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58492918 No.58492918 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.58492925

prices were meant to increase even more, scamflation is there to keep the cattle a bit more pacified
i've even noticed the quality of plastic warpers deteriorate, which is pathetic since their cost is a fraction of a cent

>> No.58492940

Basic supply and demand.

>> No.58492949

The quality of the bitcoins I bought at 30k is of the same grade that of the ones I bought at 70k

>> No.58493002

fake internet coins isn't a good or service

>> No.58493008

It is both a good and a service

>> No.58493022
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>> No.58493038


>> No.58493076

It boggles the mind that someone could be posting on 4chan while simultaneously being in denial of bitcoin

>> No.58493106
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bc that's what boomers did to us ZOOMERS and that's why we have to hold tokens with the same name

>> No.58493473
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A: Because our Society and Economy is being systematically destroyed you dumb fucking one post ID retard.

>> No.58493488


>> No.58493525
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the west has been living beyond its means through debt creation and parasitizing off the productivity and resources from the global south to ensure a undeserved and artificial standard of living, sabotaging developing countries and their future potential for a momentary cnsumtpion of bullshit through a bullshit economy with bullshit jobs driven by bullshit money managed by bullshit politiians then when the victims of their schemes find solace in the parasites den where their honey is redisrtibuted amongst parasitres the parasites play the victim and scream white genocide with a belly full of mcdonalds and shit

make rome great again

>> No.58493590
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>the parasites play the victim and scream white genocide

>> No.58493738


t. pink nigger parasite.

>> No.58493830
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>a country that controls Africa has black citizens
Stop the fucking press

>> No.58493845
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that is why it is better to buy coins from projects with potential and with a clear and consistent road map (XRP, SUPER).

>> No.58493851

that process is quite time-consuming, it will always be better to bet with shitcoins

>> No.58493853

XRP sucks, it's been at 0.55 for over 1 year and it doesn't look like it's going to pump

>> No.58493854
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>> No.58494002
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romans residing within empire

pick rleated is wearing a palemendium cape, the garb of a roman general and a swaztika, the symbol of patricians ruined by plebs

the wheel spins for man alone

>> No.58494052
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my favorite restaurant raised prices and the food was less, I asked the employees why that was and it was because there was more demand so they had to cut costs, which is a kick in the balls because that's supposed to be my little treat of the month when I get to make a profit from my Kendu, fuck

>> No.58494059

how did we go from this to current day

>> No.58494229
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>> No.58494239

>We wuz romanz n sheeit

>> No.58494463
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Everyone knows this, a lot us even know who’s behind it, but no one knows how to stop it—let alone fix it.

>> No.58494473

Conzoomers will keep buying whatever garbage quality you throw @ em if ALL products go to shit quality wise

>> No.58494481

Ah I see. More people buying the same shit = quality of said shit going down? Only makes sense in this clown Jewish world. This wasn't a thing 10 or 20 years ago. Stop normalizing getting fucked.

>> No.58494486

If the average consumer is unable to discern quality goods, then they will just buy whatever is cheaper. I roll my eyes at OP because there are plenty of quality goods out there, you just have to pay for them. Just because prices got rekt by inflation doesn't mean there's no more quality goods available. You just have to accept that everything is now 3-5x more expensive than it was five years ago.

>> No.58494499

cause the world is fake... the logistics don't even make sense and they don't have to. Just like the openly near suicidal negativity of public figures...

makes no sense

>> No.58494652

all that stuff about the free market was just made up malarkey. Most products are bad but use different tricks to sell anyways. Either by forcing consumers to pick something, brainwashing people from a young age, or killing other companies.

>> No.58494919

Publix sells picanha?

>> No.58494983

For the last fucking time, those pictures are of EGYPTIANS, it has been proven, the guy who posted that shit has admitted to it multiple times. So fuck off.

>> No.58495439

I've been thinking about this for a while as well, they're utterly beholden to a consumerist economy and claim superiority because of it, conflating their false sense of individualism with the success of their elites playing international chess. That kind of madness can only be stopped.

As you can see, they only respond with the platitudes they've been endowed by their programming, rhetoric and mental gymnastics are a reflection of their fragile biases which don't produce anything of value.

>> No.58496257
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this. it´s meant to tranquilize zoomies until total dictatorship is installed after harsh deflationary phase.

>> No.58496327

Its the lack of competition in today's markets. There's an oligopoly in most markets, you have to buy whatever they put on the shelves because there's no one else. They dont have a reason to lower prices or raise quality because they wont lose enough customers to care. (also normies are happy to just eat shit)

Globalisation was meant to increase competion but instead the larger companies opened up shop abroad and out competed the locally/domestically owned stores, then lobbied for regulations increasing the barrier for entry.

>> No.58496425


>> No.58496503
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plus 30% of the worls grain production is not accessible anymore due to war in ukraine and import bans against russia.

>> No.58496805

Because they know people are pricetag shoppers who don't check for quality and instinctively believe they get what they pay for