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58526438 No.58526438 [Reply] [Original]

That’s like 2k for the year. Tell me how I can make this 5 figures before the end of the bull run in late 2025.
>inb4 put it all in this meme oin!!
So I can lose it all and come back in 2027 asking the same question again? Been there done that. I already know I won’t be making it this bull run. I wanna set myself into getting into 6 figure hell in the next bull run by reinvesting and putting in more money during the bear in 2026 and 2027. For now at least 5 figures would be nice. Maybe I’ll invest in memecoins when a play money stack isn’t my entire available fund

>> No.58526442

If you only have two thousand dollars to your name, you should get a fucking job, bum!

>> No.58526451

Forgot subject line. I can invest 300 a month. Can’t say what projects I’m looking at because it’s saying my post is spam

>> No.58526495

>how do i get rich quickly with no risk

>> No.58526547

I do have one. After expenses I have 1200 a month to spare. 300 goes towards a Roth IRA, 300 to crypto and the rest towards building a 6 month emergency fund. Im aiming to get a better job next year but we’ll be at the top of the run by then
5 figures from a 4 figure principal isn’t rich. And I’ll be putting in more next year and beyond but like I said we’ll be at the top next year so I realistically only have the 2k from this year to accumulate something for this cycle
Gonna start listing some of the coins I’m looking at with each post now since I can’t post them all at once due to the system tinning its spam. First couple are obviously btc and eth

>> No.58526555

>le Reddit plebbit meme emergency fund
What’s gonna be your emergency until the bullrun ends? Worried you’ll get anal prolapse by being fucked by a nigger?

>> No.58526583

I recognize I’m leaving possible gains at the table, but it’s only a couple hundred a month anyway and once I have the fund saved up I won’t have to continue putting money towards it anymore unless an unexpected expense occurs
Also looking into link and render. There are also some lower caps I have in mind

>> No.58526589

>chooses fucking LINK and render
Holy fuck you are fucking STUPID and beyond saving

>> No.58526619

What’s wrong with them? I’m also thinking of avi, peaq, and zksync. What are you invested in?

>> No.58526677

You're so stupid it hurts. You arent meant for this environment just pull out and resign to being a normie forever.

>> No.58526682

kys neet supremacy

>> No.58526690 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58526695

>just buy the 4B frog token
>it's going to 400B!!!!1111oneone
>just you watch!!111oneoneone
Literally the dog/shib fags of this cycle, kys nobody is buying your massively pumped faggot bags you useless subhuman scamming piece of shit

>> No.58526703
File: 146 KB, 1170x1150, LLLLLL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone sunk his life savings into worthless utility coins kek

>> No.58526735
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Unironically kill yourself you fat turgid subhuman piece of dogshit. Nobody is buying your garbage scam prepumped frog faggot token. Seethe and cope retard, literally NOBODY is buying your massively overvalued garbage, please unironically kill yourself asap and let this be a final message to any other newfags thinking about buying a 4B mcap SHITCOIN. You are retarded beyond belief and I hope you and your family die an excruciatingly miserable and painful death.
>pic related, you're the fucking retard clown monkey
>in all fields

>> No.58526860

>wont say what he’s invested in

>> No.58526868

Whatever you hold has a huge chance to have been flipped by PEPE. In that way, you are a CACKOLD. You saw Pepe shilled here and yet you held another coin. You watched Pepe FUCK your coin. If you had bought Pepe, you would have made it. Instead, you sat on the CACK CHAIR and you’re now MALDING

Lmao @ your life

>> No.58526903

Zaya AI

>> No.58526956

>Also looking into link and render.
Fucking midwit lol. Go back to rebbit dude

>> No.58527044

bros mad he didn't buy OSCAR during the original thread

>> No.58527128

Im interested in This too. So wtf why wont anybody say how I can make cash?

>> No.58527349

OP here. Currently on a different IP. What about my other picks? People have been shitting on those two specifically but no one has commented on my other lower cap picks or mentioned what they’re invested in. Why should I care what anyone says when no one who’s shitting on me has said what theyre investing in? Is it because it’s some random meme coin that won’t exist at the end of the year?

Btw I’m thinking of increasing my investment number to 600 a month, so that should be a bit under 5k this year so 5 figures shouldn’t be far fetched

>> No.58527636 [DELETED] 

bro, buy some RMAGA and 100x your money in a couple days.



>> No.58528580
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Aast can fetch you that anon

>> No.58528836

it's not a lot but it's honest work, I have about 3k and honestly I'd rather keep looking at how to take advantage of a coin in dexview than criticize my own financial situation

>> No.58529070

>shitty salary
>roth IRA
>emergency fund
>risk averse
KYS, there is no advice for oofy doofy normie reddit poorfags like you. Like what do you expect us to tell you, that a blue chip will 30x? I'm an eastern euro with mid 5 figs in crypto and this pains me to read. If you are a burger that's pathetic. You want to build a diversified portfolio with an eth/btc base from literal pocket change. I bet you let other men fuck your wife if you're not an incel

>> No.58529381

>10k from 2-5k is a 30x now
I could buy only btc and eth and basically get there. I was just asking for a little boost. Also, the principal doesn’t matter when it comes to percentages. A 5x on a 100 investment is no different percentage wise from a 5x on a 10k investment. I fail to see why no one who’s shitting on me has failed to mention a single coin or why my picks wouldn’t score me a 2-5x