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58506782 No.58506782 [Reply] [Original]

henlo, im a northeast euro neet who went from 0 to low 5 figs in the last 3 weeks, will i make it with picrel? this money accounts for about 80-85% of everything that ive earned in my life (i am 21 years old) and is roughly 3 years worth of my dads wages

open to suggestions, currently at 25k eur, goal would be 50k to comfortably sit on my ass for about 5 years while doing artsy stuff

my initial was 0 dollars

tldr on how i got here:

friends invited me into some testnet airdrop cosmos chain thing

friends gave me about 2$ worth of gibs on the testnet chain thing

testnet chain thing released a shitcoin marketplace that i grinded up to 25K worth of OTC value

wont reveal the name of the testnet chain thing in case jannies consider it shilling

>> No.58506794

how old r u fellow euro bro?

>> No.58506818

why 5k luna

>> No.58506844
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mi OP post (opening post post) literally says 21.... ser

macros+do kwon wont do time theorem

>> No.58506966

Good job but you are warned it gets harder the higher you go.
My advice, given the size of your portfolio, would be to keep diversifying into small cap speculative cryptos and ride the bullrun. You have to start selling when you feel that people are so excited about the gains that they become half crazy, and you hear about 'changes in paradigm' and other stupid shit like this. You'll probably don't sell very well this run because it's your first, but it's how you learn. Sell in small packets, don't worry about getting the absolute top, and don't worry if you don't sell everything before the bear market. Keep in mind that it's impossible to guess with certainty the top and the bottom of the market, focus on the mood of the overall market, by looking on the internet and watching the news. You sell when people are optimistic, you buy when they tell you that we are doomed for the next 10 years.

>> No.58507046

also, "tax minimization" advice would be appreciated

>> No.58507091
File: 229 KB, 1738x966, always-has-oreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done anon, congratz on finding a talent. If you've done this well, keep it up!
If you're looking for suggestions, I was sold on the Oreo argument for Apu. Someone might post the copypasta, but basically Oreos weren't the first 'sandwich cookie.' There was another that was ubiquitous, but Oreos are so approachable and lovable they ended up flipping the market. Since Pepe already blazed the trail, but Apu is clearly the more common frog, (even though people don't realize it yet,) it's pulling an Oreo and becoming a classic.
Another signal is the ten billion knockoffs.

>> No.58507183

That's a lotta shitcoins.

>> No.58507323
File: 81 KB, 1295x285, hydrox oreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A frenly anon linked picrel

>> No.58507400

If pepe breaks the 2000 start selling it slowly upwards, not everything but enough to not kill yourself if its dumps to 100 again

t. 1B pepe holder

>> No.58507401

your dad makes 7k a year? northeast you mean like latvia? do europoors really?

>> No.58507441

>he holds no Apu

>> No.58507620

literally latvia, yes

>> No.58507686 [DELETED] 

>henlo, im a northeast euro neet

how mucho of a neet are we talking about?
do you go out? do you take showers?
do you play games? I know for a fact that neets do play lots of games. have you tried superverse? you can actually neet way harder if you do.

>> No.58507697

i go on hermit-like walks in the countryside on weekends

i do not play a lot of vidya anymore, i recently got a quest 3 vr headset thingamajigger and its the only thing i entertain myself with outside of yt vids permanently running in the background
i do not know what superverse is and i do not care enough to google it.

>> No.58507874
File: 72 KB, 1024x709, dateapu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds super comfy. I'm glad someone like you made it. Enjoy that countryside for all of us.

>> No.58507882

my thing right now is that i can comfortably chill for a couple of years with the money i have right now, i kinda feel like my further pursuit and involvement in this stuff is being greedy and that god or whomever the fuck gave me all this money is gonna revoke my FORTUNE.

also does anyone know why the fuck pepe pumped again? scrolling thru twitter, seeing zero concrete explanations

>> No.58507995

Risk aversion is a good attitude to keep, but remember that you got here because you DO deserve it, so just keep being a fren and using your wealth to help others and you'll never have an issue finding more - you'll just have issues figuring out new ways to be a great neighbor or father or quixotic adventurer!
Things pump because this is a Tulip Festival. I've observed that whenever the banks move to a different host nation, they meme little consumer trends to launder money. Presently, crypto allows them to launder billions without raising suspicion. We get to ride the wave because we're in the right place at the right time. Simple as.

>> No.58508001

*Also sir, I see that you lack a LINK stack. Or is it staked from a different wallet? Failing to have a link stack when you have access to this forum and its archives is lowkey criminal.

>> No.58508034

i would love to buy some link, but alas, it comes with the downside of obtaining the "stink" debuff and i simply havent specced in a way to afford it

>> No.58508041

Every post more cringe.
Even worse than a diaper fur discord, minus the animal rape imagery

>> No.58509144

Is Latvia nice? I want to live somewhere cold but also have my money go further for me and it seems like I can't really do that anywhere but SEA

>> No.58509293 [DELETED] 
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>> No.58509492

eh, kinda gross hobo situation, if you live in the latvian countryside, should be alright, though i personally would want to chill in romania or something (latvia lacks mountains)

(babysitting my sisters rn, posting from diff IP so ID might be diff)