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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58494318 No.58494318 [Reply] [Original]

post wagies

>> No.58494322

I can save that stinky wagie girl. She looks so tired

>> No.58494330
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>> No.58494336

I believe the zoomers call this "rizz"

>> No.58494352
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>> No.58494366

poor girl

>> No.58494372

I can save her.

Do they make him to it like that? Or does he just enjoy it?

>> No.58494375
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>> No.58494388
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>> No.58494451

someone post the rollercoaster photo station wagie

>> No.58494483

So I need to ask for extra rizz with my popcorn?

>> No.58494485

and that's how the napoleon of mumbai was born

>> No.58494490

Jfc look how big American pop corn is and the fat cunts bought TWO

>> No.58494496

At least he's self aware
You will receive a 0,1% of the rizz tax
Maybe there was a couple on the other side? You can't see who's buying

>> No.58494498

if bitch finna serve me foot coffee on the ground she about to get a NEGATIVE tip whether she spills it or not, shits disgusting

>> No.58494566
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>> No.58494585

Shut up fatty. I bet you're as fat as he is and eat that much butter regularly

>> No.58494588

t. Can’t possibly fathom that people generally don’t go and see a movie alone

>> No.58494602

He's so fast...his movements are so smooth...
Its.... beautiful..

>> No.58494734

I said cunts PLURAL those two troughs of butter and salt are too much for FOUR people never mind two. Let's not forget the litre of cola they will be sucking down on before no doubt going to Ben and Jerry's on the way home as the marvel slop has been showing them the logo for the last 2 hours

>> No.58494750

Gotta fatten the goyim up so they can lose all their money to the healthcare system

>> No.58494756

t. Doesn’t have a girlfriend to go and see a movie with.

>> No.58494798

If your girlfriend eats that shit she's a hog

>> No.58495119
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>> No.58495123

>...present uh, SITUATION

>> No.58495241

You can hear him plead: "please saar"

>> No.58495358

Kek, that ain't butter, worse its flavored canola oil

>> No.58495574

Communism propaganda

>> No.58495580


>> No.58495612

That waitress is either drunk, high or really, really tired. I can't work out which.

>> No.58495709

I am on some Truman Show type shit, memes keep being made about me. This is literally me, down to how wojak is built and everything.

>> No.58495762
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>> No.58495777

The biggest Jewish lie is that the purpose of life is to work. While the real purpose of life is to have family and happy life.

Everything you do is to make yourself and your family happy. You study well to make your parents proud. You stay fit and dress well to attract potential wife. You find good job and earn money to buy food and toys for your children. You make investments, so the next generation of your family has higher social standing. At the end of every chain of financial transactions is happiness. The money on bank account only have worth if it can be exchanged for happiness.

>> No.58495782

That nigger is swimming in pussy while you guys waste your life on memes

>> No.58495796

sadly. the amount of fat insufferable faggots ive seen with 9/10-s is tremendous. I think the jews are doing this

>> No.58495812

Holy shit dude I wish I was a fat retard movie wagie then I could say all the fat slags there!!!! Fucking mouth breathing retard. Also he does his cope spin because he is a fat fuck

>> No.58495816

Powered by chainlink

>> No.58495841
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>He's so fast...his movements are so smooth...
>Its.... beautiful..
while you partied he studied the ways of the blade

>> No.58495845

/biz/ could save her

>> No.58496526
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>only 165cm

>> No.58496587

the officer wont even make the height requirement himself without his shoes on kek

>> No.58496599

The officer is standing on his tip toes wearing a cap lmfao

>> No.58496647

This guys the shit. At £37 a cone of popcorn, I want some sauce on it.

>> No.58496652

You sound pretty jelly.

>> No.58496662

Even the faggot child molester flag and blm trash?

>> No.58496685

When I tended bar I used to do flair tricks like this, kek.

>> No.58496771

>You can't see who's buying
Kys fatty that seed oil covered butter is shit for multiple people too. You're 100% fat for not realizing this

>> No.58496779

Did bartending get you girls? Seems kinda comfy besides dealing with drunk people

>> No.58497096

I've spent so much time at macdonalds that I can do something similar with burgers, but I'll never get paid extra for it, even my maga makes me more money than my job, this is some bullshit

>> No.58497105

Respect. The man knows his trade.

>> No.58497865

narrowly avoided this

>> No.58498505

No as I am a fucking autist who doesn't know how to interact with people. I faked the fuck out of it til I made it, treated it like a job, but took it seriously. Became the stone faced surly bartender who would say the darkest things or joke, people never knew when I was kidding, but also I was unmatched by coworkers in my speed and drink making abilities. All that and my jobs were at clubs full of old people, so the best I could've hoped for was a granddaughter.

>> No.58498511

must be a silver chad

>> No.58498533

I could smash both of those to myself easy and i'm skinny lol

>> No.58498535

>He's self-aware
He looks incredibly nerdy. Also looks like late 20s/early 30s. If you don't have kids by that point and you're asking "what's the purpose of my life?" then the stove in that webm may as well be on with him asking "why is my hand so hot?" It's common sense and that guy is a fucking idiot for not realizing it.

>Hurr durr you're saying the only purpose in life is to reproduce?
Yes. And once you have kids questions like "what is the purpose of my life?" feel like pondering "what is my favorite color?" Like you look fucking retarded.