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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58502066 No.58502066[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the /APU/ discussion general, please remember to keep it frenly and ignore shills!

>latest news
Wallet activity from a Kraken deposit wallet observed
The high council has been working with legal entities to meet the metrics of a Tier 1 exchange listing
Link marines in shambles after they dumped their Apus to go back to their utility token only to get sidelined hard while the rest of the market pumps
>inb4 source

>> No.58502076
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reporting in and feeling comfy

>> No.58502160
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>Entirety of the Satanic globalist apparatus conspired to keep me poor
>They will still fail and lose because I bought the autistic frog

>> No.58502163
File: 98 KB, 400x560, b16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disappointed I didn't get to slurp more cheapies but I'm happy we're poomping.

>> No.58502199

Thanks for baking a new thread, fren


I bought some more at like 0084, obviously wish I would have waited until the dip down into the 7s lol but oh well. Still fattened my stack a bit.

>> No.58502206
File: 392 KB, 666x499, 1693563304421912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip all the paper hands yesterday

>> No.58502218

Reminder Apu is pronounced UP-oo, not a-POO

>> No.58502225

I hope multiple swingies roped during that pump

>> No.58502228
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Serves them right for fading the smol cute frog

>> No.58502337

For how long are major exchanges gonna miss out on this delicious volume?

>> No.58502556

What is the main reason major exchanges like Binance/ByBit don't list these coins, even now? Is it because they're brand new and kind of shady so there's no trust in letting people buy them or something else?

>> No.58502579
File: 226 KB, 916x1173, 1592821770087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like OP said, Apu council must first register as a legal entity and do the paperwork, after that it will be very quick

>> No.58502582

From what I listened off the twatter broadcast, these Tier 1 exchanges look for prerequisites on a coin before listing. One of them is that a coin has to have an incorporated entity behind it which is what the team is focusing on right now. Lots of paperwork and legal jargon involved but the first steps have already been taken place its only a matter of time. The other metric these exchanges look for is social media and how well the coin interacts with it so as cringe as it sounds make sure you hit that like/subscribe/retwat button whenever @Apuscoin posts.

>> No.58502695

>so as cringe as it sounds make sure you hit that like/subscribe/retwat button whenever @Apuscoin posts
Make and share apulore music. No other meme coin has this energy.

>> No.58502727

I slurped yesterday. The APU mini cycles have been super obvious so far.

>> No.58502781


>> No.58502798

I stand by this

>> No.58502801
File: 30 KB, 400x400, dudeweedlmao420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH EFT was finally moved forward by the regulators. The whole market seems to be reacting as a result, especially any memecoins on the ETH network.
Maybe the market goes parabolic now.

>> No.58502868

Realistically, how far will apu go?

>> No.58502881

Over $3.33 billion

>> No.58502892


>> No.58502897

It's the largest meme of all time. I don't think any anon could give you a real answer. I think even with liquidity being spread thin due to so many shitcoins being pumped out, this can still run to 10bil on the historic strength and popularity of this meme alone. Potentially higher when a lot of people take profits from those other lesser memecoins in the late stage of the bullrun and dump it into Apu since they know only the strongest memes are going to be around long term. Who knows desu. But it's going high as fuck. It's a generational meme.

>> No.58502940

Just buy it. I was a sidelinefag for weeks until I finally caved in a month ago. Buying APU improved my mental health and I now enjoy these threads instead of feeling FOMO.

>> No.58502977
File: 167 KB, 1860x607, 20240517_113842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much higher.

>> No.58502997

For an European, what's the best way to buy APU with least transaction fees and the most trustworthy small exchange that has it?

>> No.58503005

is this apu fake?

>> No.58503010
File: 218 KB, 1284x720, GODtd08XcAEtfhb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's fake. real one is in the first post - apu.community

>> No.58503017

Yes, this is the real website

>> No.58503025

MetaMask and Uniswap.

>> No.58503064

What is the single source of truth for the price of apu?
For some reason my total value is different on metamask, within uniswap and on coingecko.

>> No.58503074
File: 78 KB, 1179x712, ngn3lwggqg8b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use https://coinstats.app/address/{YOUR_WALLET_CA} to track my portfolio, seems to be accurate

>> No.58503089

Nice. I use zerion.

>> No.58503157
File: 1.21 MB, 1652x1363, Apu Biblical Angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58503212

>Hello shark fren, when will you rebuild Atlantis?

>> No.58503267

I got it on Coinbase Wallet with a straight ETH tx.

>> No.58503296

Based and cabal pilled, will make it can confirm
Epic holy shit xD
>It's a generational meme.
This is all we know. You're spot on to say "nobody can guess how high. Just... Fucking high." But its easily got the long term legs to become a meme currency rather than a ponzi shitcoin. Its already got way better tokenomics than USD, and that's what everyone uses.

>> No.58503300

I'm not joking.

>> No.58503316

Checked and narrative pilled
Cowswap is same as uniswap but prevents MEV attacks.
There is none. You could set up a distributed price oracle on Chainlink, but none of the AMMs use it. They just go with bid price * slippage (hence MEVs being a thing.) Make sure to se your slip to 1% or less and you're fine.

>> No.58503350

I see. I more just want to understand how my various shitcoins are tracking, but thanks for the advice on slippage. I always go 1% or less.
Unfortunately 1 of my shitcoins is missing from the data, otherwise it's a good site. Thanks anon.

>> No.58503376
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poos are excited to be back where they were 3 days ago. there is no more money to inject
this is your last chance to run with the bag anon
i know many of you poos are current linkies
do you remember what happened after $50?
do you want to relive that?
take your win anon. there is no loss in profit

>> No.58503389
File: 216 KB, 591x1280, IMG_20240518_171312_403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you been cookie pilled, fren?

>> No.58503395
File: 111 KB, 583x482, 1690248046063942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought LINK at 80 cents. I have 36M APUs and I'm not taking profit until $2.5B mc. I've been in this market for 8 years now and I can feel a winner in my bones. FUD all you want, my grip on this bag will only tighten.

>> No.58503451
File: 2.56 MB, 300x424, terry2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coingecko is a great aggregator if you're just looking for an at-a-glance dashboard

>> No.58503472
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>Apu recovering
>Ubel posting
>Remoreo poster has got me eating the sandwich cookie

>> No.58503517

Buy baby apu for a quick 10x while waiting for apu team to finally announce the kraken listing

>> No.58503526
File: 550 KB, 1079x612, 8252740671184649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk how to shoop but someone should do a meme of apu having choccy milk and oreos.
Memes upon memes of apu and oreo would drive the point home (maybe the choccy milk could be our edge over other oreo memes?)
Would be amazing if we could get Oreos twitter account to apu post.

Take a deep breath. There is no need to be upset.

>> No.58503538
File: 181 KB, 866x660, 04c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using this one alot of Twitter.

>> No.58503543
File: 1.24 MB, 1280x1154, image-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a fan of this one.

>> No.58503558

Why cant it pump to 10 billion already

>> No.58503568

Patience, you already did the hard part and bought Apu. Now all you need to do is nothing.

>> No.58503597

Should I swap my 300M PEPE to APU?

>> No.58503608

definitely. Apu has way more potential due to the market cap difference.
I swapped my little 50 million stack of pepe back on March the 24th for Apu. The best thing I ever did.

>> No.58503617

Only you can decide fren. But what I can tell you is what made me buy.
There's a sound track, listen to "Literal Actual rugpull token" the lyrics have some of my posts when I saw Apu take off kek.

>> No.58503653

Holy shit you wrote that song? I love that one. Great stuff man

>> No.58503658

>Wrote that song
kek, no I did not write that song. Someone took my posts when I was seething like a mother fucker and made a song out of it.

>> No.58503678
File: 616 KB, 1080x1544, Screenshot_20240323_085458_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that thread like it was yesterday. Thank yoy for being the inspiration for what is a banger of a song.

>> No.58503687


>> No.58503710

kek so I was not the only one. That part where if you have a brain cell you are automatically set up for failure was mine.

>> No.58503723

There's no way you didn't have a tune in your head as you were writing that greentext.

>> No.58503809
File: 229 KB, 1738x966, always-has-oreos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brilliant. I give you OC tribute

>> No.58503810

i TP my apu the other day because i thought it would go lower, but when i woke up today i see everything 20%+ and APU at 40%+

if I fomo back in I dont think I can handle it. (yes i know im a fag)

is there another biz coin that could run like APU did?

>> No.58503814

I'm in on POPO

>> No.58503828

Fucking hell, like a goddamn vulture just itching for an opportunity to shill.
Totally organic post.

>> No.58503837

Same. Apu is organic enough that the community takeover only needed a little push. People really take ownership over this lil guy's success.
This is our version of Q's "flak." Shills mean you're over the target.

>> No.58503839
File: 104 KB, 571x814, 1712705481628540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally all I did was say that I myself bought POPO you retarded faggot. Most of my money is still on APU.

>> No.58503853

geez dude.

>> No.58503858
File: 121 KB, 1000x1000, 147497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting my dudes
currently liquidating all my alts since this altseason seems to have reached its peak, im debating on which memecoins to maintain alongside apu, im thinking on keeping some pajamas and some avi in a 1 to 6 ratio to my apu suicide stack

>> No.58503878
File: 11 KB, 310x168, popo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

explain this you nigger

>> No.58503882

APU has the best songs. Some of my favorites:

2-5 in no particular order.

Apu will fly
Palladius's escape
Dear frens
Swingies get the rope (in the gallows).

>> No.58503895


Not A Millionaire and Tendiezu Furomu Uwendeizu are also bangers and a couple of my favorites.

>> No.58503904

Needs episodic anime about Apu keeping up with Ashbie as her idol career explodes, but the AMV end to every episode is her singing appreciation for her Help Helper making it all possible

>> No.58503917

>Not A Millionaire
Definitely catchy with well thought out lyrics.

>> No.58503927
File: 52 KB, 657x718, 78e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apu gongo up

>> No.58503967

For me, it's unruggable.mp3

>> No.58504007

All baout Swingies Get the Rope

>> No.58504092

1. Literal Actual Rugpull Scamcoin
2. Cultural Roots
3. Eat My Carrot
4. Apu is where you belong
5. Tendezaru foromu Wendezaru

>> No.58504099

If you're reffering to "Apu is where you belong", it's definitely a banger. It was also posted along twitter right after we dumped from 20 to 7 mil MC and then started going back up. Then later than night Pajeetus rugged.

>> No.58504204
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>> No.58504390
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Yes but unironically, you summed it up well fren.

>> No.58504436

Good morning frens, things are looking up.

>> No.58504553
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sending my energy to breach the ath

>> No.58504644

My guess is a new ATH of 500m before dipping back down again, then a month or two of mini-cycle crab followed by the fucking mega RIP

>> No.58504655

Swingies get the rope, remember that, especially on a coin with potential escape velocity like apu. Pepe didnt go back down from 500m, it went straight to 1.5b

>> No.58504729

Pepe went into the billions for only a few days after Binance listing before it crashed back down to 300-600m range. It crabbed there for a while before it got back into, and stayed in the billions.

>> No.58504763

We’ll slay that zero again.

>> No.58504771

That was during a bear market, binance will dump Apu but it should be for much shorter.
t. 2bn Apu

>> No.58505284
File: 395 KB, 806x720, apu-hammering-anime-girl.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WALLAH, and just like that APU will never be under 0.001 ever again

>> No.58505288 [DELETED] 

Why should I buy this overpumped meme that no normie knows when I could go all in on OKAYEG?

>> No.58505323

Are you implying that normies know about okayeg? Or that they would care about something named like that?

>> No.58505378

They're fucking both off-spring Pepes. Okayed is carried by forsen meme osmosis on Twitch. Of course normalfags know it, and both Apu in similar ways.

>> No.58505405

It's a good feeling, fren. But I think I will have to settle for my 34mil apu. It will be enough in the long run but still. Wish I had more.

>> No.58505565

lmao if you made the posts, I was the one who screencapped them and got them shared around

>> No.58505992
File: 55 KB, 720x1280, 1192FC31_D6F7_4857_B21E_ED7586286F57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only frogs worth holding are Apu variants tbqh
Like Baby Apu (Bapu)

>> No.58506030

>a coin sees mild success
>one billion jeet coins appear to leech off of it

>> No.58506042

What happened to the 'Sorry I'm Not Coming Into Work Today' song? It's not on spotify anymore.

>> No.58506049

tadpole coin wen?

>> No.58506071

How do you dumb niggers still not know what uniswap is or how to look for info on Coingecko/coinmarketcap in 2024?

>> No.58506157

Anyone know how to get enabled to send msgs in the telegram chat?

>> No.58506186


>> No.58506337
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>> No.58506395

Back into the high .009s again.

>> No.58506461
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>> No.58506468 [DELETED] 

Unsafe contract
Owner has been caught modfying the tax at random to milk people

>> No.58506497
File: 10 KB, 183x275, apuXashbie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apu and Ashbie moon together

>> No.58506550
File: 785 KB, 1564x978, 1714370653378189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby Apu and Apu are the premier coins for this cycle.

>> No.58506559 [DELETED] 

What part of its not safe you didn't get it, retard?

>> No.58506560

Contract got renounced today. Apu whales are buying in. Check for yourself on TG.

>> No.58506574

Every other motherfucking post is a fucking cunt begging. Never being banned, just begging and begging. Pathetic. I can't even hate them, the way they prostrate themselves, I feel nothing but contempt. I feel unclean just reading their broken English. The complete and absolute lack of shame with their knockoffs... I couldn't imagine being born one and not killing myself. Truly, I never understood racism outside of /b/ until /biz/ became a thing. I get it now. Borders are *critical.*

>> No.58506605
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>Hijacking my drawing to shill other bootleg coins
No one can stop you from hijacking content but my only request is that you also shill Apu although I don't know if that's going to be detrimental because if your coin happens to be a fucking scam it may hurt Apu with association.

>> No.58506702
File: 2.57 MB, 400x224, 1618935326476.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim? Is that you Jim Jonestown?
why are apu baggies the most fragile faggots on the face of the planet? did you cocksuckers get permission to post here from 5GAY? or do you just take breaks from cockriding apu admins to browse /biz/ for new shitcoins to fleece?

>> No.58506713 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 319x339, 1682516821465271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge and Baby Doge
Shib and Baby Shib

Apu and Baby Apu

Easiest play of the decade. Apu and Bapu for life

>> No.58506738

I am in serious financially trouble at the moment, please tell me this coin will hit at least $1 USD please sirs

>> No.58506745

what other coin can we start to rotate into?

>> No.58506761

Never selling, kys jeet

>> No.58506766

need the ETF to get rejected so I get a good buy in or for a whale to dump

Dogbat was also a good meme but I got rekt

>> No.58506767

theres a few other biz coins going around you fag.
i love apu but that doesnt mean i want to hold till the next bear market.

>> No.58506786
File: 293 KB, 716x742, 7c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can leverage some of the profits in the ofshoots/copycats if you're feeling frisky, like okayeg baby apu, bapu etc.

>> No.58506791

Then go shill in their threads. This is apu thread. You are a niggerjeet cocksucker. Your mother conceived you from her dog. It wasn't consensual - she had to drug him.

>> No.58506808

im not shilling nigger. i am asking you faggot

>> No.58506821

The answer in a general is "the coin the general is about" you absolute subhuman. KYS.

>> No.58506847

post hands Sareemjesh

>> No.58506852

that squid coin seems ripe for picking. the /biz/tards refuse to sell for some stupid reason.

>> No.58506862 [DELETED] 
File: 222 KB, 959x872, 1716158323912581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OKAYEG is going to flip APU anon

>> No.58506875

Not fragile, just cautious after getting burned from Squid. It's clear that others want to be associated or look like they're associated with Apu to siphon liquidity.

>> No.58506904


>> No.58506910

Which annoys even the most naive of normies. It's like holding a photograph of a flock of geese in front of your face and saying to a goose, "I AM A GOOSE!" Just... gross. Not amusing or anything, just subhuman.

>> No.58507073

Who has the original Oreo screencap? I need it for shilling Apu

>> No.58507115

>ike okayeg baby apu, bapu etc.
Okayeg doesn't fit in there as it's an actual established twitch meme with a cult following.

>> No.58507123

Squid, bapu, UNPC

>> No.58507297
File: 81 KB, 1295x285, apu-hydrox-oreo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine selling at sub-1bil marketcap and before Kraken and Binance. Couldn't be me.


>> No.58507317
File: 107 KB, 351x319, Apu_finger_guns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.58507529

Back when Apu was at 50m, I tried rolling 1/3 of my apu into something while it was crabbing. An hour after I did that it fucking took off and the token I rolled it into started to decline. I ended up putting a portion of that into something else that did well, but sometimes you just gotta learn the hard way with this shit. I’m not selling the rest of my apu until 10b.

>> No.58507541

>is there another biz coin that could run like APU did?

>> No.58507568

the "not a reflection of my politics" is reddit tier cringe. There's no voting here. Listen to yourself, preemptively apologizing for liking a comic frog. Grow some balls

>> No.58507578

Thank you for your sacrifice, based butterfly
ngl I enjoy X for a reason these days

>> No.58508128

Pepe went up almost 1b today why is this shit dumping wtf

>> No.58508136

Because this

>> No.58508194
File: 533 KB, 886x1326, apoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apu = a poo

>> No.58508231


Kek that thread. Imagine worrying about hiding your TX or caring what people in the TG think. Just DCA out and don't jeet the chart (which is just shooting yourself in the foot too if you're selling), nobody gives a fuck about whales taking reasonable profits. It's inevitable and healthy for the token and wallet distribution long term.

>> No.58508250

Any dream wizards here? I am working on bringing Apu into my lucid dream state. We can visualize it as the top meme coin together. Do not underestimate the power of positive thought, especially collective positive thought.

>> No.58508263

Scam site

>> No.58508269


Nice wallet drainer you got there fren

>> No.58508304
File: 1.78 MB, 640x352, 1615336121063.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apu baggies seethe over the thought that somone may sell some of their ponzi token wthout permission

>> No.58508310


Apu baggie here. Trust, most of us don't give two shits. That's how confident I am this token is going to $10B+.

>> No.58508316

Funny WebM. Not selling.

>> No.58508320

Can this still 100-200x from here? It's obvious it will moon, but I need at least a 100x to make it, especially with draconian burger taxes.

>> No.58508343
File: 123 KB, 900x776, GLhd2JXX0AASX2q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


10x seems more realistic, but 100x isn't impossible during the height of the post-halving bullrun and mania. SHIB market cap peaked at $39B last bull run and frogs seem to be the new memecoin for this season, dogs are so last cycle. Pepe is pumping hard and Apu will hopefully follow.

Not financial advice

>> No.58508371

If it does 100x or more from here, I would have 3-6mil usd. A man can dream...

>> No.58508379

100x would put me around 40 mil which would be insane

>> No.58508391


You're both gmi. I'd be in the decamillions too.

>> No.58508392

Because the liquidity is fucked.

>> No.58508401


>le liquidity fud

Lel, I thought you guys abandoned this months ago. Apu is listed in like 10 CEX now, there's plenty of liquidity for a coin of its size. The Tier 1 CEX listings will bring the giga liquidity and volume, though.

>> No.58508477

Damn, so I'll just be in six figure hell. I need out of the wage slave life bros.

No, you would have 1.5-3 mil, because they fuck you so hard in taxes.

>> No.58508530
File: 21 KB, 225x225, 171558862712190657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at the chart at least one poo took my advice
you’d do well to side with them

>> No.58508596
File: 13 KB, 592x256, We rugging upwards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.58508648

>SHIB market cap peaked at $39B last bull run
Yeah, that was when retail had bought and pumped the fuck out of our bags.. history doesn't always repeat itself. At best apu goes to 600mil mc. Each and everyday I'm closely studying the PA and find it hard to see it hitting 1bil mc would need more attention from influencers.

>> No.58508676
File: 108 KB, 680x471, c17[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best it could do is a 2x despite no major bullrun breakout yet with ETH and BTC
Fren, stop.