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58521642 No.58521642 [Reply] [Original]

I missed the dip, and now i feel sick.

>> No.58521661

You and me both,,. i fomod in around 0.004 its up from there but i still feel like a sack of shit

>> No.58521693

i feel worse, because i was already in AVI. i have 4.7 mill of it. i wanted to double my position, but i guess i got greedy, and was trying to see if i would go below 10 million market cap so i could buy in even lower.

i had 8K in fiat, and i missed the ETH dip and the AVI dip.

>> No.58521712

what the fuck i was told this was a dead project. now i am fucking priced out.

>> No.58521734

I also got greedy but mostly I got fudded out by biz. The meme is not false, do the opposite of what biz says... fml.

>> No.58521736

i never listened to the fudders. hell, i was hoping they were right, and the whole thing was going to tank further, so i could buy even more at the lowest possible price.

AVI is a long term hold. so is Keenis. in fact, i have keenis staked.

>> No.58521739

Calm the fuck down. Top holders will not allow this to go over .007. Coinbase will not integrate skybridge with their wallet. This WILL dump harder than it did last time once people realize that

>> No.58521748

i hope you're right, simply because i want another chance at buying this cheap, but fudders have been wrong the entirety of this coin's existence.

>> No.58521752

do you think its still worth it to get in now? i could probably get around 500k avi

>> No.58521779

It was people like this deranged trans woman that fudded me out of the dip. Fuck. My. Life.

>> No.58521841

i honestly don't know. i don't want to buy any since i already have some, and i'm still hoping it goes down again, but people have been saying this could go even higher, potentially reaching 100million market cap by the end of summer. while i never bet on a pipe dream, i think AVI still has growth potential.

personally, if i had zero AVI, and not enough to get a decent chunk of it, id look for something lower market cap. i might dump 5k into Oracle AI, since it had a ton of growth before the mass crabbing/dumping of alt coins. its only 2 million market cap right now, as well.

>> No.58521849

shit ok, what are your thoughts on 404 bakery?

>> No.58521858

i'm scared of memes, since they're so wildly unpredictable. I already have meme exposure in the form of Trump and Tucker, (and i got air dropped Trump Inu for holding tucker). i am going to ride all of those out to the election.

Right now, i want AI exposure, since i have none. and its still a hot ticket item.

>> No.58521866

i hear you thanks anon

>> No.58521910
File: 75 KB, 1067x558, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its still just hitting lower highs
there will be months until the eth etfs list it will keep bleeding to btc until then

once the money printers open up and eth/btc bottoms out it'll have a jump. I'm guessing it'll line up when the ETFs start trading (~2-3 months)

>> No.58521922

does that mean you dont expect it to linearly grow for the next 10 years
noted, thanks for the warning, wont touch it

>> No.58521944

here you go op, lil song of your woes

>> No.58521965

legit comforting.

>> No.58522270
File: 61 KB, 786x396, SUPER_7D_graph_coinmarketcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of dips going around anon. Why are you so locked in on one (1) asset and not diversifying? Why buy ETH in the first place lol just buy ETH projects instead.

>> No.58522352

cope and sneed

>> No.58522358

>I also got greedy but mostly I got fudded out by biz. The meme is not false, do the opposite of what biz says... fml.
do the opposite whatever biz says indeed.

>> No.58522365

they are gamble coins, that's the only thing they are good at.

>> No.58522368

hes not buying eth hes an avi pusher retard

>> No.58522373

>does that mean you dont expect it to linearly grow for the next 10 years
>noted, thanks for the warning, wont touch it

are you making financial decisions based on what an anon says on biz? HAHAHAA

>> No.58522379

Grow a paid faggot, this is men only

>> No.58522382
File: 11 KB, 408x134, 1710268408000704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who told you it was a dead project? it certainly was nobody from this board considering everyone here has been sucking avi off for months now.

"do the opposite of what biz says" has nuance to it, you don't just avoid everything and anything posted here. that's foolish. learn to separate actual garbage from good shitcoins.

>> No.58522389
File: 5 KB, 250x195, 1710098023337972s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop gate keeping the newfags faggot

>> No.58522393

Why of course. You are supposed to buy high and sell low, after all. Get in now bro.

Linkies say this every week. Not how it works.

>> No.58522395
File: 944 KB, 227x221, 1710172030569817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's what he's doing re-read the fucking op you room temp iq nigger. based super call though.

>> No.58522399

I haven't had my fucking coffee yet god damn. Have a wank and chill out.

>> No.58522407

based grounded 4chan user
cringe, rhetorical, copium addicted 4chan user

>> No.58522410

I forgive you anon.

>> No.58522416

is it worth it

i have exactly 0% faith in gamefi but supposedly they get partners worth millions and millions of dollars. do holders even see a fraction of that cash at all?

>> No.58522421

Most talked coin on /biz, you know the drill.

>> No.58522679

You are right, gotta stay positive even though I don't have nearly the stack I wanted... couldn't make it to the make it stack. Halfway there.. oh well, it will have to do, can't be a pussy next time.

>> No.58522736

guys shill me some low cap non meme gems, cos Im not buying this shit now

>muuh buy my bags its going to a 1 billy, dont worry anon

No, you bought it at 50k mkt cap cos it got shilled here, I want to pump my bags, not yours.

So, which other projects are just starting (below 5m max) and are legit?

>> No.58522751

No one is telling you that for no reason, what you're asking for is impossible though... it's not 2023 anymore, you should have bought anything back then, your only option is to gamble in the meme casino, good luck with that. There are like 1000 frogs by now, and assuming your attitude you don't want to buy apu or pepe anymore. Reality is, AVI is the lowest cap right now out of the ones that have serious potential. Ideally should have bought 2 days ago before the pump, I missed it too which I am kicking myself for-_- I got too greedy and fucked up. I fomod into the green candle but so far it seems to have worked out. For the long term I have no worries.

But yeah, a sub 5m... the space is filled with greedy scammers at this point. I tried memecoins end of 2023/start of 2024 back then it was bearable, then the youtube tutorials started to roll out "make your own meme coin in 2 minutes" and all the indians swarmed the space. Investing in a good team is underrated at this stage of the cycle, trust me.

>> No.58524153
File: 50 KB, 441x436, 1713815649612187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt listen to biz months ago and slurped this sub-1mil mcap and now i am unrealized rich.
skybridge will be integrated into the coinbase wallet, and apparently its less than 10 apps getting that treatment or something?
i dont know, i didnt even bother looking into it further. i already know i like avi at this point, and it passes the smell test with the whole seminar thing they did.
avi is undervalued and will hit crazy multipliers later, so just use your head here and stop worrying about immediate unpredictable future

>> No.58524167 [DELETED] 
File: 260 KB, 1024x1024, 1714870246291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pssst watch for SONICHU on the horizon fren
> two more weeks
we're all going to make it

>> No.58524169

The bottom couldn’t have been anymore obvious

>> No.58524245 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 592x790, 1620970431065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even dare to miss RETARDIO's one then my dude

>> No.58524534

>do holders even see a fraction of that cash at all if the price goes up?
Is this what you're asking?

>> No.58525231

Get some dip and thank me later

>> No.58525236
File: 7 KB, 250x228, 1715068004492076s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAST is your best bet right now

>> No.58525315

full version please, need to seethe with this jam blasting in my ears every time I do something financially retarded

>> No.58525458

linkies are retards who just keep holding a dieing token. I will go for better oracle projects like SupraOracles.

>> No.58526528

I still don't know if I should relax too much with my kendu, everything is going well but the volatility of the market and this shit just keeps my paranoia alive

>> No.58526635

Thread hijackers, bullish for AVI

>> No.58528074

If I had a time machine I'd buy at the .002 level like I intended to. Wanted to get over a certain level with my bag, got greedy. Oh well

What's crazy is that whoever wanted to sell already did during the last April/may dip. Loads of bots exited back then too and they never re-entered. We lost a lot of early day wallets and malicious wallets. Even Jared dumped his bags lol, not even sandwich bags. Combined with the recent news and all the possibilities it may bring this summer and beyond, AVI looks primed to ruuuun!

Sitting comfy with my one and a half make it stack.

>> No.58528082

>If I had a time machine I'd buy at the .002 level like I intended to. Wanted to get over a certain level with my bag, got greedy. Oh well
Alas, the tale of a swingy.
>I will wait until X price to buy
>Price target met, I think I'll wait for it to dip a bit more
>>pumps 50%
>damn, pumped too much
>>pumps 200%
>>copes, dilates and buys
I get it, I've been in your shoes before.

>> No.58528099

You can still buy AAST, if you miss that then you are fucked

>> No.58528620

You can follow me to slurp in some qan