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58507975 No.58507975[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Land "lord" scammers. Should they be publicly executed in a stadium live in 4k?

>> No.58508002

let's execute every commie faggot and jew first, then see how things go for a little while before doing anything drastic

>> No.58508063

Landlords are the true unsung heroes of this country.

In fact I always make sure to tip my landlord

>> No.58508087

what would be most effective in lowering house prices? Removing zoning laws, preventing foreigners from buying land/houses, or restricting the number of homes a landlord can own?

>> No.58508094

Based adam smith

Gulag for you

Stinky chud

>> No.58508106

Based smith. Fuck landlord parasites

>> No.58508146

While landlords are a necessity in some sense, because there still needs to be rental properties available (and government isn't able to handle this), their methods have been becoming increasingly jewish in the last 20 years, especially the last 10-15.
It used to be a landlord didn't expect to cover their entire mortgage with rent payments, as they viewed the property as a long term investment and were willing to pay for some of the mortgage out of their own pocket as well. This was the case up until around the GFC.
Now landlords expect to have their entire mortgage covered by rent AND earn at least 10% yearly on top of it.

>> No.58508169
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I'm gonna be honest. I dont give a shit. I mean my dad's always made me pay rent when I'm working and mind you it is abysmally lower than anything id really be paying but my family is obnoxiois. The way I look at it though is who are the people complaining about land lords? Fucking redditors who are quick to remind you that "oh, the mods can ban you cause it's a private website" that doesn't mean they can fucking slander me or follow me around to harass me with the bans but they do it anyway, also private website? You wanna go there? Make a bomb threat and see how quick they are to remind everyone its their website than thus their liability.

When a nigger fucks up an apartment the land lord has to pay the difference. When plumbing fucks up and things go away the land lord has to pay out of pocket. Now I'm not saying all of them do as they're supposed too and can be cunts harassing tenants over day late rent, but if you just act like a God damn human being about it it's a perfectly reasonable investment plan.

>> No.58508465
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Communist bootlickers taking Adam Smith out of context.
Tale as old as time.

>> No.58508474

> or restricting the number of homes a landlord can own?
lmao okay so basically you want to radically reduce the supply of rental units by destroying any incentive to build new ones?

The biggest thing driving housing prices higher is money printing, it primarily ends up in mortgages which bids the prices higher.

End the fed, abolish central and fractional reserve banking.

>> No.58508479

No need to tip me please, I include your 20% tip in your rent already
(you really think it cost 1k to clean the place retard? I hire mexicans to do it for 100 bucks and they work the whole day

>> No.58508493

Gulag for you.

>> No.58508516
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I’m a landlord
Sounds like a skill issue

>> No.58508640

Communism fucking LOST and you will never have sex incel lmao

>> No.58508656

The world's biggest country is communist

>> No.58508788

>china is communist
lmao tankoids incels are delusional

>> No.58509217

>criticizing any other ideology
lol, lmao even

>> No.58509284

I think what’s increasing housing prices in the number of people coming in every year. Yeah money printing has an effect on currency value over all, but the immigration is causing artificial scarcity. Well along with large droves of land being used as speculative assets or being protected for cynical conservationalism

>> No.58509383

Imagine seething over Libertarian chads bullying you kek

>Well along with large droves of land being used as speculative assets
Gee it's almost as if trillions of newly printed dollars is funding this speculative bubble or something.
Nah, it's just "greed" lol

>> No.58509461

Death. Plague, war, starvation, chaos and destruction.

>> No.58509564
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I will become a landlord and roasties will pay me rent. I will not stop flipping useless shitcoins until I have made this a reality in my life. Total chud victory.

>> No.58509576

Where would you live if landlords didn't build homes for you to rent?

>> No.58509877

Landlords are inherently the scum of the earth, you can prove this by extrapolating the rich jew and the rich commie with the landlord population, you'll see all of these groups match. If our youth is now basing their expectations of wealth in shitcoins like conan or maga its because we've failed as adults to completely eradicate this vile evil that exists on our world. They should be publicly executed, posthaste

>> No.58509899

I live off the rent of 4 appartments my dad bought during his life, I always find the hate for landlords incredibly funny and I enjoy the financial freedom to work, study, travel or stay put and touch my balls whenever I so desire

>> No.58509910


In the projects, which are famously comfortable accomodations

>> No.58510089

>I want to be homeless because it's impossible for me to buy a home
Why are anti-landlord losers such braindead retards?

>> No.58510309

Reducing housing prices is so fucking simple but leftists dont want to listen


>> No.58510358

Wrong kind of landlord. He's talking about actual landlords. As in lords that owned towns and villages. Not people who rent rooms in apartment buildings or houses. Those didn't exist in pre-industrial society.

>origins in robbery
He means monarchy
>reap what they never sow
He's being literal. He means they literally did not farm the crops that the peasants farmed
>natural product of the earth
Again, he's talking about crops. Not apartments. Apartments arn't natural products of the earth

He was talking about what today is called sharecropping. Not what we call a "landlord".

>> No.58510401

>Sharecropping is a system where the landlord/planter allows a tenant to use the land in exchange for a share of the crop. This encouraged tenants to work to produce the biggest harvest that they could, and ensured they would remain tied to the land and unlikely to leave for other opportunities.

This is much different from a modern "landlord". Modern landlords are a product of post industrial over population and the inability of the housing industry to stay toe to toe with the population explosion that industrial farming creates. This sets you up with a system not unlike the stock market or crypto, where more people buying in (being born in this context, which creates a need for housing) creates scarcity and those who could more easily buy in emd up at the top of what is baseically a ponzi scheme.

>> No.58510418

It's funny how the government controls all the variables of the economy but everyone gets mad at the individual variables that haven't been taxmaxed yet
The problem is the government. Not your fellow countrymen. The elites exploit this nature and continue to divide and conquer

>> No.58510419

current landlords didnt fight for their land. I say we have a massive blood fest and the winner takes all. If they can defend it, they keep it

>> No.58510425

I honestly think nuking all these bs work from home jobs and making the FED interest rate 15% for a few years would help

>> No.58510428

Tenants are scum

Landlord chads stay winning draining the tenant subhumans like a money vampire

>> No.58510450

Also fire every women business admin in the country

>> No.58510631

Neither did old ones. They got their tenants to fight.

>A fyrd was a type of early Anglo-Saxon army that was mobilised from freemen or paid men to defend their Shire's lords estate, or from selected representatives to join a royal expedition. Service in the fyrd was usually of short duration and participants were expected to provide their own arms and provisions.

>> No.58510718 [DELETED] 


>> No.58510731

If you want to abolish private property, you're not talking about any kind of liberalism or capitalism. You're a communist. People who abolish private property are communists.

>> No.58510779
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wow thanks for explaining elementary political theory to me, do i need to explain how capitalism is antimarket and will not stop until it turns everyone into a neo-slave?

>> No.58510853

>wow thanks for explaining elementary political theory to me

Sure, happy to help.

>do i need to explain how capitalism is antimarket

Market? As in people buying and selling things for profit?

>will not stop until it turns everyone into a neo-slave
>needing to work for things that have scarcity is literally slavery

>> No.58510874

Confirmed for not understanding that perfect markets = minimal to zero profit margins. Corporations (aka the sphere of capitalism) entirely survive on profit, curb markets, and always trend towards monopoly. Read Braudel you austrian retard.
>will not stop until it turns everyone into a neo-slave
>needing to work for things that have scarcity is literally slavery
>not understanding that corporate consolidation and domination of the entire economy and waging perpetual class war is pushing millions towards destitution
retard faggot nigger, go slop on reagans and klaus schwabs cocks

>> No.58510886
File: 360 KB, 1112x1530, Screenshot 2024-05-22 101714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this and un-retard yourself from decades of pro-establishment/globalism, anti-commie/marxist propaganda

>> No.58510902

I don't have the energy to deal with tenants or property management companies, so I just invest in a few REITs instead.
So yeah, guillotine my fund managers, I'm clearly off the hook here.

>> No.58510905

I hear people say that property investors (land lords) are needed to keep houses being built and that they make it so more property gets built

But wouldn't it be a lot cheaper for people who just want to build a house to build one if there wasn't investors doing it too?

>> No.58510980

>corporations survive entirely off of profit
So do all human beings. You think people in a market arn't trying to profit? There's a reason laissez fair economics was replaced by free market economics. Corporatism and monopolism are the natural evelution of any market which is not regulated.

>> No.58510996

>But wouldn't it be a lot cheaper for people who just want to build a house to build one if there wasn't investors doing it too?

Not necessarily. For one, houses arn't built to be rented. They're built for people to buy and live in. Apartment buildings are built for rent. You're talking about two different markets.

>> No.58511020
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You are a turbo faggot. Perfect markets, defined by competition, perfect information, and contract inforcement (via the state), drive down prices and profits to zero and its only due to real world problems of scale and lack of perfect information that corporations arise to curb and control everything and drive prices up enough to profit while consolidating literally everything else. You clearly didn't read the article I mentioned, meaning you are still a retard brainwashed by decades of porky propaganda. Your "muh feeee marrrkeeet" economics is an inverted orwellian talking point to cover up the global cabal running everything. faux-free market fags like you are the biggest unintentional bootlickers for globohomo

>> No.58511052

>You are a turbo faggot.
You resort to ad hominim quite a bit, don't you? Would you call yourself an angry person?

>Perfect markets, defined by competition
*competitive markets

>drive down prices and profits to zero and its only due to real world problems of scale and lack of perfect information that corporations arise to curb and control everything and drive prices up enough to profit while consolidating literally everything else.

Calm down. Use punctuation. You're rambling and I can't understand a thing you're trying to say. You're incoherent.

>You clearly didn't read the article I mentioned, meaning you are still a retard brainwashed by decades of porky propaganda.

Porky propaganda? Are you sure you're not a communist? It's totally fine if you are. No, I don't have time or the desire to read that right now.

>Your "muh feeee marrrkeeet" economics is an inverted orwellian talking point to cover up the global cabal running everything.

No. I was pointing out that it's the natural conclussion of un regulated capitalism. I think you would agree with that if you could take a minute to calm yourself.

>> No.58511133

Oy vey. That would cause another Holocaust

>> No.58511415

Most landlords are not jewish. There are 6m jews in the US and about 8m landlords. Most are probably white gen Xers and baby boomers.

>> No.58511425 [DELETED] 

All landlords are spiritually Jewish though

>> No.58511537

4chan has long been using "jewry" as a proxy for "whoever has power over me."
They're just not self-aware enough to admit it.

>> No.58511570

Landlords don't have that much power. They make on average 60k a year, making them on average a group of people with not much power.

The fact of the matter is, rent isn't much higher than it could be even if the state owned every apartment building and private property was abolished.

The state would still have to pay workers to manage the building. They would still have to pay a secratary to interact with and take calls/complaints from the tenants. Depending on the apartment building, rents might go down a bit, maybe. You have to understand how high the cost of living would still be for those laborers/secretaries. There would still be overhead as well, and the state would lose all tax revune it got from the landlord. It is what it is, and it's not great, but I'm not sure abolishing private property is the golden solution some people think it is.

>> No.58511598

Ehh.. you could make the same arguments to explain that healthcare in the US isn't much higher than it could be under universal healthcare, and it'd be completely wrong too.
On top of that, there's a world of nuance missing between "landlords collude to fix prices through apps and collectively decide whether you deserve to be homeless" and "the state owns the homes, comrade."

>> No.58511638

Just place a ridiculous tax on the homes they don't inhabit

>> No.58511652

There's no comparing the two.

A manufacturer charging 8000% the price of production is absaloutly nothing akin to somone charging enough to on average make 60k. You're comparing somone who is very possibly working as a secratary/maintinence man charging the same livible wage somone would get for the exact same job (including those who would do it for the state) to a corporation with a monoply charging an insane mark up to make investors profit.

I don't think we're even in the same ballpark.

>"landlords collude to fix prices through apps and collectively decide whether you deserve to be homeless" and "the state owns the homes, comrade."

Do they actually do that, or is that a left wing conspiracy thing?

>> No.58511668

What if we're talking about apartment buildings?

>> No.58511704

Just place a ridiculous tax on the apartments they profit from others inhabiting.

>> No.58511722

> I don't think we're even in the same ballpark.
They're both driven by supply and demand rather than some imaginary fair overhead over cost you were implying.
Or at least, that's as bad as it would get if not for...

> Do they actually do that, or is that a left wing conspiracy thing?
..this left wing conspiracy, as evidenced by the FTC calling it out outright, and multiple ongoing legal actions from the DoJ, state AGs and private parties:

>> No.58511818
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Why don't you want lower housing prices?
Look at Japan, the country with no rent control and very few zoning laws.
Housing is extremely cheap there.

>curb markets, and always trend towards monopoly
Source for them magically doing this without government intervention?

>>needing to work for things that have scarcity is literally slavery
LMAO What?
How else are you supposed to produce scare goods without working?

>is pushing millions towards destitution
Why have living conditions constantly improved under economic freedom?

Reagan was a communist.

>> No.58511833

I wonder what percentage of anti land lord fags are just coping because they made a death pact with the jews to buy a cardboard cuck shack

>> No.58511846

>Reagan was a communist.
Nigga what you smokin I want some o dat good sheeit

>> No.58511848
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Why do countries with freer markets have higher living standards for the working class then?

Explain this glaring inconsistency in your ideology.


Healthcare would be cheaper if america had a free market in healthcare.
It worked in the past, it can work now.

>Just place a ridiculous tax on the homes they don't inhabit
So 0.001% of homes?

>landlord price fixing
How the fuck is this even possible? Landlording is the most competitive market in the country.
75% of landlords only own ONE rental property
Imagine trying to get that many people to co-operate instead of compete lmao

>> No.58511854

>radically increased the size of government
>not a communist
yes communism is when the government does stuff
deal with it

>> No.58511889
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>> No.58511910

Fags that use "capitalism" in place of "the modern globalized economy" or whatever are just really stupid. Basically picking a fight with people they might otherwise agree with, in order to get more attenion.

When I think about capitalism I think I have a pretty balanced view. In general I think in system where people can't own shit sucks and people owning shit is a core part of capitalism. The so called "mixed economy" is pretty much the meta and you see every nation trending toward it over time. The capitalist countries become less capitalist and the socialist countries become less socialist (if they survive). What people should actually be thinking about is a formalized "mixed economy". That is to say, a system of rules and principles that a mixed economy needs to operate under which will yield the best results for everyone.

In my humble opinion this is going to look something like this:

>the government controls all arterial systems, anything which permeates the whole of the country and is to a common interest of everyone.
>Free enterprise must be prioritized. You are encouraged to start a buisness, you can own your buisness and make lots of money with it. You are free to be creative and try shit
>Once your buisness becomes an "arterial system" the government should buy it from you. Think amazon. Jeff bezos should be fantastically rich, but at this point amazon has become a system that the whole country uses and it just makes sense for the whole country to own it.
>There need to be systems and rules in place which facilitate this so that the government acts right, which is not a small question. I don't have all the answers there

>> No.58511918

How is that a solution?

>some imaginary fair overhead over cost you were implying.
Are you implying that there is no overhead cost? You understand that things arn't free right? You can't wave a magic wand and get new shingles, or plumping parts, paint, or dry wall. Those things cost money.

>legal actions
They sound like investigations. Anyone can investigate anyone for anything.

>> No.58511920

> How the fuck is this even possible? Landlording is the most competitive market in the country.
The USA is nothing if not a country of constant innovation.
You wanna collude with tens of thousands of neighboring landlords? There's an app for that.

>> No.58511934

They're accusing the apps algorithim of doing that. Not the landlords. This is sounding like a conspiracy theory.

>> No.58511947

I use 50% of rent as overhead in my calculations. OFC most months you spend zero but when you have to buy a new air conditioner and property taxes hit, its a lot of fucking money.

>> No.58511991

I've given you plenty to read that explains in excruciating details that, yes, the landlords are responsible for what they're doing. As if that wasn't already obvious.
But sure, it's a "conspiracy theory."
Why? Are your parents landlords? Do you feel weirdly obligated to defend what you know deep down to be problematic?
You're choosing to resolve your cognitive dissonance by ignoring the basic facts shown to you. Sounds like a you problem.

>> No.58512023

>I've given you plenty to read that explains in excruciating details that, yes, the landlords are responsible for what they're doing. As if that wasn't already obvious.
I disagree

> it's a "conspiracy theory."
Yes. You are accusing these landlords of conspiring to fix rent prices based on more accusations.

>You're choosing to resolve your cognitive dissonance by ignoring the basic facts shown to you
You have only shown accusations, which are not facts. I can accuse you of being a serial killer, and I can investigate you for whatever I want, that does not mean you did it. You understand that, right?

>> No.58512057

>50% of rent
It's much higher than that.

>> No.58512572

Scammers are finding it increasingly difficult with the implementation of account abstraction in most smart wallets.

>> No.58512632

This is seriously your argument?

>the landlords are responsible for what they're doing.
Yes, the millions of mom and pop landlords who rent out their basements are all colluding on a secret Libertarian app.
You're totally not unhinged and totally don't need to take your meds.

>Do you feel weirdly obligated to defend what you know deep down to be problematic?
How is providing housing and pushing down rental prices by increasing supply problematic exactly?
Do you think people should be forced to buy a home to live somewhere? What if they think the market is going to tank? What if they want to move in 1 year?
You're just an authoritarian manchild.

>> No.58512644

>muh mom and pop landlords

gulag. now.

>> No.58512649

It's amazing how far the reactionary mind will go to deny reality.
When you're done, google "landlord price fixing", and pick any of the ~3 million results that are literally all about landlords relying on apps to collude on price increases.
But it's not happening. Greed? Fucking the poor? In my America? It couldn't be.

>> No.58512679
File: 296 KB, 856x553, muh greedflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gulag. now.
communism lost and you will never have sex

LOL he said the word
next you're going to call me a heretic, you fucking cultist
>google "landlord price fixing"
Not an argument.
>that are literally all about landlords relying on apps to collude on price increases.
Post a single link so I can debunk it.
LMAO he did the meme
So price increases are always the result of "greed" and not supply and demand?
So whenever prices come down, like in Japan, it's because capitalists become less greedy and more altruistic!
Got it. LOL

End your life commie scum.

>> No.58513120

Anything I read says they're investigating the app developer, meaning they don't even know if they did it or not. If you have some prood they don't, you should probably contact the department of justice.

You don't know what this word means.

>> No.58513133

Most landlords are literally just mom and pops. That's an actual fact. I could find it easier to agree with you if you wanted to ban property rental corporations, but going full tankie is rediculous.

>> No.58513135

No mercy for kulaks

>> No.58513185

lmao post face, I bet you're ugly as fuck bro

>> No.58513194

>You don't know what this word means.
communists unironically think there are set in stone laws of history and that communism is inevitable
anything against communism is a "reaction" to the eventual communist utopia

it's a religious cult

>> No.58513220

Petty bourgeoisie are still bourgeoisie. The capitalists must be purged.

>> No.58513300

>Petty bourgeoisie are still bourgeoisie.
nobody cares about your marxist cultspeak
communism died and you will always be a virgin loser with no friends
Death to communists and fascists

>> No.58513401
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I would rather live under a fascist government than a lolbertarian one

>> No.58513411

Yes, I know.
Communists are low IQ fascist bootlickers who want to be enslaved.

>> No.58513445

Everyone who isnt a wageslave is a rent seeker whether you like it or not. All wage value above subsistence exists due to undersupply of a skill relative to demand. Fewer suppliers means fewer undercutters and fewer people raising the skill bar of what is considered adequate. This is why something like teaching is absolutely horrible. Low wages, high requirements all because it is the best advertised job there is. It is the first profession that all children are exposed to.

>> No.58513529
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Who wouldn't want to?
>Greater social liberties
>Greater economic liberties
>Public safety
>Zero criminality
In a communist regime you wouldn't have bitcoin nor superverse, neither stock market, just a bunch of faggots doing poetry

>> No.58513535

>>Greater social liberties
>>Greater economic liberties
lmao fascists are actually this historically illiterate
try starting a business in nazi germany
try having consumer goods in nazi germany

>> No.58513537


>> No.58513543

Business is to be conducted on behalf of the people, not on behalf of private profiteers.

>> No.58513563

>Business is to be conducted on behalf of the people,
the state is not the people, you brainlet
lmao you literally support slavery

>> No.58513565

All possible in Germany since race is paramount.

>> No.58513568

>magic and illogically economic illiteracy would magically work because it's white people doing it