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58529704 No.58529704 [Reply] [Original]

Why exactly should I buy Bitcoin if it's not going to make me rich?

>> No.58529712

To buy feembraps

>> No.58529714

Easy 2x in the next 12 months
Better than your 8% in S&P or some shit.

>> No.58529717

>Easy 2x in the next 12 months
you think Bitcoin is going to $140k? why? how?

>> No.58529721

because I require exit liquidit... I mean... bitcoing 250k eoy buy now or stay poor forever cmon bro just ape your paycheck into it...

>> No.58529760

Cause he knows the future (he didnt.buy the bottom)

>> No.58529773
File: 294 KB, 2543x1987, www.pricedinbitcoin21.com_parity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do you.
Personally, I hold Bitcoin as a hedge against Bitcoin.

>> No.58529797

for the tech obviously!

>> No.58530404

better stop thinking about being rich, and focus on having a comfortable life, you won't even need bitcoin, I'm doing quite well with memecoins in dextools

>> No.58530425

It's a vote against central banking. Bitcoin is for your grandchildren. It's planting a tree you'll never sit under. Only buy bitcoin if you're willing to sacrifice your time for a better future you may never see.

>> No.58530488

I'm not trying to virtue signal but this is why I hold bitcoin. I never worked as hard as my loved ones. Every endeavor I undertake i quit as soon as it becomes hard. Without trying I managed to accumulate a nice chunk in bitcoin and i feel like I don't deserve it, I imagine I will die by my own vices with a rotten liver or fucked up prostate sooner than i should I don't have any desires to purchase anything, my car is decent, I have already owned all the the meaningless toys like expensive guitars and other musical equipment, top of the line phones, tvs electronics, expensive computer set ups, traveling out of the country (which i found unbearable and wanted to go back home as soon as i wandered around, alone without aim), I don't want expensive clothes or buy indulgent fancy food, the only joy I get is when I buy my loved ones things they want. Or when i drink an ungodly amount of alcohol and even then I grow apathetic and bored sitting around shitposting on 4chan. If I had not been such an autistic cringy loner and had my own family, obviously I would have a vested interest in living as long as possible and see their future, but the fear of being divorce raped and having my children grow up resenting me is something i would rather not risk.

>> No.58530640

excuse the brevity of my response, in contrast to your detailed post.

have you created anything? with that fancy musical equipment for example.

have you helped people around you? I know it sounds gay but, there's people that even you could teach or help. it's not the same as your own family but in some ways it's even more fulfilling. they're called the needy for a reason, and I'm not talking about homeless or junkies. I'm talking about people just barely surviving because of their own ineptitude

I dunno, why don't you go and read some Greek philosophers and then knock up a nice japanese girl

>> No.58530706

You are running narrative version 1.0, please update to narrative 5.0 or later to continue using this service.

>> No.58530748

why do I need Bitcoin for that though? Gold is probably the safer bet at this point if you just want to preserve wealth.

>> No.58530758

safer way to lose wealth. Have fun when they find another deposit increasing supply by 20%!!

>> No.58530816

well gold has been used as money and a store of value for thousands of years. Bitcoin has been around for only like 15 years and it's digital, you could just wake up one day in the next few years and advances in AI or Quantum computers have made it completely worthless. At least I know that won't happen with gold.

>> No.58530835
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BTC is the world's first fixed unit of account, mature capitalization is in the hundreds of trillions of 2024 dollars, tho it will likely take another cycle or two to reach mature capitalization

>> No.58530846
File: 23 KB, 445x300, gold_tungsten_fulled_kilo_bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dullard. Gold has infinite practical supply and 2% (minimum) annual mining inflation, not to mention is expensive to move or store securely, and even something as trivial as authenticating it is time consuming and costly

>> No.58530857

yeah all those problems exist because Gold is physical, which is not a bad thing. Bitcoin being digital means it's a risk to advancements in technology. Do you really believe a digital currency created in 2009 will stand the test of time?

>> No.58530860

*at risk

>> No.58531199
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Your top-down worldview statist slavemind is showing, dullard. It's a decentralized network, it's software will evolve organically as needed.

>> No.58531854

For the tech, YES!
I also give it to avalanche, Elrond, Push Protocol and Holoride
the tech is gonna print tendies for everyone

>> No.58531866

There's a new meme coin based on Solana DCASH! It's launching on 30th May. I think its going to be big soon I am gonna buy a chunk of it

>> No.58531894

It's going up forever

You can't say the same for any shitcoin

>> No.58532391

you shouldnt. you should go listen to roadworks.

>> No.58532648

I used to be a fan of Elrond, but it seems that hype is gone. Algo and Qan has better tech