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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 123 KB, 383x535, 1716417186533719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58513486 No.58513486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Someone needs to make a dat boi coin. If frog coins are going to make us rich, not making a coin around dat boi is choosing not to make money. Think about it:
>doesn't have the same unsavory connotations pepe and his derivatives have at this point
>was once beloved unanimously across the internet
>endless meme-ability
>here he come (oh shit whaddup)
I'd make it myself but don't know how; however, I know a good opportunity when I see one despite my retardation. If some autist on /biz/ can make this token and let us know when they do, we will all fucking make it.

>> No.58513519
File: 144 KB, 600x400, pepega.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's not pepe adjacent it won't moon, simple as.

>> No.58513528

but that token already exits.
its on the solana network.
mcap is 40k.

>> No.58513571

>solana network
They copy existing ETH coins all the time. Just make it on a different network.

>> No.58513574

well go do it then.

>> No.58513583
File: 122 KB, 720x651, 1714527268201936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody make this shit on base then airdrop it to anons so there are more incel millionaires in the world. We're going straight past the moon into Uranus

>> No.58513589

I'm too retarded

>> No.58513592

Make it for Apu holders with over 10 million tokens. Those are the real biz anons.
>verification not required

>> No.58513598

Is there any information you can give me on how to do this? Maybe point me to a good guide? I'd love to do it myself but don't even know where to begin with learning how

>> No.58513631

I made this. Do with it what u want.


>> No.58513645

here's your chance son >>58513631

>> No.58513675




>> No.58513707

fuck it why not

>> No.58513714

Unlocked liquidity. Anyone that buys this is getting rugged.

>> No.58513738

Make a telegram and simple website pls, let's make this happen

>> No.58513746

I'm going to kill myself if this immediately rugs. You'll have blood on your hands, nigger.

>> No.58513800

>4k mc

aight bet

>> No.58513832

I'm actually working on a Dat Boi token now, website is almost done. What's the best strategy for launching this? Presale, airdrops, or just dump it all into Uniswap LP?

>> No.58513836

Airdrop to Apu holders with over 10 million tokens

>> No.58513855

>airdrop shitcoin
if you want to get dumped on lmao

>> No.58513891

thanks anon. don't rug on my pls

>> No.58513904

Can you pick a lower number I only have a bit above 4 million

>> No.58513908

who the fuck launched KEK and didnt tell us

>> No.58513919
File: 7 KB, 1080x54, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he rug us?

>> No.58513927

No, im trying to get it locked buyt unicypt isnt working, so pulled half from uniswap v3 and put it in v2 so we can dat nice lockpad. Last time I did a token, locking liq went so smooth. dunno what the problem is this time...

>> No.58513939

I'll trust the plan. I bought about a hundred aud worth and will see what happens.

>> No.58513947

Does a percentage of tx go to the lp

>> No.58513953

Dont trust me. Im a fucking retard. didnt have enough eth to pay for the lock-up fee... Anyways, now half is locked. Guess im paying another 0.03 eth to lock up the opther half as well... extra fee for being retarded.

>> No.58513956

nah, i'll actually give you more credit for admitting you're not good at this and making a few beginner mistakes. just be sure to proceed with the basic meme token feature: token icon, website, TG, some shilling here and there

>> No.58513968

I'm too retarded to even attempt what you did. If you do these things >>58513956 I will become an X shill for you.

>> No.58513970

ty ty. The other half is locked now as well. Im not doing any marketing at all. OP asked for a coin and here it is. took 5% of supply and will dump 3-4% if it pumps a bit and keeping rest as a moon bag. GL frens

>> No.58513977

I wanna ape in. Where do I buy? I have use dexview and have etherium. I'm new to crypto in general.

>> No.58513981

just copy and paste the CA in the uniswap app's search bar and you'll find the token.
deposit weth on base chain in your wallet and swap it

>> No.58514057

If u want, u can become the main shill, leading ur own army. Just do "community takeover" option on dextools/dexscreener and take it over. im a boomer so im not even trying to do social media

>> No.58514065
File: 261 KB, 728x652, oooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58514302

we also need a froggie token for normie appeal

>> No.58514349

i'm in . the ca has been posted

>> No.58514369

dafuq was that, SLURP that at this instant !

>> No.58514458

Bought 6 million

>> No.58514496

Grabbed a sui stack of 10m

>> No.58514499 [DELETED] 

someone send me a milly of this shit im broke

>> No.58514500

so do we buy on v2 or v3?

>> No.58514506

>im a boomer
>no social media
absolutely fucking bullish

>> No.58514565

Why this board is filled with a lot of shitcoin posts? I mean all over the place wen solid narratives like DePIN and how Peaq has been nailing it, and other meaningful development in the crypto space should be discussed? Fucking losers everywhere.

>> No.58514572

This is going to a 300k today for sure unless dev jeets

>> No.58514576

Lots of cool depin projects presenting at consensys. Wish I could be there

>> No.58514605

Stop the fuck out of begging anons on the Internet. That'S why 4chan keeps on bringing stupid policies because of your behavior.

>> No.58514609

Consensys or Consensus 2024? Are you sure you know the fuck you're saying? And, yeah, DePIN is a big one for crypto narrative.

>> No.58514628

I don't have money to go to these events I don't give a fuck how it's spelled I just know some projects I'm following are going there

>> No.58514640

so hows this going?
did you made a website and telegram group already?

>> No.58514650

says the faggot advertising scams.... you are the same

>> No.58514712

OK serious question how long until this absolutely scam rugs? I feel like it has potential for some serious meme magic

>> No.58514742

you are the "normies" you idiot

>> No.58514792

Ive been out taking care of the lawn so im not sure. I hope OP and the others who asked for this coin is working on the marketing.

>> No.58514796

Who knows. I took my initial out, the other 7+ mil are riding

>> No.58514804

Kek, based
>creates a token
>refuses to elaborate
>leaves to mow his lawn

>> No.58514810

Good sign that this shitcoin is going places.

>> No.58514830

Whats there to elaborate on? OP asked for it, I made it, locked liq for 1 year and posted it here. I kept 6% but dumped 2% and added it to liq when it pumped earlier (not locked). probably gonna do it with another 2% at 100-200k mc and keeping the rest as a moonbag. It cost 0.2 eth for initial liq and locking fee so im thinking its kinda fair. the wife is gonna be home soon so not sure how long i stay and elaborate

>> No.58514842 [DELETED] 


>> No.58514853
File: 36 KB, 657x527, 7f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure he's a retired chad
he's got that 90s rockstar dev vibe

>> No.58514863

Use memebox next time.
It does all that for you.

>> No.58514878

The dev seems geniune about his 5% supply and doesn't over promise anything. Feels good to see myself as one of the top holders too. The website and logo can't come quick enough. We just need to not dump on each other.
>t. Up nearly 20x so far

>> No.58514893

well OP where the fuck are you?
you wanted a token made
somebody made it for you
now just take over dude.
all you gotta do is make a goddamn website, a telegram group and do the cto on dex.
somebody even offered to shill this on twitter
and fuck it, you know what, i offer to help with the graphic design. i will try to make whatever shitty pics you need.
now where the fuck are you nigger

>> No.58514900
File: 35 KB, 650x800, datboyardeeznuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was getting more of a chef vibe

>> No.58514906

tg channel seems appropriate at this point

>> No.58514907

this is getting absurd

>> No.58514911

I just made the tg, its pretty basic rn, any help woul be appreciated https://t(.)me/+bKCWkNXOhJM5MDlh I need 25 niggers there ASAP

>> No.58514929


>> No.58514931

ok that's step one
now website
then dexscreener

>> No.58514938 [DELETED] 

Don't expect this retard to do anything.
'Airdrop' should've been the dead giveaway.
This will go to millions but we need a few anons grinding for it.

>> No.58515073

We're mooning

>> No.58515085

> this will go to millions
Bro what the fuck are you smoking lmao

>> No.58515099
File: 25 KB, 500x500, images - 2024-05-23T233706.667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sideliners are earlier than normal. Ridiculously bullish.

>> No.58515130

Ok I bought some of this shit, what are the next steps?

>> No.58515138
File: 768 KB, 256x144, frog-buy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of you niggers are reading my messages in the group
i have this gif for the buy bot

>> No.58515143

curious to know if hydro will be there too, they're putting a foot in the sector likewise

>> No.58515146

it's going way to fast to see everyones messages. does the bot really need to show us everyone $15 buy?

>> No.58515147

this is good

>> No.58515186

Uniswap gang checking in, I started from there with ethereum and Dot, but recently swapped some eth for push Protocol

>> No.58515192

Keeps the group hyped no matter how little buy

>> No.58515203

based stuff for publishers, time to move away from the old and accept the new stuff, no ads, balanced cpc ratio

>> No.58515229
File: 177 KB, 1080x1080, WhatUpOMGtheprice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a logo yet

>> No.58515233
File: 909 KB, 498x498, datboi skeleton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the buy bot should say "here come dat buy" when someone buys
also here's another gif

>> No.58515244

This is called Apu, the cute Pepe.

>> No.58515247

I can't believe I spent money on this fucking hot garbage.

Oh well. I need new lambo...

>> No.58515273

how does a monthly bus pass sound?

>> No.58515275

>the worst meme from 2015

>> No.58515322

where does the revenue come from? how do they pull it all off

lambo or nothing

>> No.58515358

>first oscar
>then datboi
what is it, Frog Day?

>> No.58515363

seems so, get on the train anon !

>> No.58515374

that would be the "what color is the dress" debate that somehow lasted literal years.

>> No.58515386

the new isn't always better jsyk, will look them up regardless

>> No.58515484

Why can’t I see my balance on coinbase wallet?

>> No.58515587

I believe coins that are not well known are not listed in coinbase.

>> No.58515710
File: 313 KB, 1500x1000, toadinthehole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems like it...

>> No.58515812


>> No.58515821

jeeted once again...

>> No.58515837
File: 76 KB, 1082x640, pepe-4chan-posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a little bit

>> No.58515848

Big surprise that this low effort launch rugged. I'm creating the website for a new Dat Boi token as we speak. Should be able to launch Friday or Saturday, I'll let y'all know when it's ready.

>> No.58515905

How did it rug? The price went to from 11k to 7k then 9k and now 6k with a $300 sale

>> No.58515967
File: 394 KB, 576x458, martians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are so fucking stupid. You see a coin pop off and autistically think "durr, green frog, green frog! green frog!" and try to front run another green frog.

You think people are sitting here thinking "damn I missed pepe, I need the next green frog!" or "I made it with pepe, time to do it again with.... pepe 2!"

>> No.58515972

The distribution phase is going to be volatile anon. Not sure what you expect on a $100k mc coin. Quit being a pussy. We go up fast, we go down fast, we go up fast again. Launching clones is a retarded idea. Take whatever you were going to put into that and add liq here. This project will be whatever we make it to be. I’m def not buying any clones though

>> No.58515984

only 25 members left to 100, don't miss out ser

>> No.58516001

>You think people are sitting here thinking "damn I missed pepe, I need the next green frog!"
Tell me then, why are there apu, peepo, pepega, and oscar threads? Get with the times. Frogs > Dogs

>> No.58516003

just buy Pepega lol the CTO already happened, it's the new /biz/ coin

>> No.58516088

no, OP proposal coin is the new /biz cuz it came straight from it. more potential

>> No.58516109

I can work on a website this weekend. I'm not exactly an all star full stack developer but I'm sure I can throw something together that's the same caliber as the other crypto sites I see. I'm busy right now with work and just wanted to get this out there as soon as possible, sorry
And in case 4chan gives me a new ID I'm OP (I'm on mobile)

>> No.58516136

Yeah, that one and eg are better memes anyways.

>> No.58516148

Because biz removed email verification so jeets are going wild. Things were unironically better with the email verification.

>> No.58516150

It's green, and it's a frog. That's enough to become a multimillion mcap shitcoins these days.

>> No.58516153 [DELETED] 
File: 677 KB, 1080x1184, 1709933380831185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gibe pepeberGIBE PEPERGER where is bebeper
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and HAND is ham hand and HAND is ham hand and HAND is ham hand and

>> No.58516163

No, biz was boring and dead

>> No.58516170

holy reddit, get a load of this fag

>> No.58516192


>> No.58516198

fuck you, we onchain this summer bitch.

>> No.58516206

eth is still king

>> No.58516215 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 849x929, 1710812494514689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>epeberGIBE PEPERGER where is bebeper
>pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepeger pepegerGIBE PEPERGER where is bebeper
>WHER IS PEPERGER gibe pepeberGIBE PEPERGER where is bebeper
>WHER IS PEPERGER gibe pepeberGIBE PEPERGER where is bebeper
>WHER IS PEPERGER gibe pepeberGIBE PEPERGER where is bebeper
>WHER IS PEPERGER gibe pepeberGIBE PEPERGER where is bebeper
>and HAND is ham hand and HAND is ham hand and HAND is ham hand and
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>> No.58516224


>> No.58516642

>no dexscreener yet
>no website yet
>chart already bleeding
so this is the power of a /biz/ coin huh...
you guys were LITERALLY given gold and were all to lazy to do the minimum.

>> No.58516671

Given gold? It's one of millions of shitcoins, faggot. Get over yourself

>> No.58516682
File: 170 KB, 1280x720, 1716490140024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this easy, all on eth

>> No.58516978

tg deleted?

>> No.58516987
File: 151 KB, 968x968, IMG_1099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao ‘literally given gold’ in reference to a dat boi shitcoin

>> No.58516992

Rip. Glad I got my 12x out of it

>> No.58516993

Wasn’t it created by a literal random from this thread? With contract renounced and liquidity locked it’s up for grabs, literally anyone can make a tg and website

>> No.58516997

>telegram group randomly gone
>twitter account deleted
>market cap dropped to 15k
i took a nap and now its all gone.
what happened, did somebody do the needful?

>> No.58516998

the fucking colombian dev deleted the telegram chat

>> No.58517005
File: 8 KB, 225x225, IMG_1106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should be making a stitch coin. I love stitch. Girls love stitch. Parents love stitch. Kids love stitch.

No brainer. He’s blue too so he’d fit in well on base.

>> No.58517013

Yeah I woke up and it was all gone. the dev wasn't the same guy as main dog in the tg, I know that for sure.

>> No.58517017 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 1218x1280, apuden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deviating too far from frog economy foundation. Stick with solid picks, Baby Apu comes time mind. Clear link to Apu and Pepe, rugged twice and double CTO extremely bullish

>> No.58517018

He’s not the dev

>> No.58517027

>double CTO
goddamn that's funy and sad at the same time

>> No.58517031

Watch out for him in other coins. There was literally no reason to delete it, unless they all turned on him. The top holders only managed to run with a little bit, so it didn't seem worth killing momentum for that.

>> No.58517032

This is actually solid, liquidity is locked and is 1/3 of the current mcap

>> No.58517034

Make a thread and I'll invest on it

>> No.58517061

The top trader got out with $5374. I guess this was the jeet that ruined the chart? Or the original boomer taking profits? I could have had close to that at one point so if doesn't seem like much.
What was the chat doing when the Colombian deleted it?

>> No.58517073 [DELETED] 

Double cto -> double profits

>> No.58517106

i wasn't there when the group got nuked but maybe a combination of both?
i mean, the anon that made the token literally warned everyone here that he was going to dump at some point

>> No.58517112

guess it's time to CTO then

>> No.58517129

That's what I mean. I knew the dev would rug his little stack and I don't blame him. He didn't pretend otherwise.
The bit I don't get is what happened on the tg. The energy was good and people were making shit before I fell asleep.
Time to accumulate more I guess?

>> No.58517137

I havent taken any profits unless u count selling and adding to liq. sad to hear some jeet jeeted the tg though.

>> No.58517139

everything just fizzled out for some reason

>> No.58517142

Dev is still holding if I see correctly, even bought a bit 40 minutes ago

>> No.58517169

considering how the start MC was 4k i think it's not even over yet. actually it's just begun.
we tried to finish the first step but obviously brownshits have all malicious intentions. maybe we should try another shot creating an official TG channel on dextool and all

>> No.58517175

This does give more anons a chance to build stacks cheap.
Nice, very bullish.

>> No.58517182

>maybe we should try another shot creating an official TG channel on dextool and all
We should. But no literal brown Colombians allowed.

>> No.58517198

Just be careful when gathering funds for listings, do a multisig wallet

>> No.58517199

seriously though, non whites can't be truly autistic. east asians come in a close second, but they simply lack the soul even if they are robots

>> No.58517215

Slurped some to a nice round 10m

>> No.58517218 [DELETED] 

You can join an already ongoing CTO with Baby Apu instead of starting from scratch with Dat Goi

>> No.58517222

Holding both, anon

>> No.58517234

im in trying to rebuild again if people are willing to do it properly this time.
i was insisting in the group to get the dexscreener set up and everyone was ignoring me. i guess i now know why.
but if people here are willing to set up everything right this time then im in trying to get the coin back up again.
getting dex set is number 1 priority.
someone has to make a website even if its super shitty and low effort.
and someone has to do the twitter.
if there's enough people here will to get all that set then i am in.
i can shill on twitter (but i don't want to run the token's account)
i can make any images needed in photoshop and i am willing to chip in for the dex.

>> No.58517235 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 736x487, shack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and frog pilled

>> No.58517240
File: 15 KB, 234x204, 00c1701850d8ef35af73143729dabde588b185bf352247aa7a1756b550d4c579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys relax and stop saying it's over? I didn't think someone would make a token so quickly when I made this thread and I'll have time to start working on shit including a website tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm going to link a torrent someone posted on /t/ that has 15+ gb of pepes. We can start making memes and I figured this would be full of good inspiration. https://archived.moe/t/thread/1133097/#q1133106
Also, I've never used telegram and don't plan on changing that now. If you guys want a telegram you need to make one yourselves.

>> No.58517245
File: 467 KB, 690x598, 1620776928602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Retardio idea on biz, even more retardio than the actual Retardio

>> No.58517257

Someone should make /fit tokens. Piana, Zyzz, Scoob

>> No.58517267

I'll do what I can

>> No.58517266

GL with the second try, son!


>> No.58517270

weird that nobody posts about the first datboi coin (WADDUP)
contract: 7z5d8Je3JH5nENwgfDYt755hG3NGUnvgBgTBoka6nF2S

>> No.58517283

there were also a lot of attempts to make apu coin back in february but eventually pajeetus' one got the organic community appeal from this board and started taking off

>> No.58517290

I'm holding strong, this has potential

>> No.58517307

Already recovering slowly

>> No.58517334

There's a lot of slurping going on

>> No.58517354

Let's get cabal eyes on this one boys

>> No.58517372

thread theme
early whale bros are wholesome asf

>> No.58517449
File: 2 KB, 376x44, mint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this?

>> No.58517480

assuming you actually are the OP, can you explain your plan?
are you going to make the website and do dexscreener and then its up to the "community" to run twitter and the telegram group? is that the plan?

>> No.58517649
File: 218 KB, 1046x1228, SmartSelect_20240523_234404_DEX Screener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we seeing the same token?

>> No.58517719

I can make the website. I don't have any experience with dexscreener but I'm sure I can figure it out. I can do the Twitter but don't have any experience at all running this sort of account so it would be good if a few others had admin access as well. I'm not touching telegram, that is 100% you guys

>> No.58517742

Yeah I’m still holding, don’t really care about the drop we were still 200kmcap at the top, plenty of room to grow beyond that obviously.

>> No.58517757

fair enough.
another question... do you have any budget for advertising?
paying for stuff like base trending and dex trending would help the token a lot.

>> No.58517793

I can spend a few hundred bucks here and there but I'm not rich. I just checked and dex trending would cost $30k at minimum. I think Twitter is going to be our friend here for now

>> No.58517806

Going to sleep, this better not rug overnight

>> No.58517813

It already did for me. Sweet dreams.

>> No.58517868
File: 222 KB, 1423x850, dex ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just checked and dex trending would cost $30k at minimum

>> No.58517960

This. We don't need it trending, just visible and professional looking.
The coin will naturally trend when we pump thousands of percent in a day.

>> No.58518170

I must have been looking at something else. That I can definitely do

>> No.58518430

What a wild night that was. When new tg? That king of the hill dude seemed cool, but the colombian nigger was bad news.

>> No.58518447 [DELETED] 

I'm the 'king of the hill' dude lol. Thanks. Woke up to the TG deleted

>> No.58518462

Nice work man, you were really holding everything together and providing good advice. I've no idea why the tg was deleted or what happened leading up to that point. How were things going when you went to bed?
You seem to know your stuff and have the experience we need to pump this boi. Could you start a new TG?

>> No.58518474
File: 14 KB, 651x108, Screenshot 2024-05-24 105500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Janny mean by this?

>> No.58518590

Ahhhhh why are we crabbing

>> No.58518680
File: 100 KB, 788x508, backup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58518703


>> No.58518748

tg up

>> No.58518750
File: 73 KB, 600x902, 062fb1d4353bb910cb5ff8bfba2dda34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr stonks is a repeat scammer here, forex anon, lebanon, OP all these niggers are the same faggot.

He makes shitcoins and uses the same proxies for his other scams nonstop been doing it for years, some people give him money here and it keeps his scams going.

99% he's an israeli.

So enjoy giving jews money to scam you repeatedly, but you know the low IQ deserve it.

>> No.58518831

>Creates an unfalsifiable conspiracy theory about Jews completely unprompted to do so

>> No.58518855
File: 138 KB, 700x830, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All tripfaggots are jews.

>> No.58518866
File: 190 KB, 497x342, 1689785621194316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a tripcode because I'm on mobile and keep getting assigned a different ID. You don't belong on /biz/ anyway, /pol/tards don't deserve to make it

>> No.58518868
File: 301 KB, 955x804, 51512512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't believe me?
Vieo posts nothing but anti crypto/pro israeli shit for years, he also pops up at the same time this nigger OP does.
Like clockwork, they are paid to scam you guys.
Taking money that's already taxed out of the circulation to them directly is a much more destructive way of killing your species and countries.

Every dime gambled to this scammer is a knife in the heart of your ancestors and your lineage.

>> No.58518877

Post your nose and hands, fingertips up and something inside your fridge to prove your country of origin, until you do these things consider all this logged for your next scam attempt.

>> No.58518920

>You're Jewish until you show me a picture of your butthole
I'm not letting you derail my thread any further, have fun on the short bus

>> No.58518935

Nobody posting but you faggot

>> No.58518956

the original dev is some boomer who left to mow his lawns. That is the truth and that is the lore. He kept 5% supply and said he will dump at some point, we're under no illusions.
The Colombian faggot who deleted the tg made only pennies off us. We're currently pumping anyway and will break through last night's market cap peak.

>> No.58518967
File: 283 KB, 316x368, 5151212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude fuck off, nobody is giving you money meth head.

>> No.58518996
File: 353 KB, 728x1024, undefined_image (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's AI frogs now