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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58528635 No.58528635 [Reply] [Original]

What am I realistically in for? Is this comfy enough? I bought for 200 dollars about a year ago.

>> No.58528655

avi's recovery is utter insanity.

>> No.58528666


>> No.58528783

Nice try Satan

15 - 20k

>> No.58528797
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This. I think we'll get 1m AVI = $200k, especially after we confirmed Coinbase partnerships and we are still super early.


Kek. Enjoy not holding the Official 2024 Make It Coin™ of /biz/

>> No.58528852
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Imma get all the bitches with AVI, nigguh

>> No.58528891

i sold at .002 and come back to this. i wasnt meant to make it. i will always be poor.

>> No.58528948

rotated half of my 1.6m avi bag into some frog coins
not regretting it honestly
still got the sui stack

>> No.58528954

Coin releases statement of some bullshit with coinbase. Must be true and not a sad attempt to get attention and price up! Did coinbase release a statement?

>> No.58529148

>Did coinbase release a statement?
Believe it or not, they did. They were encouraging everyone to vote for it since they said it would "be good for the project"

>> No.58529213

stop. lying. showe the fucking released statement.

>> No.58529254

you chose your path no one forced you to sell unless you needed that money that moment and your life depended on it

>> No.58529257

Pengo accidentally deleted it from the TG

>> No.58529263

i didnt choose my path i was tricked by fud here how is that fair.
stop lying

>> No.58529265

There must be something, there really must be something
I can buy to make this trading worth my while
There must be some way, there really must be some way
To get high scores and make my balance smile
Somebody sell me Aviator, please, somebody sell me Aviator
I am thrilled and I feel power from the gains my wallet’s showing
Somebody tell me Aviator, please, somebody tell me Aviator
It is growing and it’s soaring, I am thrilled and I feel power

>> No.58529272


>coinbase officially endorses avi as the ultimate make it coin of all time
>"wow coinbase must be about to fail then *snap*

You people are fucking stupid lmao

>> No.58529283

show me where coinbase endores them, id happily take back what i said. as far as ive seen, there has been no statement by coinbase about aviator, just what the avi team has said.

>> No.58529317

see >>58529257

>> No.58529332

i dont think thats true. pengo is a mod he wouldnt even have that information to share. again as far as i have seen, its just been avi team talking about aviator, not coinbase. which is fine i think it will come eventually but i think its wrong to be lying about that to potential investors

>> No.58529338

ok I lied. So what

>> No.58529507

From what I am seeing it might be more than that, especially if it reaches the 0.5-1 range.

Is this fud?

>> No.58529526

it held up better than almost any other low MC altcoin, what do you expect when ETH was down 30% at one point?

>> No.58529531

that suicide stack might be a make it stack now

>> No.58529533

10 cents is a safe bet, $1 if everything releases on schedule and the hints at a pretty tight partnership with Coinbase and CEX listings happen, plus strong overall bull market. Beyond that it depends on if AVI team can work their SHIB magic and get some memecoin pump, plus the tokenomics of how the arcade and skybridge work to reduce supply

ahahahahah, anybody with a brain was DCA'ing during that dip

>> No.58529550

what's the exit strategy when it comes to it, this is a general question regarding other shit I have in uniswap and coinbase wallet. Swap to UCSD and then transfer to the coinbase app?

>> No.58529557

depending on stack size you can LP your way out on Uniswap, send them to your CEX address and sell there, or sell on DEXs in small batches

>> No.58529562

does my strategy also work? Convert it all to ucsd and then slowly transfer chunks of that to my bank account?

>> No.58529617

No, by converting to USDC you will cause the AVI price to plummet, harming yourself and your fellow holders. The suspicious drip-feeding of funds into your bank account will also lead the authorities to believe that you are involved in money laundering and/or terrorism. A SWAT team will be dispatched to your address to kill you with immediate effect

>> No.58530062

The absolute state of shitcoin holders

>> No.58530169


>> No.58530731

I wish I had the same luck with my bags at dextools, everyone is making it and I'm still stuck since 2022

>> No.58530782

you will have to live with that on your conscience. no reason to lie about avi when its already a bullish project.

>> No.58530836

Have you realized any gains yet, or is it just sitting there?

>> No.58530939

>Provide liquidity using UNI V3
>UNI V3 lets you set up one sided pools ex: 1,000,000 AVI + .1 ETH
>Your AVI essentially gets sold at the level you set and you get knocked out of your pool
>You are now left with 0% AVI and 100% ETH
>Convert the ETH to USDC
>Send USDC to CEX to cash out
t. oldfag I've done this many times

>> No.58530986
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why would they lie?
they already showed proof they attended an invite-only seminar about coinbases smart wallet, where only 50 people total attended (including multiple repeat attendees across the two days, and multiple people from the same projects)
theyre the best base-related project out right now, and it was clear coinbase was well aware of avi even before this dao vote

people said this same shit about the hacken audit and thought they were just lying, even though any hacken/coinbase rep could just immediately say
>theyre full of shit. not real at all
and itd just completely tank the price and reputation of the project theyve been working on and paying for for a year

>> No.58531007

Are there any risks to providing liquidity? I've never done it before. If avi takes off like we all speculate it will, I'd probably just try to do an otc deal with coinbase if that's an option. It also seems like it would be easier to cash it out that way since CB would know exactly where the money came from, more so if it's in the 6+ figure range.

>> No.58531067

OTC via CB or Kraken should be an easy process

Lots of people in the tg can help out with providing LP when the time comes

>> No.58531083

You set your pairing based on the levels you want to sell. ex: I pair 200,000 AVI at .01 and I get knocked out of the pool and am left with all the eth for AVI at the .01 level. What you are trying to do is time the top, which is a fool's errand. Pick your price targets, set your bands, be happy with your profit.

>> No.58531132

So if I'm understanding this correctly, if I provide liquidity, people would literally be buying my bags without me having to dump on them, and that's why it doesn't wreck the chart, right? Also, can this be done with usdc (or any other stable), or is there a benefit to using eth?

>> No.58531150

Another question is, what if a bunch of other wallets are providing liquidity. If the volume isn't there, would I be fucked or can I pull my avi out of the LP?

>> No.58531178

Yes, if others provided liquidity at the same band, it would take longer to break out of specific levels. You can always withdraw your LP. Most shitcoin projects burn theirs to show they aren't going to rug, but you can provide your own without burning it. Just pull it whenever.

>> No.58531183

This sounds so healthy, why don't all projects do this? If even 5 of our whales do this I can see this token skyrocket without much resistance to be honest. This should be highlighted more.

If you sell OTC to let's say binance, are they doing the same thing? Providing that avi as LP to avoid dumping the chart? I would assume so. In that case, both options are so healthy for the chart

>> No.58531196

Why do you think tokens like pepe and shiba inu take off? Because the oldfags know what they're doing. Welcome to club kiddo, see you on the moon.

>> No.58531220

Getting hyped up not gonna lie, this team was in SHIB have they planned this all along?

>> No.58531235

I mean, the found literally crucified the one guy who sold his team allocation probably because he knows how to do this shit and the guy who sold was a newfag who hadn't seen more than 10k before in his life. I would say that's a pretty good indicator.

>> No.58531252

>If even 5 of our whales do this I can see this token skyrocket without much resistance to be honest
This. Enzo and at least 2 other wallets were selling in the 006-007 range. Even now, there's that 180m wallet that keeps selling 1m. These are all supposed "frens" of the team. Why can't they just provide liquidity instead of selling on every run up?

>> No.58531255

Can the AVI team provide a tutorial or info that the top whales can use when doing this LP cashing out technique? I'm sure most of the whales know how to do this already, but I would be very interested in knowing more about the exact steps involved. regarding this LP technique to "cash out" without affecting the price. Would be awesome if Stixil and the team would provide a "how to" guide. I understand it's a DYOR type situation but in this case it would be a "win win" for everyone.

Also, would one use traditional LPs or can the new single coin option on v3 be utilized when doing this technique? Would it matter and would one be preferred over the other?

>> No.58531264

You're hyping me up my guy...

I was thinking about it earlier when I scooped up some more tokens, I realized 1 million AVI is starting to get really expensive it's literally 5.5k, around 1.5 ETH. A 2-3x from here and 1 million AVI will be a huge bag, add to that all the paper hands that will sell out along the way and then you add LP and OTC providers, there's not even that many wallets that own 1 million AVI or more to begin with. The $1 meme can become a reality. Maybe even much more if everything goes to plan. I wish I had more but im so fucking glad I did the life changing swap of $900 for 7 million way back :D That one swap might change my life hahah and I managed to scoop up to 10 million the last 3 weeks so stoked, Brigadier General!

>> No.58531268

The current pool is the largest pool. You will see on the base network the pool will likely not been as one sided. Also, base has aerodrome. So lets say the team creates the UNI pool and not an AERO pool. All of the whales could create pools on AERO to sell assets at market price while the team keeps their pool set the infinite bounds. What it means to be a whale is being able to provide sufficient liquidity to offset the original pool. This has always been the case. /biz/ has degenerated from what it was back in the early Ethereum days when this was common knowledge. The team was probably trying to keep the chat positive, but that Enzo kike was a retard who could have done this, but was either too stupid to figure it out or just got lucky. Moonbag refers to the quantity you don't supply as liquidity to market sell at the top. "Keep a moonbag" is what that means. It doesn't mean sell whatever you want on the open market, back in the early UNI days, the moonbag was the amount you didn't have enough eth to cover for the pair, so you were left with tokens in your wallet.

>> No.58531273

Like this guy says, can you ask the team if they can provide a guide? Or maybe you? You seem to know this stuff well :) Thanks for your replies and knowledge

>> No.58531287

I would just read the UNI docs. I am browsing the AERO docs now to figure this out, but if you have a 5th grade education and can do fractions, it's pretty straightforward.

>5th grade education
I know I'm asking for a lot

>> No.58531294

Yes, I did check out the Uni docs and saw some YouTube videos on it. It seems pretty straight-forward. I was just thinking having some sort of guide without having to do the research might compel others to cash out using this technique rather than market dumping it. I know in most cases you would say DYOR and you'd be right, but I think we'd all benefit from this in this case.

>> No.58531304

You're smart enough to hop on /biz/ and pick Aviator out of the sea of dogshit scams. I know you're smart enough to figure our fractions.

>> No.58531325

This thing is crabbing and hasn't even reached its ATH. What makes you think this thing has a future? To me it looks like a basic pump and dump.

>> No.58531334

Why are you like this and what is your motive just do some research, buy the damn thing if you like it, or not, and stop whining hahahaha

>> No.58531342

Just trying to protect poor innocent anons from falling into this alluring trap. They don't deserve to lose all their money on bad investments like this one.

>> No.58531345

>basic pump and dump
This is the team that left shiba inu because it became a pump and dump scheme. The founder has been vocal about it in the telegram and in amas.
>what makes your think this thing has a future
I don't know gargamel, maybe because the team showed up everyday since launch, even if it was just to talk about what they ate for lunch, proving that they weren't going to abandon the project no matter how grim it looked.
If you can't figure this out, you deserve to be poor.

>> No.58531360
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Why would we sell to you after going through hell and back? They just announced a partnership with Coinbase and already know their listing team.

>> No.58531362

I see that Uniswap has a "Limit" sell option rather than a Swap option. Would using this "Limit" option be the same as using the LP technique to cash out or would you still be impacting the market? Sorry for the dumb question.

>> No.58531378

That's the same as using cowswap or 1inch to buy or sell at specific prices.

>> No.58531381

So it would affect the price as a market sell would then right, as opposed to doing the LP technique which would not have any such effect?

>> No.58531386


>> No.58531391

i have 3 million Chuck E. Cheese tokens, want to buy some??

>> No.58531393

I know what you're doing, and you are absolutely delusional if you think this coin will reach the same highs as shib.

>> No.58531397

Look at shiba inu.
Now look at Link.
The team that took shiba inu to ath pumped out a bridge to compete with Chainlink in less than 6 months.
Stay poor.

>> No.58531400

Hmm why are you typing like C.S S gee I wonder! Hahah give it a rest man, I mean I'd be super salty too if I fumbled my 18 million bag at the very bottom right before the pump while I went to biz in a schizo rant with over 70 posts basically celebrating and being in peoples faces. I'd be damn salty :P I mean it was a very bold and brave move, don't get me wrong! The adrenaline might have felt amazing for a few minutes, just unloading on others online, the feeling! Sadly it backfired.. it's the name of the game :/ But I think it's healthy for you to take a step back, maybe take a walk or do some fun stuff with friends and what not. Things will get better man, we all make mistakes! Hop in the tg again if you ever want to talk, we don't bite :)

>> No.58531423
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We must do a wellness check on C.S. S (aka Froggy Fresh). You can literally see the point that he sold and did his little "rant" on biz

>> No.58531438

Hahah you did him a solid with that one, the V shaped recovery looks much more brutal and real xD Oh man you can't make this shit up

It's like Jake Paul filming that dead body in Japan like WHY WOULD YOU ANNOUNCE IT AND DOXX YOURSELF I will never understand hahahahahahha

>> No.58531441

Sorry I mean Logan Paul xD

>> No.58531442

You sound like a bitter faggot that sold the bottom like a coward. As a 69+ milly holder I'm going to let Coinbase sell my Avi for me to Blackrock and allow my Aviator bros to fucking make it. Either get on board or stay a whiny poor little bitch forever

>> No.58531450

Not only that, it will help yourself to make it much easier too! Without dumping the chart. All the whales really need to get in on this! My goodness we really are going to make it aren' we

>> No.58531570
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>shilling in August
>shilled in December (used this pic because someone called me brown)

And no one listened, well not no one but try maybe a dozen or so people here.
I got 11 milly of avi for nothing and I couldn’t be comfier. Anime smug poster who paid 1eth for a huge stack, I thank you sir, again sir I thank you. Never doubted. Peter and I in the TG joined about same time and both would joke that we’d hold back to 1-2 milly mc even lower because that’s how fucking solid this team is. Unbelievably professional and transparent. Biz is incredibly lucky to be the first major demographic for this coin because half you self fudding, paper handed retards don’t deserve this coin. But you were given it anyway so thank the early shillers because without them we’d never have the opportunity to buy this low, even now.

Have a good weekend Avi holders, non holders buy or rope.

>> No.58531689

I bought in August. Just didn't buy enough I guess. Only A million and a half.

>> No.58531735

That fucking toe nail is horrendous at least trim it down.

>> No.58532349

No hint of shaft no buy

>> No.58532369

Too late to buy now

>> No.58532372

Only reason this shitcoin is pumping is apu victims rotating into yet another biz scam

>> No.58532558 [DELETED] 

>Even now, there's that 180m wallet that keeps selling 1m. These are all supposed "frens" of the team. Why can't they just provide liquidity instead of selling on every run up?
Yea I don't get it. Every time these large wallets sell off, members of the team go into the TG and talk about how these are friends of the project and that they're "respectfully" selling in small chunks. Why don't they go the LP route instead? Am I missing something?

>> No.58532948

Keep being sidelined. Can't wait for the CB god candles down the road. This is LINK all over again and posts like yours are a déjà vu.

>> No.58532983
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admin ? my strategic genius brain was tricked by fake "Avaitor Comunity" relaunch? please refund ?

>> No.58533000

>apu victims
/biz/ going to victimize people into another 100x, tragic