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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58524070 No.58524070 [Reply] [Original]

What careers are still stable and has job security?

I'm a software cuck who's done with the industry. Should I just go to med school or join the police?

>> No.58524097


>> No.58524105

Link staker

>> No.58524114

> I'm a software cuck who's done with the industry.
why? if you're any good you'll have a high income for the rest of your career.

>> No.58524123

Burnout is real. After 11 years, I’m pretty fucking done with the industry too. The longer you say in it, the worse it gets. The only time I get to do fun stuff anymore is when a problem stumps everyone else and it finds its way up the chain. Mostly I just sit in bullshit meetings now with people I hate
T. Staff software engineer.

>> No.58524130

I’m pretty sure this bull run is going to retire me and I’m so fucking ready for it. I’m gonna spend my time volunteering at the local fire department and surfing

>> No.58524265 [DELETED] 
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I'm holding Zoomer, there's destinies worse than death

>> No.58524274

if you're a software developer you can print free money doing arbitrage in crypto markets. if you can't figure that out you picked the wrong career path to begin with.

>> No.58524619

kek dont go in to debt by going in to school again.
med eng here!

When I finished and was thrusted in to the workforce I couldnt apply anything learned. Made me wonder why I studied in the first place.

Cant say med eng is secure either. No job is. You can have broken every single bone in a body due to an accident and they'll still let you go due to "budgeting reasons" AHAHA

From the get go they shill their gay little work-"we are a family"-culture down your throat and when it comes to showing a little empathy in your situation (e.g accident) you are discarded like a run horse who broke its leg. Literally euthanized.

Never give 100% to a company. And definitely not now with AI being able to do everything you can.

>> No.58525020

>I’m gonna spend my time volunteering at the local fire department and surfing
name the surfing locale bro
I've learned the basics out in philippines (semi made it last cycle, but going for 2m+ this time)

>> No.58525023 [DELETED] 
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what does this even have to do with chooky