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58513274 No.58513274 [Reply] [Original]

Does you family know you are trading thousands?

>> No.58513393
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they THINK i am but they don't know I lost all the money let me manage on terra luna. my credit finally reset this year so I'm going to be able to use some cash advances to make everything back in the post-halving bull market tho luckily

>> No.58513427

I fully regret telling my family. For the longest time I was a broke neet so I felt like humble bragging and letting them know I am not struggling anymore. Now instead of telling me what to do with my life they tell me what to do with my money.
I also have broke friends who knew me when I was getting into this. I filled them in on every detail and tried to bring them along for the ride. Educate them. I was just met by rolled eyes and FOMO at the top. Now there is a resentment that I cannot do anything about. Offering advice falls on deaf ears at best, hostility more likely..

>> No.58513439

>not hundreds of thousands
y-yeah just a little crypto I mess around with for funsies

>> No.58513470

No, I almost told my mom today but I didn’t. I’m afraid it could hurt our relationship. She’s already proud of me so I don’t think it’s worth it. My mom is the absolute fucking best. I love her so much.

>> No.58513559

tell them what? That I bleed money for years on nothing?

>> No.58513759

oh god.

>> No.58514159
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In the exact same boat with my friends. We have our own discord server that we use to communicate and they made a channel for stocks chat back in 2021 when GME was hot. Told them about a couple coins I bought early, gave them a bunch of reasons why I bought those specific ones and told them it wouldn't hurt to just toss even 20 bucks at it. Got the exact same thing: You're an idiot, you're wasting your money, it's all a scam. Now I've 5x my investment so far and the coin isn't even at 50mcap yet and all I get now is unabashed hostility and everyone telling me what I should do with my own money. For anyone reading this, if your friends/family think this shit is a scam then don't even bother, just keep it to yourself and don't let out how much you're holding in your accounts otherwise you'll inadvertently nuke all your relationships.

>> No.58514396

never tell anyone what you hold or give investment advice, cmon man. it never leads to anything good

>> No.58514408
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my senpai rich fags, unless i make a few million all profit is just cute, 'ya winning son?' vibes fr

>> No.58514411

Nope, haven't told no one that I fuck around with crypto.
And I won't

>> No.58514430

>just toss 20 bucks at it man it can't hurt
>missed out on amazing opportunity to earn 100 dollars

kek crypto idiots are hilarious

>> No.58514590

Yes. They know I am trading thousands in ETH value on YieldNest testnet but I have told them that's so fake it is not real, that I am just testing their platform and I will be rewarded with real money which is like 0.00000001% of the thousands.

>> No.58514603

>I also have broke friends who knew me when I was getting into this. I filled them in on every detail and tried to bring them along for the ride. Educate them. I was just met by rolled eyes and FOMO at the top. Now there is a resentment that I cannot do anything about.
Fuck 'em. They didn't listen because they didn't think that you were the sort of man worth listening to. Not trying to hurt your feelings by saying that, but if we're being real that's the reason why.

So they can go and get fucked. Ignoring you; overlooking you; is a costly lesson. Let those plebs find their own way now.

>> No.58514618

>>just toss 20 bucks at it man it can't hurt
>>missed out on amazing opportunity to earn 100 dollars
$100 is not that huge amount of money. It's a lot of poor people's breakfast budget for their dog alone.

>> No.58514657

anon... just come clean there is no need to lie and suffer like this
really, just do it

>> No.58514670

>trading thousands
I'm shorting millions of dollars
and by that I mean I am short the US dollar with millions of it
easiest money making of all time

>> No.58514732

no and they shouldn't, it cost me a lot to get to where I am now, and I can even hold my kendu without worrying about monthly losses
if they find out I will have to play the family sugar daddy role fuckk

>> No.58514870

You’re still not getting it

>> No.58514910

The only thing worse than gambling with money you can't afford to lose is gambling with money you don't even have

>> No.58515178

I guess the notification that popped up on my metaMask wallet from push protocol exposed my crypto investment to my family, now they're gonna think I'm a moonboi swinging degenerate.

>> No.58515252

>Gambling Jew money and possibly just effectively donating it to rich jews is le bad
Using borrowed money is the best was to get ahead as long as you’re not retarded

>> No.58515262

Nope, they don't know I made hundreds of thousands last cycle with super kek

>> No.58515303

The resentment is very real and if I experienced a love as pure as the resentment people have for me when they find out how much money I’m making, it would be a love so pure it might actually be akin to the love of God. I was not prepared for how viciously people seethe at my very existence and it comes in so many forms. The poor seethe in their own unique way and then as you go up the ladder in net worth of the people you’re interacting with, the upper middle class seethe in their own unique ways as well. It’s actually pretty disgusting and I can see why really rich people become so misanthropic. The speed at which people start counting your money and fantasizing about what they’d do with it if only…IF ONLY they could just hold it…if only they could just touch it, just for a second. It’s like being able to watch people fumble over the One Ring while you’re its master. You just see the grossest shit in people.

>> No.58515307

Give a good story. Haven’t told my family and friends I made it yet but the days comes and I have to prepare

>> No.58515330

I must be lucky, my parents and several friends know I'm retired on crypto and don't care at all. Only one friend is salty about it but he's a WFH techbro so even he isn't that jelly.

>> No.58515494

It goes like this...Everyone treats you like a joke in some form initially. They treat you like you're in a wheelchair or something. We'll start with the poor who tend to be both authoritarians and stupid. So that sets the stage. When you're coming up those people are like "kiss my ring...bow to your Walmart queen..." And you're pretty sure these people aren't your people. You read, you go to the gym, you set goals, you keep pushing on, you have ambition, you just feel yourself moving the pieces around and you know you're going to get there, but you can't really get away from them because you don't have enough money. Sure there are some good ones, but you know at your core you're different. You're like an alien that crashed on a planet you know you need to leave.

So then you start to make money and suddenly you're less of a joke, but now they might go "haha keep going man!" and then when you're not around they go "what a stupid fucker lol" because these people tend to think they're far more clever than they actually are. Fast forward and now you're making REAL money. Now they all go quiet, but you can still see they all have a shitload to say. You can see the little schemers scheming and of course those schemes get back to you because now everyone wants to be in your good graces. They will try to hook you up with daughters, cousins, whatever. They will invite you to parties hoping you bring an expensive gift and badmouth you if you don't. They will do as I said to an ex-girlfriend, who tried to pull her own unique brand of shit, stuff like "here's a Snickers bar...now buy me a car...you owe me maaan." The more you separate yourself from these people, the more it becomes "woaaah man, you changed! You're evil maaan!"

And they never forget you. You are forever the "talk of the town." Everyone saying "hey what's anon up to?" hoping to hear "oh he died lol...fucker got what he deserved for not kneeling to us!" That's just the poor and it is a short version.

>> No.58515504

The wealthier people are interesting though too because where as the poor are more wild and virulent, the wealthy initially are totally unthreatened by you. Then something happens. The first year you start making more than the average doctor they all start getting this sort of "heh...heh...um...heh..." sort of attitude around you. Like this nervousness or something. It's a seethe like "wait, this wasn't supposed to be how it goes...you're supposed to be poorer than me and harmless...wait...your earnings are still growing? OH GOD..."

And for some of these people you actually start to think that they might murder you. This is all strange shit because initially these are the people you suspect you can be understood by. They're all open to discussing how much they make and so it lulls you into talking about how much you make and as they see it grow, they change. Then you realize, the only reason they were talking about how much they make to you initially was to ping whether or not you were making more than them...And when you make more than them it melts their world.

They're as wrapped up in the affairs of other people as the poor. It isn't about "how do we get rich together" it's about "how do I get higher up in the royal court" whatever that royal court even fucking is. It's like some imagined level of status and hierarchy in people's heads that they are all obsessed with and that I personally am not because it interferes with my ability to make money. This in a very general way I think makes me even more of an outsider and people resent outsiders.

As I type this it's actually exhausting. I haven't even gotten into how women change. I'll close with this. As a person, I am surrounded by people and yet I am completely alone. I have shifted a lot of my excess wealth into philanthropic efforts and that is mostly what I use at this point to give myself purpose. I would suggest you keep a low profile and work on funding causes that are important to you.

>> No.58515536

Anon, don't let profiting off of a few shitcoin pumps make you feel like you're a genius.

>> No.58515539

Thanks, that was very insightful

>> No.58515552

It sounds like you're ready to move somewhere else, and leave the crabs behind.
And yeah, get better at keeping your private shit private wherever you end up.
They can see your fun car or whatever else and guess you're doing well, but that should be as far as that goes.

>> No.58515590

And I suggest the philanthrophic stuff because it is one source of objective beauty you can continuously engage with while the world around you is just gnashing their teeth and clawing at you. I should also say that it's not all bleak. There are some good people out there, but they are so rare. When you find them, maintain good contacts with those people. Out of 100, the number might be 3 in my experience.
You're very welcome. And I hope everything lands well for you.
I probably will and have only delayed it because of some logistical issues. I haven't really found a more high potential or practical solution.

>> No.58515983

Please tell us about the roasties please.
It generally helps to understand and accept that most humans are not actual people, and being able to thrive on hate.
Also what kind of work? It’s good to improve things, it can be hard to find something that actually works

>> No.58516034

I'll tell them in 2 years

>> No.58516050 [DELETED] 
File: 2.77 MB, 640x360, totally goofing thru.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes . Yes .

>> No.58516509

This reads like an anime where a pajeet is placing himself as the main character.

Anon, unless you're making like tens of millions of dollars per year, take it easy. Jesus, you sound pretty insufferable yourself.

What third world shithole do you live in?

>> No.58516547


I hope this thread is populated by third world anons under the age of 20 years old.

No one is even "trading" either. Its all speculatory gambling on worthless "things".

>> No.58516611

Don't tell them unless you plan on moving out soon. When you do admit it, say a lower number.

>> No.58516710

Never let anyone know how much money you have, not even your mother

>> No.58516729
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I have hundreds of thousands and not a soul knows besides online friends and people in trading groups
My family would cannibalize me if they knew I had ten thousand, i can only imagine what they'd do if they knew I had hundreds of thousands

>> No.58518614

I have always knew that telling them will be a bad idea so ask broke while I'm heavy on QAN and STBU.

>> No.58519069
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Same thing. My discord server started as a group of BTC maxis who would often joke and make memes, nowadays the ones that didnt left became wagecucks or just plainly reverted into retardness and now just send memes about the fed regulating crypto while they make comments like "sEE? itS aBoUt damN tImEeEeE" meanwhile i became the black sheep of the group because i didnt sell my btc nor my eth, i trade in shitcoins, i make 100k+ a month with my gem plays (mainly holding LFGO right now) and they resent me for making it despite my constant offerings of helping them out. Its lonely at the top