Original]

Is the price of everything except labor going to go up? It really seems like it.

>> No.58530823

Stop noticing things

>> No.58530834

>no but you see, deflation would actually be very very bad!

>> No.58530840


consumers will stop consuming if they can't afford things. it's crazy, but deflation might happen and harshly, if we get rising unemployment.

>> No.58530847

Will I ever be able to feel the feeling of swallowing triple whoppers? I can't buy fast food anymore :(

>> No.58530931
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It's joever

>> No.58530937
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the price of labor isn't going to go up because of globalism and immigration, i.e. they'll ship your jobs out of the country to cheap slaves, or import cheap slaves. In fact the price may go down, especially when automation fully kicks in.

>> No.58530938

My job went from 120k to 140k because the cola went up. Get a non entry level job and people will pay

>> No.58531177

It would. Inflation is our friend and actually a good thing, you just don’t want too much of it all at once.

>> No.58531245

>Real wages of low-wage workers grew 12.1% between 2019 and 2023.

>> No.58531412

Hordes of South Americans are entering the country as we speak. The US gov is paying them to be here and NGO's are helping them secure the bag.

>> No.58531456

Can Europeans do the same as all those South Americans? Can I just take a flight and just stay? I want one of those 140k salaries you Americans always talk about

>> No.58531475
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Money literally flows, monetary expansion causes money to flow almost exactly like electricity, it flows into low impedance (liquid) assets just as electrons flow into low resistance, or water flows into unobstructed channels. The wage/productivity divergence seen since '71 is caused by this phenomenon, as labor is an exceptionally illiquid/high monetary impedance asset. The same pattern is seen in other illiquid assets like housing, notice that high-end housing has seen a SHARPER decline (factored for money stock) than low-end housing, which is to be expected as high-end property is even less liquid than normie SFH. In contrast, low impedance (liquid) assets such as gold or equities move in lockstep (factoring for supply inflation) with monetary expansion. Monetary expansion can thus be seen for what it is: a parasitic transfer of resources from the whole of the economy to low impedance asset holders.

>> No.58531512

Enter through the south illegally and you will be rewarded.

>> No.58531634


Rare intelligent post on /biz/

>> No.58531719

Imagine if we could coordinate a nation-wide thirty day fast

>> No.58531775

now do the comparison but with Bitcoin instead of dollars

>> No.58531791

which we inevitably increasingly will due to ai automation.

>> No.58531793

It's either going to be that or wage inflation.

>> No.58531913

they would just start carpet bombing us if we tried that

>> No.58531920

its an AI post
i automatically skip long posts bc of that

>> No.58531996

Essentially this
> talk about inflation in 2021 during comp talks. Very disappointed and ran the figures expecting about 7.7 % inflation for the year….
Sorry anon you and everyone else gets only 5% increases.
Happened about three years in a row. I got shafted 7% even if salary and I got promoted. So the effects were more significant (due to higher pay)

This is a country wide problem. The middle class salaries have been shat on. Meanwhile Neeebaquanwuanwakeeem is getting $20 an hour flipping burgers and some drug addled contractor is bagging $150k a year in net revenues

Company profits are higher than ever…..still wages fall behind.

Simply put, work your wage

>> No.58532218


>> No.58532259

gotta break a few bones if we wanna get down to the meat, huh, anon

>> No.58532262

Incorrect. Inflation is the friend of the state, but the enemy of the working man.

>> No.58532354

LOL, ok dude, idk how you can call labor illiquid when we have 10s of millions of south Americans flooding over the southern border, 10s of thousands of Indian h1bs suppressing high skill wages, and labor offshoring for manufacturing and tech support, labor is more liquid than it's ever been and our slave masters have been cooming their brains out for decades now over dirt cheap liquid labor ripping each other apart in the crab bucket

>> No.58532394

It's not, it's too unstructured

>> No.58532734

Actually people are making more money than ever. That is why prices are going up. LMFAO

>> No.58534318
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Go sell a year of labor today. Go buy and warehouse a billion dollars of labor today. You can't, it's literally impossible to buy or sell more than a day of labor at a time, the best you can do is buy or sell a contract for future labor, a labor future, and even then you're only able to buy a labor future from one individual in the incredibly heterogenous labor market. The monetary impedance of labor is exceptionally high, and this can be measured empirically